Controversies in Olympic Weightlifting

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Re: Controversies in Olympic Weightlifting


Post by mbasic » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:25 pm


the buzzer: The judges push their red light button AS the lift is happening is real time if they see a violation. They don't "vote" after the lifter is done.

You normally get the down signal (buzzer) when the lift is complete/good: 2/3 judge press the white button at the completion.
if 2/3 judges see an error, at that moment they get the 2nd judge's red button is pressed, you get the down signal.

For example, if during the clean, two of the three judges catch an elbow bouncing on the knee in the squat/catch, the down signal will buzz. There is no need for the lifter to bother with the rest of the lift. Another example, you snatch, but it the bottom-squat you are balancing things struggling, if two judges see an elbow bend, you'll get the down signal before you attempt to even stand it up.

So she jerked it, had the helicopter thing going on with it overhead, and got the down signal ..... so everyone thought that was a good lift.
But turns out it was no good.
She never controlled the helicoptering, so I guess people are saying they should not of given her the down signal. But if a judge saw an eblow lock-and-unlock while that helicopter thing was going on, and say another judge pushed red button previous at the exact moment of lockout in the split (I believe her left arm looked a little soft/bendy).....then yeah, that wasn't the "good-lift,-now-drop-it" buzzer .... its was the "you-just-got-your-2nd-red- drop-it" buzzer.

Either way, at most World Class high level meets, that would've been no lift.

Do better.
I believe: one judge got the left arm right at the moment of lockout in the split.
And the 2nd red-judge may of hit the 2nd red button on accident, just seeing what a shit show was going on during that helio-phase,
possibly not understanding the rules ... or, more likely, just getting caught up in the moment thing, anticipating her drop or a wreck was imminent.


EDIT: Then there's the whole thing if its a meet with 3 judges, AND a secondary jury....and/or challenges allowed.
If that's the case, the lifter should always complete the lift if possible ... because you could get an override on a red lighted lift.
I'm not sure what happens in those cases with the down-signal on two red lights in the middle of the lift.


EDIT2: IIRC, mattie (maddie?) Martha has some egregious elbows in some international lifts (Pan Ams? not sure) and got white lights,
while other lifters had micro-infractions you could only see in slow motion.

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Re: Controversies in Olympic Weightlifting


Post by asdf » Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:05 pm

mouse wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:07 pm somehow gets two whites and a down call... but then a judge changes a white to a red because she was moving after the down call?
She may be assuming that she got the down signal from two whites, but it might have been two reds. Regardless, a jury can override the judges, so if you want to ensure that your lift counts, make certain that the lift is good. Ignore the down signal and finish the lift. Personally, I doubt she could have maintained the bar overhead any longer than she did, down signal or not.

P.S. I'm not blaming her for not actually finishing the lift. She may not have even known what was happening after having the bar overhead that long.

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Re: Controversies in Olympic Weightlifting


Post by asdf » Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:52 pm

The official rules, by the way:
Referee Light System (Regulation)
The Referee Light System is the means by which Referees adjudicate the lifts.
The Referee Light System consists of one (1) control box for each of the three (3)
Referees and a control panel for the Jury.
Each of the Referees must give the “Down” signal by pressing the white button for
a “Good lift” or the red button for “No lift”, according to the relevant rules.
When two (2) of the Referees have provided identical decisions, a visual and audible
“Down” signal is given to the athlete to replace the barbell on the competition
If one (1) Referee presses the white button and another Referee presses the red
button and the third Referee does not press either, the latter hears an intermittent
audible signal from the control box prompting him / her that a decision is required.
The signal is only a reminder to the Referee; the Referees must be certain in their
decision of “Good lift” or “No lift”. The signal should not force the Referee to make
a decision. When two (2) white lights or two (2) red lights have been given by two
(2) of the three (3) Referees and the “Down” signal has been seen and heard, the
Referee who has not provided a decision is reminded to give his / her decision by
way of the intermittent audible signal.
Three (3) seconds after the three (3) Referees have given their decision; the “decision
lights” light up, indicating the individual decision of the Referees by corresponding
colours, either red or white. The decision lights remain lit for a minimum of three
(3) seconds.
After the visible and audible “Down” signal and before the decision lights operate,
the Referees have a three (3) second window to reverse their decision. If a Referee
misses the three (3) second window he / she must raise the small flag provided to
them to indicate a change in decision.
When the “Down” signal has been given and the “decision lights” are on and the
athlete does not lower the barbell, the Centre Referee must say “Down” and signal
the athlete to replace the barbell to the competition platform.
During the competition, the Jury monitors the work of the Referees through
a control panel. Every decision by the Referees may be verified as the lights
on the control panel light up instantly when the Referees make a decision.
Slow, fast or no decision(s) may be identified for immediate or further action.

Should the Jury want to call any of the Referees to the Jury Table, the Jury President
does so by pressing the button on the control panel, which gives an audible signal
to the Referee(s) in question. ... R_2020.pdf

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Re: Controversies in Olympic Weightlifting


Post by KyleSchuant » Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:51 am

A needlessly complicated wank.

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