CheekiBreekiFitness's Log

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:28 am

Block 2 Week 1

Good week to start the block, I am as strong (or stronger) than I was at the peak of the previous block. Sumo deadlifts feel really good, I do not regret switching over from conventional. I'm slowly inching towards the 500 lbs mark (hopefully, let's not get ahead of ourselves). I also really like slingshot benching, feels amazing. One exercise that surprised me was pin squats, in the sense that they are much harder than expected. Conditioning seems to do wonders for recovery, I'm up to 5 conditioning sessions a week now (some of them were quick and easy). Funny anecdote: I was pressing next to a dude who was benching with one foot in the air and the other foot on the bench, using a woman's weightlifting bar and bumper plates. After this feat of strength was accomplished, he promptly headed to the dumbbell area to take a few biceps shots with his phone camera. People who lift weights are crazy I swear.

Average weekly bodyweight: 91.0

Squat 1x152.5@8 4x6x120
3ct Paused Bench 8x75@6 8x80@7 8x85@8 8x75@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x120@6 8x130@7 8x140@8 8x120@6
Pulldown Machine 14,11,10,10x90 7'
JM Press 4x10x55
Cable Curl 22,12,12,12,12x25 7'
Ab Machine 22,11,9,9,7x75 7'
Calf Raise 10,10,10,8x180 7'

Bench 1x115@9 4x6x92.5
Leg Press 19,14,10,10x200 7'
DB Press 10x26@6 10x28@7 7x30@9 10x26@6
Wide Grip Machine Row 4x10x100 7'
DB Skullcrusher 8,8,8,8,8x16 7'
Lateral Raise 10x10x12 5'30

Deadlift (sumo) 1x190@8 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x80@5 8x90@6 8x100@7 6x110@8 8x100@6
Pin Squat 6x100@6 6x110@7 5x120@9 6x100@6
BW Chins 4x5 7'
BW Dips 10x10 11'30''
DB Incline Curl 20,15,10,10,10,10x12 7'
Ab machine 22,18,12,10x75 7'

Press 1x67.5@8 4x6x55
Glute Ham Raise 10x5 9'40''
Floor Press 8x80@6 8x85@7 6x90@8 8x80@6
JM Press 15,11,11,10,8x55 7'
Hammer Curl 5x8x20 7'
Lateral Raise+Pullapart 6x10x14

* 1 burpee+1 chin+1 leg raise 8'30'' 35 sets
* DB Squat Tabata 12 kgs DBs
* burpee+Swing ladder 13 to 1 9'41'' 18 kgs DB
* 5 swings+5 squats 2'45'' 10 sets 15 kgs KB
* waiters walk 5' 4x25m 15 kgs DBs

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by SnakePlissken » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:47 am

CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:28 am Block 2 Week 1

Good week to start the block, I am as strong (or stronger) than I was at the peak of the previous block. Sumo deadlifts feel really good, I do not regret switching over from conventional. I'm slowly inching towards the 500 lbs mark (hopefully, let's not get ahead of ourselves). I also really like slingshot benching, feels amazing. One exercise that surprised me was pin squats, in the sense that they are much harder than expected. Conditioning seems to do wonders for recovery, I'm up to 5 conditioning sessions a week now (some of them were quick and easy). Funny anecdote: I was pressing next to a dude who was benching with one foot in the air and the other foot on the bench, using a woman's weightlifting bar and bumper plates. After this feat of strength was accomplished, he promptly headed to the dumbbell area to take a few biceps shots with his phone camera. People who lift weights are crazy I swear.
Pin squats feel 2x harder than normal squats to me, but the RPE is hard to judge because of that. Even when I pin squat in the upper 200s and up they all come up slow, but I have more in the tank than I expect every time.

