crusting the uncrustable

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:23 am

Got something approaching training started again last week of July.

Easy jog 25:00

OHP 135 x 1, 105 x 4r x 9s
FSQ 195 x 1, 155 x 4r x 8s
Thumbless KB hammer curl 26lb x 8r x 3s

Then crosscut/axe orientation, neato!

Hike ~75lb about 800 vert

Jog 30:00

Sumo DL up to 285x1, then 235 x 4r x 7s
KB 2 clean/1 press/3 fsq 24kgs x EMOM x 25:00

AM: pushups x 114? in 7:00
Chins x 50ish in 7:00, went to doubles for the last couple minutes

PM: assorted hiking (1-2k vert?) and manual labor beyond the usual

Assorted hiking and manual labor

OHP 135 x 1, 105 x 4r x 10s
FSQ 185 x 1, 150 x 4r x 7s
KB hammer curls 26 x 9, 8, 8
Contralateral RDL 35 x 10, 9, 9

pushups x ~120 in 7:00
Jog 30:00

AM: run ~4.5 mi at ~7:40 pace
Chins BW x 56 in 7:00
PM: rec volleyball

OHP up to 140 x 1, then 95 x 6r x 10s
Sumo DL up to 295 x 1, then 235 x 4r x 8s
Hex grip db rows 25 x 12, 8, 20 x 10--goal for next time is 25 x 8r x 3s
RFESS 25s x 10r x 3s

Hike ~2300 vert with ~50lb pack. Approx 80:00. Bit much, this.

OHP 140 x 1, 105 x 4r x 10s
FSQ up to 225 x 1, then 160 x 3r x 2s, 165x3
Thumbless KB hammer curls 26 x 8, 8, 10

Was feeling pretty shrekt especially in left gl00t/ham, proceed carefully

pushups x 123 in 7:00
Glute/ham tie-in feeling a bit more robust with heavy collagen dosing, but still taking it EZ

Hike ~80lb about 30:00 (elevation + linear distance unknown)

Turkish getup 44lb kb x 1, 53 lb kb x 4--nice! Do this as warmup for regular pressing days where applicable.
KB clean and press 53lb x 1/2/3 x 6--start adding a 4-rung to these ladders and mayb try cleaning every rep next time. do these on front squat day for extra pulling volume + to take advantage of better-equipped work gym?
RDL 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 5--OK. Think we'll stick with these instead of sumo for now. something like 4-5s x 8r, 6-8s x 6r? Go lighter of course.
Train axle (??) rows (fat grip, I'd guess about 40lb, about 26-28" long so there's a lever element when doing these one-handed) x 12r x 3s
Tried a few RFESS and nah tbh, tried some walking lunges and felt like mostly quad but that's OK (step-ups mayb another option for unilateral squatty work + obvious specificity)

Jog 30:00
Pushups x 39, 6, 6, called it--was going for a density block but went too close to failure on the first set and was needing to pause in subsequent sets
Fatigued from pressing? or pounding t-posts this AM? seems so--either need to actually autoregulate or stick to fixed rep count
Plan: cap 1st set at 30 for now. Add sets of 6 + rep out on last set to get to 150, then re-evaluate. Don't get emotional about shitty performance and jump ship--iterations of this failure mode are why you suck at pushups and never train them to begin with.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:36 pm

Jog 35:00

Pushups x 123 in 7:00
Chins x 50 in 7:00

Jog 30:00--some left tib tenderness afterwards, b careful!


Chins x 54?? in 7:00
OHP up to 145 x 1, 115 x 4r x 7s
Some playing around with kettlebell jerks, may do this more seriously when we have a gym sesh (5 EMOM?)

FSQ up to 205 x 1, then 165 x 4r x 7s--wrapping my hands rather than just grabbing the strap (per Andy Baker video) was a good idea!
TGU 54lb x 5/side
KB clean and press 54 x (1/2/3) x 1, x (1/2/3/4), x (1/2/3) x 3--cleaned every rep
superset with swings like 120 total

Superset: pushups x 20/feet-elevated ring rows
Ring rows are hard! At first thought 20-25/set, ended up dropping to 15 and then 10. Ought to keep these in the mix at least for extra work.

