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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:08 am

Week 4
Day 1
BW: 143.4
Squat: 87.5x5 @6, 90x5 @7.5, 91.5x5 @8, 91.5x5 @8.5, 91.5x5 @9, 89x5 @8.5 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
Close grip bench press: 52.5x4 @7, 55x4 @8, 57.5x4 @9.5, 57.5x4 @9, 57.5x4 @9.5 (4@7, 4@8, 3x4@9)
Rack pull: 86.5x7 @7, 88.5x7 @8, 91.5x7 @9, 91.5x5 @9 (7@7, 7@8, 2x7@9)

Neck Curl: 40kgx5, 20kgx 28, 29
DB side raise: 15, 14 @14kg

Notes: Kinda tired from the beggining, squat felt heavier that I wanted to but I managed to add a little bit of weight and increase my e1RM, maybe I need to pay attention to my form because I think it wasn't the best. CGBP felt good, trying something new of doing all reps in one breath didn't noticed too much difference. Rack pull I didn't try to add weight this time so I could stay in the RPE given, felt heavy but good after all.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 65reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 63reps @20kg (7min)
Seated calf raise: 12, 12, 10 @50kg
Rear deltoid band: 3x30
Decline hold: MAX x 7min (3.31 TW)

Day 3
2ct paused Squat: 80x4 @7, 82.5x4 @8, 85x4 @9, 85x4 @9, 85 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 3x4@9)
Press: 34x5 @6, 36.5x5 @7, 38.5x5 @8.5, 38.5x5 @9, 37.5x5 @8, 37.5x5 @8.5 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
Pendlay Row: 45x8 @6.5, 46.5x8 @7.5, 47.5x8 @8, 47.5x8 @8, 47.5x8 @8, 47.5x8 @8 (8@6, 8@7, 4x8@8)

Neck Curl: 20,18,17 @30kg
DB Tricep extension: 15,15, 14 @14kg

Notes: Squats went as I wanted to, nothing extraordinary. In press I wanted to see if I was able to progress adding weight and keep controlled the RPE but I wasn't, however I think I improved. Pendaly row is ok, I still have some trouble rating the RPE while doing high reps.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 67reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 37reps @20kg (3.30min) / Reverse Barbell curl: 37reps @20kg (3.30min)
Plank: MAX x 7min (5.02min Tw)
Calf raise (leg press): 15, 12, 12 @150kg
Rear deltoid band: 33, 30, 30

Day 5
Deadlift: 97.5x5 @6, 102.5x5 @7, 107.5x5 @8, 107.5x5 @8, 107.5x5 @8.5 (5@6, 5@7, 3x5@8)
Bench press 1ct: 51x5 @6, 53.5x5 @7.5, 56x5 @9, 54x5 @8, 54x5 @8, 54x5 @8.5, 54x5 @9 (5@6, 5@7, 5x5@8)
3-0-3 tempo Squat: 65x8 @6, 67.5x8 @7, 70x8 @8, 70x8 @9 (8@6, 8@7, 2x8@8)

DB side raise: 15, 15 @14kg
Neck curl: 22, 20, 18 @30kg

Notes: Deadlift felt pretty solid, trying to practice better the cue "Push the floor" and felt good. Bench wasn't so good, I tried to add weight from last workout but wasn't able, I went a little greedy with the third set just to try increase the e1RM and didn't pay too much attention to RPE, I need to correct to that. Tempo squats same as always.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:18 am

Week 5
BW: 143.8
Day 1
Squat: 90x4 @6.5, 92.5x5 @7.5, 95x4 @8, 95x4 @8.5, 95x4 @9 (4@6, 4@7, 3x4@8)
Paused bench 3ct: 47.5x4 @7, 49x4 @~8, 52.5x4 @9, 52.5x4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Paused deadlift 2ct: 85x4 @7, 90x4 @8, 95x4 @9, 95x4 @9.5 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)

Neck Curl: 25, 25, 25 @30kg
Cable side raise (one arm): 8, 8, 8 @3.75kg

Notes: I'm pretty happy with squats, this is the heaviest I've lifted since starting The Bridge and when I did that it was a maximal weight. Bench felt pretty good, I could've done a little more in the second set, trying to practice my form to do a proper leg drive. Paused deadlift was okay, I tried to keep my lower back in extension, but I went a little heavy in the last sets so I think I messed that.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 67reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 70reps @20kg (7min)
Seated calf raise: 12, 11, 10 @50kg
Rear deltoid band: 3x30
Knee raise hold: MAX x 7min (4.10 TW)

Day 3
2ct paused Squat: 81.5x4 @7.5, 83.5x4 @8, 86x4 @9.5, 85x4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Press: 35x4 @6, 37.5x4@7, 40x4 @8, 40x4 @8, 40x4 @8, 40x4 @8.5, 40x4 @9(4@6, 4@7, 5x4@8)
Pendlay Row: 45x8 @6, 47.5x8 @7, 49x8 @8, 49x8 @8, 49x8 @8.5, 49x8 @8.5 (8@6, 8@7, 4x8@8)

Neck Curl: 8 @35kg 20, 20 @30kg
DB Tricep extension: 15,15, 17 @14kg

Notes: Today squats felt heavier than normal, lowered the weight so the set wouldn't be a maximal set. Press felt great, 6 weeks ago I barely could do that weight for 3 reps. Row felt good too.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 63reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 42reps @20kg (3.30min) / Reverse Barbell curl: 40reps @20kg (3.30min)
Plank: MAX x 7min (5.04min Tw)
Calf raise (leg press): 15, 15, 13 @150kg
Rear deltoid band: 35, 33, 26

Day 5
Deadlift: 102.5x4 @6, 107.5x4 @7, 113.5x4 @8, 113.5x4 @8.5, 113.5x4 @8.5 (4@6, 4@7, 3x4@8)
Bench press 1ct: 53.5x4 @6.5, 55x4 @7.5, 56.5x4 @8, 56.5x4 @8.5, 56.5x4 @8.5, 56.5x4 @8.5, 56.5x4 @8.5, 56.5x4 @8.5 (4@6, 4@7, 5x4@8)
Squat beltless: 82.5x6 @7.5, 84x6 @8, 86.5x6 @9, 86.5x6 @9 (6@7, 6@8, 2x6@9)

Cable side raise (one arm): 10, 10, 9 @3.75kg
Neck curl: 26, 21, 20 @30kg

Notes: Deadlift was pretty good, however I think I let my form to break down a little bit, gotta pay attention to that. Bench wasn't great today, I need to practice leg drive. Squats were okay, I did my best but I was so tired from deadlifts that I didn't put too much enthusiasm.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:52 am

Week 6
BW: 140lb (Different scale)
Day 1
Squat: 225lbx1 @8, 205lbx4 @8, 205lbx4 @8, 205x4 @9 (1@8, 3x4@8)
Paused bench 3ct: 115lbx3 @7, 120lbx3 @8, 130lbx3 @10, 125lbx3 @9, 125lbx3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Paused deadlift 2ct: 185x4 @7.5, 90(200)x4 @8, 95(210lb)x4 @9, 95x4 @9.5 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)

Neck Curl: 25, 25, 20 @70lb
Cable side raise (one arm): 8, 8, 8 @10lb

Notes: Pretty weird workout, maybe because I was doing it in a new gym with different weights. Squats were okay in RPE but not it in weight, I was hoping to go a little bit heavier but I couldn't. Bench did go pretty good, I went a little heavy in the 3rd set but in this gym there are no disc in between 2.5 and 5 pounds. Deadlifts were bad, I was deadlifting with hex plates so I had to start every rep from the beggining and since the first rep it's the most difficult for me I had to stay conservative with the weight jumps.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 67reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 47reps @55lb (7min)
Seated calf raise: 12, 12, 12 @100lb
Rear deltoid band: 3x30
Leg raise: 5x12

Day 3
Paused Squat: 185lbx3 @7.5, 185lbx3 @8, 190x3 @9, 190x3 @9.5, 185x3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Press: 100lbx1 @8, 90lbx4 @8, 90lbx4 @8.5, 90lbx4 @9, 90lbx4 @9.5 (1@8, 4x4@8)
Pendlay Row: 105x6 @6, 110x6 @7, 115lbx6 @8, 115lbx6 @8, 115lbx6 @8.5, 115lbx6 @9 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