Also gym bros in their natural habitat. I've always wondered how people can take posing pictures of themselves at the gym without feeling awkward because I would feel like a total douchebag.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:11 am

SnakePlissken wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:47 am
CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:28 am Block 2 Week 1

Good week to start the block, I am as strong (or stronger) than I was at the peak of the previous block. Sumo deadlifts feel really good, I do not regret switching over from conventional. I'm slowly inching towards the 500 lbs mark (hopefully, let's not get ahead of ourselves). I also really like slingshot benching, feels amazing. One exercise that surprised me was pin squats, in the sense that they are much harder than expected. Conditioning seems to do wonders for recovery, I'm up to 5 conditioning sessions a week now (some of them were quick and easy). Funny anecdote: I was pressing next to a dude who was benching with one foot in the air and the other foot on the bench, using a woman's weightlifting bar and bumper plates. After this feat of strength was accomplished, he promptly headed to the dumbbell area to take a few biceps shots with his phone camera. People who lift weights are crazy I swear.
Pin squats feel 2x harder than normal squats to me, but the RPE is hard to judge because of that. Even when I pin squat in the upper 200s and up they all come up slow, but I have more in the tank than I expect every time.

Also gym bros in their natural habitat. I've always wondered how people can take posing pictures of themselves at the gym without feeling awkward because I would feel like a total douchebag.
As much as I try to behave like a meathead, I always get outdone by them. I guess some people are just naturally talented at being meatheads (I am not).
Last edited by CheekiBreekiFitness on Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:12 am

Today I am horribly sore. To be expected with novel exercises and increased volume but holy shit.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:54 am

Block 2 Week 2

Pretty good week, with the exception of the squat where I failed 1x155 while I managed 1x152.5 easily the week before. Same thing for pin squats, I managed 5x120 last week but couldn't do 3x120 this week. I suspect that it's a technique thing because other than that all the other lifts went up and I was feeling pretty good. For the pin squats I'll change the rep scheme and use the one described below. As an aside fuck pin squats, I think it's a horrible exercise. Bench and Press are going up, my bench is mostly limited by my arms, and all of the arm focussed pressing exercises seem to be helpful. So I'll keep hammering those pythons. I used to hear Dave Tate, Louie Simmons and others Westsiders say that benching is a lot more arms than chest/shoulders, and for myself it is definitely the case.

Since the first session of the week did not go as planned I decided to reduce the volume on thefly, cut out some of the assistance etc and felt fine about it. I used to feel that I must always stick to the program and I would build up spreadsheets and programs and other stuff, but the more it goes and the more that I realize that I don't really need this to make progress. This is something that ES taught me is that I don't really need to walk around with a spreadsheet and a bunch of gadgets, providing that you have your training log somewhere and that you take reasonable decisions based on whatever you are feeling during the sessions.

I've been doing some exercises (mostly assistance) by following the following a progression scheme inspired by GZCL's blog on "general gainz", and also similar to AtS 2.0: the first set is an AMRAP taken close to failure, and then followed by backoff sets at the same weight using about half the number of reps from the amrap. For instance 12,6,6,6,6 or 18,9,9,9,9. The good thing about this strategy is how you progress week to week: you can attempt to increase the weight, or you can try to do more reps on the AMRAP or you can do more half-sets. This flexibility pretty much allows to always progress in some direction (providing you're not too fatigued). And it lends itself to exercises in which changing the weight can be annoying (dumbbells, machines, bodyweight stuff ...).

Conditioning was done daily, although the sessions were hit-and-miss. I really like burpee chinups.

Gym bros are still crazy. Some things never change.

Weekly average bodyweight: 91.6

Squat 1x155@fail 3x6x120
3ct Paused Bench 8x76@6 8x81@7 6x86@8
DB Skullcrushers 17,12,10,10x14 7'
DB Incline Curl 16,9,9,8,8x14 7'

Bench 1x115@8 4x6x92.5
Leg Press 21,10,10,10x200 7'
DB Press 10x26@6 10x28@7 7x30@9 10x26@6
JM Press 17,8,8,8,8x55 7'
Cable Curl 27,10,10,10,10x25 7'
Lateral Raise 15,9,9,9,9x16 7'

Deadlift (sumo) 1x192.5@8 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x90@6 8x100@7 7x110@8 8x90@6
Pin Squat 6x100@6 6x110@7 2x120@10 6x100@6
BW Chins 30 total reps
Triceps Pushdown 19,9,9,9,9x30
Hammer Curl 16,8,8,8,8x20
Ab Machine 15,7,7,7,7x80

Press 1x70@9 4x6x55
Glute Ham Raise 6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5 11'30''
Floor Press 8x80@6 8x85@7 7x90@8 8x80@6
JM Press 18,9,9,9,9x55 7'
DB Incline Curl 17,8,8,8,8x16 7'
Lateral Raise 16,8,8,8,8x16 7'