FSQ up to 205 x 1
RDL 185 x 5, 205 x 5, 225 x 5, 235 x 5, 245 x 5
Row ~7k with a brief break in the middle, about 30:00

Pushups x 129? in 7:00
A few hours later: chins x 57? in 7:00

Jog ~45:00 (with phone call in the middle there)

Wander around in the woods looking for deer

Hike: ~80lb ~1.2k vert in ~50:00

OHP 115 x 4, 135 x 1, 145 x 1, 115 x 4r x 8s
FSQ up to 205 x 1, then 165 x 4r x 7s --might have been a bit much honestly, that hike took it out of me
Trap bar RDL 135 x 8, 185 x 8r x 2s--nice stretch on the tweaky ham/glute
Ring rows x 15, 15, 10
Hammer grip KB curls 26 x 8, 9, 9

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Deer diary


Post by psmith » Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:35 am

Training has resumed after a brief interruption. Plan: barbell-based strength work and easy jogging (increasing volume) until Feb/March. Influences: tactical barbell, Joel Jamieson, this Hanleypoast, Mike Prevost's running ebook, this from Shaf (I think it was first posted on IGX but it's been living in my training copypasta doc for a minute):
This is what carried me through most of a decade of rugby

Pre-season Winter
-strength work
-light running on indoor track -2 miles, about 3x a week

Pre-season late Winter/Spring
-strength work
-move running outside
phase 1: work up 45 minutes of continuous running is the goal
phase 2: fartlek...drop down to 30 minutes, start with a 15s hard, 45s easy running pattern. Progress this to 45s hard/15s easy...initially this took over all the runs, but by the end, 2 fartlek runs, and 1 longer 45-60 minute run. The pace for the long runs gets much harder

Track work, when I had time to access an outdoor track...400m repeats, working to get to 5 under 75 seconds

Practice begins
-'sprint' training (22 meter, 50 meter runs)
-longer fast conditioning. 72, 100, 122, 200 m runs
-change in direction cones, back and forth between lines, start on back or belly, etc

Plus skill drills, touch scrimmaging, tackle drills, scrum and ruck drilling

Strongman eventing coupled with sprinting 50 yards to the event was a very specific drill to demonstrate how you feel playing in a game, but I'm not sure it actually helped..but I would sprint 50 yards to a tire and flip the tire 3 times, or 50 yards to a sandbag, and shoulder it and run back...stuff like that

It would all somehow come together. There was a season where I'd neglect the long base work and I'd suffer, and the seasons where I wouldn't run on the indoor track left me stronger but I had a much harder time getting fit to play

Strength work: 2x/week, OHP and FSQ. Default: EMOM x 10 at ~65-70%. "Power"--fast singles around 80% (though I don't have a tested max so this is really just "heavy, but crisp and fast-moving") for deload. Plus maybe weighted chins 1 session, RDL other session.

Why FSQ? Noticed that quad teardrops and medial hamstrings were feeling it first and worst on steep uphill hikes + step-ups; also thought it might help my knees feel less beat up; also thought that lighter weight and learning the technique (not having spent a lot of time front squatting before) would help slow me down and keep me from overreaching. Rack is OK with straps.

Also need to bring back density blocks for pushups and eventually for BW chins.

Jogging: at 45:00 3x/week right now, would like to get 4.5-5.5h/week in 4 sessions while using HR monitor set to go off at 145bpm (so hard ceiling of about 150bpm.). Use down weeks for squatting (2 "power" days) to bump up mileage. For now, 3 days of jogging/1 day of "roadwork 2.0" (fuck around in the gym using same HR targets) or mountain biking or whatever. Try to do at least 1 session (the "long run" when I have one) fasted, preferably more, per House/Johnston Training for the New Alpinism.

Will introduce some faster training in Feb/March--probably "cardiac power intervals" (per Jamieson) at around 400m (see also Shaf copypasta), though would also consider steep short hill sprints with full recovery ("HIRT" per Jamieson, Iranian wrestler sprints per Pavel) or VO2 max intervals (400-800m at around 1.5mile goal pace with 1:1 work:rest.).

