HH - Reactive Training Log (RTS)

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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HH - Reactive Training Log (RTS)


Post by hackerhercules » Mon May 07, 2018 4:59 pm

BENCH PRESSInitial:PR:Current:
Age is late 20's, weight is in the 370#/40s bf% range for these PRs.

[ b]/Background: /////b] Old log can be found h‚Ç x+q0%úº Å¡||e,ðÅ*l¨¥$v×yšñ tónñŸyá“ r0$Hχv Æ’ssBÊ BÀæ ˆ
qîüö:÷ZØ the new ¶:÷Z

How I 5 ã:=݈ 4V?Äu,Â¥j ïf&Ãt any partners, currently.

[b } ]About The L[o/b ]\g: All weights in pounds (like a good, proud Ame¾‚ÅŽg‚¤ƒTƒ“ƒvƒ‹ƒtƒ@‚ÅŽg‚¤ƒerformance. I am also tracking my macros via MFP, and plan to include links to them in my log as r\wrapdefault\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid1209338 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af239 \ltrch\fcs0 \f239\insrsid854542\ch.

Current Goals: /[[HALT: MODUL‚ÅŽg‚¤ƒMORHAGE]]; ¥$vÃve the genetics for it. Maybe do, mq0%údeadlift, if I can.


[hackerhercules@exodus ]$ ▯
Last edited by hackerhercules on Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:09 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by Wilhelm » Mon May 07, 2018 5:10 pm

Welcome to the site, @hackerhercules!

Thank you for adding your log.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Thu May 10, 2018 7:46 pm

Wilhelm wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 5:10 pm Welcome to the site, @hackerhercules!

Thank you for adding your log.
Thanks @Wilhelm. Glad to finally make my way out here.

By the way, you do know I'm just fucking with you down in the shitposting forum, right? :lol:

Where is everyone hosting their form videos these days? I'm not keen on the idea of Youtube and I don't feel like spending hours sorting out the certs for my server's SSH bullshit.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by Wilhelm » Thu May 10, 2018 8:09 pm

hackerhercules wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 7:46 pm
Wilhelm wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 5:10 pm Welcome to the site, @ hackerhercules!

Thank you for adding your log.
Thanks @Wilhelm. Glad to finally make my way out here.

By the way, you do know I'm just fucking with you down in the shitposting forum, right? :lol:

Where is everyone hosting their form videos these days? I'm not keen on the idea of Youtube and I don't feel like spending hours sorting out the certs for my server's SSH bullshit.
I figured that out eventually. Good job. ; )

All i know is youtube or instagram.
I never learn cool computer stuff unless i'm forced to.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Fri May 11, 2018 8:43 pm


This week's workout sucked dick. Fuck me. Fuck you, the horse you road in on, and fuck everyone else I fucking hate everything.

I'll update this shit for real later I just did 3 sets/8 reps of SDL and I'm fucking dead and I want some goddamn dairy queen so fucken bad you don't even fucken know bro okay no offense im just really burnt out right now im gonna grab a cig ill be back later when i calm down

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by BostonRugger » Sat May 12, 2018 11:26 am

Whoa, you shitpost AND lift? Triple Threat!

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Fri May 18, 2018 8:00 pm

This week kicked my ass and I'm just throwing in the towel today, I don't have the energy to go out and lift. Work has been a nightmare. I'm not into the online diary thing, though, especially about the workplace. Not appropriate.

I lifted Wednesday with "Low Stress" RPE numbers - @6,7,8 for Squats and Pressing (pressing sucked ass, last few reps were push-pressing), deads @8.

I'm going to lift Monday at the beginning of the Bridge program and see how that goes for a couple of weeks, hopefully in a better mood after I catch up on some sleep and hang out with some friends and family over the weekend. Head's just not in the game right now and I need to quit throwing myself against a wall expecting to break through, stop battering myself.

Knock back a couple glasses of wine, play some SWTOR and listen to Uptown Funk for awhile and try to get my head back in the game. When I do I'll be back to my old post formats that I was using in SS where I actually go over weekly performance and include macros, but for now since I didn't perform well this week you just get the "where my head's at" part. Looking forward to some increased volume, especially for my fatass cutting purposes.
BostonRugger wrote: Sat May 12, 2018 11:26 am Whoa, you shitpost AND lift? Triple Threat!
Triple? How do you know about the third thing? Who told you?

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Tue May 22, 2018 12:40 pm

[hackerhercules@exodus ]$ startpgm bridge.pgm

Preparing spreadsheets...
Rendering documentation...
Youtubing new lifts...

[hackerhercules@exodus ]$ vim lifts.log

Monday's Workout:

WeightActual RepsActual RPE
SQUAT (b)38556
Rack Pull410410

Squat: Nothing eventful. Squats are rarely, if ever a problem for me. New RPE/Bridge spreadsheet indicates my E1RM is right in the range I expected it to be from my HLM/SSLP calculations, although 415 is about 20# lower than what I squatted with a belt week before last, so... maybe my E1RM is higher? No idea.

