SeeMac's Log

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:18 pm

21.5" Box Squat - 135 x 15 x 3 (0 pain here. Added another 25 pound bumper on to the box and it seems this is completely tolerable with 135. Will stick to this height for a little while)
7" Touchdowns (higher than last week) - 40s x 10 x 6 -> 0 pain
Standing Ab wheel - 1 x 3
BB Calf Raise - 115 x 15 x 2
Tib Raise - bw x 28, 16
Strict (no layback OHP) - 135 x 7, 155 x 3 lol
Shoulder Circuit - 3 sets w/ 40s and 10s
Hammer Curl - 30s x 15, 14, 13 -> 0 pain

1H KB Swing - 75 x 10 x 4
Standing Ab wheel - 1 x 3
Backwards sled pull - sled + 45 x 40 yards (maybe?) x 4

Going forward for the next little while, I'm going to focus almost solely on bodybuilding. Will still pull once a week and continue my HVLF bench stuff, but the rest is strictly pump work. Might as well make the most of this time when my body is in shambles. Split will be Chest/Back, Shoulders/Arms, Legs, repeat and rest. Will throw some kb swings into each day somehow, with the first leg day having some heavier ones in there.

Also of note, I gave myself some DIY prolotherapy yesterday into my left knee. I've done this before when my left quad tendon was acting up, and I'm not sure if it helped or not but I did eventually completely get over it. Rehab during this period was different than usual because I tore my meniscus on the other knee about a month into it. So, all heavy leg training obviously stopped. Basically did kneesovertoes guy stuff for 2 months straight, with some heavier hip thrusts and eventually trap bar deads thrown in. So, I know the combination of rest from heavier training, progressive KOT stuff and ghetto DIY prolotherapy helped.

If anyone is curious, the basic procedure is 3-10 ML of 25% dextrose solution injected in various regions near the tendon. Some places will inject directly into the tendon, but I am not doing that at home by myself. I buy 50% USP grade dextrose solution, and dilute it 1:1 with homemade basteriostatic water (USP grade sterile water mixed with 0.9% benzyl alcohol). Disinfect the area, then use a 1" 27 gauge needle to inject 0.5ish MLs of the solution as deep as you can on top of the tendon, near the patella in various areas. Prolotherapy has some decent quality evidence for helping tendinopathies, so it can't hurt. I did 3 MLs yesterday, and going to go again with 5-6 MLs tomorrow.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:47 pm

Bench - 245 x 3 @ 8, 200 x 5 x 6, 200 x 9 @ 8
1H Swing - 75 x 10 x 4 (between bench sets)
Ab Wheel - 1, 1
BB Row - 185 x 10, 8, 7
DB Fly - 40s x 9, 8
Ring Pullup - bw x 12, 9, 6

Klokov Press - 95 x 11, 105 x 9
1H Swing - 75 x 10 x 3
BB Skullcrusher - 75 x 6, 65 x 8, 8
Incline DB Curl (slow ecc) - 30s x 9, 5, 20s x 9
Lateral Raise - 40s x 12, 19, 9, 7, 30s x 14
Band Tricep - failure x 3
BB Reverse Curl - 65 x 8, 55 x 9, 9

Conv. DL - up to 405 x 1 @ 7 (knee pain 0, back pain very much)
RDL - 245 x 8 x 2
21.5" Box Squat - 155 x 12 x 3 (0 knee pain, back sore)
ATG Split Squat (to 12" box) - bw x 5 x 6 (0 pain, just discomfort)
BB Calf Raise - 135 x 12 x 2
Tibialis Raise - bw x 26, 19

Going to pause the heavy deadlifts for a bit, just higher rep RDLs/SLDLs while this episode of back pain chills out.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:53 am

SB Bench - 250 x 2 @ 8 (misgrooved), 185 x 7 x 6, 185 x 13 @ 8
1H Swing - 50 x 10 x 2, 50 x 10 x 4
Ab Wheel - 2,3
CS DB Row - 75s x 19, 14, 10

Lateral Raise - 5 sets
DB Incline Hammer Curl - 3 sets
DB Strict Tricep Extensions - 3 sets