5 burpees+10 pushups 7'30'' 8 sets
1 burpee+1chin+1 leg raise 10'32'' 35 sets
air bike Tabata
5 squats+5 presses+5 thrusters 5'30'' 8 sets 10 kgs DBs
30 burpee chins 6'18''
C2 rower 2000m 10'20'' 100w

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:43 am

Failed a bench at 117.5 out of nowhere, while I did 1x115@8 last week. I just came back from travelling so I was probably quite fatigued. But then I progressed on all the other exercises for this sessions. Or I just have crappy technique. Fatigue is wierd.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:26 am

Block 2 Week 3

Great week, everything is going up with the exception of failing to bench 1x117.5 while I managed 1x115@8 very smoothly last week. After looking at the video and comparing with previous week I have determined that it's most likely technique related, because I failed to control the descent. All of my other pressing exercises (JM press, Slingshot bench, Floor Press, Paused Bench etc) stayed constant or went up, so it's not like I'm overly fatigued. I really like the general gainz-esque progression scheme that I highlighed last week. Pin squats still suck (did I mention fuck pin squats ?). I could not do GHRs this week so I just did some leg curls, no big deal. Did only 4 sessions of conditioning but I'll try harder next week. I was surprised by how much hamstring soreness I got after doing 200 KB swings in 5 minutes. Will do more of those.

Also I had to travel for work at the beginning of the week and I found it always tends to throw me off a little bit, I eat and sleep less well and such. I've been eating like a lifter for so long now that I'm always amazed by how normal people eat, since when I travel I have to eat with colleagues, and none of them are lifters. They eat small portions, mostly carbs and fats with very little protein, washed down with a glass of beer. I always end up being hungry, especially hungry for meat. It's wierd.

Today is christmas and I asked Santa for a jacked physique. I hope he'll deliver. Merry christmas to everyone reading this !

Average weekly bodyweight: 91.5

Squat 1x155@8.5 4x6x120
3ct Paused Bench 8x77.5@6 8x82.5@7 8x87.5@8 8x77.5@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x122.5@6 8x132.5@7 6x142.5@8 8x122.5@6
BW Chins 5x5
DB Skullcrushers 12,6,6,6,6x16
Cable Curl 30,15,15,15x25

Bench 1x117.5@fail 5x6x92.5
Leg Press 14,7,7,7x220
DB Press 10x26@6 10x28@7 8x30@8 10x26@6
Pulldown Machine 16,8,8,8,8x90
Triceps Pushdown 20,10,10,10,10x30
Hammer Curl 18,9,9,9,9x20
Rear Delt Machine 13,7,7,7,7x54

Deadlift (sumo) 1x195@9 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x90@6 8x100@7 8x110@9 8x90@6
Pin Squat 7,4,4,4,4x100
Wide Grip Machine Row 12,6,6,6,6x100 7'
JM Press 10,5,5,5,5x60 7'
Cable Curl 15,8,8,8,8x30 7'
Calf Raise 11,7,7,7,7x180 7'

Press 1x70@9 4x6x55
Leg Curl 9,5,5,5,5x70 8'
Floor Press 8x80@6 8x85@7 8x90@8 8x80@6
DB Skullcrushers 14,7,7,7,7x16 8'
Hammer Curl 20,10,10,10,10x20 8'
Lateral Raise 18,9,9,9,9x16 7'

* 200 swings 5'00'' 24 kgs KB
* Jogging 18'00''
* C2 Rower 2000m 9'30'' 125w
* Air Bike Tabata 59 kcal

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:33 am

Block 2 Week 4

Pretty good week, the bench seems to be back on track. I managed to get 7 conditioning sessions in this week, which is the goal, so I'm quite happy about that. A compliance PR if you will. The first session of the week was really tough and completely kicked my ass. Other sessions were a bit more reasonable. I'm starting to understand how to actually perform pin squats, I think my torso was too upright initially and I would relax my bracing a bit too much when hitting the pins. I'm still really enjoying the KB swings, something funny I noticed was that they are actually relatively challenging for the grip. After 200 swings my forearms would be very fatigued. My appetite seems down a bit, which is strange for the holiday season, so I have to force myself to eat a bit more methodically. Some dude came to me in a hostile manner about how I touched his T Bar row thing and how it was his, so I promptly apologized and waited for him to do his set, and then I did a set in front of him using only one arm for comical effect. Gym bros.