Little or no work-specific conditioning; I'll likely be working through the winter, so hoping that this plus the running and lifting will take care of hiking/chainsaw/hand tool shit. Maybe introduce some step-ups in late March/early April.

Goals: FSQ 275 at 180 or 285 at 190 (not super important so may have to be content with being pretty sure I could do it with a 3-week peak)--targeting Feb/March
Subsequently (April/May): 9:30 1.5 mile, 80 pushups, 25 chins, hike 2k vert in 45:00 with boots/pack/chainsaw (maybe? tbh my main priority here is beating everyone else)

Changes from last year: lower target running volume, heart rate cap from the beginning, front squats, not trying to replicate the job in the gym (at least not for a while)

Issues: left hip felt like it was gonna buckle when I got out of the car a couple days ago. Not very painful or anything (occasionally a little anterior/lateral pain) but weird moments of instability. Running seems to make it worse; I may have to substitute with walking for a week or so. That's fine, i've got time. Less sure what to do in the gym--front squats should be about the hip-friendliest big lower body lift there is. Rack pulls? High handle TBDL?

Copypasta from Derek Miles:
I typically try and frame this through incidental findings. When I have athletes (military recruit meets this criteria by my definition) come in with an "impingement" diagnosis I try and take the heat of of it by explaining just how common it is. Almost 80% of hockey players present with an alpha angle that would classify as CAM type impingement 95% of collegiate football players looked at in one cohort exhibited either cam or pincer I would have framed it through "this likely just means you're an athlete. Athletes by definition are able to do things that normal people cannot so it should be no surprised there are differences in their bodies. This finding did not magically appear when you stepped in the hole and likely we would see the same on the other side. It is what makes you, you. Stepping in a hole and having lateral hip pain can be a normal experience. If you cut your hand 4 weeks ago you would still have a scab there but you would still use your hand. Just because you can't see the scab in your hip does not mean it is not healing and it will not heal. But just like with your hand, you need to move it in order to get it healing right. This doesn't need to be huge movements but we need to start somewhere and right now that somewhere is likely just trying to get you to bear some weight through that extremity."
Also the eternal tibial stress reaction--which is actually not a problem right now but keep an eye out (and keep an eye out for keeping an eye out, so to speak.).
Last edited by psmith on Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Last two weeks


Post by psmith » Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:39 am

Jog 45:00 avg HR 138--negative split on HR (that is to say, HR was higher on the way back) but not on times--maybe net elevation change?

OHP EMOM 105 x 34r in 10:00
FSQ EMOM 155 x 32r in 10:00
Like this format when pressed for time and not working in

Jog 45:00, avg HR 138, about 10:00 miles--much faster than last year! PS it was the hills.

Off (yardio)

OHP 125 x 2, 135 x 2r x 5s, 115 x 2r x 2s
FSQ 185 x 2, 205 x 1, 185 x 2r x 4s
BB row 185 x 5r x 5s
Too much--per Hanleypoast I think this loading makes sense seldom if at all

Jog 45:00 avg HR 141--went out a little too fast and positive split again


OHP EMOM 105 x 35 in 10:00
FSQ EMOM 155 x 33 in 10:00
BB row 185 x 6r x 6s in 10:00, think weighted chins + RDL makes more sense tbh

Jog 45:14 avg HR 139, positive splits again wtf

Jamieson roadwork: 45:00 airdyne / sled drag (75lb, forward/backwards) / kb snatch (16kg)
avg HR 136, max 153 (alarm at 145, as with running)
Not bad, not bad--hip was feeling fucky when I got out of the car this morning but felt better after sled and snatch, and the kb snatching in particular seems like a viable option for this sort of thing if loaded correctly (light KB, one hand until HR monitor beeps, rest until back under ~140, other hand, repeat)

OHP EMOM 105 x 34 in 10:00
FSQ EMOM 155 x 31 in 10:00
Chins BW+35 x 6r x 5s

A little undercaffeinated and taking it easy on the hip--felt fine up to about fifth set of FSQ, then a little tweaky. Monitor!