DB Tricep extension: 15,15, 12 @35lb

Notes: As past workout squat felt a little weaker compared to my other gym, but nothing too bad. Press felt good maybe a little heaviar than I'd like but since I only can do 5lb jump between weights I don't think it's bad, trying to incorporate more the press with a pause in the bottom with bounce. Row felt okay.
Day 4
Pull-ups: 61reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 35reps @50lb (3.30min) / Reverse Barbell curl: 30reps @50lb (3.30min)
Plank: MAX x 7min (5.11min Tw)
Standing calf raise: 15, 15, 15 @135lb

Day 5
Deadlift: 265lbx1 @8, 245lbx4 @8, 245lbx4 @8.5, 245lbx4 @9 (1@8 3x4@8)
Bench: 145lbx1 @8, 125lbx4 @7.5, 130lbx4 @8, 130lbx4 @8, 130lbx4 @ (1@8, 4x4@8)
Beltless squat: 175lbx6 @6.5, 180lbx6 @7.5, 185lbx6 @8.5, 185lbx6 @8.5, 185lbx6 @10, 175lbx6 @9 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

Cable side raise (one arm): 10, 8, 8 @10lb

Notes: In this new gym squats and deadlifts have felt bad compared to before, I was hoping on doing a 275 single but just could get 265, also in the back off set resetting after every reps affects a lot on how much weight I can lift. Bench was pretty good 5lb more of my target weight while maintaining RPE, better use of leg drive this workout. Squats felt terrible, I was fatigued from deadlifts and bench I don't know what happened on third set I lost focus.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:22 am

Week 7
BW: 142 (different scale)
Day 1
Squat: 230lbx1 @9, 210lbx3 @8, 210lbx3 @8, 210x3 @8, 210lbx3 @8 (1@8, 3x4@8)
Paused bench 3ct: 120lbx3 @7.5, 125lbx3 @8, 130lbx3 @9, 130lbx3 @9, 130lbx3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Paused deadlift 2ct: 190x3 @7, 195lbx3 @~8, 205lbx3 @~9, 210lbx3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 2x3@9)

Cable side raise (one arm): 12, 10, 10 @10lb

Day 2
Pull-ups: 61reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 52reps @55lb (7min)
Seated calf raise: 14, 12, 12 ñ@100lb
Rear deltoid: 15 @100lb, 12 @115lb, 10 @120lb
Abdominal crunch hold: MAXx7min (3.21 TW)
Neck curl: 20, 13 @70lb 20 @55lb

Day 3
Paused Squat: 185lbx3 @7, 190lbx3 @8, 195lbx3 @9.5, 195lbx3 @9.5, 195lbx3 @10 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Press: 105lbx1 @9, 100lbx3 @10, 95lbx3 @9, 95lbx3 @9, 95lbx3 @9.5 (1@8, 4x3@9)
Pendlay Row: 120x6 @7, 120x6 @7, 125lbx6 @8.5, 125lbx6 @8.5, 125lbx6 @8.5, 125lbx6 @9.5 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

DB Tricep extension: 15,15,18 @35lb

Notes: Squats were harder I seem to push my hips up before my chest so it's more difficult. Press was hard too, jumping 5 lb between workouts it's pretty difficult at this point. Row was regular I went to heavy at the beginning so I think that messed up the latter sets.

Day 5
Deadlift: 270lbx1 @8, 250lbx3 @8, 250lbx3 @8.5, 250lbx3 @8, 250lbx3 @8.5 (1@8 4x3@8)
Bench: 150lbx0 @10, 135lbx3 @9, 135lbx3 @9, 135lbx3 @9.5, 130lbx3 @9 (1@8, 4x3@9)
Beltless squat: 175lbx6 @6, 180lbx6 @7, 185lbx6 @8, 185lbx6 @8.5, 185lbx6 @8.5, 185lbx6 @8 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

Lateral arm raise (machine): 12 @55lb, 10 @60, 6 @65lb

Notes: Deadlift was okay I guess, felt an improvement in form, even though I didn't hit my goal weight. Bench press was bad AF, I don't know what happened everything was going fine till today, I think I'm kinda unrecovered. Squat was good, better than last workout, better form and RPE management.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 70reps (7min)
Barbell curl: 39reps @50lb (3.30min) / Reverse Barbell curl: 37reps @50lb (3.30min)
Plank: MAX x 7min (5.10min Tw)
Standing calf raise: 12, 12, 12 @150lb
Face pull: 14 @32.5kg, 2x10 @37.5kg

Week 8
Day 1
Squat: 230lbx1 @9, 210lbx3 @8, 210lbx3 @7.5 (1@8, 2x3@8)
Paused bench 3ct: 120lbx3 @7.5, 125lbx3 @8.5, 130lbx3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3@9)
Paused deadlift 2ct: 205x3 @7, 210lbx3 @8, 215lbx3 @9, (3@7, 3@8, 3@9)

Pull ups: 68reps (7min)
Cable side raise (one arm): 12, 11, 10 @10lb / Cable arm curl: 10, 10, 10 @42.5lb

Notes: Squat felt heavier than I wanted, however the last back off set felt lighter for whatever reason and I used proper form so I'm happy with that. Bench felt a little heavier than last workout but it was basically the same after last workout of bench I wasn't going to try to raise the weight. Deadlift did felt pretty good I think I'm perfecting my starting position by bracing better and putting more pressure to the bar just before lifting the weight. I had to do GPP today so I did pull ups and arm work, nothing special here.

Day 3
Paused Squat: 175lbx4 @7, 180lbx4 @8, 190lbx4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 4@9)
Press: 105lbx1 @8, 100lbx3 @10 (1@8, 3@9)
Pendlay Row: 115x6 @6, 120x6 @~7, 130lbx6 @9, 125lbx6 @8 (6@6, 6@7, 2x6@8)

Tricep extension db: 3x14 @40lb
Incline Bicep curl db: 3x9 @50lb
Seated calf raise: 15, 14, 12 @100lb
Abdominal crunch: 4x10 @10lb

Notes: Paused squats felt better today, better form I didn't push my hips first like past workouts and RPE was good, I could've gone a little heavier the first two sets but I wanted to practice my form first. Press felt awesome, the single was way easier than past workout it went super smooth, the back off set did was a little heavier I had to grind that last rep. Row felt the same, I went a little over the third set because the set before was kinda easy. Again I had to do more GPP stuff.

Day 5
Deadlift: 275lbx1 @7.5, 280x1 @8.5, 265lbx3 @9 (1@8 3@9)
Bench: 145lbx1 @8, 140lbx3 @9.5 (1@8, 3@9)
Beltless squat: 180lbx6 @6.5, 185lbx6 @7, 190lbx6 @8.5, 190lbx6 @8 (6@6, 6@7, 2x6@8)

Pull ups: 69reps (7min)
Leg raise: 4x15
Standing calf raise: 15, 15, 13 @150lb

Notes: Deadlift was pretty good today, the first set was somewhere between RPE 7-7.5 so I decided to go 280 but it was a little bit heavier than I wanted, if only I could've done a 2.5lb jump, my form was good, not perfect, but it's okay. Bench felt kinda the same, I did wrong the last rep of the back off sets, bar oath issue, so I had to rate it as a 9.5 also I didn't pause for 1ct so kinda the same, the single was okay I already did it weeks ago. Squat felt good, however in the latter reps of some sets I messed up the torso angle so that make the set harder, that's why there are some 6.5 and 8.5 RPE sets. Pretty happy with the progress I made in The Bridge, will repeat it again and then move to Bridge 3.0.

