benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle

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benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:39 am

Age: 28
Weight: 76kg / 168lb
LIfting Since: Late 2012

Estimated Maxes
High-Bar Squat: ?
Front Squat: 140-150kg
Sumo Deadlift: 200-210kg
Paused Bench Press: 125-130kg
Touch & Go Bench Press: 132.5-137.5kg

Use highish-frequency, high-specificity training to turn the general strength and hypertrophy I built over the last year into task-specific strength in my competition lifts (Medium-Grip Bench, High-Bar Squat, Sumo Deadlift).

Thoughts & Modifications
I recently joined a local Powerlifting club that has a small, informal meet planned for December 1st, which I took as a reason to stop pushing hypertrophy on an off-season GZCL program and finally put that muscle to good use on the platform. So I went looking for a program that would fit my requirements, and someone on Reddit suggested I check out @Hanley's "Montana Method" on these forums, which turned out to be just what I was looking for.

The most obvious change I made rightaway was splitting the Full-Body Power Day into one Squat/Deadlift and one Bench Day. I'm hoping that this will allow me to focus more on my Sumo technique rather than just rushing through heavy pulls at the end of the session. This should also make adding prehab and lighter assistance to keep my joints happy a bit easier.

I'm not quite sure what the weakest link is for my Squat, as I only just recently resumed doing regular Squats after almost exclusively doing Front Squats for the last year. For now, I'll simply keep working the movement as a whole until I hit a plateau or after the competition. Just got to keep working on my bracing.

As it seems to be for most (raw) lifters, my sticking point on the Bench is around halfway up, so I've been focusing on building my pecs and speed off the chest with a lot of paused reps and hypertrophy work. As I've always benched with a somewhat close grip and my triceps strength has always been alright, I might replace the Close-Grip Bench on the Power Day with Legs-Up Bench, which I've found tremendously helpful.

My main weaknesses on Deadlifts are grip strength and getting into the proper position (stance width, bracing, the whole shebang). I started using a hook grip recently, hoping that I'll be able to use that rather than a mixed grip for the competition. Additionally, I'll likely throw in some lighter assistance work using my Fat Gripz. To get more opportunities to work on my setup, I'm considering substituting the 5x4 Snatch-Grip Deadlifts for light Sumo triples, either off low blocks or with a pause just off the floor.

The planned layout looks like this:


I'm aiming to maintain or slightly reduce my weight, basically doing a good ol' recomp. I've taken some pointers from the Renaissance Diet guide, and have had good success with alternating days of low and high calorie intake. I will likely keep doing something like this, with protein hovering beween 160g and 200g:

Rest days: 1900-2200kcal, high-fat, low-carbs
Light Training Days: 2200-2500kcal, medium-fat, medium-carbs
Hard Training Days: 2500-2800kcal, low-fat, high-carb
Last edited by benbk on Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:42 am

October 25th, 2018
W1D1 (Hypertrophy, Full-Body)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
Managed to hit all six sets at 70% and still had a couple of reps left in the tank at the end.
Glutes were working hard, no IT-band tightness afterwards. Felt very good overall.
Still got to improve my bracing, though.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 80kg
1x5 at 95kg

— Working Sets—
6x5 at 110kg

Bench Press (Paused)
Left shoulder was a bit cranky, but no pain or major discomfort.
Hit all seven sets, but very glad there wasn't an eighth as the fatigue from squats was pretty real.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 70kg
1x5 at 80kg

— Working Sets —
7x5 at 90kg

Barbell Rows
My first time ever doing a Density Block like this, so I wasn't sure what to expect.
I decided on (cheaty) Barbell Rows and set a timer to go off every 30 seconds.
Went better than expected, and my upper back was pretty shot afterwards. Good stuff!

— 10min Density Block —
3 Reps every 30s at 80kg (60 Reps Total)

Optional Assistance

20, 15, 15 at Bodyweight (45 Reps Total)

Banded Rear Delt Row
3x20 with Red Band (60 Reps Total)

DB Walking Lunge
3x10 at 25kg (30 Reps Total)
Last edited by benbk on Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by Wilhelm » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:53 am

Welcome, @benbk

Really strong lifts there.
Thank you for adding your log, and good success to you at your meet.

Good to have such an experienced lifter adding to the site.

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:23 am

Wilhelm wrote: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:53 am Welcome, @benbk

Really strong lifts there.
Thank you for adding your log, and good success to you at your meet.

Good to have such an experienced lifter adding to the site.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.

I'm mostly active in the Reddit lifting forums, but this seemed like a great community so I thought I'd join up as well.

