Squat Depth

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Squat Depth


Post by bobmen10000 » Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:08 pm

Am I squatting high at 12" box? If so, what should I try?

Been a bit since i asked about squat depth. Not too worried about technique on video below but even squatting to a 12" box it looks high. My stance is mediumish and I don't really want to go sumo wide but I also would like to hit depth easily on my next official meet (likely 6 to 12 months away).

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Re: Squat Depth


Post by BostonRugger » Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:22 pm

I can’t make out the top of your knee or your hip crease because of the safety. Makes it hard to give you a confident call on depth.

Are you competing? If not, I would call it close enough

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Re: Squat Depth


Post by bobmen10000 » Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:00 pm

I will likely compete once or twice more but will likely pick a fed with "loose" judging as I don't want to spend all that money get called high because of an inch or two. Although if you think the hip crease is blocked by the safety than I am high. The c on my shorts is right around the top of my knee.

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Re: Squat Depth


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:07 am

bobmen10000 wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:08 pm TLDR
Am I squatting high at 12" box? If so, what should I try?
Bodyweight sit squats for duration.

You can balance over your legs however is necessary.
If you do them frequently, and increase duration over time, they can really help your depth.

Then of course, going deep on all warmups.
Really aiming for depth on all reps, especially leading up to a meet.
For sure choose an opener you can sink.

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Re: Squat Depth


Post by Hardartery » Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:07 am

You are probably right at the edge of parallel, but the spotter arm does make it difficult to see. The box is too close to you, I know it doesn't feel like it but it is. The box should be a couple of inches further back for a Box Squat so that you have to reach for it a little bit with your ass and sit back for it. You also are just barely touching it, sit down all the way and you will be low enough. If your non-box squat is identical to what you are doing in the video, try moving your feet out slightly and "Opening up the taint" as Ed Coan puts it. Basically that feels like you are rotating the thighs and glutes out, left glut clockwise right glute counter-clockwise. That will give you more power at the bottom and a little bit of extra depth at the same time. In a "Loose" fed your depth is fine.

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Re: Squat Depth


Post by mbasic » Tue Feb 14, 2023 5:27 am

Hardartery wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:07 am The box is too close to you, I know it doesn't feel like it but it is. The box should be a couple of inches further back for a Box Squat so that you have to reach for it a little bit with your ass and sit back for it. You also are just barely touching it, sit down all the way and you will be low enough.
I would also say move the box back, but (butt?) for other reasons.

Having under your nutsack, and trying to sit right down ON it .... its seems when I do this, the belly of the hamstrings will hit first, and stop you prematurely.

By putting it back a bit, and then reaching back with you ass, and barely tapping it with your ass, may allow more depth....and better guage to where depth it. Your knees may stay forwards (or not) doing this, and they might stay higher allowing your hip to sink. I do not see the point in resting a substantial portion of your weight onto the box.

Also, if you are doing this to train depth, and to feel where to pop up, for competition purposes ....better use a regular barbell rather than a SSB. Form will be all different.

My might need to exact right height box to do all this correctly

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