My progress in the Bridge is showed in the following picture (weight is in KG)
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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:15 am

Second run of The Bridge 1.0:

Starting E1RM:
Squat: 112kg (247lb)
Deadlift: 137kg (302lb)
Bench Press: 70kg (154lb)
Press: 52kg (114lb)

Week 2
Day 1
Squat: 195lbx5 @6, 200lbx5 @7.5, 205lbx5 @8, 205lbx5 @8, 205lbx5 @9 (5@6, 5@7, 3x5@8)
Close grip bench press: 120lbx4 @7.5, 125lbx4 @8, 130lbx4 @~9, 130lbx4 @~9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Rack pull: 185x7 @~6, 195lbx7 @7, 205lbx7 @8.5, 205lbx7 @8.5 (7@6, 7@7, 2x7@8)

One Arm DB side raise: 13, 12 @25lb. 12 @20lb

Notes: Squats went well I messed up a few reps due to going a little bit lower than I'm used to, maybe that's why the last set felt heavier than the previous ones. CGBP was pretty good, first set was a little heavy tough but the latter sets felt easy. Rack pull was bad, I haven't found a comfortable way to do rack pulls, so they felt heavier than it should.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 70 reps (7min)
Ez bar curl: 3x12 @50lb
Tricep press down: 13 @50lb, 8 @57.5lb, @50lb
Seated calf raise: 15, 15, 15 @100lb
Boat hold: MAX x 7min (4.14 min TW)

Day 3
2ct paused Squat: 180lbx4 @~7, 185lbx4 @8, 190lbx4 @9, 190lbx4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Press: 75lbx5 @6, 80lbx5 @8, 80lbx5 @8.5, 80lbx5 @8.5, 80lbx5 @9, 80lbx4 @10, 75lbx5 @8 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
Pendlay Row: 110lbx8 @6.5, 115lbx8 @7.5, 120lbx8 @8, 120lbx8 @8.5, 120lbx8 @9 (8@6, 8@7, 3x8@8)

DB side raise: 15, 12, 12 @40lb

Notes: Squat was good always trying to perfect my bottom squat position, wasn't able to increase weight but form was better. Press was bad, I don't know why did 75lb as warm up and felt easy like RPE 6 then I went up 5 lb a felt RPE 8, really need the fractional plates, my form wasn't the better either. Rows were good, better form and all.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 64 reps (7min)
Cable curl: 15 @35lb, 2x12 @42.5lb
Skullcrusher: 11, 11, 9 @ez bar+20lb
Plank hold: MAX x 7min (5.20 TW)
Standing calf raise: 15, 15, 15 @150lb

Day 5
Deadlift: 230lbx5 @6, 240lbx5 @7, 250lbx5 @8.5, 250lbx5 @9, 240lbx5 @8 (5@6, 5@7, 3x5@8)
Bench press 1ct: 110lbx5 @6, 120lbx5 @7, 125lbx5 @8.5, 125lbx5 @9.5, 120lbx5 @8, 120lbx5 @10 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
3-0-3 tempo Squat: 150lbx8 @6, 155lbx8 @7, 160lbx8 @8, 160lbx8 @8 (8@6, 8@7, 2x8@8)

DB side raise: 15 @30 12, 9 @40lb

Notes: deadlift was great till the 4 set when I felt something strange in my hips and that made the set feel heavier than it should have. Bench was okay at the beginning but after the 3 set it started to feel heavier I think I rushed a little bit each set and didn't performed the exercise with proper form, bad bar path. Squat was okay I was already pretty tired so the felt heavy on the back but they were okay.

Week 3
Day 1
Squat: 205lbx5 @6, 200lbx5 @7, 202.5lbx5 @7.5, 210lbx5 @8.5, 210lbx5 @9 (5@6, 5@7, 3x5@8)
Close grip bench press: 120lbx4 @7, 125lbx4 @~8, 135lbx4 @10, 130lbx4 @9.5 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Rack pull: 195lbx7 @7, 205lbx7 @8, 215lbx7 @9, 210lbx7 @9 (7@7, 7@8, 2x7@9)

DB side raise: 14, 12, 12 @20lb (each hand)

Notes: Squat was good, however I think I need to improve my depth I feel that sometimes I'm not hitting depth, I misloaded the third set maybe that was the reason I felt it light also I got the 210 however it was a little bit heavier than I would like. CGBP was okay, first two sets felt lighter than last week however I couldn't get the 135 I wanted, my form was good however I need to do the lockout more slowly sometimes. Rack pull was great, it felt way better than last week, also achieved to put more weight on the bar than I was hoping for.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 68 reps (7min)
Incline dumbbell curl: 11, 11, 8 @25lb (each hand)
Tricep press down: 15, 11, 11 @50lb
Seated calf raise: 12, 12, 11 @105lb
Knee raise hold: MAX x 7min (4.16 min TW)

Day 3
2ct paused Squat: 185lbx4 @7.5, 190lbx4 @8, 195lbx4 @9, 195lbx4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Press: 75lbx5 @6.5, 80lbx5 @7, 85lbx5 @8, 85lbx5 @8.5, 85lbx5 @8.5, 85lbx5 @8 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
Pendlay Row: 110lbx8 @6, 115lbx8 @7, 120lbx8 @8, 120lbx8 @8, 120lbx8 @9 (8@6, 8@7, 3x8@8)

DB side raise: 15, 15, 13 @20lb (each hand)

Notes: Squats were pretty good this time my form was on point, weight felt as it should have, maybe I'll need to pause a little bit more. Press was good, I find a way to properly perform sets of 3+ reps, will need to keep improving that, also have a more vertical bar path and try to brace better. Row felt the same as last week, however this time my right shoulder felt weaker so it was a little harder than I expected, but my form was okay, I used a little bit of momentum in the last set but I don't see it as a problem, will correct that next training.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 67 reps (7min)
Cable curl: 13,13, 13 @42.5lb
Skullcrusher: 15, 15, 15 @40lb
Plank hold: MAX x 7min (5.22 TW)
Standing calf raise: 13, 13, 12 @165lb

Day 5
Deadlift: 230lbx5 @6, 240lbx5 @7, 250lbx5 @8.5, 250lbx5 @8.5, 250lbx5 @8.5 (5@6, 5@7, 3x5@8)
Bench press 1ct: 115lbx5 @6.5, 120lbx5 @7, 125lbx5 @7.5, 125lbx5 @8, 125lbx5 @8, 125lbx5 @9 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
3-0-3 tempo Squat: 155lbx8 @6, 160lbx8 @7, 165lbx8 @8, 165lbx8 @8 (8@7, 8@8, 2x8@9)

DB side raise: 15, 15, 15 @20lb (each hand)

Notes: Today deadlift felt heavy, try to maintain form and I consider that I did it better this workout, I need to engage more my glutes to get a better off the ground part of the movement and stick out my chest more. Bench press felt good today first set felt a little heavy but that was due to a bad lock out and set up, the following sets felt pretty smooth until the last two, still need to get used to a better work capacity. Squat felt as normal, need to be consistent on speed of descent and ascend, I mistakenly did wrong RPE today.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:39 am

Week 4
Day 1
Squat: 200lbx5 @6, 205lbx5 @7, 210lbx5 @8, 210lbx5 @8, 210lbx5 @8, 210lbx5 @8 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
Close grip bench press: 120lbx4 @~7, 130lbx4 @8, 135lbx4 @9, 135lbx3 @10, 130lbx4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 3x4@9)
Rack pull: 205lbx7 @7, 210lbx7 @~8, 220lbx7 @9, 215lbx7 @~9 (7@7, 7@8, 2x7@9)

DB side raise: 12, 10, 10 @25lb (each hand)

Notes: Today was a great workout, I got a PR on squats, form was pretty good and constant throughout all sets, weight felt light on the back. CGBP felt good as well, accomplished my goal weight with RPE on check, form was good, maybe I'll need to out more pressure for the latter reps, I went too greedy on the 4th set I thought I could repeat the weight but wasn't able. Rack pulls felt lighter on my hands and back, form was good, not too much back rounding so all reps felt smooth.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 75 reps (8min)
Incline dumbbell curl: 12, 12, 12,
@25lb (each hand)
Rope tricep pushdown: 12, 12, 11, 11 @42.5lb
Seated calf raise: 15, 12, 11 @105lb
Knee raise hold: MAX x 8min (5.10 min TW)