Happy new year to everyone reading this !

Average weekly bodyweight: 92.2

Squat 1x157.5@9 4x6x120
3ct Paused Bench 8x80@6 8x85@7 7x90@8 8x80@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x122.5@6 8x132.5@7 6x142.5@8 8x122.5@6 8x122.5@6
Bodyweight Chins 9,4,4,4,4 7'
JM Press 13,7,7,7,7x60 7'
Cable Curl 18,9,9,9,9x30 7'
Calf Raise 13,7,7,7,7x180
Leg Raise 20,20,20,20

Bench 1x117.5@9 4x6x95
Leg Press 17,8,8,8x220 7'
DB Press 10x26@6 10x28@7 9x30@9 10x26@6
Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown 10,5,5,5,5x80 7'
Triceps Pushdown 22,11,11,11,11x30 7'
DB Incline Curl 19,9,9,9,9x16 7'
Lateral Raise 20,10,10,10,10x16 7'

Deadlift (sumo) 1x195@9 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x92.5@6 8x102.5@7 5x112.5@8 8x92.5@6
Pin Squat 10,5,5,5,5x100
DB Row 18,9,9,9x34
DB Skullcrushers 16,8,8,8,8x16
Hammer Curl 12,6,6,6,6x22
Ab Machine 18,9,9,9,9x80
Calf Raise 15,7,7,77x180

Press 1x70@9 4x6x55 1x14x40
Leg Curl 9,5,5,5,5,5x70
Floor Press 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 5x92.5@8 8x82.5@6
JM Press 15,8,8,8,8x60
DB Incline Curl 20,10,10,10
Lateral Raise 20,10,10,10x16

* Jogging 16'50'' 2.6 kms
* Technogym Row 2000m 9'40'' 130w
* 50 burpees 5'00''
* 200 swings 4'45'' 24 kgs KB
* Jogging 14'55'' 2.6 kms
* C2 Rower 2000m 9'10''
* Air Bike Tabata 59 kcal

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:05 am

Block 2 Week 5

Good week, 7 conditioning sessions done, ate a lot. On the first day (squat day) I was a bit out of it so I just did an easy single (shooting for @6-7) and then moved to the volume work right away. Actually I might do this in the future whenever I do not feel as rested as I do on normal days. I think that the idea of auto-regulation with a fixed protocol (for instance doing 1@8 and adjusting the weight down or up depending on how strong you are on that day in order to get as close as you can to an @8) is very good for managing progression in a non-fatigued state, but it is not that good to do fatigue management in a highly fatigued state. Namely if you are highly fatigued, trying to work on neural efficiency seems like a waste of time, and you might as well be opportunistic and purely train for hypertrophy and conditioning. I think the following plan could work better:
- warmup and assess how fatigued you are compared to your average session
- if warmups feel normal then work up to 1@8 and follow up by some back-off work (for instance 4x6@75%e1RM or whatever)
- if warmups feel abnormal then just cut the single and go straight into hypertrophy (for instance 4x8-12 or whatever)
Of course this is not an excuse to sandbag your training: 90% of the sessions probably should result in you completing your 1@8 successfully (otherwise either you are always very fatigued and you need to dial down the program, or you're just not very motivated to train in the first place). This is all theoretical by the way, I have yet to test it, so I don't know.

For the conditioning I'm looking to meet some of Bro-mley's challenges (thanks to @augeleven for suggesting those), in particular for the dips and the burpees. The first level I have acheived, and slowly trying to work towards the second level. Excited to see how this goes, I find it quite fun to train for those.

Squat 1x150@7 4x6x120 12x100
3ct Paused Bench 8x80@6 8x85@7 8x90@8 8x80@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x122.5@6 8x132.5@7 8x142.5@9 8x122.5@6
Triceps Pushdown 25,12,12,12,12x30
Cable Curl 19,9,9,9,9x30
Leg Raise 20,20,20,20

Bench 1x117.5@9 4x6x95 15x80
Leg Press 17,8,8,8,8x220
Seated Military 10,5,5,5,5x60
BW Chins 5,5,5,5,5,5,5
DB Skullcrushers 16,9,9,9,9,9x16
Lateral Raise 22,11,11,11,11x16

