Onwards with tectonic swiftness.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:42 pm

Well, my thursday plans were cancelled, so back to Tu,Th,Sat except I did Mon.

LBBS w/u 120x1 107.5x5
Bench w/u 87.5x1 70x5x4 70x8x1
DL w/u 145x3 130x5
KB tabata 20kg 5 rounds

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:19 pm

SLow workout.Had to wait for a rack while some personal trainer type gave poor advice and screamed and grunted benching 65kg.

Deadlift w/u 132.5x5 120x5
Bench w/u 87.5x1 70x5x4 70x9x1 that single still feels too grindy
Sqaut w/u 105x5 95x5 kinda tired from the last session and not having a day off for two weeks
Row 100x5 90x5 80x10
Kettlebell tabata 7 rounds
candlestick lever/kettlebell press 3, 20x5x3

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:52 pm

Gym was busy, racks were empty. Lots of lost looking newbie couples wandering about and doing half hearted reps with light weights.

LBBS w/u 100x5 105x5 cocked this up, basically forgot to add 5 after the warm up, so did the top set then decided I'd had enough.
Bench w/u 87.5x1 70x5x4 70x9x1 repeat
DL w/u 132.5x5 120x5
Pendaly row 70x5x5
Kettlebell press up to 24x3
Candlestick lever x3

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:20 pm

Busy again, rack free to start.

LBBS w/u 105x5 paused Damn It! should have been 107.5, but I forgot the tiny plates 97.5x5

Then to bench. For whihc I need a bench. There is one at the end of the next rack, with a wate bottle and a phone standing on it and a newb sitting on it between "sets" of low weight quarter squats. Try to get her attention, nope, staring at phone, earbuds welded in. After about ten minutes, the ditz figures out that I'm actually not going to be ignored.

"Are you using that bench ?" (i.e "You damned well aren't using that bench, you just think it's furniture for you to monopolise you lazy water jug carrying so and so"

"Oh, well, I was going to.."
"..., bu I could do something else"
"Well, if you're sure ?"
<grabs bench>
Bench w/u 87.5x1 70x5x4 x9x1 (sigh, can't get 10)
DL w/u 135x5 122.5x5
sort of cardio, Kettlebell swingx10 press l/rx5 three times, then stopped, this was a stupid idea
kettlebell press 24x4

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by DanCR » Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:35 pm

I come here for the training log, and stay for the interactions with clown people.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by platypus » Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:29 am

chrisd wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:20 pm Then to bench. For whihc I need a bench. There is one at the end of the next rack, with a wate bottle and a phone standing on it and a newb sitting on it between "sets" of low weight quarter squats. Try to get her attention, nope, staring at phone, earbuds welded in. After about ten minutes, the ditz figures out that I'm actually not going to be ignored.

"Are you using that bench ?" (i.e "You damned well aren't using that bench, you just think it's furniture for you to monopolise you lazy water jug carrying so and so"

"Oh, well, I was going to.."
"..., bu I could do something else"
"Well, if you're sure ?"
<grabs bench>
When I was in highschool, I remember going to the YMCA and there were two benches. One time there was this guy that looked like Forrest Griffin using one, and no one at the other bench but there was 185 left on it.
"Is anyone using this?" I asked the guy, pointing to the loaded bench.
"I don't know man," he began calmly, "BUT FUCK THEM, THEY LEFT, IT'S YOUR BENCH!" he shouted while pointing furiously for emphasis.

I think about this nearly every time I go to the gym.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:55 pm

Quieter today.

LBBS w/u 107.5 x5 (4 paused) 97.5x5 beltless
Bench w/u 87.5x1 70x5x4 70x10
Deadlft w/u 135x5 122.5x5
Kettlebell tatabta ish 8 rounds

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:19 pm

Lazy again, had to train back to back days
Tue/Wed LBBS w/u 110x5 100x5 Bench w/u 90x1 72.5x5 DL w/u 137.5x5 125x5
Tue KB swing 20x8 10s rest
Wed row 100x5 90x5 80x6

Only oddity was a young chap who asked if I had finished enching, I had and moved off to deadlift. He then started to deadlift in the rack by lifting the bar from the J hooks and then doing a set of complete dead stop deadlifts, finishing by putting the bar back in the hooks. Possibly the Moravian deadlift.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Fri Feb 02, 2024 2:07 pm

In a rush, busy day, tonight and tomorrow.

LBBS w/u 112.5x3 100x5
Bench w/u 90x1 72.5x5x5
DL w/u 140x5 125x5
Pendaly row 75x5x5
cnadlestick lever x3

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:58 pm

LBBS w/u 112.5x4 100x5
BN w/u 90x1 72.5x5x5
DL w/u 142.5x5 127.5x5
Row 100x5 90x5 80x10

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:20 pm


Thursday 8/2/24 row 80x8x3 bench 75x5 67.5x5 60x10 squat w/u 80x15 kettlebells and abs
Powerclean up to 60x3
Deadlift w/u 140x 1,2,3,2,1
Bench w/u 75x5 67.5x5 60x10
Squat w/u 80x18 all set for 20 next week.
Kettlebell press up to 24x5
Kettlebell windwill up to 2 hand 8kgx1
Pancake good morning up to 25kg sandbag
Attempted L sit, ab cramp after a few seconds and quit.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:22 pm

Too lazy to log.