Day 3
2ct paused Squat: 190lbx4 @7.5, 195lbx4 @8, 200lbx4 @9, 195lbx4 @9, 195lbx4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 3x4@9)
Press: 80lbx5 @6, 85lbx5 @7.5, 90lbx4 @9.5, 85lbx5 @8, 85lbx5 @8.5, 85lbx5 @8.5 (5@6, 5@7, 4x5@8)
Pendlay Row: 110lbx8 @~6, 120x8 @7.5, 120lbx8 @~8, 125lbx8 @10, 120lbx8 @8, 120lbx8 @8.5 (8@6, 8@7, 4x8@8)

DB side raise: 13, 12, 12 @25lb (each hand)

Notes: Today's workout wasn't as good as last workout, squats were fine it did felt a little heavier than I'm used to but I managed RPE well enough, I'll focus more on pausing a little bit longer since I think that in some reps I'm able to use the stretch and reflex. Press wasn't how I supposed it was going to be, the first set felt pretty easy but then the following set felt heavier than it should have, I didn't push the 5th rep on that third set I didn't want to grind it, form was okay and I liked that I just messed one last rep because I went to forward with my body. Row was weird, first set was good, second set too then I didn't load the bar but the weight felt like a 7.5 this time so I didn't knew what to do, I raised the weight and wasn't a good decision, I need my fractional plates for row and presses, form good overall I didn't use too much body momentum so I'm good with that.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 74 reps (8min)
Cable curl: 15, 15, 15, 15 @42.5lb
Skullcrusher: 12, 12, 12, 12 @50lb
Standing calf raise: 14, 14, 13 @165lb
Plank hold: MAX x 8min (5.44 TW)

Day 5
Deadlift: 230lbx5 @6, 240lbx5 @7, 250lbx5 @8, 250lbx5 @8.5, 250lbx5 @8 (5@6, 5@7, 3x5@8)
Bench press 1ct: 115lbx5 @~6, 120lbx5 @7, 125lbx5 @7.5, 125lbx5 @7.5, 125lbx5 @8, 125lbx5 @8.5, 125lbx5 @8.5 (5@6, 5@7, 5x5@8)
3-0-3 tempo Squat: 160lbx8 @~6, 165x8 @7, 170lbx8 @~8, 170lbx8 @8 (8@6, 8@7, 2x8@8)

DB side raise: 14, 14, 11 @25lb (each hand)

Notes: Deadlift felt pretty good, I made some adjustments to my stance and found that a more normal stance it's better for me, I can engage my glutes better and create more tightness for the lock out, form was better today. Bench felt the same as past workout, I tried to go for 130 but weight was moving slow so I didn't try to go heavier, however I did a better pause at the chest so I think I improved something today. Squat felt good today, weight felt lighter in the back and form was good overall.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:42 am

Nice work, @Sergio07.
All the little improvements pile up over time.

Well done. \o/

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:53 pm

Wilhelm wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:42 am Nice work, @Sergio07.
All the little improvements pile up over time.

Well done. \o/
Thanks, really appreciate it. Things have been moving great since starting this type of programming, and guess what, next week I'll return to my normal gym so I hope things go even better.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:51 pm

Week 5
BW: 144.6
Day 1
Squat: 95x4 @6.5, 96.5x5 @7, 99kgx4 @8.5, 99x4 @8.5, 98.5x4 @8 (4@6, 4@7, 3x4@8)
Paused bench 3ct: 52.5x4 @7, 54x4 @8, 56kgx4 @9, 55x4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Paused deadlift 2ct: 97.5x4 @7, 100x4 @8, 105kgx4 @9, 105x4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)

Cable side raise (one arm): 12, 12, 12 @5kg

Notes: Back to usual gym, squats felt a little heavier than I'd like, mainly due to bar path problems, I was leaning forward a little bit so that caused me problems however, weight felt easy on back. Had to do deadlift first before benching, deadlift felt awesome form was on point and everything was smoother, definitely a narrower stance is better for me. Bench felt good, unracking the bar felt a little heavy this time, but bar path felt good and RPE was on point.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 80 reps (8min)
Incline dumbbell curl: 14, 14, 12, 13 @10kg (each hand)
Rope tricep pushdown: 13, 13, 12, 12 @20kg
Seated calf raise: 11, 11, 9 @47.5(+43)kg
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (4.48 min TW)

Day 3
Pin squat: 80kgx4 @7, 85x4 @8.5, 87.5x4 @9, 85x4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)
Press: 37.5x4 @6.5, 40x4 @7.5, 41.5kgx3 @10, 37.5x4 @7.5, 37.5x4 @7, 37.5x4 @8, 37.5x4 @8 (4@6, 4@7, 5x4@8)
Pendlay Row: 50x8 @6, 52.5x8 @7.5, 55kgx8 @8.5, 55x8 @8.5, 55x8 @8.5, 55x8 @9 (8@6, 8@7, 4x8@8)

Cable side raise: 11 @5kg, 14, 14 @3.75kg

Notes: First time doing pin Squats they felt good, although in some reps my hips shoot up before my chest and made the bar roll forward, something I corrected in the latter sets. Press was meh, first sets were good, but when I got to the third set I don't know what happened, and had to drop quite a lot of weight, however I did the last sets every starting from the bottom and will continue to do so from now on, form was on point good bar path and bracing. Row felt good nothing too special to note about. Also for being sick I think I did good today

Day 4
Pull-ups: 70 reps (8min)
Cable curl: 12, 12, 13, 12 @36kg
Skullcrusher: 15, 15, 15, 15 @ez bar+10kg
Calf raise: 15 @80kg 12, 12 @100kg
Plank hold: MAX x 8min (5.40 TW)

Day 5
Deadlift: 110kgx4 @6, 115kgx4 @7, 120kgx4 @8, 120x4 @8.5, 120x4 @9 (4@6, 4@7, 3x4@8)
Bench press 1ct: 55kgx4 @6, 57.5kgx4 @7, 60kgx4 @8, 60x4 @8, 60x4 @9, 57.5x4 @8, 57.5x4 @8 (4@6, 4@7, 5x4@8)
Squat beltless: 85x6 @7.5, 87.5x6 @8.5, 90kgx6 @9.5, 87.5x6 @9 (6@7, 6@8, 2x6@9)

Cable side raise (one arm): 10, 10, 10 @3.75kg(ON)

Notes: Deadlift felt good form was okay, in the last set I did felt a bit of lower back rounding, however, with a closer stance I've been able to correct that and engage my glutes more. Bench felt pretty good, although I could maintain RPE throughout the sets I felt that my form was good a today I did a better pause at the chest. Squat didn't felt so good, from the first working set I felt that I wasn't focused I was dive-bombing in the descent which made a harder ascend, I felt better form in the last set although I messed one rep because I pushed my hips too far, I guess its because I haven't practiced beltless squat since a long time. Good workout overall.

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Re: Getting Things Done


Post by Sergio07 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:13 am

Week 6 (Been a while since I don't post)
BW: 144.8
Day 1
Squat: 107.5x1 @8, 97.5kgx4 @8.5, 97.5x4 @8, 97.5x4 @8 (1@8, 3x4@8)
Paused bench 3ct: 55x3 @7, 57.5x3 @8, 60kgx3 @~9, 60kgx3 @9, 60x3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Paused deadlift 2ct: 100x4 @7.5, 105kgx4 @8.5, 107.5x4 @9.5, x4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 2x4@9)

Cable side raise (one arm): 11, 11, 9 @3.75kg(ON)

Notes: Squats, they felt good although I think I need to improve in getting a better depth, I'm getting just to parallel, I decided to play with stance width today and found that a closer stance is better to perform a more controlled descent and therefore an easier ascent. Bench felt really good today, I added more weight to the bar than I was expecting, form was okay, I felt a better leg drive I the latter sets, also a good pause, didn't rush any rep. Deadlift did felt a little heavy, I felt my back weaker today due to being a little tired and sore from Saturday, comp deadlift, workout, I let my back round a little bit in the last reps and also make shorter pauses in some reps, wasn't too good today.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 72 reps (8min)
Barbell curl: 12, 12, 12, 12 @25kg
Tricep overhead extension: 15, 15, 14, 13 @18kg
Leg press calf raise: 15 @120kg, 12, 11 @140kg
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.10 min TW)