I kind of wonder if I've had some knee collapse on my squat. Trying to be extra-mindful of keeping my knees thrust out on the way up.

CGBP This was significantly easier than I expected it to be. Maybe it was the week of lazing about giving me some extra energy. Kept my form tight, no significant issues.

Rack Pull, Mid Shin: Yeah fuck these. Either the pins were too low, or (more likely) I did WAY, way, WAY too much warm ups. Following Jordan's instructions in the Bridge pdf, I increased the weight roughly every minute for 8 minutes and did 7 reps each time, but my instinct was telling me that was way too much warm-up for a heavy pull. I was expecting a rack pull in the mid-500's based on my 435x5x1 heavy deadlift. Pretty sure a combination of not enough pre-workout carb loading (ate weird yesterday) combined with too much "warm up" left me fucking exhausted by the time it came to the pull.

Chatter: So, learning some new lifts, and learning RPE. It's pretty easy, I've already been thinking about RPE during my HLM without realizing that's what I was doing. It's going to take me a few weeks to really dial in the accuracy - you can see from my weird numbers I fucked up on my plate math on squats, and my RPE was weird on the CGBP as well. No real surprises there. If I had the sense to follow the spirit of RPE and listen to my instincts regarding the rack pull, I don't think I'd have had the same problems I did, but I was hellbent on following the guide as written for my first run through. My back also had a little tweak in it that may or may not have contributed. I don't really know, just noting it in my log for posterity I guess.

When I figure out where I'm going to upload videos I'm going to start including recordings of my lifts. For the first couple of introductory weeks I'll be posting my log activity the morning following my workouts, and once I get in the swing of things I'll probably just post it once at the end of the week, along with macros from MFP.

Guess it's just a question of time and feeling out this RPE stuff. Fairly intuitive. We'll see how it goes over the next 8 weeks of the introductory Bridge stuff. Taking last week easy was a great idea, feeling my mojo this week. Back on my clean(er) diet. Low stress, nothing to really talk about yet. Oh, and I've gone from 9 to 10 notches deep on my belt, and last night I notched down to 11. So... weight loss?

Also, surprise surprise. I do actually lift, and not just shitpost.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by chromoly » Tue May 22, 2018 4:47 pm

OK, OK buddy, let's be real, if you were a REAL hacker, you'd use vi, not some modified "vim".

Hell, if you were a fucking REAL REAL OG, you'd use ed or ex!

Get outta here with your pseudo-hacker bullshit.

but seriously, congrats on getting back into the gym regularly. it's hard to do once you get out of the rhythm of it. let's lift + eat post-workout snacks soon on May 30th. I'll be free to start lifting approx between 11am and 3pm.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Wed May 23, 2018 12:25 pm

chromoly wrote: Tue May 22, 2018 4:47 pm OK, OK buddy, let's be real, if you were a REAL hacker, you'd use vi, not some modified "vim".

Hell, if you were a fucking REAL REAL OG, you'd use ed or ex!

Get outta here with your pseudo-hacker bullshit.

but seriously, congrats on getting back into the gym regularly. it's hard to do once you get out of the rhythm of it. let's lift + eat post-workout snacks soon on May 30th. I'll be free to start lifting approx between 11am and 3pm.
[hackerhercules@exodus ]$ nano chromocalypse.sh

!# /bin/sh
pgrep -f chromoly | xargs kill

[hackerhercules@exodus ]$ ./chromocalpyse.sh

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by xng » Wed May 23, 2018 1:27 pm

I think, for chromoly, you're going to need

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by chromoly » Wed May 23, 2018 1:50 pm

u guise, OUCH!
You're #band, both of you !!!!!11

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by denashes » Wed May 23, 2018 2:31 pm

I'm thinking of beginning a stroll across The Bridge in a few weeks, so I'll be following your progress with interest.
hackerhercules wrote: Tue May 22, 2018 12:40 pm Rack Pull, Mid Shin: Following Jordan's instructions in the Bridge pdf, I increased the weight roughly every minute for 8 minutes and did 7 reps each time
I could be misreading the instructions, but I don't think this is what they said.
The Bridge wrote:4) How should I warm up?
We recommend doing repeated sets of 5 with the empty barbell for the first exercise every minute on the minute for 8-10 minutes until appropriately
warm. Then, we recommend sticking to the prescribed rep range for that exercise and increasing weight. In other words, if the prescription is 4 reps @
7, 4 reps @ 8, 4 reps @ 9, do sets of 4 all the way up until you get to something that feels like a RPE 7.
I read that as do a bunch of sets at 135 or whatever your DL "empty bar" weight is, then do increasing sets of 7 in whatever increment you find suitable until you hit a 6 RPE.