Jog 45:00--avg HR 141, negative split, nice
Hip felt ehhh afterwards, especially sitting in the car

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:45 am

Jog 45:00 avg HR 141, negative split
Some hip twangs but mostly OK
Was also noticing some medial tib pain last night, b careful and consider taking a down week

11/3-11/4 off, some hiking, some hip creakiness--concerning!

OHP 105 EMOM 40r in 10:00
FSQ up to 155 x 4r x 2s, x 2r--felt the hip tweak when rotating a foot on walkout, shut it down
Chins BW + 35 x 6r x 5-6s
Some fucking about with KB long cycle, don't think this helped.

High handle TBDL 135 x a few, 185 x a few--seemed OK, especially in heeled boots and keeping knees forward

11/7 off

OHP 135 x 2 singles, 145 x 2 singles, 135 x 4 singles--cleaned these, was on shitty bar
Chest-supported row 115/side x ~50 Hanley myoreps

Some th0ts: obviously, training has been derailed. I remembered yesterday that I had a similar experience with the other hip starting like 2-3 years ago when flopping into a bed and continuing on and off until about 9 months ago. No instability but chronic dull anterior hip pain, seemed to get worse with extended sitting (especially in a truck where I couldn't lean the seat back), mildly concerning but I had bigger injury concerns at the time and it wasn't getting worse over time so it wasn't super salient. But it did go away last winter, about the time I stopped squatting and switched to deficit trap bar pulls as basically my only lower body lift, and it didn't really come back when I introduced all that Rob Shaul single-leg work. (When I first got it, I think I was squatting a bit, including ssb work, but I was also doing a fair amount of snatch grip DL volume.). Obvious solution here.

Of course, it did feel like the front squats were helping with uphill strength, but fuck it, trap bar work will be fine, some dumbbell lunges (probably no RFESS but maybe?) will fill in the gaps, and especially if I'm working in the woods through the winter season I'll probably be just fine.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:40 am

CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 3
Pushups 10r x 20s on 1:00
Jog 45:00 avg HR 142--felt aerobically weak (slow, HR spiking faster, negative split), suspect heat + poor sleep

CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 3

Off (unloaded hike, steep but short)

BW 197.2 YIKES
OHP E2MO2M 115 x 35r
Low handle TBDL 245 x 4r x 4s
DB RFESS (3 steps, bench) 25 x 10r x 3s
Chins BW+35 x 6r x 6s

BW 194.6 (fasted, yesterday's wasn't)
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 3
Pushups BW x 114 in 7:00, still sore from last time
Jog 45:00 avg HR 144--negative split but hills were a damn nuisance, only do this every other run? Plus nice long walk to the dirt.
Gl00ts very sore, b careful with RFESS!

BW 198.0 (pre-poop, but still)
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 4
Some mace swings for warmup
Jog 45:00ish avg HR 143 max 148--on the flat and fasted, OK OK

BW 197.4 post-poop, this ain't it chief
OHP E2MO2M 20:00 115 x 35r
Low handle TBDL 275 x 4r x 4s on 3:00 clock
DB RFESS 25 x 10r x 3s
HS low row row 115/side x 60 Hanley myoreps

BW 193.4 post-poop k
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 4
Jog about 45:00 but HRM was going cattywampus so I just used the force Luke

BW 197.4 too much beer and bullshit last night
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 4

off (motorcycle cardio lel)

BW 199.8 yeesh
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 3
DB RFESS 25 x 10r x 3s
Low handle TBDL 295 x 4r x 4s
OHP E2MO2M 36r in 20:00
HS high row 115/side x 60 Hanley myoreps
Pretty hard session overall; remember to use a 3:00 clock on TBDL instead of 2:30 next time, not that I think it really matters

BW 197.2
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 5
Jog 45:00--walk to get to the trailhead, no HRM, positive split. bit congested. feh.