ATG Split Squat (to floor, 3 second eccentric) - bw x 12 x 4 -> pain ~3/10
KB Swing - 70 x 15 x 2
T Swing - 125 x 10, 135 x 10 x 3
Pendlay Row - 155 x 10, 9, 8
Bent knee calf raise - 3 sets to failure

Bench - 250 x 2 @ 9, 200 x 5 x 2, 195 x 5 x 4, 195 x 10 @ 8
1H Swing - 50 x 15 x 4
Skullcrusher - 75 x 9, 8, 65 x 10, 9 -> crazy how weak I am here
Hammer Curl - 40 x 11, 9, 9, 8
Ab Wheel - 3, 2

3-1-0 Squat - 8s @ 85, 95, 105 (pain ~4, 2, 0) -> first set of painless squats in months
1H Swing - 50 x 20, 75 x 10
Double KB Swing - 75s x 8 x 3 -> holy these were hard
CS DB Row - 75s x 16, 10, 8

Knee is moving in the right direction finally. Talked to a physio friend and she doesn't think it has anything to do with the bursa, just plain old quad tendinopathy. Good to hear, as I've dealt with probably at least 10 bouts of various tendinopathies in my life so I know it'll be good soon.

Back is also doing better. Going to keep heavy deadlifts out of the rotation for a while, which is refreshing.

Double 75 pound kb swings might be the hardest thing I've done lifting wise. The first set I fell straight down once I hiked them in to position. Just 3 sets of 8 and my glutes are probably the most sore they've ever been today. I think 10x10 EMOM is a long ways away here, but I think if I can build to that my posterior chain should be good for a 500+ pull easily.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:11 am

Goblet ATG Split Squat - 20 x 10 x 4 (pain ~ 3,3,2,1)
KB Swing - 70 x 15 x 2, 75(2) x 12 x 3
Strict Pendlay Row - 165 x 10, 9
Standing Bent Knee Calf Raise - bw x 12 x 2

I think I am in the home stretch of this knee thing. It is much less reactive, and the training makes it feel better for the hours after, not worse. Gotta be a good sign.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:33 am

SB Bench - 250 x 3 @ 8-9, 190 x 7 x 6, 190 x 11 @ 8
1H Swing - 50 x 20 x 2
Standing Ab Wheel - 2,2,2,1
Strict Incline DB Extensions - 30s x 11, 10, 9, 8, 9
Incline DB Curl - 30s x 10, 6, 20s x 9, 7, 9

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:28 pm

Pretty behind here so not going to log it all. Little recap of the past 3 weeks is that the knee, low back and elbow are slowly but surely coming along. Also bench training has been going very well. Be cool to hit 300 this year.

RGBP - 245 x 4 @ 9, 190 x 7 x 6, 190 x 13 @ 8
Standing Ab Wheel - 2x3, 1x3

Zercher 7 Pin Squat - 185 x 12 x 3
2H Swing - 75s x 10 x 6
Inc DB Curl - 30s x 11, 25s x 10, 8, 6, 7
Inc DB Extension - 30s x 14, 25s x 16, 15, 13, 13

1H Swing - 75 x 15 x 4
3-1-0 Ring Chin - bw x 5 x 4
Chest Supported DB Row - 75s x 18

Bench - 245 x 3 @ 8, 215 x 5 x 4, 215 x 8 @ 8
Zercher 7 Pin Squat - 185 x 15, 205 x 12, 225 x 10 -> zero pain
BFR leg ext - black band x 40 reps

SB OHP - 180 x 1 @ 9, 150 x 7 @ 9
Klokov Press - 115 x 8, 7, 105 x 9, 9, 8
1H Swing - 75 x 10 x 5 (getting these to head height now, pretty cool)

Zercher 7 Pin Squat - 235 x 10 x 3 -> 0 pain
BFR Leg Ext - 50 total reps w/ black band
Skullcrusher - 65 x 10, 55 x 15, 13
Hammer Curl - 40s x 13, 10, 30s x 13

3-1-0 Overhead Squat - 45 x 6 x 5 -> very little pain
RGBP - 255 x 3 @ 9 (E1RM PR), 200 x 7 x 5, 200 x 11 @ 8
Stansing Ab Wheel - bw x 2 x 5
Conv. DL - 405 x 1 @ 6ish, 320 x 5 x 2 -> tolerable
Single Leg Calf - failure x 1
BFR leg ext - 50 total reps w/ black band