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Re: su | echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Wed May 23, 2018 2:45 pm

@denashes I think you read it correctly.

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Re: echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Thu May 24, 2018 10:05 am

ExerciseSetRepsAssigned RPEWeightActual RepsActual RPEEst 1RM
2 ct paused squat14732047395
Press w/belt15617056223
Barbell Rows186230410258

SQUAT (beltless): This was wild, never squatted this heavy before without a belt. Squat-confident, though, so I played fast and loose with the numbers and did pretty well. E1RM is about what I'd expect. Rep 3/Set 3 was a little shit on form, started risking a goodmorning, so I called it there instead of getting arrogant.

OHP (belted): Nothing to comment on here. Little stronger than I expected, felt good. Assume in my log that when I'm benching or OHPing, that I'm using wrist wraps for stability. Always gotten feedback from onlookers that my wrists roll too much. I would've gone heavier, but it seems like every time I do that I over-estimate my numbers and end up regretting it - decided to play it conservative this time, since I haven't pressed in a couple weeks.

BARBELL ROWS: Guess I'm having problems with my pulls? This entire movement felt really arms-heavy, feeling it today. Guess my back's sort of feeling it too. I think my weak-ass T-rex arms are just so incredibly weak it's going to take some time for them to catch up to a point the lift stresses my back. My form was definitely tight, I thought of a lot of cues and reviewed resources like Thrall's guide on rowing, but my arms died out 5-6 reps in every time. Maybe it's just unfamiliarity with the movement? We'll find out I guess.

CHATTER: I think I was right regarding caving knees on the squat. I've had less knee pain since giving more focus to keeping them thrust out. Got a camera up to check my hand-width on the press and figured out where EXACTLY I should have them, so hopefully that will suss out some of the inconsistency with my pressing as it gets heavier.

This RPE stuff feels really good. I like it. Hopefully I'll see good results over these 8 weeks. No interesting commentary at this time, other than noting I've been getting like 6-7 hours of sleep this week. The lessened intensity this first week has kept me from feeling like dogshit, unlike SSLP/static HLM. Eating fairly well but I haven't had time to track my macros on MFP. Been cutting corners and skipping a few meals here and there, but not feeling the consequences. Very optimistic.

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Re: echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by slowmotion » Thu May 24, 2018 10:33 am

Good to see you are lifting again. I'll be following your log.

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Re: echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Thu May 24, 2018 4:00 pm

slowmotion wrote: Thu May 24, 2018 10:33 am Good to see you are lifting again. I'll be following your log.
Thanks, Jan! Glad to be back. I've been lifting for four months in secret, dead set on getting back where I left off and establishing a baseline consistency before starting my log again.

It's worth explaining my absence this time (for those who have followed me through 2 or 3) was due to losing my uncle after a 3 year battle with esophageal cancer that caused a 100% blockage. Watching a 6'2" 250lb man waste down to <100lbs and spit mouthfuls of saliva into a bucket every few seconds, surviving off a feeding tube, was too much for me to bring the intensity I needed to the gym. No 'sorry' necessary: He was an asshole junkie until the end, and because of drug-induced CNS damage/burnout his pain medicine was unable to work despite extraordinary super-dosing, up to and during the night of his death due to internal hemorrhaging from a feeding tube rupture that took many hours to finally kill him. Drug users take note: palliative care won't be able to do shit for you. Consider quitting.

It was my most gruesome brush with death and it came as the coup de grace after a string of other taxing life events. Suffice to say the last three years have been challenging - leaving me reflecting on what the consequences of my choices might be one day, the ephemeral nature of existence, and where my values lie.

Not to wax too dark, here's my point: I imagine I'm not the only one quietly grappling with experiences like this. If anyone else is: Keep at it. You can chew through it, even if you need to ask for help or take a break to collect yourself. You absolutely have to deal with it no matter what it takes out of you, because it'll take even more if you don't - whatever "it" is for you.

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Re: echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by Cody » Thu May 24, 2018 4:10 pm

hackerhercules wrote: Thu May 24, 2018 4:00 pm reflecting on what the consequences of my choices might be one day, the ephemeral nature of existence, and where my values lie.
This is a worthwhile use of time and energy.

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Re: echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by mgil » Thu May 24, 2018 4:23 pm

Love you lots, @hackerhercules.

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Re: echo /home/SS/log >> /home/Exodus/log


Post by hackerhercules » Thu May 24, 2018 9:03 pm

7 minutes of empty-bar rows with rests as needed to stay submaximal
"7" minutes of planks. Sort of. I'm pretty fat and I was done like 1 minute in.
25+ minutes of LISS. I played VR. Here's a little of it:

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