Nobody Cares And Neither Do I

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:21 pm

This week was a shit show. Had a bit of a nervous breakdown earlier in the week and have had a nasty cold since then. Oh well. Boo hoo. Neck week I'll be back on track.

SB Press 125x8+2+2+2+2
Squat 225x8+2+2+2+2
NG Chin BWx6+2+2+1+1
Neck Extx10
Calf Raise +40x15
DB LTE 25'sx10
Neck Curlx10
Tuck x10
DB Curl 25'sx10

Bench 225x1x3
Squat 365x1x2
Press 160x1x3
Deadlift 415x1
Pullup BWx5

Just needed to do something today to see how the last few weeks affected my strength. Back to rotating volume and intensity sessions on Monday.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:35 pm

It's been a rough few weeks on a bunch of levels, but I've got things turned around a bit.

I did lift more than just this last week, but i didn't log and don't care to go back and look.

All sessions were around an hour this week. I am going to be switching to 6:30 AM sessions next week to get it done before my kids wake so I can get more real work done while their at school and not have to sacrifice being outside with them after school to train either.

A-Bench 185x5x5 w/wrist wraps
B-Pull Up BWx5.
A-SB Press100x8,8,7
B-BB Curl 70x10x3

Squat 270x5x5 w/belt
RDL185x7,5,5 w/straps
Calf Raises +40lbsx15x3

A-Press 135x5x5 w/belt & wrist wraps
B-NG Chin BWx6,6,6,5,5
A-SB CGBP 150x8x3
B-DB Curl 25'sx10x3

Deadlift 315x5x3 w/belt
Squat 225x5x3
Calf Raises +40lbsx10x3

2 minute rest periods on Monday & Thursday
3 minute rest periods on Tuesdays & Friday

My calves were still sore today after Monday. Just shows how a novel movement can screw with you, especially with a deep stretch in it.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:25 pm

Started training before I get my kids up for school this week (Wake at 6AM start training between 6:15-6:30). Interesting to train without music and to try and be a bit quiet setting the bar in the rack. Kinda sucks in some ways, but I like being done with it and not having to make time later in the day.

Monday 45 minutes
A-Press 170x1, 155x3x3 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-NG Chin BWx8, 6,6
2 minutes rest switching between lifts. Saves time and gives me a bit more rest than the straight 2 minutes, but definitely not the same as taking 4 minutes.
SB CGBP 170x5x3
2 minutes between sets

Tuesday 55 minutes
Squat 350x1, 315x3x3 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 225x5x3 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

I do a 5ish minute general warm up where I just swing everything around through it's range of motion to get some blood flow and some time to get some coffee in me.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by Wilhelm » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:18 pm

It never ceases to amaze me people can just wake up and train.

Kudos, @GeorgeC

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:09 am

Thanks, Wilhelm.

I did my first few weeks of LP first thing in the AM, but switched to 4PMish, but that was largely the extra time to and from the gym. now it's in my garage, so no need to drive.

I am actually suprised at how good I feel, but some of that is also just learning to sort of not even ask myself too much how I feel. I am a big fan of the stuff Austin shares about pain and placebo/nocebo and think it carries over to a ton of stuff asnf yo a larger degree than we may even want to admit.

Althought the weights are on the light side for me right now, but, in my defense, the rest times are a couple of minutes shorter than what i used last time I did these weights.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:20 am

Thursday 55 Minutes
A-Press 135x5x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-NG Chin BWx5x5
2 minutes rest switching between lifts. Saves time and gives me a bit more rest than the straight 2 minutes, but definitely not the same as taking 4 minutes.
SB CGBP 150x8,7,5
2 minutes between sets

Friday 60 minutes
Squat 280x5x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 185x6x3 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

Tweaked something on my right shoulder/trap/neck during presses. Didn't hinder ROM or strength, but I am still a little tender there (feels about the same as a bruise, but no discoloration).

This week was a test drive to see if this worked logistically as much as anything. Now I have to decide how to lay things out week to week to progress.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:18 am

Decided to go with 5 sets for the main lifts, which works with me only having about an hour each day to train right now: 2's@90% and 4's@80% on week 1 and 3's@85% and 6's@75% on week 2. All the % will be based off the first Monday's heavy single.

Monday 65 minutes
A-Press 175x1, 157.5x2x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-Pull Up BWx5x5
2 minutes rest switching between lifts. Saves time and gives me a bit more rest than the straight 2 minutes, but definitely not the same as taking 4 minutes.
SB CGBP 175x5,5,4 (hit the rack on the last set which screwed me out of a rep.)
2 minutes between sets

Tuesday 55 minutes
Squat 350x1, 315x2x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 225x7x3 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:23 am

Thursday 55 Minutes
A-Press 140x4x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-NG Chin BWx7,7,6,5,4
2 minutes rest switching between lifts. Saves time and gives me a bit more rest than the straight 2 minutes, but definitely not the same as taking 4 minutes.
SB Bench 185x4x3
2 minutes between sets

Friday 65 minutes
Squat 280x4x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 210x6x3 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

PRs so far:
These weights at shorter rest periods and at this hour on an empty stomach across the board.
Pull Ups for 5x5
Beltless RDLs with previous belted weights.
No wrist wrap PRs on SB Bench.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:48 am

Monday 60 minutes
A-Press 147.5x3x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-Pull Up BWx5x5
2 minutes rest alternating between lifts.
SB CGBP 165x7 170x5x2
2 minutes between sets

Tuesday 60 minutes
Squat 297.5x3x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 225x7,5,5 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

Thursday 60 Minutes
A-Press 130x6x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-NG Chin BWx7,7,6,5,4
2 minutes rest switching between lifts.
SB Bench 150x8,8,6
2 minutes between sets

Friday 65 minutes
Squat 265x6x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 190x8,8,63 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

Slept poorly on Wednesday night, but felt great Thursday AM. Not so much today. Everything still went good in spite of it.