Day 3
Pin Squat: 80x3 @7, 82.5x3 @8, 85kgx3 @9, 82.5x3 @9, 81x3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Press: 43.5kgx1 @7.5, 40x4 @8, 40x4 @8, 40x4 @8, 40x4 @8 (1@8, 4x4@8)
Pendlay Row: 55x6 @6.5, 56.5x6 @7, 58.5kgx6 @8.5, 57.5x6 @8.5, 57.5x6 @8, 57.5x6 @9 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

Cable side raise: 10, 10, 10 @3.75kg(ON)

Notes: After Monday's workout and filming myself I realized that I wasn't hitting depth properly I decided today I was going to focus on that and so I did, I set the pins on a position where I was below parallel and focused on a good descending, bracing and pausing on the pins to get used to hit depth, the felt way better than last workout. Press was good, I went for that single and felt easy, didn't go for more I didn't want to push too much, back off sets felt great and easy, now I'm pausing all reps in the chest, without any bouncing, and it felt better I was more focused to do properly each rep. Row felt easy first sets, however, I think I push it too much and I was off with RPE, need to focus on that and also start using a more strict approach to the movement, I think sometimes I'm using some momentum and that's not right. Lateral raise I did fewer reps because I decided to properly do a mind- muscle connection and feel good the movement.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 79 reps (8min)
Reverse Barbell Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15 @ez bar+10kg
Skullcrusher: 12, 12, 11, 9 @ez bar+15kg
Calf raise: 15, 13, 12 @100kg
Plank hold: MAX x 8min (6.00 TW)

Day 5
Deadlift: 132.5kgx1 @8, 120x4 @8, 121x4 @8.5, 120x4 @8.5 (1@8 3x4@8)
Bench: 65kgx1 @8, 61x4 @9, 60x4 @8, 60x4 @8, 60x4 @8 (1@8, 4x4@8)
Beltless squat: 80x6 @6, 82.5x6 @7, 85kgx6 @8.5, 85x5 @10, 82.5x6 @8.5, 80x6 @8 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

Delt machine: 10, 8 @27.5kg 10 @25kg

Notes: Deadlift felt pretty good, all warm-ups felt easy and smooth, I filmed myself and did better form than paused deadlifts on Monday, I set my lower back properly achieving a flatter back and a better pull off the floor, however, after the second set I thought I could push I little bit more but that wasn't the case so I messed up the RPE. Bench felt good, I was hoping to go a little heavier on that single however that wasn't the case, in the back off sets I made the same mistake than for Deadlift, I went heavier than I would have needed to, form was okay overall, good pauses, although I still need to get used to the bench I'm using since it's a little wider than the others I have used and that make a little harder to pinch my shoulder blades. Squat were a huge improvement in form comparing past workouts, now I'm going to proper depth, however, I need to get used to do this form always and also need to increase my work capacity, that's the reason I failed the second set at @8, I also found that looking forward instead of downwards to the floor it's better for me to make the bar path over mid-foot and not to loose balance. Good workout overall.

Week 7
BW: 146.2lb
Day 1
Squat: 102.5kgx1 @8, 95kgx3 @7.5, 95x3 @8, 95x3 @7.5, 95x3 @8 (1@8, 3x4@8)
Pin Bench: 60x3 @7, 62.5x3 @8, 63.5x3 @8.5, 63.5x3 @~9, 63.5x3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
2ct Paused Deadlift: 95x3 @7, 100x3 @8, 105x3 @9, 100x3 @~9 (3@7, 3@8, 2x3@9)

Cable side raise: 11, 11, 9 @3.75kg(ON)

Notes: Today I did note I performed much better the squat, I descent was pretty good and the depth was on check as well, I found the right tempo and bracing to do this properly, the single felt as it should have, however, the back off sets were a little easier that I thought they were going to be, since I wanted to practice good form I opted not to raise the weight and focus on getting proper depth, next workout I will smashed it. First time doing pin Bench, it felt good however I underrated the set at @9, I could've gone for a little bit more, that's the reason I was able to maintain the weight throughout the 3 sets @9, form was good and the pause on the pins was good too. Paused deadlift was another exercise I needed to correct, I wasn't pausing the 2ct, so today I dropped the weight and focused on pausing for 2 seconds, it felt pretty different than last workout, this time I felt a better engage of all my back and glutes in the pause so I think I did better.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 74 reps (8min)
Barbell curl: 13, 13, 12, 10, 10 @25kg
Tricep overhead extension: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @18kg
Leg press calf raise: 13, 13, 12 @140kg
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.07 min TW)

Day 3
Pin Squat: 82.5x3 @7, 85x3 @8, 87.5x3 @9, 86x3 @8.5, 86.5x3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3x3@9)
Press: 45kgx1 @8, 43.5x3 @9, 43.5x2 @10, 42x3 @9, 41x3 @8 (1@8, 4x3@9)
Pendlay Row: 56.5x6 @6, 57.1x6 @7, 59.6kgx6 @8, 59.6x6 @8, 59.6x6 @8, 59.6x6 @8.5 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

Cable side raise: 14, 14, 13 @3.75kg(ON)

Notes: Today pin squat felt good, I keep practicing my form to get used to it, and now I can confirm that looking forward throughout the whole movement is way better for me, I feel I don't loose focus compared to when I looked downwards; I found useful the pin squats to maintain and upright torso, so I practiced that aswell. Press was good but weird, the single felt easier that I would have expected, and the first back off set too, that's the reason I tried to repeat that weight in the following set but there I failed, now I know how a RPE 9 set in press feels like for me, the last set felt way easier than the previous ones, however, I don't the reason for that, form was good after all, now that I'm pausing each rep I have more control over the bar and I can achieve a good bar path. Rows felt good, first time using bumper plates so I think that made the movement easier because this plates are of a larger diameter, form was good, the last set felt weird but okay, I think from now on for pulls I'll have to use bumper plates, the only thing I don't like is that those are in LBs and not in KGs, but I don't think that'll have huge impact in my overall training.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 81 reps (8min)
Reverse Barbell Curl: 12, 10 @ez bar+15kg, 13, 13, 13 @ez bar+10kg
Skullcrusher: 13, 13, 10, 10, 10 @ez bar+15kg
Calf raise: 15, 14, 12 @100kg
Plank hold: MAX x 8min (6.06 TW)

Day 5
Deadlift: 135kgx1 @7.5, 125kgx3 @8, 125x3 @8, 125x3 @8.5, 125x3 @8.5 (1@8, 4x3 @8)
Bench 1ct: 67.5kgx1 @8, 65kgx3 @9.5, 62.5x3 @10, 60x3 @8.5, 60x3 @9 (1@8, 4x3 @9)
Beltless squat: 82.5x6 @6.5, 83.5x6 @7, 86kgx6 @8, 86x5 @10, 83.5x6 @8, 83.5x6 @9 (6@6, 6@7, 4x6@8)

Cable side raise: 10, 9, 8 @3.75kg (each side)

Notes: Deadlift was pretty good, that single was easier than I thought it was going to be, back off sets felt good, not so easy as the single but good, my form was okay I tried to keep it consistent, however, on the latter sets I did let my back round a little bit more than I'm used to, but nothing too bad, also I try to implement this new cue "leg pressing the floor" and did work, although, I need to practice a little bit more so I can do it more naturally and don't loose focus. In Bench things were a little bit weird, the single was good and a solid @8, however, back sets did were a little bit off, although a filmed myself and found that my form and pause it's good enough so I'm happy with that. Beltless squat was shitty as last week, I think I need to improve more on my work capacity and also get used to going this deep, I feel that my lower back is failing on me on the latter reps of the set and that's the reason sometimes it feels harder that it should be, however, I consider that this will be fixed with time.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by ChrisMcCarthy1979 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:13 am

Good call on holding yourself accountable for depth - it'll pay off for you. :)