Deadlift (sumo) 1x195@8 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x92.5@6 8x102.5@7 5x112.5@8 8x92.5@6 8x92.5@6
Pin Squat 12,6,6,6,6x100
DB Row 20,10,10,10x34
JM Press 18,9,9,9,9x60
Cable Curl 20,10,10,10,10x30
Leg Raise 100 total reps
Calf Raise 17,8,8,8,8x180

Press 1x70@9 4x6x55 15x40
Glute Ham Raise 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 9'20''
Floor Press 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 5x92.5@9 8x82.5@6 8x82.5@6
DB Skullcrushers 16,8,8,8,8,8,8x16
Preacher Curls 100 total reps 30 kgs
Lateral Raise 10,5,5,5,5x18

30 burpee chins 5'50''
50 dips 4'22''
57 burpees 5'00''
60 burpees 5'00''
200 swings 5'30'' 24 kgs
Technogym Row 2000 m 9'20'' 140w
30 burpee chins 5'40''

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:21 am

Failed another single at 117,5 on bench. This time I suspect I got a bit overzealous in training my triceps on Monday (did 32 reps of paused bench and 120 reps of extensions) and didn't eat as much as I should have. At least I got to taste my own medicine; see my post above about switching to a hypertrophy session when I know I'm not good for training heavy, and just switched to a hypertrophy session by doing 4-6x10@70% to get in a lot of reps and a good pump (e.g. did 10,10,10,10,8,7x85 on bench). Also I only had 1,5 hour to train so I did everything as a superset.

I need to learn how to be better at estimating whether or not I'm going to fail the single based on the warmups. Maybe videotape the warmups. We'll see. Lifting is a learning process I guess and I feel I'm just getting started.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:59 am

Block 2 Week 6

Lots of volume, and 4 sessions of conditioning done. My appetite is through the roof, but I don't seem to gain that much weight, this is interesting. I would consider myself a heavy user of chicken, bread and eggs (I don't really crave junk food). I did a bit too much triceps on Monday which I suspect affected the bench on Wednesday, so maybe try not doing that again. I experimented with switching to a hypertrophy session (something like 5 sets of 10) when I feel that my top end strength for the day is not there and I liked it. The deadlift is fine but I feel that I should try to have my torso a bit more vertical, I'm still getting used to sumo. On the bro side of life I just tried this preacher curl machine (the Technogym one) and I really like it, will use again in order to work on the pythons.

Squat 1x157.5@9 4x6x120 15x100
3ct Paused Bench 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 6x92.5@8 8x82.5@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x125@6 8x135@7 6x145@9 8x125@6
BW Chins 6x5
DB Skullcrusher + Pushdown 5x12+12x14+20
DB Curl 60 total reps 14 kgs
Ab Wheel 3x20 Leg Raise 3x20

Bench 1x117.5@fail 6x10x85
DB Press 4x10x26
BW Chins 6x5
BW Dips+Pushdown 5x10+10x30
DB Curl 4x10x16

Deadlift (sumo) 1x197.5@9 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x92.5@6 8x102.5@7 6x112.5@8 8x92.5@6 8x92.5@6
Pin Squat 8,4,4,4,4x105
DB Row 15,7,7,7x36
JM Press 10,5,5,5,5x65
EZ Bar Curl 10,5,5,5,5x40

Press 1x70@8.5 4x6x55 15,11x40
Glute Ham Raise 5x10
Floor Press 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 7x92.5@9 8x82.5@6
BW Dips SS Band Pushdown 5x10+10
Preacher Curl Machine 20,10,10,10,10x25
Lateral Raise 10,5,5,5,5x18

C2 Rower 3000m 14'40'' 115w
200 swings 5'50''
63 burpees 5'00''
Technogym Rower 2000m 9'10''

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by SnakePlissken » Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:56 am

CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:59 am Block 2 Week 6

Lots of volume, and 4 sessions of conditioning done. My appetite is through the roof, but I don't seem to gain that much weight, this is interesting. I would consider myself a heavy user of chicken, bread and eggs (I don't really crave junk food). I did a bit too much triceps on Monday which I suspect affected the bench on Wednesday, so maybe try not doing that again. I experimented with switching to a hypertrophy session (something like 5 sets of 10) when I feel that my top end strength for the day is not there and I liked it. The deadlift is fine but I feel that I should try to have my torso a bit more vertical, I'm still getting used to sumo. On the bro side of life I just tried this preacher curl machine (the Technogym one) and I really like it, will use again in order to work on the pythons.