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:31 am

October 26th, 2018
W1D2 (Overhead Press)

Standing Overhead Press
I'd taken a break from heavy barbell pressing in favor of more Benching, so it took me a few sets to get back into the groove. Took it slow and worked up to a single at 65kg. Dropping down 20%, I was surprised by how light the 52.5kg felt. Now I remember why I used to love overwarm singles. I did the "AMRAP-EMOM-AMRAP" sandwich for the Density Block, and ended up with a total of 25 reps.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 40kg
1x3 at 45kg
1x2 at 50kg

— Working Sets —
1x1 at 60kg
1x1 at 62.5kg
1x1 at 65kg

— Density Block —
1x8 at 52.5kg (AMRAP)
6x2 at 52.5kg (EMOM)
1x5 at 52.5kg (AMRAP)

As both yesterday's Cheat Rows and tomorrow's Deadlifts mostly hit my upper back, I decided to add some pull-ups to this day to work my lats more. Did a few sets of five while warming up, and then five reps after each round of pressing during the Density Block.

— Working Sets—
10x5 at bodyweight


Treadmill Run
5km in 36.5min

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:22 am

October 27th, 2018
W1D3 (Lower Power)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
First time touching 140kg on Back Squats for quite a while.
Weight moved quickly, IT-band didn't tighten up thanks to proper hip and glute warm-ups.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x4 at 80kg
1x3 at 100kg
1x2 at 110kg

— Working Sets —
2x1 at 120kg
1x1 at 130kg
1x1 at 140kg

Sumo Deadlift (w/ Belt)
I should _always_ do some Squats before pulling Sumo, man. Those few sets really opened up my hips and got my glutes firing. Weight on the singles moved well, had my girlfriend standing by and giving me the competition commands for practice.
Still having some trouble with the grip, especially holding it after lock-out, but I'm fairly optimistic that it'll improve.
Those 5x4 were surprisingly hard, but felt good overall. Every set done with a hook grip and belt.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x3 at 120kg
1x2 at 140kg

— Working Sets —
1x1 at 160kg (Competition-Style)
1x1 at 170kg (Competition-Style)
1x1 at 180kg (Competition-Style)

Optional Assistance

DB Walking Lunges
4x10 at 20kg (40 Reps)

Wide-Grip Cable Row
5x20 at 40kg (100 Reps)

Barbell Forearm Flippy Things
5 Rounds of 30 Seconds at 20kg

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:31 am

October 28th, 2018
W1D4 (Upper Power)

As my girlfriend had some errands to run, we went in the evening rather than the morning.
I used that time for an extra treadmill session before breakfast. The usual 5k in 35-40min, but I didn't write it down unfortunately.

Bench Press (Paused)
Weight felt rather heavy, possibly because I'm not used to lifting four days in a row.
No pain or major issues though.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x3 at 80kg
1x2 at 90kg

— Working Sets —
2x1 at 100kg
1x1 at 107.5kg
1x1 at 115kg

Bench Press (Legs-Up, Slight Pause)
I decided on a more pec-dominant Bench variation to keep focusing on that power off the chest.

— Working Sets —
3x8 at 85kg

Optional Assistance

EZ-Bar Preacher Curls
3x12 at 30kg

DB Hammer Curls
2x12 at 12.5kg

Triceps Cable Pushdown
3x12 at 55kg

Chest Dips
2x12 at Bodyweight

Modified "Shoulder Shocker" Superset
2x12 at 7.5kg

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:34 am

October 30th, 2018
W1D5 (Strength, Full-Body)

Due to the usual "busy gym logistics", I had to switch the order of exercises and hit Deadlifts before Bench. As the next session is only 48h away, I went easy on the assistance and just did a little bit of everything.

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
I hit the safeties a couple of times as I was in a non-adjustable rack, which made the next rep a bit wobbly. Other than that, everything went fine. Due to a lot of chocolate cake at the office earlier, my bracing ended up being rather, uh, flatulent. But no regrets..

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x4 at 80kg
1x3 at 95kg
1x2 at 110kg

— Working Sets —
5x3 at 125kg

Sumo Deadlift (2-Count Pause off floor, w/ Belt)
My hips weren't quite as open and flexible as last time, so it didn't feel quite as smooth. The pauses went well though, didn't rush them and managed to keep the back in position.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 90kg
1x4 at 100kg

— Working Sets —
6x3 at 110kg

Bench Press
So this was pretty interesting. When Hanley said to watch the fatigue as it adds up quickly here… man, he wasn't lying. That fourth round was pretty rough. But I really quite enjoyed this style of training.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x3 at 80kg
1x2 at 90kg

— Working Sets —
Four Rounds of:
1x3 at 102.5kg (Touch & Go)
1x1 at 102.5kg (w/ Competition Pause)

