Augeleven’s log

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:24 pm

Diet day 301
ambw - nm

3WMM w3d1
Squat 260x3x3,2x4
Bench 215x2x7
Reverse SALPD maybe Baker Pull downs?
62 minutes

Baker pull downs (got a better name?)

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by Renascent » Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:35 am

augeleven wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:24 pmBaker pull downs (got a better name?)
I've seen them referred to as (seated or incline) "Rope Pullovers" elsewhere...

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:05 am

Thanks @Renascent that makes sense

Diet day 302
209.0/206.6 Fuuuuuuu…

3WMM at the Y
Treadjog 2.1 miles in 28:03
Bench 185x5x6 very paused

Deadlift 340x1,1,1,rest, 1,1,1, rest, 1,1,1
Dips BW x 10, 10,5,5,rest,5,5,5,rest,5,4

Cable row 50x20,13
Facepulls 20x15,15
Triceps pushdown 42.5x8 35x15 cheaty, 30x8
Cable hammer curls 20x25,15
Straight bar back extensions 70x6,6,6, BWx30

Total time a smidge over 2 hours

-This was a bit tricky to do fasted, no coffee and on 4.5 hours sleep.
-it was hard to keep my bench and Deadlift so light in public, but Instuck to the program. I’m sure nobody is paying attention, but I also feels like people are looking at me.
-Speaking of which, I caught a lady looking at me. At first I thought that she was checking me out, but now I’m pretty sure she was just worried/concerned/horrified/ at how sweaty I was.
-(sidebar) I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody really break a sweat at the YMCA. Today was hot and I started with a jog, so my shirt was was half soaked.
- the program called for 8-12 snappy deadlift singles. I did a single,then jumped in the dip handles then back to deadlifts. I need a 2 minute break after 3 rounds. This was fun.
- The bro work was for fun. I wasn’t able to do as much work in back extensions in the past. The set of 30 bodyweight extensions completely toasted my hamsters. I had to immediately sit down and then was done. Good feeling.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by alek » Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:11 am

augeleven wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:05 am -Speaking of which, I caught a lady looking at me. At first I thought that she was checking me out, but now I’m pretty sure she was just worried/concerned/horrified/ at how sweaty I was.
-(sidebar) I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody really break a sweat at the YMCA. Today was hot and I started with a jog, so my shirt was was half soaked.
:lol: :lol:

I never do any cardio in public, but I'm always soaking just from moving barbells around. If I'm doing any kind of deadlift or variation, I'm drenched, regardless of the temperature in the gym. And oh god do I smell.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:49 am

:oops: I’m“Diet” day 303
208.7/206.8 I ate 7k calories yesterday, half of which after 11. Diet is a loose word. I’m now anger dieting. More below -

3WMM w3d3
“Trail” jog “9”:1
7 miles in 1:28:00

- It’s the summer and I’m a teacher. My diet progress should be low priority, or more realistically on hold. And it is. But it is stressing me out more than it should.
- That being said: I think I’m gonna crash diet for a couple days to try to get my eating cues in check. Nobody needs 7k a day.
- I went to a park I used to hike a bunch with the wife before kids. I tried going up a hill and booed out of that. App said 120 feet in .3 miles. I turned around just did laps around the pond.
- I was repeatedly lapped by everybody running. Although I did lap some 130 looking people walking their mutant slug sloth hybrids. So there’s that
- After the meet, I’m adding a hill day. Not sprints, just slow ploddy hills so I don’t have to turn around anymore. I can’t be this bad at hills.
- I’ve pooped a lot since my am weigh in. And sweated a lot too. I really shouldn’t be this excited to weigh myself post-poop, but here we are.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:28 am

Fun fact: a couple sets of easy 6s on weighted back extensions followed by a 30 rep amrap unweighted set causes DOMS when not done regularly. Who’d a thought?

Diet day 304
206.2/206.8 miraculously didn’t binge last night. Cool

3WMM w3d4
1.5 mile walk back from the car shop (it was too hot
260x1@9 accidentally touch and go
260x1@10 with a bouncy pause. Probably would have been red lighted at a meet
210x1xa bunch while Inwarmed up squat

300x1@9 moved way better than 285
Ran out of time at just over an hour. I need to do the volume part later, as Inskipped it last week.
Last edited by augeleven on Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:59 am


Squat 225x6,6,6,5,5
Incline cable pull overs 60x15x3

Zoo wee mama

Oh, by the way, these brought me happiness last night

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:08 pm


Diet day 305
207.2/206.8 trend stopped climbing. That’s a win

3WMM w3d5
Warmup to 365 then kids issues
Try again
405x1@ felt like a 10 moved like a 7.5
340x2x4 these sucked. I’m tired.

Bench, like 4 ish minutes rest
65 minutes. Probably my last lifting of July. Tomorrow is run day and I’ll probably run Saturday. Sunday we leave for a vacation. Maybe I’ll get some running in. Maybe I’ll just eat.