Still feeling the allure of a dozen different one weird tricks and the anxiety associated with running. keep the goal the goal, see if you can avoid taking time off this winter for lolstressfx, don't lose your nerve about keeping training fairly general and letting woods work be your specific training (at least, not yet)

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:17 pm

CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 5
Jog 45:00 + walk to trailhead--avg HR 142, positive splits, hills man I tell you hwat

OHP E2MO2M 115 x 37r in 20:00
Low handle TBDL 315 x 4r x 4s
DB RFESS 25 x 10r x 3s
HS low row 135/side x 35 Hanley myoreps
Calves down to 95 x 18--next time start with 95 and try for sets of 25

Would have liked to have run it out a little farther but I think it's time to move into maintenance mode on that trap bar dl and push up aerobic endurance a bit. Step 1 I know how to do, step 2...still gotta be careful with running volume, maybe introduce a 4th day of other cardio. put gears on the mountain bike so I can keep HR down? joel jamieson roadwork 2.0 bullshit medley? IDK, lads, IDK.

Calves--might as well do something for them even if it isn't running-optimized or whatever, they're surely lagging and maybe this will help.

Per Uphill Athlete "strength endurance" article will probably reintroduce step-up progression 8 weeks out. (no leg blasters though.). On the one hand aerobic endurance was for sure the limiting factor last season--it would take a hell of an incline and a heavy load to make my legs burn without inducing respiratory distress. On the other hand, _something's_ gotta be the limiting factor.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by augeleven » Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:11 pm

Why no leg blasters?

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sat Nov 23, 2019 2:29 pm

Knee-jerk reaction to feeling beat up right now plus the suspicion that it would be better to invest the recovery resources in a little bit of strength maintenance (TBDL, probably) and a lot more aerobic base work (heavily influenced in this by the Uphill Athlete guys), especially if I'm spending a bunch of time stumbling around innawoods this winter and getting used to the eccentric loading of walking downhill anyway.

(Having said that, I also feel like I can't just arbitrarily turn up the dial for aerobic base volume, at least not while staying reasonably task-specific--running injuries will be the limiting factor and it's difficult to get into the right heart rate zone with a ruck, too easy on the flat and too hard on the hills. Maybe this is a place for that "aerobic + alactic" kettlebell work, very easy crisp + explosive sets on the minute for up to an hour, that they're shilling over at Strongfirst lately. Iono.).

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sun Nov 24, 2019 10:54 am

Interesting reading from Uphill Athlete:
Muscular endurance ... -train-it/
More muscular endurance, and a nerdy smarty-pants rationale for leg blasters? ... endurance/ I like the idea of a more rigorous aerobic self-assessment than MAF, but the trouble with this is that you have to pick a pace first and see whether it's aerobic afterwards.

Sales pitches/client reports: ... robic-way/ ... endurance/

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sat Nov 30, 2019 12:28 pm

CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 5
Jog 45:00 + walk to trailhead--avg HR 142, positive splits, hills man I tell you hwat

OHP E2MO2M 115 x 37r in 20:00
Low handle TBDL 315 x 4r x 4s
DB RFESS 25 x 10r x 3s
HS low row 135/side x 35 Hanley myoreps
Calves down to 95 x 18--next time start with 95 and try for sets of 25

Trail work about 4-5 hours; hard enough to log, probably exceeded MAF HR, but not particularly crushing as a session.

BW 196.6
Hands a bit sore from smashing hardpan--consider implementing rice digs and maybe the magic barbell finger rolls
Jog 60:00 + walk to trailhead--avg HR 141, even splits, meh

OHP 125 x 1, (135 x 1 / 145 x 1) x 3? Maybe 4?
Low handle TBDL 295 x 1, (315 x 1 / 335 x 1) x 3
DB RFESS 35 x 10r x 3s, slightly shorter stance for more quad
HS high row 90/side x 10, 135/side x 10r x 3s superset with calves 95lb x 10r x 3s, x 12r
Farted around some cleaning and pressing the 32kg kb
Groin felt good but started hurting after calf work, lolwut

BW 197.8 under theoretically optimum conditions, sheeit

Jog 60:00 avg HR 141, dunno if it was the easier lifting or the colder weather or finally getting up to an hour at a time but HR seemed a lot more stable at lower levels, good!

Jog 60:00 avg HR 140, flat hardpan, felt OK--would like a wider shoe than my current road shoes, try old Altra Paradigms next time

OHP 125, 135, 145, 155, 135 x 3-4 singles
Low handle TBDL 295, 295, 315, 335, 335, 345
DB RFESS 35 x 10r x 3s
HS low row 135/side x 40 Hanley myoreps
Calves 95 x 20, 16, 15
Caffeinated and citrullined but fasted, BBing stuff was hard. TBDL also felt a little fucky, truth be told--not sure whether this was fasting or aftereffects of yesterday's concrete run or what.
Also did some therapeutic grip with the donut.