I find an interesting pattern where my first set feels almost like I should have gone lighter, the next two sets feel lighter, and then my 4th set feels hard, but super dialed in form wise. The last set usually is pretty spot on RPE goal wise.

Weight go up next two weeks. Not sure how long a two week cycle will last, but these are old weights with more volume and less rest, so I imagine that will give me a running start of sorts.

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:29 am

Rough week with outside the gym stuff, which, of course, carried over to my fatigue and stress levels, which affected my lifting a bit. Considered sleeping in and skipping today's session or just sleeping in and doing it later today. Instead, I decided to just suffer through feeling tired and also to be such a moron that I did 6's when I was supposed to do 4's.

On the plus side, it did tell me how on my RPE estimates were. I remember, on the 3rd rep of the 1st set, thinking that my 3rd rep felt like the second to last set of that set and blaming it on just being tired.

Monday 60 minutes
A-Press 177.55x1, 160x2x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-Pull Up BWx5x5
2 minutes rest switching between lifts. Saves time and gives me a bit more rest than the straight 2 minutes, but definitely not the same as taking 4 minutes.
SB CGBP 177.5x4x3 (hit the rack on the last set which screwed me out of a rep.)
2 minutes between sets

Tuesday 65 minutes
Squat 355x1, 320x2x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 250x4x3 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

Thursday 70 Minutes
A-Press 142.5x4x5 (belt and wrist wraps)
B-NG Chin BWx6x5
2 minutes rest switching between lifts. Saves time and gives me a bit more rest than the straight 2 minutes, but definitely not the same as taking 4 minutes.
SB Bench 160x6x3
2 minutes between sets

Friday 65 minutes
Squat 280x6x2, 260x6,240x6,225x4 (belt and wrist wraps)
RDL 215x6x3 (Lightly touching the weights to the floor, but not letting the floor take the weight)
3 minutes between sets

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:37 am

A bit under the weather this week. Really congested (nasal) and has some serious DOMS early in the week, which is really rare for me, which makes me think I had a mild flu or something. Slept until 10:30 today too, which is at least as rare as the DOMS.

Monday 65 Minutes
Bench 225x1x3, 235x1x2
A-SB Press 110x8, 115x7,6,6
B-NG Chin BWx7,6,5,4

Tuesday 55 Minutes
Squats w/belt 320x3x5
RDL 215x5x3

Thursday 65 Minutes
A-Press 180x1, 170x1x4
B-NG Chin BWx5x5
SB Bench 160x5x3

Friday 50 Minutes
Deadlift w/belt 365x1x5 (Did these all with a slow eccentric. I need to be quiet in the mornings.)
Squat 225x5x3


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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:33 pm

Monday 60 minutes
A-Bench w/wraps 240x1. 192.5x5x5
B-SB Row w/belt 185x5x5

Tuesday Too Long
Squat w/wraps & belt 275x5, 255x5x2
Felt super fatigued (probably still the effects of being sick last week) and then was interrupted by early rising and fussing children. Back to afternoons to avoid this.

Friday 90 Minutes
Press w/wraps & belt 135x7, 135x5x2, 135x4x2
Deadlift w/straps & belt 315x6, 315x5x4
NG Chin BWx5x3 + 4, 3

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:39 pm

Monday 90 Minutes
Bench 200x5x4, 200x4 3 minute rest periods
Squat 275x5x4, 275x4, 275x3 4 minute rest periods
TRX Rows BWx10, BWx8x4 3 minute rest periods

Thursday 90 minutes
Press 135x5x5 3 minute rest periods
Deadlift 315x5x5 4 minute rest periods
BG Chin BWx5x3, Bwx4, BWx3 3 minute rest periods

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Re: Nobody Cares And Neither Do I


Post by GeorgeC » Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:35 am

Dicked around last two weeks:

Monday 75 minutes
Bench 230x1, 235x1, 240x1, 245xF, 235x1
Squat 330x1x4
Pull Up BWx5,4,4,4

Wednesday 85 minutes
Press 165x1, 135x5x4
Deadlift 390x1, 315x5x2
A-SB LTE 75x8x2
B-BB Curl 70x8x2

Friday 20 minutes
45 seconds between movements and 2 minutes between rounds
A-Push Up 10x3
B- Reverse Lunge 10 R/L (Alternating Legs) x3
C-NG TRX Row 10x3
Was going to do two more rounds, but had to get my kid from school. Little dude was having a meltdown.

Monday 90 minutes
Bench 200x5x3, 190x5x2
Squat 275x5x2, 250x5x3
NG Chin BWx6,5,5,4,4

Thursday 85 minutes
Press 135x5x5
Deadlift 315x5x5
TRX Row BWx8x5

Friday 35 minutes
One minute between movements and two minutes between rounds
A-Push Up 10x3
B- Reverse Lunge 10 R/L (Alternating Legs) x3
C-SG TRX Row 10x3
Heavy Bag 3 1 minute rounds

Going to take a week off next week to do stuff with my kids and visiting family.

Going to just do bodyweight stuff Monday - Friday when I wake up.

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