MarkKO's training log

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MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:44 pm

Just signed up on the forum, last forum I was on for a few years the best element was the logs so I figured I'd start one here too.

I'm 35, been training in some form for around 10 years. I've been competing in powerlifting for six of those, but I'm not competitive yet although I'm getting closer and closer. I'm coached by Greg Panora and have been since early 2018. I train out of Ultra Fitness and Strength in Canberra.

Right now I sit around 232 lbs at five feet nine inches. My best total is 1581 lbs (595/336/650) at 266 lbs which I set in February 2020. I've got a meet coming up on 6th December where I'm looking to improve slightly on that in the 242s. Might seem unrealistically optimistic, but I was a very soft 266 and in training I've been doing as well or better than I was leading up to my last meet. So I'm going with optimistic, and not unrealistic. I'm working on going into the meet actually weighing 242 lbs so there's that too. On the flip side I'm at the tail end of rehabbing a partially torn left supraspinatus, but on the flip flip side I was still improving my bench with it buggered before it was diagnosed. So that's one of those six of one, half a dozen of the other situations.

I've only ever competed in GPC Australia, so squatting with 2.5 m wraps out of a monolift and using a deadlift bar. It's an untested federation, and just as a PSA I have zero issue with anyone enhanced and I don't give a rat's backside what federation anyone competes in, if you're a decent human being that's all that matters. I'm not enhanced myself simply because I don't think I'm strong enough to make it worthwhile and I've been progressing just fine anyway. Gear is also kind of expensive.

My long term goal is to be reasonably competitive in whatever weight class I end up in, which is likely going to be either 242 or 275. Then when I'm past 40 I'll start looking at making some Australian Master's records hard to break.

Medium term, I want to total 1765 by the time I'm 40, because that's 800 kilos and I like round numbers. I'm not really fussed about individual lifts because I'm a total guy.

I don't have a particularly terrible injury history for a guy the wrong side of 30. My left rotator cuff is prone to stuff (like that pesky tear that's almost fixed) and my right SI joint is prone to strains when I've built up a lot of fatigue over several months.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by mgil » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:48 pm

Welcome aboard, @MarkKO!

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:46 pm

Thank you for adding your log.
Good to have you here.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:23 am

Thanks. That's a nice welcome.

I'll do my best to be a useful member of this community

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:26 am

I'm guessing IG links are OK, so I thought I'd put up my last meet videos. I saw a couple when I was skimming through the other logs

If IG links aren't OK, apologies.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by BenM » Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:40 am

In your own log, course they are! Welcome aboard mate. Always good to see more Aussies on here. I'm an ex-Canberran myself, grew up there.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:34 pm

@BenM small world!

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by Wilhelm » Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:46 pm

Just followed your IG

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:43 pm

Followed back @Wilhelm

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:34 pm

Not much to report, last week was scheduled deload (we go every fifth week). Basic AF, 5x3x50% for the main lift and no assistance.

I did my usual extra rehab stuff as well. Shoulder and back (pretty sure it's right SI joint) coming along.

Working max was 80%, this week up to 82.5%. That's the protocol when you've been out of regular training for a while: start at 80%, add 2.5% a week until you're at the standard 92.5%.

Small change, seems like I brace better at the bottom for deads now. Think that's because at this weight I don't have a gut getting in my way. Could be why my back went too, I kept bracing at the top without thinking because I'd been fat for that long.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:54 pm

Happy new year to all.

I ended up not doing the meet in December and completely overhauling my training because it became pretty obvious it was necessary. Greg Panora is an excellent coach, but I was being a shitty athlete.

I'm now sitting around 220 lbs and I'll drop to around 210 and then hold there to reset. Properly this time, which will mean three to six months within a pound or two of 210 lbs. After that, gaining mass but strictly without getting fat again.

Training is basic right now.

Monday bench
Tuesday squat
Thursday press
Friday deadlift

For bench and press I'm using double progression, for squat and DL a top set followed by 5x5 that I add weight to when I can complete it in 10 minutes.

Upper and middle back is trained four times a week.

My main focus is to build mass in my upper body without rebuggering my left shoulder. Squat and deadlift I'm more concerned about maintaining until my upper body catches up.

I'll try to be more regular in posting too.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:08 pm

On with the more regular posting. When I had a log before, I'd update daily when I trained which, frankly, got to be a pain in the backside. I'm going to try a weekly digest instead.

So for what it's worth, this is week 11 in my current system. That means the first week of the third block because I work in five week blocks (four work, one deload). Very original, I know.

My average weight on waking for the week has been smack bang on 220 lbs. Depending how you look at things, I either have a very consistent and disciplined approach to tracking my progress; or an unhealthy relationship with my bodyweight and food. I'm going with the former because I still enjoy my food and don't get stressed if I'm unable to do things exactly as I normally would because of holidays etc.