Tues row 82.5x8x3 bench w/u 77.5x5 70x5 62.5x10 squat w/u 80x15 (revises start point of program) other stuff
Thurs SGDL {50,60,70,80}x5 90x3 bench 77.5x5 70x5 62.5x10 squat w/u 60x20 other stuff
Power clean up to 60x3
DL 100x5 110x3 125x2 140x1
Bench w/u 77.5x5 70x5 65x10
Sqaut w/u 62.5x20
Z press Up to 55x1
KB swing 24x8x8

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by DanCR » Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:12 pm

The 20s a bridge to something, or are you planning to push them?

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:13 pm

DCR wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:12 pm The 20s a bridge to something, or are you planning to push them?

It's the silly old 20 reppers thing, 6 weeks of it. I tried starting at bodyweight, but got to 18 reps and my will power dissolved, as did my stamina.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:16 pm

Oops, missed tuesday Row 80x8x5 ( I think) Bench 77.5x5 72.5x5 65x10 Squat 65x20 plus other stuff

RDL 60x10x3
Bench 80x5 72.5x5 65x10
Sqaut 67.5x20
power clean 52.5x5

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by DanCR » Thu Feb 22, 2024 3:26 pm

chrisd wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:13 pm
DCR wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:12 pm The 20s a bridge to something, or are you planning to push them?

It's the silly old 20 reppers thing, 6 weeks of it. I tried starting at bodyweight, but got to 18 reps and my will power dissolved, as did my stamina.
Cool, man. I love that program. Unsolicited advice: it's the speed of the progression that makes it hard. No shit, right, but what I mean more specifically is, there's a cardio component to it that actually can be gained relatively quickly if one relaxes on piling on the weight. If, instead of adding 5 lbs or whatever each session, one keeps the weight static for, say, three sessions before adding, it provides an opportunity to work on / gain the cardio before the weight gets out ahead of your ability.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:30 pm

DCR wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 3:26 pm
chrisd wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:13 pm
DCR wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:12 pm The 20s a bridge to something, or are you planning to push them?

It's the silly old 20 reppers thing, 6 weeks of it. I tried starting at bodyweight, but got to 18 reps and my will power dissolved, as did my stamina.
Cool, man. I love that program. Unsolicited advice: it's the speed of the progression that makes it hard. No shit, right, but what I mean more specifically is, there's a cardio component to it that actually can be gained relatively quickly if one relaxes on piling on the weight. If, instead of adding 5 lbs or whatever each session, one keeps the weight static for, say, three sessions before adding, it provides an opportunity to work on / gain the cardio before the weight gets out ahead of your ability.
That's what I figured. I'm now doing 20 reps without feeling like I need to be scraped off the floor. Previously when I tried 20 reps for pretty light weight on the odd occasion, it was frankly dreadful. I just want to see where I can get with it. If I can do a bit more than bodyweight, fine.

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:39 pm

A quiet night in the gym. Some discomfort, owing to the youth who thinks it's okay to walk around carrying his shirt. No, it is not. I f you are built, jacked and working hard, it might be permissible for a short time. If you are fairly thin and spend your time doing cheat reps on the sit up bench, it is not okay. As for the female (I am assuming gender, wrong I know) who thinks that a half cup top held on with string is suitable clothing, it is not. Not if you are early on in your fitness journey and people are looking at you, not from lechery, but worry that mere lycra is not going to prevent an awkward overspill. Seriously people, T shirts are a couple of quid in ASDA.


Deadlift 102.5x5 112.5x4 122.5x3 132.5x2 142.5x1
Bench w/u 80x5 72.5x5 65x10
Sqaut w/u 70x20
Z press 40x5x3
EZ bar curl +40x3 +30x5 +10x10
Cable rows 3x10 didn't record weight

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:02 pm

Still forgetting to log

Tues 27/2/24 RDL 80x10x4 bench w/u 80x5 75x5 67.5x5 sqaut w/u 72.5x20 maybe some other stuff
Thurs 29/2/24 Power clean 52.5x5x5 bench 82.5x4 75x5 67.5x5 sqaut 75x20


Dealif 105x5 115x4 125x3 135x2 145x1
Bench w/u 82.5x4 75x5 70x10
Sqaut w/u 77.5x20
row 100x5 90x5 80x10

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Re: Onwards with tectonic swiftness.


Post by chrisd » Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:15 pm

I remembered !

RDL w/u 90x5x5
Bench w/u 82.5x5 77.5x5 70x6 (not neough rest) 70x10 TNG
Squat w/u 100x1 80x20
KB press 16x5 20x5 24x5 20x5 16x10

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