Going to LP overhead squats for a little. I need to squat light and slow anyways. It can't hurt me

1H Swing - 70 x 10 x 4
Inc DB Extensions - 30s x 17, 13, 25s x 15, 15
Inc DB Curl - 30s x 8, 20s x 13, 12, 12

Zercher 6 Pin Squat - 225 x 10 x 3 -> zero pain
3-1-0 Ring Chin - bw x 8 x 3 -> zero pain
Zercher 6 Pin GM - 185 x 10, 205 x 10 easy
Seated Calf - 50 x 20, 75 x 18
BFR leg ext - 55 reps w/ black band

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:49 am

Bench - 245 x 6 @ 9 (E1RM PR ~302), 220 x 5 x 4, 220 x 6
1H Swing - 75 x 11 x 4

It was around 95 degrees with 80% humidity for this workout. Took my very wet shirt off for the last bench set and was slipping and sliding everywhere. Wanted 8-9 reps but oh well. Flash flood started like 30 minutes after I got done, and half my town is underwater currently.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:03 am

3-1-0 Overhead Squat - 55 x 6 x 5
Band Pullapart - red x 25 x 4
BFR leg ext - 60 reps w/ black band

Tweaked my right shoulder helping a friend with a flooded basement. Skipped heavy OHP and KB swings. Shoulder feels better today so might try to get the swings in.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:59 am

Lying Tricep - 65x10,8, 55x9,8, 50x11
3-1-0 Ring Chin - bw x 5, 35x5, bw x 7,6,3

08/28/23 (Deload)
RG Bench - 185x5, 205x5, 225x9@8-9
3-1-0 Chin - bw x 9 x 3
Zercher 6 Pin Squat - 235 x 10 x 3 -> zero pain
BFR Leg Ext - 65 reps w/ black

08/29/23 (Deload)
HH TBDL - 405x1@easy, 315x5x3 easy
Incline DB Curl - 30s x 12,8
Incline DB Extension - 30s x 19,16
Jeffersion Curl - 20 x 5 x 2
SL Calf Raise - failure x 1

08/31/23 (Deload)
Bench - up to 285x1@9.5 (PR!), 215x10 @ 8-9
Zercher 5 Pin Squat - 225x10x3 -> zero pain
3-1-0 Ring Chin - +10x8x3
BFR Leg Ext - 70 reps w/ black band

09/01/23 (Deload)
OHP - up to 175x1@8-9, then failed 190
Paused Beltless Sumo DL - 225 x 12 @ easy
1H KB Press - 35x10, 50x8 -> easy, but these kill my forearms

RG Bench - 245x3@8, 200x7x4, 200x12@8
Zercher 5 Pin Squat - 245x10x3 -> zero pain

Going to shift my training plan a bit for a while. Going back to 4x per week as I don't seem to handle much more than that. Also going to try a slightly higher fatigue approach for bench. Sets of 7@65% and 5@70% are honestly like RPE 2-3, so bumping these to 7s@70% and 5s@75% with slightly fewer sets plus an amrap. Will likely also toss in some incline bench on a third day, probably something like 3-4 sets at RPE 7 ish. Then a 4th day for some overhead pressing. Deadlift training will be all higher reps while this bout of back pain heals, probably starting with something like 75-80%x@7 or so and then some high reps in the 55-65% range. Squats will be the pin squats until I'm using the 2nd or 3rd pin pain free, and then I'll toss in some high bar or front squats on one of the days. Focusing on bulking, and I won't end the calendar year under 200 pounds.