Because of the season and family activities I only trained towards the end of the week. Instead of four days, I had two and did what I always do when that happens and just did the two most important days: bench and squat.

Thursday bench
4x10x188 lbs, which means I add weight next week. My range is 4x8-10, with weight getting added once I hit 4x10
3x10x132 lbs incline press with bench grip
Then assistance.

Second week benching and it's feeling really good so far. As far as I can tell I'm also getting on my traps and chesting up to the bar better as well, which is a non-negotiable because that's what's going stop my shoulder getting hurt again.

Friday bow bar squat
3x452 lbs
5x5x331 lbs in eight minutes and 14 seconds. The goal is to get 5x5 complete in 10 minutes or less before I can add weight.
3x6x331 lbs box squats with my squat stance at parallel depth
Then assistance.

The loads are kind of nebulous but broadly relate to my most recent training max, which is 92.5% of my last meet best attempts. Because those were set at a much higher (albeit also much fatter) bodyweight with my squat in wraps it's all a bit funny but my logic is that if I can work well with it, I'm setting myself up to hit PRs at a lower bodyweight next time I compete.

Bench is around 60%, the increases will be all five pounds so depending how long I can keep that rate of progression up I'll be hitting 4x10 with 70ish per cent by the time I need to change to a different model. Experience dictates that I'll get four to eight weeks of relatively constant progress using double progression before it becomes unsustainable.

For squat, the triple is ostensibly around 82%, except that's all based on a max set in meet wraps while I squat bare knee in training. Mostly that's because I'm lazy and don't like wraps. So the triple is probably a lot closer to 90% of what my bare knee max would actually be. Which means I'm going to really GD cautious about increasing it. The 5x5 is 60%, and the increases will be 2.5% which means five pounds because I round down. The timing requirement is something I think should work well, because it'll regulate the rate of weight progression very effectively. If you can complete a set every two minutes there's no way it's a weight you can't handle.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:31 pm

Maybe a bi-weekly report? I'm trying to figure out what works best.

Monday bench
3x10x193 lbs with the last rep of set three really something I shouldn't have done
8x193 lbs which means I'll stay at 193 lbs next week, and until I get 4x10. Didn't chest up as consistently as I need to, but that's kind of expected given I haven't been doing it at all really for a while. At least I know what look for now, and I'm starting to know what to feel for as well which is arguably more important.
2x15x132 lbs incline press which I realise I should specify I always superset with pullups. Six of them, until I can get seven reliably.
Then assistance.

Tuesday bow bar squat
4x2x413 lbs
8x413 lbs for an AMRAP
I decided constantly hitting that triple and timed 5x5 week in, week out wasn't ideal. Instead I went with the triple and 5x5 on odd weeks in the block and 4x2 and an AMRAP at 75% on even weeks. Deadlifts I'll do the same, but swap weeks.
2x8x341 lbs high wide stance box squats
Then assistance

In really starting to notice a change in my leverages for squats now. I feel like I'm less stable, even though my squat looks the same as before. I figure it's the fact that I need to add a hole to my belt coupled with my waistline having gotten a bunch smaller. It might be the bow bar giving me a slightly higher bar placement but I doubt that. Or it could all be BS in my head. There's also that.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:32 am

Got around to adding a couple of holes to my belt today. Used a drill with progressively larger bits and then a countersink to clean the edges up. Worked pretty well.

Except it made me notice that my belt is starting to come apart. It's a Pioneer, who for whatever reason decided that making the 13 mm thickness up with two layers of leather laminated together only requires a a line of stitches on the edges. The lamination is starting to give up the ghost and now the two layers are actually starting to slide across each other.

Can't say I'm impressed at all, although even when I got the belt I noticed the layers and wondered how long the glue would hold. Turns out between two and three years.

I'll get an Inzer Forever in a week or so. I had a 10 mm a while back and was happy with it, and the quality is identical to Titan (I've had a Brahma as well) but for around 30 USD less.

My Pioneer should hold up for another couple of months, which is what it'll take for me to get belt here in Australia.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:08 pm

Ok, second weekly digest.

Average weight for the week is 220.7 lbs. I'm holding pretty steady even being at home instead of work and calories being the same as when I'm at work. Worth knowing. I would suspect that means maintenance calories when I'm at work will be a little more.

Thursday press
5x154 lbs
4x8x132 lbs
Then assistance. I'm up to 3x7 for chinups, I'll probably make my Tuesday pullups 3x7 instead of 3x6 next block.

Progression for press is kind of fluid, but definitely no added weight during a block. I'll add five pounds to the five next block, but may well keep the 4x8 at the same weight for longer

Press I'm happy with, not just because I like pressing. Experience dictates that for me it is a reasonable indicator of bench progress and is around 60-65% of what I can bench for equivalent reps.

