Herbison's Training Log

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Tue May 14, 2024 11:15 am

DanCR wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 9:46 am
SeanHerbison wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:58 pmStrict Curl
Interested to see how far you push this.
Apparently I hit a PR. I thought I did 60 the other time, but it looks like I was wrong and it was only 50.

cgeorg wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 10:10 am
SeanHerbison wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:58 pm Clean to Zercher Squat to Jerk
I've done it once before, just using 70 kg. It was fun. Second video here:

Monday, 13 May

ExerciseWeight x Reps x Sets
Broad Jump BW*12 - 9'6" best
Slingshot Bench 344 x 1
353x 1 miss
Strict Curl 110 x 1
121 x miss
117 x 1 (PR)
121 x 1 (PR)
Ukrainian Deadlift 226 x 2
Recumbent Bike 10 min - 2.5 mi

Change of plans: I was going to squat yesterday, but then I came pretty close to breaking my leg, and that made my knee a bit too sore. Landing my last broad jump, my right foot slipped out from under me, going forward and in/left. It was a less than ideal position, since my weight was still moving forward/down. Jefferson deadlift had to go as well.

I'm feeling okay today, just a bit sore and lacking a little end-range ROM for both extension and flexion. I'm taking more walks, and I set up my SSB as a janky leg press again. Should be fine in a few days.

Speaking of pain, at the meet my floating pain moved. It was in my groin, and I haven't felt even a twinge since then. Now it's in my right pec. I felt a little bit on the bench, but pushed through it. But when it twinged a little differently, with a new feeling, I wasn't willing to risk it. I probably could've pushed through, but I was pretty close to max already, so there wasn't much to gain.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by DanCR » Tue May 14, 2024 11:35 am

SeanHerbison wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 11:15 am
cgeorg wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 10:10 am
SeanHerbison wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:58 pm Clean to Zercher Squat to Jerk
I've done it once before, just using 70 kg. It was fun. Second video here:

I came for the strict curl, and stayed for this awesome absurdity.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Thu May 16, 2024 6:10 pm

DanCR wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 11:35 amI came for the strict curl, and stayed for this awesome absurdity.
The knee's feeling much better, so I should be able to engage in more of that type of absurdity tomorrow. In the meantime, here's this week's so far!

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:33 am

I keep putting off getting back to logging, so here's my commitment device: I'll post something this week.

I'm sure my millions of fans are thrilled.

Cat cat cat

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:27 pm

I'm back to training. I never stopped lifting, but I can't really call what I was doing training. I've been making a lot a realizations recently, and one was that I've never updated why I train. I used to have an insane dedication to it. And I don't have that anymore. My life is very different than it was a decade ago, and trying to use the same methods wasn't working.

Oddly enough, that said, I'm back to a simple LP approach. Squat, Bench, and Deadlift one day. Front squat, overhead press, and power cleans on the other. I'll start logging again.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:51 pm

Monday, 26 Aug

ExerciseWeight x Reps x Sets
Squat 342 x 5 x 3
Bench 249 x 5 x 3
Deadlift 331 x 1
375 x 1
419 x 1
463 x 1
507 x 1

Deadlift was an audible from the planned 375*5*3. Felt good.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by DanCR » Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:11 pm

Glad you’re back, @SeanHerbison. How are your squats feeling these days? Asking per your efforts to stomp out atp late last year / early this year.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:46 pm

DanCR wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:11 pm Glad you’re back, SeanHerbison. How are your squats feeling these days? Asking per your efforts to stomp out atp late last year / early this year.
They're feeling great, though I haven't really been using that cue. I finally figured out how to feel foot pressure, and that's been helpful for the whole force chain. Actually, I've had more than a bit of a breakthrough there. I didn't even realize until the last few months how poorly/incorrectly I've used cues.

My brain is extremely verbal-based. What this has meant, in effect, is that even though I've coached plenty of people with a variety of cues, when I try them on myself, they mostly stay as words. I've only recently, after lifting seriously for about a decade and a half, realized I was doing that. I realized I wasn't actually feeling whether I did it right or now, but repeating the words mentally, and then checking the video afterward to see if it worked.

Mark Rosenberg (@deadliestlift) has some good writeups about training, and his article discussing form vs technique (The Problem with 'Form') was really helpful in reminding me that it's about how effectively you move, not how well you match an "ideal" form. I'm now working on focusing on the feeling, and only using the words here and there as a reminder.

So, @DanCR, squats are going well, even though I took a different route to get there. My reps feel a lot more stable and consistent, which lets me focus more on the actual effort of moving the bar.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:40 pm

I'm ready! Spent 10 days going to Yellowstone with my wife. Got some running in, but no lifting. Then finally got COVID on the last day. Pretty mild case, but enough to throw off my planned return to training after the trip.

I've been in the gym this week, and moving around with light weights has felt very free, very fluid, but I haven't tried anything heavier than 70 kg yet. I'm basically over it now, just a bit of sniffles and stuff hanging on. Should be back to normal enough on Monday to start training. I'll probably back off about 10% from where I was and go from there.

I signed up for Powerlifting America WSS PowerFest 2024, as did my Dad. My wife miiiiiight, we'll see. 65 days out!

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by DanCR » Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:42 pm

SeanHerbison wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:46 pmMark Rosenberg (@deadliestlift) has some good writeups about training, and his article discussing form vs technique (The Problem with 'Form') was really helpful in reminding me that it's about how effectively you move, not how well you match an "ideal" form. I'm now working on focusing on the feeling, and only using the words here and there as a reminder.
Meant to say back at the time that that was a good read, as was your post, which I came back to a few times before I fully “got” it.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:55 am

SeanHerbison wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:40 pmI'm ready! ... Should be back to normal enough on Monday to start training.
Yeah... no.

Sunday, 15 Sep

ExerciseWeight x Reps x Sets
Squat 154 x 5
220 x 5 x 2

I was so excited to lift, and then this murdered me. The 10 day vacation was great for my motivation, but ending with COVID wasn't ideal.

I've been competing as a 105 kg lifter, but for this prep I really wanted to get back into hard training and eating to support it, so I signed up for the 120 class. So far my bulk has taken me from 102 kg to ... 98 kg. This is the first time I've ever lost my appetite, outside of acute flu symptoms, so getting food in has been hard, and sweating through my sheets every night hasn't been great for my hydration status. So yeah, this has been a rough start to meet prep.

DanCR wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:42 pm Meant to say back at the time that that was a good read, as was your post, which I came back to a few times before I fully “got” it.
Always glad when I can be of some help!

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:28 pm

Tuesday, 17 Sep

ExerciseWeight x Reps x Sets
Feet-up Bench 154 x 5 x 3

That went fine. But doing a few square feet of yardwork had me breathing like I just finished a race. The mismatch between what my stamina feels like and what's actually in the tank is astonishing.

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Re: Herbison's Training Log


Post by SeanHerbison » Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:06 am

Friday, 20 Sep

ExerciseWeight x Reps x Sets
Squat 44 x 9
154 x 3, 1
265 x 1, 1
331 x 1
375 x 1
Bench 154 x 3
265 x 1
Deadlift 265 x 1
375 x 1
463 x 1

Oof. I had an easier time getting back to training after a week of the flu, and I was stuck on the bathroom floor for much of that.

Even though my lifting stamina is shot, I thought my strength might not be hit so hard. It was. The top reps were all somewhere in the RPE 7-9 range.

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