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:43 pm

ChrisMcCarthy1979 wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:13 am Good call on holding yourself accountable for depth - it'll pay off for you. :)
Thanks man! I still need to get used to going this deep always, with time that'll come.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:53 am

Week 8
BW: 146lb
Day 1
Squat: 105kgx1 @8, 97.5kgx3 @8, 97.5x3 @8 (1@8, 2x3@8)
3ct Bench: 57.5x3 @7.5, 58.5x3 @8, 60x3 @9 (3@7, 3@8, 3@9)
2ct Paused Deadlift: 100x3 @7, 105x3 @8, 110kgx3 @9.5 (3@7, 3@8, 3@9)

Delt machine: 13, 10, 8 @25kg

Notes: Squat felt good, although in some reps I'm aware I did not hit full depth, I have to be more aware of this from now on I'll be more strict in this aspect, the rest was good. Bench felt good today, I tried to raise a little lower my hips and felt good, didn't loose tension in my back as sometimes has happened me before, a good pause also. Deadlift felt good as for the first sets, RPE was on point, however, in the last set I felt I couldn't get a good back tightness so it felt more difficult than it should have, I thinks I rushed the last two reps so I messed that up, form was good overall except in the last rep of the last set, I let my whole back to round, gotta be more careful with this, the pause was good so I'm happy with that.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 79 reps (8min)
Barbell curl: 15, 13, 12, 10, 10 @25kg
Tricep overhead extension: 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 @20kg
Leg press calf raise: 15, 12, 12 @140kg
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.09 min TW)

Day 3
Pin squats: 82.5x4 @7, 85x4 @8, 87.5kgx4 @9 (4@7, 4@8, 4@9)
Press: 47.5kgx1 @10, 43.5kgx3 @9 (1@8, 3@9)
Pendlay Row: 56.5x6 @6, 60x6 @7, 62x6 @9, 60x6 @9 (6@6, 6@7, 2x6@8)

Cable side raise: 13, 13, 13 @3.75kg(ON)

Notes: Pin squats felt great, I did it with a wider stance and found that getting depth is easy and more comfortable for my lower back, form was good also tried a new way to brace which I think it can help me to get tighter before descending. Press was okay, I didn't improve from last workout, form was good, I thought I was going to get that single but I didn't, at least it wasn't a grind, back off set felt pretty good. Rows were kinda bad actually, first time filming myself doing it and my form is chit, the latter sets I tried to do a more strict row which felt better but also heavier, I'll keep working on it, luckily next week in starting a hypertrophy block in which I'll be able to correct my form.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 82 reps (8min)
Reverse Barbell Curl: 12, 12, 11, 12, 9 @ez bar+15kg
Skullcrusher: 14, 14, 13, 12, 10 @ez bar+15kg
Leg press Calf raise: 15, 15, 15 @140kg
Plank hold: MAX x 8min (6.16 TW)

Day 5
Deadlift: 140kgx1 @8.5, 132.5kgx3 @9 (1@8, 3@9)
Bench 1ct: 67.5kgx1 @8, 65kgx3 @9 (1@8, 3@9)
Beltless squat: 81.5x6 @6, 85x6 @7.5, 86kgx6 @8, 86x6 @8 (6@6, 6@7, 2x6@8)

Cable side raise: 14, 12, 12 @3.75kg (each side)

Notes: Pretty happy with deadlift, finally got 3 plates and felt good, although it felt just a but heavy than I expected it was good, back off set was hard, I did noticed a rounding in my back in the last rep and it felt a little heavier than expected but everything good. This week my pressing exercises take a hit, maybe due to accumulated fatigue from last week but I maintain strength, today Bench was good, I couldn't raise the weight in the bar but it felt good, back off set felt better than last week so I'm happy with that. Squat did felt way better than past workouts, with this wider stance I feel my lower back more comfortable and able to maintain throughout the whole set, and I hit depth on most reps so that's a really good advance. Pretty good workout overall, excited to see how the next hypertrophy block it's going to be, I'll be starting it next week. In this run of the bridge I didn't quite raise my maxes as the first time that was expected (except for deadlift lol), however, I did see a better RPE management and form corrections. Excited to see how well this next hypertrophy template will work for me.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:05 am

3-Day Hypertrophy template from BBM

Starting Body Composition:
Height: 1.72cm (5'8")
Weight: 147.6lb (67kg)
Waist: 75.5cm (29.7inch)

Week 1
BW: 147.6lb
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 85x6 @6, 87.5x6 @7, 90kgx6 @~8, 90x6 @8
Press: 33.5x6 @~6, 36.5x6 @~7, 40kgx6 @8.5, 40x6 @9.5
Pendlay Row: 95lbx15, 4, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Dumbbell reverse fly: 15, 15, 15 @6kg (each hand)

Notes: First day of my first hypertrophy block, things felt way better than I expected, squat felt eeeeasy, I think I could have pushed a little bit more, today form great, I widened my stance even more and it was good, however I think that if I go wider it will become uncomfortable, I'll work in this the following workouts to figure out which stance width it's the best for me. Press was going pretty good, I fixed my form although I still don't get used to it, in my first @8 set everything was feeling good but I lost balance because my body went forward so I messed up, same thing the following set, I guess I just need to get the hang of this new form I'll search for cues to implement, first thing that comes to my mind is Pressing with lifting shoes. Pendlay row was good, first time doing myo-reps, form was better but I need to be consistent, sometimes I feel that my back isn't set when I start the pull, other than that it was good, also I changed my grip to double overhand and it felt basically the same.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 74 reps (8min)
Laying rope curl: 15 @10kg(ON), 15 @12.5kg, 15, 15, 15 @12.5kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 15 @17.5kg(ON), 15 @20kg(ON), 14, 13 @22.5kg(ON), 15 @22.5kg (5x12-14 @8)
Leg press calf raise: 15, 15, 15 @140kg
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.17 min TW)
Skillmill HIIT: 16min (20sec ON, 100sec OFF)

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 52.5x6 @6, 55x6 @7, 57kgx6 @8, 57x6 @8.5
RDL: 90x8 @~6, 95x8 @~7, 100kgx8 @8, x8 @8, x8 @8
DB flat bench: 40kgx13, 4, 4, 2 (Myo-reps)

Delt Machine: 11, 10 @25kg, 12 @20kg

Notes: First training day without squatting in a long time, let's see if this low frequency works for me. Comp. Bench felt good, I was hoping it felt a little lighter, but it was good, maybe the two things I'll need to work are: 1. Doing a better pause, in some reps I felt I was doing a mixture between TnG and 1ct pause, and 2. Try to complete all 6 reps in one breath, when I have to take a breath I loose core tightness and that make the last reps feel harder, I suppose that'll get better as times goes by, I have 6 weeks more to practice this. RDL felt good for being the first time doing it, harder than I thought it was going to be. I think that I'll need to practice on properly rate the RPE for this because in a set I felt that my back was @8 but my grip was @10, again with time this will get better. DB flat bench was weird, a long time since doing this with dumbbells, I think I went a little heavy with the weight I may consider reducing it next workout to focus on doing proper form.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 79 reps (8min)
Preacher Curl: 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 @15kg
Skullcrusher: 15, 15, 12 @ez bar+15kg, 15, 15 @ez bar+10kg
Leg press Calf raise: 160kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myo-reps)
Knee raise hold: Max x 8min (5.10TW)
Cardio: 5.5km run (32 min)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 110x6 @6.5, 115x6 @7.5, 120kgx6 @9, 115x6 @8
CGIBP: 40x8 @7, 40x8 @~7, 42.5x8 @8, 42.5x8 @10, 40x8 @8
Belt squat: 65kgx18, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myo-reps)

Rope face pull: 15 @20kg, 15, 15 @22.5kg

Notes: I'm this workout basically everything was off, I overshoot in deadlift long time since I did higher rep sets, form was okay although I did felt more rounding in the back in the first heavy set. Incline bench was the same, I didn't do properly the warm up sets and overshoot too, although I now know how to properly do bar path so I don't fuck and make harder sets, which happened me twice today, always push the bar backwards. In squats I undershoot so I was able to do quite a lot of reps and also was able to do a lot of subsequent sets, although I'm happy with my form hit depth in every rep I did. Now that I know, next workout I will choose weights more wisely.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 8:21 am