Knee is like 90% good to go. Baseline pain is almost 0 now, and honestly I am tempted to attribute it to the blood flow restriction stuff I've been doing. I played around with it before during bouts of quad/patella tendinopathy and it seems to help. It's just a major PITA to set up and it hurts like hell.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:30 am

OHP - 175 x 1 @ 8, then 160 x 4 @ 9ish
Klokov Press - 115 x 10,8
Conv. DL - 295x6x3, 295x10@8
Incline DB Ext - 40s x 8, 30s x 16
Incline DB Curl - 30s x 13, 8
BFR Leg Ext - 75 reps w/ black band

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:41 am

Weak day today
Bench - 265 x 1 @ 8, 215 x 5 x 4, 215 x 8 @ 8
L Sit 3-1-0 Chin - bw x 5 x 4
Zercher 4 Pin Squat - 205 x 10 x 3 -> zero pain. 3 months ago this pin height was agonizing
Finger Curl - 45 x 20, 65 x 15 x 2
Lateral Raise Myo - 40s x 12-4-4-4-3, 20s x 8
BFR Leg Extension - 75 reps w/ black band

CG Incline - 155 x 10, 165 x 8, 175 x 5 @ 8
Fat Grip Hammer Curl - 20s x 20, 30s x 15, 12
Paused Beltless Sumo - 225 x 10 x 2 easy
Snatch Grip RDL - 225 x 10 easy
Overhead BB Extension MYO - 65 x 12-4-4-3, 55 x 9-3-3-3

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by DanCR » Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:16 pm

SeeMac wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:41 am Zercher 4 Pin Squat - 205 x 10 x 3 -> zero pain. 3 months ago this pin height was agonizing
Big win. I’m not sure of the pin setup - how close are you to getting back to squatting without them?

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:32 am

DCR wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:16 pm
SeeMac wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:41 am Zercher 4 Pin Squat - 205 x 10 x 3 -> zero pain. 3 months ago this pin height was agonizing
Big win. I’m not sure of the pin setup - how close are you to getting back to squatting without them?
I could probably start working in some lighter full ROM squats now, but I am not going to rush it. This pin height is about 6 inches above my knee.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:35 am

SB Bench - 250 x 3 @ 8, 200 x 7 x 3, 200 x 12 @ 8
3-1-0 Ring Chin - 35 x 5 x 4
Zercher 4 Pin Squat - 225 x 10 x 3 -> zero pain
Elbow Rotation Thing - 1 set of 10 with empty handle, 2 sets of 6 with 2.5 added
Deficit Pushup - bw x 25 x 2
BFR Assisted Sissy squat - 20 reps

Sissy squats were sketchy, so probably won't do those again.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:26 am

Bench - 230 x 3 x 6
3-1-0 Wrist Curl - 30 x 6 x 3
Elbow Rotation Eccentric - 5 x 4 x 4
Kneeling Ab Wheel - 16, 14
Klokov Press - 115 x 11, 9
Overhead BB Extension - 65 x 16, 14, 12, 12
Axle Curl - 77 x 8, 72 x 10, 9, 9

3-1-0 Bulgarian Split Squat - 20s x 10 x 3 (pain ~2,1,1)

Reverse Grip Bench - 195 x 8 x 4 -> bicep tendon tender
Bench - 195 x 8 x 2 -> no bicep pain, I think the reverse grip is the culprit
3-1-0 Wrist Curl - 30 x 8 x 3
Elbow Rotation Eccentric - 5 x 6 x 3
Paused SG RDL - 225 x 8 x 2

3-1-0 Squat - 135 x 6 x 4 (pain ~0.5,0,0,1)
Single Leg KB RDL - 50 x 10
Hamstring Roller Curl - bw x 12, 10
Chest Supported DB Row Myo Rep Match (MMR) - 75s x 21 x 2

Knee is still trending in the right direction. Good days are basically painless, and bad days are much better than good days were a few months back.

I don't think anyone reads this log, but I've been very interested in the pathology of tendinopathy lately, and I have some thoughts on quad tendinopathy. It seems there a few tendons which, when pathological, are particularly sensitive to compression. All pathological tendons become bigger/swollen, and actually have increased vascularization/blood supply. A few (quadriceps tendon, glute med/min, upper hamstring) will actually compress against bony structures, which becomes a big problem when they become larger radially due to tendinopathy ( ... factor.pdf). I believe this is why it took so long for my strange hip issue to clear up (likely glute med tendinopathy), and why this knee has been so stubborn.