Optional Assistance

Flat DB Bench
2x10 at 30kg

DB Batwing Row (w/ 5-Count Hold at top)
2x10 at 30kg

Single-Leg RDL
2x10 at 30kg

Barbell Curl (w/ Fat Gripz)
2x15 at 20kg

Rear Delt DB Raise
3x20 at 12.5kg

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:42 am

November 1st, 2018
W2D1 (Hypertrophy, Full-Body)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
Alright, the way intensity in the 3x4/4x3 waved was pretty great.
Those seven sets weren't particularly exciting, they felt good and strong though,

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 80kg
1x3 at 95kg
1x2 at 110kg

— Working Sets—
3x4 at 110kg
4x3 at 110kg

Bench Press (Paused)
Same as with Squats. The sets were a bit boring, but it was actually kind of nice turning off my brain just getting in the work.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 70kg
1x3 at 80kg
1x2 at 90kg

— Working Sets —
3x4 at 97.5kg
4x3 at 97.5kg

Barbell Rows
I started out doing sets of three ever 30 seconds, but after about 3min, my lower back was starting to take more of a beating than I'd hoped, so I went down to reps of two fo the remainder. Actually forgot about the AMRAP at the end. Got a solid 45 reps, though.

— 10min Density Block —
1x10 at 90kg (AMRAP)
7x3 at 90kg (Every 30s)
7x2 at 90kg (Every 30s)

Optional Assistance

TRX Push-Ups
3x15 at Bodyweight (45 Reps Total)

3x15 at Bodyweight (45 Reps Total)

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl (w/ Fat Gripz)
3x15 at 05kg (45 Reps Total)

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sat Nov 03, 2018 6:03 am

November 2nd, 2018
W2D2 (Overhead Press)

Standing Overhead Press
Managed to get eight reps in the last set of the EMOM, which is three more than last week.
Total working reps were 36, so I'd say I'm good to go up in weight next time around, regardless of how next week's single goes.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 40kg
1x3 at 45kg

— Density Block —
1x10 at 52.5kg (AMRAP)
9x2 at 52.5kg (EMOM)
1x8 at 52.5kg (AMRAP)

Used a variety of grips (neutral, pronated, supinated, wide) just to get in some volume.

— Working Sets—
5x10 at bodyweight


Treadmill Run
5km in 37min (Had to move cardio to the next morning due to time constraints)

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:18 am

November 3rd, 2018
W2D3 (Lower Power)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
Used a different rack today, so I didn't hit the safeties on the way down.
Other than that, nothing to to report, all good.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x4 at 80kg
1x3 at 100kg
1x2 at 110kg

— Working Sets —
2x1 at 120kg
1x1 at 130kg
1x1 at 140kg
1x1 at 145kg

Sumo Deadlift (w/ Belt)
I couldn't seem to get my belt position right, it was either too low or too high.
Tightening it a notch didn't help either, so I'll have to figure out what the hell that was all about.
Pulling felt alright, although I still can't get snappy reps. It's all just pullinpullingpullingullingaaandtheeeereitiiiiiiis.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x3 at 120kg
1x2 at 140kg

— Working Sets —
1x1 at 160kg (Competition-Style)
1x1 at 170kg (Competition-Style)
1x1 at 180kg (Competition-Style)
1x1 at 180kg (Competition-Style)

Optional Assistance

Chest-Supported Row
20, 15, 10 at 80kg (45 Reps)

Ab Roll-Our (Kneeling)
20, 15, 10 at bodyweight (45 Reps)

Low Cable Row
2x15 at 60kg (30 Reps)

Standing Machine Hamstring Curls
2x15 at 15kg (30 Reps)

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Mon Nov 05, 2018 12:38 am

November 4th, 2018
W2D4 (Upper Power)

Bench Press (Paused)
Holy F@?K, Benching with proper competition commands sucks.
My ego took quite a hit here, my God.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x3 at 80kg
1x2 at 90kg

— Working Sets —
2x1 at 100kg
1x1 at 107.5kg
1x1 at 115kg (with Competition Commands)
1x1 at 120kg (with Competition Commands)

Bench Press (Legs-Up, Slight Pause, Slow Eccentrics)
I decided to add 2.5kg for the working sets after last week's weights felt a bit too light.