Week 2
BW: 148.2lb
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 87.5x6 @6, 90x6 @7, 92.5kgx6 @8, 92.5x6 @8.5, 92.5x6 @8.5
Press: 37.5x6 @7.5, 40x4 @10, 37.5x6 @9.5, 35x6 @7.5, 35x6 @7, 35x6 @7
Pendlay Row: 95lbx16, 5, 5, 5, 3 (Myo-reps)

Dumbbell reverse fly: 15, 14, 14 @8kg (each hand)

Notes: Squat felt pretty good, last sets felt a little heavier but nothing too bad, form was good overall, depth okay. Press was a mess, first set was good, second set I fucked my form and didn't complete all reps, I still need to figure out how to properly execute the form with good hip drive and bounce, back off sets felt good in that aspect. Row was good, next session I'll up the weight, I'm feeling a better form in this.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 80 reps (8min)
Laying rope curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @15kg (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @22.5kg (5x12-15 @8)
Leg press calf raise: 160kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.20 min TW)
Spinning HIIT: 18min (20sec ON, 100sec OFF)

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 55x6 @7, 57.5x6 @8, 60kgx5 @10, 56.5x6 @9, 55x6 @7.5
RDL: 92.5x8 @6, 97.5x8 @7, 102.5kgx8 @8, 102.5x8 @8.5, 102.5x8 @8.5
DB flat bench: 36kgx16, 5, 5, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Delt Machine: 12, 12, 12 @20kg

Notes: Well today was kinda meh again, Bench was going pretty good, everything told me I could have got that 60kg, although I almost lock it out,
I didn't got it, a few things I realized after that: 1. I can't let the weight overwhelm me, I had in my had that if I achieved that weight I would have made and amazing PR for me, I can't get distracted by that, 2. I have to remember to use leg drive in the latter reps, if I had remembered to do that I could've lock out the last rep, 3. Don't get distracted while doing the set, this caused to do a poor bar path and make more difficult the set; prior sets and back off sets were okay, I need to pay attention to pause better in some reps. RDL was weird, it was the first time using straps and it felt more difficult for whatever reason, I think I'm dropping my hips and that's making my low back to round, in the latter sets I didn't drop too much so it felt a little easier and better. DB bench was good, this weight was perfect to do myoreps.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 81 reps (8min)
Preacher Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @15kg
Skullcrusher: 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 @ez bar+15kg
Plate Loaded Leg press Calf raise: 180kgx14, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)
Plank hold: Max x 8min (6.24 TW)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 110x6 @6, 115x6 @7, 120kgx6 @8, 120x6 @8.5, x6 @8
CGIBP: 37.5x8 @6.5, 38.5x8 @~7, 41x8 @7.5, 42.5x8 @8.5, 42.5x9 @9.5
Belt squat: 70kgx14, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

Rope face pull: 15, 13 @25kg, 12 @20kg(ON)

Notes: Deadlift was good, nothing too shabby, form was decent something I need to improve is work capacity, sometimes I can't maintain certain RPE accros sets, like today, I think this will improve with time. CGIB was way better than last week, but still needs improvements, form was better I didn't mess bar path at all so that was good, only thing is to know how to recognize RPE, and learn to count reps lol. Squat Myo-reps were a killer as last week, next week I'll up the weight again.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:34 am

Week 3
BW: 148.4lb
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 87.5x6 @6, 90x6 @7, 91.5kgx6 @8, 91.5x6 @9, 91.5x6 @8.5
Press: 32.5x6 @~7, 35x6 @~8, 37.5x6 @9.5, 35x6 @9, 33.5x6 @6.5, 35x6 @7
Pendlay Row: 95lbx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

Dumbbell reverse fly: 15, 15, 11 @8kg (each hand)

Notes: Squats we're good although a bit heavy, happy with depth and overall form. Press was okay, getting the hang of this new form is making things a bit unusual, need to do properly hip drive, sometimes I'm forgetting about it. Rows felt good, form it's getting better than the past few weeks, next workout time to add some weight.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 82 reps (8min)
Laying rope curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @17.5kg (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 12, 12, 12, 15, 15 @25kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Leg press calf raise: 180kgx14, 5, 5, 5, 3
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.28 min TW)
Spinning HIIT: 18min (20sec ON, 100sec OFF)

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 55x6 @7, 57.5x6 @8, 58.5kgx6 @9, 56x6 @8, 56x6 @9, 55x5 @10
RDL: 95x8 @6, 100x8 @7.5, 105kgx8 @8.5, 102.5x8 @8, 102.5x7 @9
DB flat bench: 36kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Delt Machine: 20kgx14, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Notes: Bench was better than last week, better form, I'm learning to do the leg drive and being tighter in the entire lift, which I did in the first sets, last set I did brace properly and wasn't able to accomplish the reps. RDL felt worse, I think I'm going too heavy, although the first set felt good and easy I think I have to make smaller jumps in weight to properly do the exercise. DB bench was good, still getting used to dumbbells.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 83 reps (8min)
Laying Cable Curl: 14, 14, 12, 12, 12 @20kg
Skullcrusher: 14, 14, 13, 13, 13 @ez bar+15kg
Plate Loaded Leg press Calf raise: 180kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myo-reps)
Plank hold: Max x 8min (6.30 TW)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 112.5x6 @6, 117.5x6 @7, 122.5kgx6 @8, 122.5x6 @8, 122.5x6 @8.5
Incline Bench 2ct: 35x8 @6, 37.5x8 @7, 40x8 @8.5, 40x7 @10, 37.5x8 @9
Leg Press: 160kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

DB lateral raise: 16kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

Notes: Really good workout, deadlift felt great and easy, tbh I think I could've gone a little heavier maybe 1-2kg more, but I'm happy. Incline bench was good, I think I did a wider grip so was a little uncomfortable next workout will try to hit 40kg across sets with a narrower grip. Long time since doing leg press, next workout add weight.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:06 pm

Week 4
BW: 148.2lb
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 88.5x6 @6, 91x6 @7, 93.5kgx6 @8, 93.5x6 @8.5
Press: 33.5x6 @7, 36x6 @8, 37.5x5 @9, 35x6 @7.5, 35x6 @7.5, 35x6 @7.5
Pendlay Row: 106lbx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

Dumbbell reverse fly: 16kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myoreps)

Notes: Today was okay. Squat was good although sometimes I felt that I was going forward in the ascend. Press was okay, couldn't achieve doing the hip drive so I did a more strict press and felt better, however almost passed out in that @9 set. Row was great, added weight and managed to accomplish all back of sets, next time I'll add weight again.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 85 reps (8min)
Laying rope curl: 12, 12 @20kg, 13, 14, 13 @17.5kg (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 15, 15, 15, 15, @25kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Leg press calf raise: 180kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Hollow body hold: MAX x 8min (5.35 min TW)
Spinning HIIT: 18min (20sec ON, 100sec OFF)

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 56x6 @7, 58.5x6 @8, 60kgx6 @8.5, 57.5x6 @8, 57.5x6 @8, 57.5x6 @9.5
RDL: 95x8 @6, 102.5x8 @7, 105kgx8 @8, 105x8 @9
DB flat bench: 36kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Delt Machine: 22.5kgx14, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3

Notes: Bench was awesome, this new set up feels better, more tight in the legs which helps with leg drive, need to focus on pushing the bar backwards. RDL was the same as last week, it felt heavy in the low back and hard the last set, next week it's time to SLDL. DB bench as always.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 83 reps (8min)
Laying Cable Curl: 14, 14, 14, 14, 13 @20kg
Cable overhead extension: 12, 14, 14, 15, 14 @20kg
Plate Loaded Leg press Calf raise: 180kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)
Plank hold: Max x 8min (6.48 TW)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 115x6 @6, 120x6 @7, 125kgx6 @8, 125x6 @8
Incline Bench 2ct: 35x8 @6.5, 37.5x8 @7.5, 40x7 @9.5, 36x8 @7.5
Leg Press: 170kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

DB lateral raise: 20kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

Notes: Deadlift was good, a bit heavy than expected but everything good. Incline was okay, it's just that in the latter reps I hit the hooks and it made the set harder, next time I have to put the bench farther. Leg press was heavier than expected, however, I did it in a different leg press so I think it was because of that.