BW 197.2, time for a couple days of OMAD
Jog 60:00, avg HR 142, dirt + hills + mud, positive splits
CoC sport (1/2/3/4/5) x 3, some therapeutic grip with the donut

Successful 20/4 fast but need to cut down on the snax

BW 197.2 again
MTB about 45:00, spiked heart rate some but tried to focus on technical practice
Gym: TGU 54 x 1, 72 x 1r x 5s each side
20:00 row trying to keep HR capped, slowest training pace ever
About 10:00 of OALC with 35lb, HR cap
About 10:00 of snatch with 35lb, HR cap

Life hack: replace all lifting with kettlebell work and bodyweight to make yourself feel like you're doing something without incurring the stress of actually lifting. (I once heard it claimed that Donnie Thompson's fondness for kettlebells is more or less based on this.).

A little pessimistic about where I am now relative to where I was this time last year, though weigh-ins then were postworkout and on a different scale, gym lifts don't matter and mine are fine anyway, and the real trick is going to be increasing running volume without incurring a stress fracture and having to spend January and February going back and forth between the airdyne and the erg for 2 hours per session.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:40 pm

Off (planned anyway, but some shin pain; worrying!)

Feet up BP 135 x 5 x 5
FSQ 135 x 5 145 x 5, 155 x 5r x 3s
Chins BW x 12, 12, 12, 6 superset with
Calves 95lb x 20, 18, 18
Need to move to density blocks on the chins. thought that the front squats would spare the tibiae (less overall weight), same with bench--and may be right! groin felt fine.

Low-impact medley x ~75:00
Competition kettlebells are nice; shame the rest of this was GHEY
Grip? I think?

Row 15:00
Jog ~45:00
KB swings ~15:00 (intermittent, HR cap)
OK, but b careful--swings were dumb (some groin ache, etc)
Grip, don't remember what

Feet up BP 135 x 3r x 10s EMOM
Low handle TBDL 255 x 5, 275 x 5r x 4s E2MO2M
Chins/calves Hanley myorep superset x ~12:00

Row 15:00
Jog ~45:00
Row 15:00
HR cap 148; weird spikes all over the place during the jog, only partly explained by the wasp sting halfway through
CoC trainer x 3r x 5s

Row 20:00
Jog ~45:00
KB long cycle practice ~10-15 min (inspired by Denis Vasilev videos, trying to cap heart rate but whatever)
Row 20:00
CoC trainer x 3r x 4s

I think we're still on the right side of the predictive processing curve w/r/t shin pain, but b careful! Compression sleeves outside of the workout seem to help. The row-then-run setup seems to keep my heart rate much higher at a much slower running pace--still more specific to running than the Airdyne or whatever, but lower impact than just running. (cf bodybuilder strategy of "pre-exhausting" the quads or delts or whatever.). Not sure why this works but might stick with it. Need to use low stroke rate and very low drag factor to row with HR under MAF cap, but it can be done.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:31 pm

12/8-12/9: off

Feet up bench EMOM 135 x 38 in 10:00
FSQ started as EMOM then not 155 x 26 in about 11:00
Chins/calves superset: no calf pump at all and tweaked left tricep/lat, fugg this

Pretty sure that conditioning/wind, body comp/BW, and front squat strength have all simultaneously gone in the wrong direction. Or it's just one of those days. Would like to go to a little bit of bodyweight and KB fluff and a lot of running, but gotta be careful about titrating up running load, as we see, and it'll be helpful to keep some pulldowns around for a bit to rehab the lat/tricep, probably. Well, first see what gym (and gym access) look like at new duty station, and how demanding the day job actually is, and maybe then start making decisions.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:07 pm

Jog 60:00--HR very low at first, try warming up with rower again? See how lat tolerates
A few very easy rehab pulldowns

