Phil's Log Of Extraordinary Mediocrity

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Re: Phil's Log Of Extraordinary Mediocrity


Post by omaniphil » Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:49 am


Squat 4x4 295lbs
OHP 4x6 125lbs
BP 4x5 185lbs
Chinups 3x4
Dumbbell Curls 3x8 35lbs
DB Lateral Raises 3x10 20lbs

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Re: Phil's Log Of Extraordinary Mediocrity


Post by omaniphil » Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:06 am

Deadlift 3x5 365lbs
OHP 135 4x4
BP 5x3 205lbs
Chinups 4x4
Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10 20lbs

Squat 3x5 275lbs
OHP 5x5 125lbs
Tricep Pushdowns 3x15 45lbs
Lying T-bar row 3x10 65lbs
Dumbbell Curls 3x8 35lbs

Cut the squat session short by a couple of sets since I had some nagging leg pain. Sitting at 208lbs currently. Hopefully only another month or so until I hit 200lbs, then will switch to maintenance. I'm hoping that eating more and stopping cutting will help all general aches and pains and weakness I feel. Its been a long, long, deep, deep cut.

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Re: Phil's Log Of Extraordinary Mediocrity


Post by omaniphil » Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:25 pm


SGDL 4x4 295lbs
OHP 5x4 135lbs
BP 4x4 185lbs
Lying T-bar row 3x10 70lbs
Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10 20lbs
Dumbbell Curls 3x10 30lbs

Felt much better after getting a couple of nights of 8+ hours of sleep.

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Re: Phil's Log Of Extraordinary Mediocrity


Post by omaniphil » Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:53 pm


Squat 4x3 315lbs, 275lbsx5
OHP 4x6 125lbs
BP 4x4 195lbs
Overhead Cable Tricep Extension 45lbs 3x10
Dumbbell Curls 3x12 30lbs

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Re: Phil's Log Of Extraordinary Mediocrity


Post by omaniphil » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:40 pm


Missed a couple of training days of logging there on the 23rd and 25th. But now I can't remember what I did.

Today, I cut my session short since I was feeling wiped. A couple of days of lack of sleep and eating poorly since I'm a bachelor home alone this week, led to me feeling extremely tired. Work stress is not helping things either.

OHP 5x6 125lbs
SGDL 3x5 275lbs

and that was it. At least got some fully body movements in there. Hopefully on Friday I'll be feeling better.

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