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Re: Sergio's Training Log


Post by Sergio07 » Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:18 am

Week 5
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 105kgx1 @8, 90kgx6 @6, 95x6 @8, 95x6 @8
Press: 41kgx1 @7, 37.5kgx6 @9, 36x6 @8, 36x6 @8
Pendlay Row: 115lbx14, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myoreps)

Dumbbell reverse fly: 20kgx13, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myoreps)

Notes: Squat was pretty good, considering that I've been 5 weeks with handling heavy weights, my single @8 is the same so I'm happy with that, and besides that I achieved my goal of 95kgx6 which is huge PR for me. Press was way better, I played around with belt positioning and today it felt way nicer that previous weeks. Row was good, next workout more weight.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 92 reps (9min)
Laying rope curl: 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 @20kg (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 14, 14, 12, 12, 9 @27.5kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Leg press calf raise: 190kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
Ab wheel roll out: 40 (3 min TW) / Hollow body hold: 4.27 min TW [MAX x 9min]
Spinning HIIT: 24min (20sec ON, 100sec OFF)

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 68.5kgx1 @8, 62.5x5 @10, 57?5x6 @8, 57.5x6 @8.5
SLDL: 80x8 @6, 85x8 @7, 90x8 @8, 90x8 @8, 90x8 @8, 90x8 @8
DB Incline Bench: 36kgx13, 5, 3 (Myo-reps)

Delt Machine: 22.5kgx16, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3

Notes: Felt sick today, bench single was good, heaviest I've lifted ever, first back off set I overshoot and failed, other sets were okay. SLDL was good, better than RDL, however I feel that I can't set properly my back throughout the whole set. DB Incline Bench was okay, however I went a little heavy than I should've and wasn't able to complete multiple back off sets.

Incline DB Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @24kg
DB overhead extension: 15 @18kg, 15, 15, 15, 15 @20kg

Day 4
Pull-ups: 91 reps (9min)
Laying Cable Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 1 @20kg
Cable overhead extension: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @20kg
Plate Loaded Leg press Calf raise: 190kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myo-reps)
Plank hold: Max x 9min (7.24 TW)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 142.5kgx1 @8, 127.5x6 @9, 125x6 @8.5, 120x6 @8.5
Incline Bench 2ct: 37.5x8 @6, 40x8 @7, 40kgx8 @7, 41.5x8 @7.5, 42.5x8 @8 42.5x8 @8
Leg Press: 170kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)
DB flat bench: 36kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

DB lateral raise: 22kgx10, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Week 6
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 105kgx1 @8, 96.5kgx6 @8, 96.5x6 @8, 96.5x6 @8
Press: 43.5kgx1 @8, 38.5kgx6 @8.5, 37.5x6 @8, 37.5x6 @8, 37.5x8 @8
Pendlay Row: 126lbx12, 4, 4, 4, 3 (Myoreps)

Incline DB Curl: 11, 11, 11, 11, @28kg
DB overhead extension: 10, 10 @22kg, 14, 11, 14 @20kg

Dumbbell reverse fly: 20kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myoreps)

Notes: Pretty good workout, although I didn't raise my squat single it felt kinda better, however, I dive-bombed it so I have to take care of that, back off sets were good. Press was awesome, single was good and first back off set was good as well. Row was heavier than I thought, form was bad, need to take care of that next workout.

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 70kgx1 @8, 61.5x6 @9, 58.5x7 @8.5, 58.5x6 @8, 58.6x6 @9
SLDL: 82.5x8 @6, 87.5x8 @7, 92.5x8 @8, 92.5x8 @8, 92.5x8 @8.5, 92.5x8 @8.5
DB Incline Bench: 36kgx13, 5, 5, 5, 3 (Myo-reps)

Delt Machine: 22.5kgx14, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Notes: pretty good workout overall, bench was good, paused were better than last week, I miscounted the second back off set. SLDL was good, still getting used to the movement and to setting my back better. DB Incline bench was way better than last week.

Day 2
Pull-ups: 105 reps (10min)
Laying Cable Curl: 14, 14, 14, 14, 12 @22.5kg
Cable overhead extension: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @22.5kg
Plate Loaded Leg press Calf raise: 220kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 137.5kgx1 @8, 122.5x6 @9, 120x6 @8, 120x6 @8.5
Incline Bench 2ct: 37.5x8 @6, 40x8 @7, 42.5x8 @8, 42.5x8 @8.5, 42.5x8 @8 x8 @8
Leg Press: 180kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (Myo-reps)
DB flat bench: 40kgx16, 5, 4, 2 (Myo-reps)

Notes: Got sick, an upset stomach, however, I perform better than expected. Deadlift, was okay, form was good. Incline bench as well. DB flat bench was kinda meh, I was too fatigued at that moment, but leg press was good.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 101 reps (10min)
Cable Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @17.5kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 @27.5kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Leg press calf raise: 200kgx15, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
DB lateral raise: 20kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myo-reps)
Plank Hold: Max x 7min (5.10TW)

Week 7
Day 1
Comp. Squat: 102.5kgx1 @8, 95kgx6 @8, 95x6 @8, 95x6 @8.5
Press: 41.5kgx1 @7.5, 37.5kgx6 @9.5, 35x6 @8.5, 35x6 @8.5, 35x6 @8
Pendlay Row: 115lbx12, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myoreps)

Dumbbell reverse fly: 24kgx12, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 (Myoreps)

Notes: still sick so everything was meh.

Incline DB Curl: 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 @28kg
DB overhead extension: 10, 10 @22kg, 14, 11, 14 @20kg

Day 3
Comp. Bench: 70kgx1 @8.5, 61.5x5 @9, 57.5 @8, 57.5x6 @8, 57.5x6 @8
SLDL: 85x8 @6, 90x8 @7, 95x8 @~8, 95x8 @8, 95x8 @8, 95x8 @9
DB Incline Bench: 36kgx14 5, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Notes: Fasted training, bench was a little harder than expected although form was on point. SLDL was good. DB Incline bench was harder, need to find a way to start the first rep from the top and not from the bottom without the stretch and reflex. Overall I felt pretty drained when I got to deadlifts so I don't know if to continue to train fasted.
Delt Machine: 22.5kgx14, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Day 2
Pull-ups: 102 reps (10min)
Laying Cable Curl: 15 @22.5kg, 12 @25kg, 15, 13, 15 @22.5kg
Cable overhead extension: 13, 13, 13, 13 @25kg
Leg press calf raise: 200kgx15, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 (Myoreps)
Delt Machine: 25kgx15, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3
Plank: Max x 10min (7.33 TW)

Day 5
Comp. Deadlift: 140kgx1 @7.5, 125x6 @8, 125x6 @9, 125x6 @9
Incline Bench 2ct: 40x8 @6, 42.5x8 @7, 45x7 @11, 45x7 @11, 42.5x8 @7.5, 42.5x8 @7.5
Leg Press: 190kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (Myo-reps)
DB flat bench: 40kgx15, 5, 5, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)

Notes: Deadlift was okay, forgot to bring chalk and my grip started to fail, reason why last two set were harder. Incline bench was okay, however I don't know why I can get that last rep up in the 45kg, although the weight moves fairly easy. Leg Press was okay. DB bench was bad, I messed up with the first back off set.

Day 4
Pull-ups: 101 reps (10min)
Cable Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @20kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Tricep Press down: 15, 15, 14, 14, 14 @27.5kg(ON) (5x12-15 @8)
Plate Loaded Leg press Calf raise: 230kgx16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)
DB lateral raise: 22gx13, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 (Myo-reps)
Plank Hold: Max x 10min (8.04TW)
Spinning HIIT: 24min (20sec ON, 100sec OFF)

Incline DB Curl: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 @28kg
DB overhead extension: 15, 14, 14, 13, 13 @22kg

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