BW 193.4 OK (new scale, but just shoot for 175 instead of 180)
Jog 60:00

BW 195.8
Feet up bench EMOM 135 x 40 in 10:00
45lb weight vest RFESS x 20, 20, 15, I think? Shitty anyway
Rehab pulldowns


BW 191.8, prolly just creatine whoosh but hell, I'll take it
CoC trainer x (1/2/3) x 4

Rehab pulldowns
Feet up bench EMOM 145 x 30 in 10:00
Snatch grip DL 185 x 4 x 4--fuck this lift, time to buy trap bar
A couple of sandbag getups with punching bag--the feel is all wrong but might bring my old sandbag from home
Andrew Read calf drops

BW 192.2
CoC trainer x 1/2/3, 1/2/3/4, 1/2/3 x 2

Jog 1hr, big positive split, no good! Start easier!

BW 193.2
CoC ladders? think so

BW 191.8
Jog 1hr, HR monitor shat the bed so no idea about HR

BW 193, yikes
CoC trainer x (1/2/3) x 5
Chins/dips BW 5/5 r x 6 on 1:30 clock
FSQ 145 x 4r x 5s?
Row 45:00 with a stretch break in the middle

Notes: HRM is kill, so tried covering the monitor and enforcing nose-breathing on the row. Average about 2:32/500m at 16spm, which is slower than I average even with the HRM and considerably slower than I've ever heard of anyone training--I think even the 90yo guys on the C2 forum do their steady state faster. On the other hand, I sure felt fresh afterwards.

BW 193
Jog 1hr fasted, enforced nose breathing, positive split--elevation gain/loss?
(Will start mentioning in log when stuff was fasted, some have been, some haven't.).

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:45 am

Last training of 2019 and some rambling

CoC trainer x 1/2/3, (1/2/3/4) x 3
Jog 1hr fasted

Chins/dips: aborted, shoulder pain. Go back to OHP for a few weeks and then figure out what you're gonna do.
TBDL: 275 x 4 x 4, 3:00 clock

CoC trainer x (1/2/3/4) x 4
EZ row 45:00 with stretch break, pace actually fell off a touch in second half (but it was warmer and I had my shirt on), IDK
Some easy commute-type cycling

CoC trainer x 1/2/3, 1/2/3/4
Bit of walking

CoC trainer x 1/2/3/4 x 5 (maybe 6?)
Jog 1hr fasted--on hills plus walk to/from trailhead so lots of walking. negative split.

CoC sport: warmup
OHP 95 x 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7
Low handle TBDL 275 x 4, 305 x 1, 275 x 4r x 4s
Calves 135 x 10, 15+5+5+5

CoC trainer 1/2/3/4 x 4
Jog 60:00 ez, lots of hills, slowed me down--good!

Notes: ... dy#p495738 interesting! And I have a sandbag (only ~80lb, but room to load heavier.). But is this really an improvement over step-ups/stair climbs with a ruck? Well, it'd be something new, and I wouldn't have to worry about carting my nice pack up from my folks' place, but I wouldn't be able to get the same volume in. I dunno.

Dips goal not looking so great (I also suspect a bone bruise/small fracture in right wrist, wearing a brace and taking it easy on the upper body work for a week or so, then reevaluate). What about ... 35#p888935 for pushups? Dunno if it'll work but I dug up some of my old bands in case I feel like giving it a whirl.

Quad-focused pull with only a straight bar and without the general unpleasantness of full snatch grip--try semi snatch grip from a deficit? Shins touching = knees farther forward.

Obvious approach to HR drift test (that didn't occur to me before) is like "single @ RPE8"--you know about where it's supposed to be, use MAF or something as an anchor if you're starting from scratch. Will replace HR monitor and try on stairmaster probably next week at 150, if that goes well maybe same thing at 160 in 4-6 weeks.

Shin starting to feel not quite right--suspect mostly poor sleep/debauchery rather than running per se, but will monitor, keep using calf sleeves, and generally b careful. This is a damn fool injury but IDK what to do about it that I haven't already done. (Go into a different line of work, give up running goals.).