Not going to run 3WMM again. It wore me out and I skipped accessories a bunch. When I get back I’m going to try some bone-simple 4 day splits. Something Andy B/ Dave Tate influenced.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:43 pm

Diet day 306
207.7/206.9 getting better at not bingeing, but my TDEE is plummeting. The heat is my enemy.

3WMM w3d6a
Tried a trail run around 3pm
2.4 in 30:56 pulled the plug when my energy levels plummeted. Probably a dehydration/salts thing. I sweat like a pig when it’s not 100 degrees

Night-mill 14:1
3.5 miles in 44 minutes

Left index finger is feeling the extra guitar and bass playing that I’ve been doing. Trying to get it together - we’ll see.
Gonna try to run again tomorrow or maybe Sunday

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Sun Jul 24, 2022 8:41 am

Diet day 308
208.4/207.0 TDEE is plummeting

3WMM W3D6b pt1(a)
Treadmill, 14:1
3.4 miles in 43:40 mostly accurate I guess
Gonna try to run again later.
Maybe try at least one run next week
I need 6 more miles to make my monthly minimum.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:20 am

Diet day 310
Vacation edition
Yesterday calories 3097/3953 cool

Jog, 9:1
4 miles in 46:59 found some bike lanes a trail system near the hotel.

Push-ups, 2ish minute rest
25,15x5 took more like 3-4 minutes rest before the last set. This is a problem and push-ups are now a priority. I assume getting this to 25x4 with 2 minute rests will help my bench more than it will hurt.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Thu Jul 28, 2022 5:31 am

Diet Day 311
Yesterdays calories 4029/3953
Swimming and Busch gardening

Diet Day 312
Yesterdays calories 4598/3953
4.2 miles in 55:14
Less road, more trail. Waaay more spiderwebs. I’m totally ready to start fighting this diet ship. Tomorrow.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Thu Jul 28, 2022 1:23 pm

Post water park

Push-ups, 2 min strict rest

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:02 pm

Ok, last push

Tracking day 315
209.7/208.0 gonna have to do something

A new training plan and plan name
Powerlifting Block & Jogging

PB&J c1w1d1
275x3@8.5? Need to dial in technique
205x3x5 ezpz

Dips BW x8x5
1 min rest
Front squat w/straps
1 min rest
Time: 50 min

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:50 am

Diet day 316

PB&J c1w1d2

Bench, paused 2 min rest
225x3@9? Maybe 8?
185x5x4 super easy
Bench, w/ doubled minis
155x5x4 slow eccentric explosive concentric
Spoto (why not?)

Incline db bench 57.5x10x3
1 min rest
ss w/ cable rows 70x15x3
1 min rest

Trying to figure out incline pullovers
Time 60 minutes

while writing this up
fat grips db curls 15s x23,12,
banded wrist curls doubled mini x20,15
Reverse bwc x10
chin-ups x5 (elbow pain test)

- will jog later, maybe easy hills?
- might need to take a day off eating to reset hunger levels
- in deep clean/de clutter house mode. Please send tips.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:46 pm

Cleaning break for jogz
Hills x4
1.6 miles in 20:26
This workout is:
300 yards up (~90 ft el. gain)
1 min walk
300 yards down
1 min walk

I needed .2 more miles for my weekly mileage so I did:
Max uphill treadmill
.2 miles in 2:42

Tabata 1/32
Push-ups 17,12,8,4x5=57
I had to fight for the 4s
I might add bodyweight squats when I run out of push-up juice

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:12 am

Diet day 317
207.3/208.2 hit my calories yesterday with a large bucket of popcorn! #lifewin

PB&J w1d3
Jog, 9:1
6.3 miles in 1:17:26

Found an interesting new hill to end on…
Not sure why Strava disagrees with my wahoo app, but

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:50 pm

Tabata 2/32
Mountain Climbers
This is probably wheee I should be here. Way better drop off than yesterdays push-ups. The 13s were closer to 15:15 than 20:10. Whatevs.
Loose plan here is:
Squat day - tabata bw squats or lunges
Bench/iBench days - tabata push-ups
Deadlift- tabata swings or burpees
Run - tabata mountain climbers or jumping jacks?
Rest - dealers choice

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:54 am

Diet Day 318

210.2/208.4 full of poop

PB&J w1d4
Deadlift, mixed grip (now with chalk!)
385x1 @7?
405x1 @7.5,8?
425x fail. kinda sad, kinda holding fatigue
335x3x5 last two sets strapped
Time:33 minutes
Emergency poop - will finish later.

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Re: Augeleven’s log


Post by augeleven » Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:11 am

SSB box squat

Leg curl sandwiches
Chin-ups bw x5,5,5
Leg curl W x20,20,15
Chin-ups bw x5,5,1
2 min rest

Banded SALPD
G x30
O x15

Time 30 minutes
Box is set just below parallel. No pause on the box.

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