Nutrition for Beginners? | Simplifying Nutrition for the Sake of Compliance

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Re: Nutrition for Beginners? | Simplifying Nutrition for the Sake of Compliance


Post by RobUK » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:52 am

I don't get the can't cook thing. I mean I can't cook but I can:

- put frozen breaded chicken or fish in the oven (possibly also oven chips or frozen roast potatoes)
- steam frozen vegetables
- prepare some avocado, beetroot and tomatoes
- cut bread (but you can always buy uncut...!)
- crab eggs and put them in a frying pan and stir
- put some pasta in boiling water.
- shake up some protein power with milk
- eat fruit

I mean none of it is going to get any awards for fine cuisine (and I generally add baked beans and cheese to the veg!) but the above is 90% of what I eat, there's plenty of fruit and veg and it's extremely easy to adjust to gaining or losing weight - I basically just add or subtract the bread and pasta (ahem and try with dessert!).

So if you want to keep things simple have a few set things you eat and monitor whether you are gaining or losing weight and adjust from there. Beyond protein I've never counted or tracked calories very closely but I know exactly what I need to do to gain or lose weight just from eating similar stuff all the time.

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