Usually training through "pain" with tendinopathy is not only not bad, but is likely good. This is because the tendon needs load to adapt, and load will cause pain. There are ways of minimizing pain during training and induce an analgesic effect (isometrics, slow eccentrics etc), but load is necessary, and will often be painful. Some even suggest that loads need to be >70% to induce tendon adaptation, and anything below this is likely just inducing analgesia and preparing for heavier loads (

For compressive tendinopathies, it seems like avoiding compression is necessary at first. This means limiting ROM and avoiding end range. I believe this was what helped my hip, as I didn't see much progress until I swapped out slow full ROM squats for partial, very heavy pin squats. I also believe this is what is helping my knee.

This is especially evident to me because of my previous experiences with patellar tendinopathy. I played competitive basketball for years and had osgood schlatters during my teen years (both risk factors for patella tendinopathy). Although painful as hell, it is (at least for me) very easy to treat. A few days of isometrics, then 4-6 weeks of 3x per week heavy slow squats (3-0-3). Hurts like hell, then one day it is gone. This is likely due to the lack of compression of the patella tendon.

I also believe stupid heavy loads are needed for compressive tendinopathies. So much so that I am considering buying a leg press. All tendons experience load as a function of both ROM (muscle lengthens = more pull on the tendon), and load. More load = more tendon load, more ROM = more tendon load. We know tendons need heavy "loads" (i.e. energy storage) for rehab. Since ROM is being limited to avoid compression, absolute loads likely need to be much higher than if we were training will a full ROM. I know that my hip started to trend in the right direction when I added pin squats way above parallel with loads higher than my squat 1RM, and my partial squatting lately has seemed to help my knee. I imagine the best thing for quad tendinopathy is probably very heavy partial ROM squats or leg press. However, my back flare up has made me apprehensive to partial squat 365+. It has been feeling better without heavy pulls, so I might start pushing the heavy partial squats again.

Another interesting tidbit is that tendons never truly "heal", as the "degeneration" never truly goes away. The "healing" process just involves increasing collagen cross-linking and stiffness in the tendon, increasing its load capacity. However, the tendon thickness does subside/shrink over time, regardless of whether or not you are loading it properly. This makes me think that compressive tendinopathies likely just take longer to subside, regardless of rehab approach. You will never be pain free until it stops compressing on whatever bony structure is near it, and the tendon just takes a while to de-vascularize.

I am writing all this so next time I get something like this, I can read it and reassure myself. Currently, compression (deep flexion) hurts much less than it did a few months ago. This likely means the tendon has shrunk a bit. Just need to keep loading and prevent it from being pissed off.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by DanCR » Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:12 am

SeeMac wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:26 am I don't think anyone reads this log
I do, and found your write up to be very interesting. Thanks for putting it together.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:58 am

Bench - 270 x 1 @ 8, 225 x 4 x 6
Wrist Curl - 30 x 10 x 3
Elbow Rotation Ecc - 5 x 7 x 3
DB Facepull - 20s x 10, 7
Kneeling ab wheel - 18, 16
Incline DB Curl - 30 x 11, 20 x 14
DB Incline Extension MRM - 30s x 23 x 2
Lat Raise - 40s x 10, 9, 7, 30s x 11, 9

Zercher 4 Pin Squat - 245 x 8 x 3 -> slightly painful, but getting a warmup effect now.

SB Bench - 190 x 9 x 6
Wrist Curl - 40 x 6 x 3
Rotation Ecc - 7.5 x 3 x 3
Klokov Press - 115 x 12, 9
Leg Raise - 5 x 2
Strict Overhead Skullcrusher - 75 x 12, 10, 10
Axle Curl - 72 x 13, 11 bicep/forearm sore

3-1-0 Squat - 150 x 8 x 3 -> zero pain
Ham Roller - 13, 10
Side Bend - 50 x 15 x 2

Bench - 260 x 1 @ 8, 240 x 3,3,2,2,2,2
Wrist Curl - 40 x 7 x 3
Roation Ecc - 3 sets
Finger curl - 95 x 8 x 3
Spider Curl MRM - 20s x 30 x 2
Deficit Pushup MRM - purple band x 15 x 2
Lu Raise MRM - 10s x 8 x 2

Beltless Axle DL w/ mixed grip - 207 x 5 x 8 EMOM
Pistol Squat to 1 Pin - bw x 12 x 2 -> zero pain
Kneeling Ab Wheel - 20, 18

Been doing this cool reverse nordic isometric which feels amazing on my knee.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by DanCR » Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:15 pm

SeeMac wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:58 am Been doing this cool reverse nordic isometric which feels amazing on my knee.
Tell me more, please. How are you doing it?