Squat 1x157.5@9 4x6x120 15x100
3ct Paused Bench 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 6x92.5@8 8x82.5@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x125@6 8x135@7 6x145@9 8x125@6
BW Chins 6x5
DB Skullcrusher + Pushdown 5x12+12x14+20
DB Curl 60 total reps 14 kgs
Ab Wheel 3x20 Leg Raise 3x20

Bench 1x117.5@fail 6x10x85
DB Press 4x10x26
BW Chins 6x5
BW Dips+Pushdown 5x10+10x30
DB Curl 4x10x16

Deadlift (sumo) 1x197.5@9 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x92.5@6 8x102.5@7 6x112.5@8 8x92.5@6 8x92.5@6
Pin Squat 8,4,4,4,4x105
DB Row 15,7,7,7x36
JM Press 10,5,5,5,5x65
EZ Bar Curl 10,5,5,5,5x40

Press 1x70@8.5 4x6x55 15,11x40
Glute Ham Raise 5x10
Floor Press 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 7x92.5@9 8x82.5@6
BW Dips SS Band Pushdown 5x10+10
Preacher Curl Machine 20,10,10,10,10x25
Lateral Raise 10,5,5,5,5x18

C2 Rower 3000m 14'40'' 115w
200 swings 5'50''
63 burpees 5'00''
Technogym Rower 2000m 9'10''
Ever consider seeing how much you actually eat? I've been tracking my challenges as a friend with someone else that is concerned about their weight so we keep each other true. What's odd is everyone i know says i eat a ton of calories but the honest truth is i eat between 2700 and 3400 Calories a day because I eat meals and rarely snack on food and don't drink my calories (except for beer).

Before this experiment I thought I was eating an average of maybe 3500 Calories a day which was a huge over estimate

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:20 am

SnakePlissken wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:56 am
CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:59 am Block 2 Week 6

Lots of volume, and 4 sessions of conditioning done. My appetite is through the roof, but I don't seem to gain that much weight, this is interesting. I would consider myself a heavy user of chicken, bread and eggs (I don't really crave junk food). I did a bit too much triceps on Monday which I suspect affected the bench on Wednesday, so maybe try not doing that again. I experimented with switching to a hypertrophy session (something like 5 sets of 10) when I feel that my top end strength for the day is not there and I liked it. The deadlift is fine but I feel that I should try to have my torso a bit more vertical, I'm still getting used to sumo. On the bro side of life I just tried this preacher curl machine (the Technogym one) and I really like it, will use again in order to work on the pythons.

Squat 1x157.5@9 4x6x120 15x100
3ct Paused Bench 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 6x92.5@8 8x82.5@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x125@6 8x135@7 6x145@9 8x125@6
BW Chins 6x5
DB Skullcrusher + Pushdown 5x12+12x14+20
DB Curl 60 total reps 14 kgs
Ab Wheel 3x20 Leg Raise 3x20

Bench 1x117.5@fail 6x10x85
DB Press 4x10x26
BW Chins 6x5
BW Dips+Pushdown 5x10+10x30
DB Curl 4x10x16

Deadlift (sumo) 1x197.5@9 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x92.5@6 8x102.5@7 6x112.5@8 8x92.5@6 8x92.5@6
Pin Squat 8,4,4,4,4x105
DB Row 15,7,7,7x36
JM Press 10,5,5,5,5x65
EZ Bar Curl 10,5,5,5,5x40

Press 1x70@8.5 4x6x55 15,11x40
Glute Ham Raise 5x10
Floor Press 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 7x92.5@9 8x82.5@6
BW Dips SS Band Pushdown 5x10+10
Preacher Curl Machine 20,10,10,10,10x25
Lateral Raise 10,5,5,5,5x18

C2 Rower 3000m 14'40'' 115w
200 swings 5'50''
63 burpees 5'00''
Technogym Rower 2000m 9'10''
Ever consider seeing how much you actually eat? I've been tracking my challenges as a friend with someone else that is concerned about their weight so we keep each other true. What's odd is everyone i know says i eat a ton of calories but the honest truth is i eat between 2700 and 3400 Calories a day because I eat meals and rarely snack on food and don't drink my calories (except for beer).