— Working Sets —
2x8 at 85kg
1x7 at 85kg

Optional Assistance

Cable Curl (Slow Eccentrics)
3x15 at 40kg

Triceps Cable Pushdowns (Slow Eccentrics)
3x15 at 50kg

Banded Triceps Extensions
2x15 with Red Band

Banded Lateral Raises
2x15 with Red Band

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:02 pm

November 6th, 2018
W2D5 (Strength, Full-Body)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
I honestly don't understand how I managed to get up to 3x5 at 140kg back when I first started lifting, when I'm now struggling to hit the same weight years later. What the hell? I (probably) could have done these sets on Front Squats and it wouldn't have been that much harder. Could it be that I've been program-hopping too much? Nah. Never. Must be genetics. Either way, work sets were somewhat boring. No complaints though.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 80kg
1x3 at 95kg
1x2 at 110kg
1x1 at 120kg

— Working Sets—
3x3 at 130kg
3x2 at 130kg

Bench Press (Touch & Go)
I've gotten so used to Benching with a oause that it took me a couple of sets to get back into the proper Touch & Go pattern.
I guess that's good, right? Weights felt reasonably heavy, but I always had a few left in the tank.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 70kg
1x3 at 80kg
1x2 at 90kg

— Working Sets —
4x3 at 107.5kg
2x2 at 107.5kg

Sumo Deadlifts (Off 3" Blocks
So I took a page from Dan Green's book and decided to pull off blocks during the second week.
I'm hoping that focusing on the bottom of the movement in W1 (paused, off floor) and the top of the movement in W2 (off blocks) will transfer over to the movement as a whole without putting my hips through too much stress. I upped the percentage a bit (65% instead of 60%), which worked out perfectly.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 100kg
1x5 at 115kg

— Working Sets —
5x4 at 130kg

Optional Assistance

At this point I was pretty beat, so I just did some prehab for elbows, shoulders, and abs, and called it a day.

Face Pulls
2x25 at 45kg (50 Reps Total)

Cable Curl
3x15 at 40kg (45 Reps Total)

Kneeling Ab Roll-Out
2x20 at Bodyweight (40 Reps Total)

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:33 am

November 8th, 2018
W3D1 (Hypertrophy, Full-Body)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
Squats felt good, easily got all sets.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 80kg
1x5 at 95kg

— Working Sets—
6x5 at 112.5kg

Bench Press (Paused)
I guess the Squats really exhausted my quads more than I thought — after a few sets on Bench, they started giving out and keeping me from really pushing that leg drive. Still managed to get all seven sets, with a few reps left in the tank.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x5 at 70kg
1x3 at 80kg
1x2 at 90kg

— Working Sets —
7x5 at 92.5kg

Barbell Rows
Used a belt for the first half of the block, and while I hit the buckle a few times with the barbell, it kept my lower back from getting too beat up overall.

— Density Block —
1x10 at 82.5kg (AMRAP)
8x5 at 82.5 (EMOM)
1x10 at 82.5kg (AMRAP)

Optional Assistance

Flat DB Bench
14,8,6 at 30kg (28 Reps Total)

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
16,14,12 at 25kg (42 Reps Total)

Reverse-Grip EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
2x10 at 20kg (40 Reps Total)

Adductor Machine
4x15 at 39kg (60 Reps Total)
Last edited by benbk on Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:39 am

November 9th, 2018
W3D2 (Overhead Press)

Standing Overhead Press
Managed to get eight reps in the last set of the EMOM, which is three more than last week.
Total working reps were 36, so I'd say I'm good to go up in weight next time around, regardless of how next week's single goes.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 40kg
1x3 at 45kg
1x2 at 50kg
1x1 at 55kg

— Working Sets—
1x1 at 60kg
1x1 at 62.5kg
1x1 at 65kg
1x1 at 67.5kg

— Density Block—
1x6 at 55kg (AMRAP)
6x2 at 55kg (EMOM)
1x4 at 55kg (AMRAP)

Slightly less volume, but more intensity. Shoulder still funky, fine other than that.

— Working Sets—
3x12 at bodyweight

Optional Assistance

Rowing Ergometer Sprints
500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m with roughly 60s rest. Hate it. Argh.
Last edited by benbk on Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: benbk's Messily Modified Montana Method Mesocycle


Post by benbk » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:59 am

November 9th, 2018
W3D3 (Lower Power)

High-Bar Squat (w/ Belt)
Felt fine, possibly even easier than last week's heavier single.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 60kg
1x4 at 80kg
1x3 at 100kg
1x2 at 110kg

— Working Sets —
2x1 at 120kg
1x1 at 130kg
1x1 at 140kg
1x1 at 142.5kg

Sumo Deadlift (w/ Belt)
Weight and hook grip felt very manageable, slowly getting better at it.
Hips weren't quite open, but still decent.

— Warm-Up Sets —
1x5 at 100kg
1x3 at 125kg
1x2 at 145kg

— Working Sets —
1x1 at 165kg
1x1 at 172.5kg
1x1 at 182.5kg
5x4 at 152.5kg (with straps)

Optional Assistance

Single-Arm DB Row
20 at 37.5kg
20 at 40kg
15 at 45kg

Incline Batwing Row
2x8 at 37.5 kg (with straps)

Low Cable Row
2x15 at 70kg

Ab Roller
2x20 at Bodyweight

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