Friday deadlift
2x490 lbs
5x5x358 lbs in seven minutes and 23 seconds, so that gets another five pounds next time
Deadlift without touching the floor 2x8x358 lbs which is something I got from Greg. It just means you don't quite let the weight land between reps. Makes for great practice maintaining bracing and position.
Then assistance

Lower back tweaked a little on the second rep with 490 lbs, but felt absolutely fine for everything else. It's a bit tight now, but not to the point I'd say it's hurt. Pretty sure I just didn't brace quite as well and there was just enough shift to feel it. I don't want to think how that would have ended up had I been pulling conventional. I'm also glad I didn't try a third rep. That'll be for in two weeks.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:06 am

So this is block three, week three (aka week 13)

First weekly summary. Digest? Whatever

Monday bench
4x10x193 lbs so I get to add five pounds next week
3x8x154 lbs incline press superset with pullups
Then assistance

Left shoulder started hurting on Sunday after some swimming shenanigans but somehow I managed to come out of the gym with it feeling better. Definitely was at the tear site though, so need to watch the swimming. Suits me, because I don't really like it.

Tuesday squat
3x452 lbs
5x5x341 lbs in seven minutes and 56 seconds, so I get to add 2.5% next time
3x8x341 lbs high squat stance box squat
Then assistance.

Lower back held up great, which is very gratifying. Would seem to indicate that last week's tweak was just some light irritation resulting from poor bracing. Still need to be vigilant though, and make sure I don't get careless. Same applies to shoulder, my buddy picked up that my bench descends fast and I should probably slow it down some just until things are absolutely rock solid. The triple also moved better, which is most likely just my belt being tighter and me being more used to the bow bar.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:38 pm

Ok, end of the week so I'll wrap it up.

Average weight for the week is 221.5 lbs, but expected that simply because it covers the tail end of two and a bit weeks off work. Actual waking weight the last two days is all at or below 220 lbs. Waistline hasn't gone up either because I'm now on the second of the new holes I put in my belt.

Thursday press
5x154 lbs, felt slow but moved fast and that's a good thing
4x8x132 lbs
Dumbbell bench superseded with chinups for 7s
Then assistance

Saturday deadlift
1x447 lbs

That's literally it. Back held up absolutely fine, I'm just tired as all hell. Went back to work on Monday the 11th and combined that with going to sleep one to hours later than usual from the night of the 10th onwards. That shit adds up quickly, especially because I managed to string together three good sessions throughout the week. I thought resting Friday would help but in the short term, too little, too late

A few years ago failing a session so spectacularly would have freaked me out no end. Now I know a lot better and given I can easily identify the cause simply move on without considering changing anything in respect of training.

Next week is the last before deload which falls well.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:28 am

This is week 14, or week four of block three.

Monday bench
4x10x200 lbs so I get to add five pounds again
Incline bench 3x10x144 lbs supersetted with pullups
Then assistance

Slowed descent down some on bench which does seem be an improvement for shoulder stability and chesting up. Also didn't impact rep capacity, which is a win.

Tuesday bow bar squat
4x2x414 lbs
9x414 lbs one more than last time, which was a surprise because I feel flat AF.
Low squat stance box squat 3x6x359 lbs, which were harder than the main sets
Then assistance

Deload next week, which I'm ready for. My main goal for the next block is to get some consistency deadlifting because everything else is ticking over reasonably well.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:58 pm

Second entry for the week. Week's average weight is 219.6 lbs, which is exactly what I expected to happen: I'm picking up where I left off before taking time off work for the holidays. All it took was a couple of weeks back at work.

Thursday press
5x154 lbs
4x8x132 lbs
Dumbbell bench supersetted with chinups
Then assistance

Moved my feet out to around my squat/deadlift stance for press and it seems to have been a good move. Much more stable, much less heel-toe rocking.

Friday deadlift
3x490 lbs
3x5x369 lbs
4x369 lbs
6x369 lbs
Deadlift to the knees 2x10x325 lbs
Then assistance

Somehow despite being exhausted deadlifts moved fine. Bracing was back to where I need it to be, and it seemed like leg drive came back too. At a guess, I'm starting to get used to the new positioning.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:41 pm

Block three, week five aka week 15, which is deload week.

Monday bench
3x8x204 lbs
2x7 pullups, because it's time to pony up and add a rep
Couple of sets of upper/middle back work

Don't see how I won't get at least 2x10 with this weight next week, but not sure I'll get 4x10. Entirely possible though.

Tuesday bow bar squat
5x3x352 lbs
2x20 back raises
Couple of sets of upper/middle back work

There is a TON of difference for me squatting or pulling within a couple of hours of getting up compared to after a day of being on my feet. It isn't a positive difference either.

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