Before this experiment I thought I was eating an average of maybe 3500 Calories a day which was a huge over estimate
This is interesting.

I usually eat 3000 calories and 200g of protein. 95% of this bro food: lots of meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, rice, bread potatoes. I'm a big believer in the bro logic that bro food is better than processed food, if you're trying to gain muscle. I log everything with MyFitnessPal. Now I'm not overly concerned about gaining weight every week on the dot, I tend to be more concerned with whether or not I'm getting stronger, especially in the 8-20 rep ranges (of course 1RM strength is irrelevant). My philosophy is that if I'm progressing then I'm eating enough to grow.

And yes, I would agree with you that 3500 kcal, if you're eating only clean bro food, is A LOT of food. I doubt that many people actually can eat like that year in year out. Reddit is full of 120 lbs weakling HaRdGaINeRs who eat 4000 kcal ever day (per their own calculations) but cannot put on weight. As you suggested, people who do not count have no idea about how much they eat. Their estimates can be off by 50%.

Also I should have made it clear that my target rate of weight gain is very slow (around 0.5 kgs a months). So of course the daily fluctuations tend to obscure the trend line.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by SnakePlissken » Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:04 am

CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:20 am
SnakePlissken wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:56 am
CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:59 am Block 2 Week 6

Lots of volume, and 4 sessions of conditioning done. My appetite is through the roof, but I don't seem to gain that much weight, this is interesting. I would consider myself a heavy user of chicken, bread and eggs (I don't really crave junk food). I did a bit too much triceps on Monday which I suspect affected the bench on Wednesday, so maybe try not doing that again. I experimented with switching to a hypertrophy session (something like 5 sets of 10) when I feel that my top end strength for the day is not there and I liked it. The deadlift is fine but I feel that I should try to have my torso a bit more vertical, I'm still getting used to sumo. On the bro side of life I just tried this preacher curl machine (the Technogym one) and I really like it, will use again in order to work on the pythons.

Squat 1x157.5@9 4x6x120 15x100
3ct Paused Bench 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 6x92.5@8 8x82.5@6
2ct Paused Deadlift (conv) 8x125@6 8x135@7 6x145@9 8x125@6
BW Chins 6x5
DB Skullcrusher + Pushdown 5x12+12x14+20
DB Curl 60 total reps 14 kgs
Ab Wheel 3x20 Leg Raise 3x20

Bench 1x117.5@fail 6x10x85
DB Press 4x10x26
BW Chins 6x5
BW Dips+Pushdown 5x10+10x30
DB Curl 4x10x16

Deadlift (sumo) 1x197.5@9 4x6x160
Slingshot Bench 8x92.5@6 8x102.5@7 6x112.5@8 8x92.5@6 8x92.5@6
Pin Squat 8,4,4,4,4x105
DB Row 15,7,7,7x36
JM Press 10,5,5,5,5x65
EZ Bar Curl 10,5,5,5,5x40

Press 1x70@8.5 4x6x55 15,11x40
Glute Ham Raise 5x10
Floor Press 8x82.5@6 8x87.5@7 7x92.5@9 8x82.5@6
BW Dips SS Band Pushdown 5x10+10
Preacher Curl Machine 20,10,10,10,10x25
Lateral Raise 10,5,5,5,5x18

C2 Rower 3000m 14'40'' 115w
200 swings 5'50''
63 burpees 5'00''
Technogym Rower 2000m 9'10''
Ever consider seeing how much you actually eat? I've been tracking my challenges as a friend with someone else that is concerned about their weight so we keep each other true. What's odd is everyone i know says i eat a ton of calories but the honest truth is i eat between 2700 and 3400 Calories a day because I eat meals and rarely snack on food and don't drink my calories (except for beer).

Before this experiment I thought I was eating an average of maybe 3500 Calories a day which was a huge over estimate
This is interesting.

I usually eat 3000 calories and 200g of protein. 95% of this bro food: lots of meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, rice, bread potatoes. I'm a big believer in the bro logic that bro food is better than processed food, if you're trying to gain muscle. I log everything with MyFitnessPal. Now I'm not overly concerned about gaining weight every week on the dot, I tend to be more concerned with whether or not I'm getting stronger, especially in the 8-20 rep ranges (of course 1RM strength is irrelevant). My philosophy is that if I'm progressing then I'm eating enough to grow.