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:00 am

DCR wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:15 pm
SeeMac wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:58 am Been doing this cool reverse nordic isometric which feels amazing on my knee.
Tell me more, please. How are you doing it?
Basically I get into a saddle/reverse nordic position with my back resting on my ~18 inch bench. Something like this but the surface I am resting on is much higher. Image

From here, I flex my glutes, and then drive my feet into the ground basically as hard as I can for 30 seconds. I do 3 sets of this. Crazy quad pump, and this basically eliminates my knee pain for 6-8 hours. I'd recommend using a pretty high box, as I can't quite flex the quads as hard with near full knee flexion.

Isometric spanish squats are gold for patella tendinopathy, but they didn't do much for my quad tendon. This is the only way I've found that can get into the quad tendon.

There is some interesting research regarding isometrics for tendons. Dr. Keith Baar (full disclosure that not everyone in the tendon research field agrees with his ideas) claims that isometrics are the only way to actually heal the degenerated/scarred part of a tendon. The idea is that force is not normally transmitted through the scarred area and rather the rest of the tendon takes up the load (stress shielding). This is actually well established. Baar claims that doing isometrics induces stress relaxation over the duration of 30 or so seconds, so that the healthy part of the tendon relaxes and the scarred area receives some stress. Whereas doing eccentric/concentric will only stress the healthy part of the tendon. Without stress through the scarred area, there is no signal to adapt and thus it will remain scarred indefinitely.

I have no opinion one way or another, and this is probably placebo, but I feel like I can actually "feel" the stress relaxation. When I do the first set of this, it doesn't hurt until about 10 seconds in. Then, I get a massive flush of a warm, pretty painful sensation. Compression wouldn't explain this, because the joint isn't moving and was compressed from the moment I started. Placebo would, because I am a slight hypochondriac. But for now I am telling myself that this is the scarred area taking up the load.

Without stress through the scarred area, there is no signal to adapt and thus it will remain scarred indefinitely.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:09 am

SeeMac wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:00 am
DCR wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:15 pm
SeeMac wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:58 am Been doing this cool reverse nordic isometric which feels amazing on my knee.
Tell me more, please. How are you doing it?
Basically I get into a saddle/reverse nordic position with my back resting on my ~18 inch bench. Something like this but the surface I am resting on is much higher. Image

From here, I flex my glutes, and then drive my feet into the ground basically as hard as I can for 30 seconds. I do 3 sets of this. Crazy quad pump, and this basically eliminates my knee pain for 6-8 hours. I'd recommend using a pretty high box, as I can't quite flex the quads as hard with near full knee flexion.

Isometric spanish squats are gold for patella tendinopathy, but they didn't do much for my quad tendon. This is the only way I've found that can get into the quad tendon.

There is some interesting research regarding isometrics for tendons. Dr. Keith Baar (full disclosure that not everyone in the tendon research field agrees with his ideas) claims that isometrics are the only way to actually heal the degenerated/scarred part of a tendon. The idea is that force is not normally transmitted through the scarred area and rather the rest of the tendon takes up the load (stress shielding). This is actually well established. Baar claims that doing isometrics induces stress relaxation over the duration of 30 or so seconds, so that the healthy part of the tendon relaxes and the scarred area receives some stress. Whereas doing eccentric/concentric will only stress the healthy part of the tendon. Without stress through the scarred area, there is no signal to adapt and thus it will remain scarred indefinitely.

I have no opinion one way or another, and this is probably placebo, but I feel like I can actually "feel" the stress relaxation. When I do the first set of this, it doesn't hurt until about 10 seconds in. Then, I get a massive flush of a warm, pretty painful sensation. Compression wouldn't explain this, because the joint isn't moving and was compressed from the moment I started. Placebo would, because I am a slight hypochondriac. But for now I am telling myself that this is the scarred area taking up the load.

Without stress through the scarred area, there is no signal to adapt and thus it will remain scarred indefinitely.
A podcast with Dr. Keith Baar where he goes over isometrics and tendon stuff ... 0442967582

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