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Re: The story so far


Post by psmith » Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:35 am

1/1-1/2 off

1/3 Jog 60:00 hilly, fasted

1/4-1/5 off

HB squat 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 5r x 2s
BB calf raise 135 x 10, 12, 16
Good quad burn during the squats but this might have been pre-exhaustion from empty bar split squats in warmup. DOMS mostly in gl00ts, not what I was going for--also need to figure out how to do BB calf work without killing myself

1/7 was gonna row but shitcanned it

1/8 off

BW 189.2
HBBS 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5 x 3
BB calf raise 135 x 15, 18, 21
Row 30:00 @135 watts, 16spm--wrist is fine but use HRM next time

BW 188.8
Jog 60:00 fasted, avg HR 146? Bit slow but it was very cold

BW 187.8
Jog 60:00 fasted, avg HR 145--pacing felt a little better, but watch the shins
Moto cardio (srsly not sure whether this is fatiguing enough or has enough of a training effect to be worth logging. on the one hand, lol moto cardio. on the other hand, it's a big heavy bike on steep trails, I was sweating pretty good in the cold and got a good quad burn on the downhill, idk)

BW 188.6
Jog 60:00 fasted, avg HR 145
Moto cardio

BW 188.4
HBBS 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5r x 3s
BB calf raise 135 x 18, 21, 24
DB rows 55 x 10, 70 x 10, 10, 20
Moto cardio

BW 187
Row 75:00, 120w/16spm/100df target, stretch/bathroom breaks at 25:00 intervals
Moto cardio

1/15 off--the 14th may have been a bit much

BW 188

OHP bar x 10r x 3s, 95 x 5r x 3s
HBBS 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 5, 195 x 5
Calves from higher deficit 135 x 15, 18, 13
Cable rows 150 x 10, 15, 15
Rubber donut thing rehab grip


On track with running goal for now. About the same bodyweight as this time last year, slightly weaker, but still running instead of doing low-impact stuff. So the goal has worked well so far. Plan was to jump to 4 hours next month, then 5 ~6 weeks after that. However, I think I'll add a long uphill hike instead of another hour's run--I've identified a promising hill, will give it a whirl next month and see if I can get my heart rate into the 140-150 range for an hour plus on the walk up, and of course there's the walk down. More specific, lower impact. Might either substitute for the long run when I have a long run or for one of the hour runs, we'll see how long it takes.

Upper body goals have obviously been derailed by the wrist. Easing back into it and may shoot for 5-6k total pushups instead of 3k total dips for greater specificity (to group PT) and less shoulder fuckery. Likewise grip.

No HR drift test so far because no functioning stairmaster or treadmill. Whatever, maybe try in 6 weeks if there's one around.

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Re: crusting the uncrustable


Post by psmith » Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:39 pm

Same shit, BW in the 185 range, tib sfx rearing ugly head once again with 3 hours of easy jogging and 1 long hike per week but I can pull 144w/18spm instead of 120w/16spm on the rower for steady state without going (much) over MAF HR or experiencing excessive HR drift so that's nice I guess. Calf sleeves seem to help, the occasional shin/bar contact with snatch grip DL seemed to make things significantly worse, idk.

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Post by psmith » Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:28 am


Mon: Leg blasters and maybe sandbag getups?
Tues: jog, maybe asdf ladder upper body metcon (stick with 1x chins/2x pushups/2x situps for now, maybe try the Scotty Bob one every 2-3 sessions)
Weds: jog, eventually some 30/30 fartlek (but only like the last 3-4 weeks before the season starts)
Thurs: jog OR off OR upper body metcon
Fri: step-up progression from Afghanistan plan + 20% volume for the first 4-5 weeks, 18.5" box, boots, 45lb weight vest, substitute air squats for running at the ratio of 100r:1km (got this one from Rudnev via Girevoy Sport After 40)--try to hit the recommended times at this weight even though it's probably a bit underweight relative to actual loads. Maybe.
Sat: long hilly hike in boots (build up to like 3.5k vert), maybe eventually work up to doing this overweight but for now just adding volume while carrying lunch, water, and a 10lb plate
Sun: shorter hilly hike in running shoes, HR capped OR off OR upper body metcon

(Shoot for 2 upper body metcons a week, shove 'em in where possible and try to keep them 2 days apart, eventually hitting twice through the ladder twice a week)

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