And yes, I would agree with you that 3500 kcal, if you're eating only clean bro food, is A LOT of food. I doubt that many people actually can eat like that year in year out. Reddit is full of 120 lbs weakling HaRdGaINeRs who eat 4000 kcal ever day (per their own calculations) but cannot put on weight. As you suggested, people who do not count have no idea about how much they eat. Their estimates can be off by 50%.

Also I should have made it clear that my target rate of weight gain is very slow (around 0.5 kgs a months). So of course the daily fluctuations tend to obscure the trend line.
You're really on the ball. Also eating 200g of protein a day sounds hard as shit. I typically get in about 150g a day and weigh 210 lb right now.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by lheugh » Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:01 am

SnakePlissken wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:04 am You're really on the ball. Also eating 200g of protein a day sounds hard as shit. I typically get in about 150g a day and weigh 210 lb right now.
I find it difficult not to get at least 250g of protein a day. I weigh the same as you at 6'7. :lol:

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by Hardartery » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:55 pm

I eat right around 2k kcal a day, not getting 280 g of protein but I weigh 280 right now, and I've just gone back to running keto for a while. I wish I could get away with 3500 kcal a day, I'm starving at 2k-2200.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:15 am

SnakePlissken wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:04 am You're really on the ball. Also eating 200g of protein a day sounds hard as shit. I typically get in about 150g a day and weigh 210 lb right now.
Eating lots of meat, eggs and cottage cheese make it quite ok for me. But of course that's assuming that you like those ingredients. Out of curiosity, what does a typical day of eating look like for you ?

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:15 am

lheugh wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:01 am
SnakePlissken wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:04 am You're really on the ball. Also eating 200g of protein a day sounds hard as shit. I typically get in about 150g a day and weigh 210 lb right now.
I find it difficult not to get at least 250g of protein a day. I weigh the same as you at 6'7. :lol:
Holy shit, you're a giant.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:19 am

Hardartery wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:55 pm I eat right around 2k kcal a day, not getting 280 g of protein but I weigh 280 right now, and I've just gone back to running keto for a while. I wish I could get away with 3500 kcal a day, I'm starving at 2k-2200.
Are you eating 2k to maintain or eating 2k to lose some weight ? That sounds small for a 280 lbs man, especially since you're quite strong, so it's not like you do not have muscle to feed.

Anecdotally, I found that the diet strategy that made me the most full was: skipping breakfast + eating almost only meat and fruits. It's just so hard to eat a lot of calories that way, and if you have access to some good fresh fruit is actually enjoyable. Now I understand that you're doing keto so fruits are out, so I guess that strategy would not work in this context.

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Re: CheekiBreekiFitness's Log


Post by SnakePlissken » Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:55 am

CheekiBreekiFitness wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:15 am
SnakePlissken wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:04 am You're really on the ball. Also eating 200g of protein a day sounds hard as shit. I typically get in about 150g a day and weigh 210 lb right now.
Eating lots of meat, eggs and cottage cheese make it quite ok for me. But of course that's assuming that you like those ingredients. Out of curiosity, what does a typical day of eating look like for you ?
Bowl of oatmeal and a cup of trail mix: ~700 Cal

1st Lunch:
Double decker PB sandwich, a protein bar, and a banana (with an apple sometimes): ~850 Cal

2nd Lunch:
My meal prep (which I actually weighed out this week)
6oz of ham
400g sweet potato
1.25 cups of stuffing
~1200 Cal
(usually this meal is about 1k-1200 Cal)

What I call "Breakfast for Dinner"
4 large eggs
3 strips of bacon
12oz of Brussel sprouts, Cauliflower, Broccoli or mixed vegetables
~650 Cal

Adds up to about 3400 Cal for the day. The 2nd Lunch is bigger than normal. My usual meal preps are roughly 800-1k Cal and always feature a meat protein and usually a lot of vegetables. The extra Calories usually come from me making toast or drinking beer when it's just me and the dog on the couch after work.

This is a typical work day meal (what I'll have most of the week except dinner will change if I make something more complex for fun. This week I made homemade bread and bought swiss cheese so I can have toasted Ham and Swiss sandwiches for dinner as an option too).

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