A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Post by mbasic » Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:19 pm

3-19-2024 Tue

(2) flying 200m 10'r ..... aka quasi-23-second drill.
super windy. 1st one was a 21.63
2nd DNR


3-20-2024 Wed

full rest


3-21-2024 Thurs.

Did some constrast sprints between the sled for 20m,
and then regular sprints with blocks.
Went out to 60m x3 with the regular sprints.


3-22-2024 Fri

Full Rest


3-23-2024 Sat. meet

Funny story. He got into the elite division by his (old) seed time for both 100 and 200.
for 100m he was the top seed for the 100 in the seeded-div (intermediate), but then got
bumped up to elite 100 last minute. I guess someone cancelled/scratched.

He did OK. He was up set he didn't go sub 11.
Just 0.06 of current SR...but with less wind.

His 200m (elite, heat 2 of 4) went ok.
Was a SR. and just 0.04 of his all time PR.
Figuring wind, it may be a 'theoretical' PR of sorts.

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Post by mbasic » Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:15 pm

3-24-2024 Sun. REST


3-25-2024 Mon.

Go after two 'qualities' in the same session.

Blk Start with sled+10#: 20m x 1 x 6 w/3-4'r

rest a bit

Lactate Tolerance: 3x150m w/4'r predictor
best one yet.
The freelap fucked up rep#2, but I was doing the HH watch too.
I thought the freelap beeped, and blew off what I had on the stopwatch.
So had to write down by memory 10 min after ....but its mostly correct.
First rep was fastest ever @ 15.94.
Last rep was 2nd or 3rd fastest ever, only reps that best were sessions where reps 1 & 2 were way too slow.


3-26-2024 Tues

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Post by mbasic » Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:16 pm

since last post he had a little groin abdbdbddductor strain. So we had to take it easy for a week or so.
He finally went sub 11 barely, but we had a overly (wind aided) good amount of wind ...
Last meet we just ran a leg of the 4x4 to be safe.


He was upset (with me?) meet before last with his 100m progress, and next meet was completely "indifferent" about his first sub 11 because it was not Wind Legal.

I was pretty devastated when he lashed out at me a bit. He did it right in front of the head coach too. I left and almost cried....

Its funny, I got sucked into ANOTHER training cult thing: like SS is... or say how Crossfit is .... but with sprinting.
I won't name names, there is a speed-guru who preaches a very simple, high intensity, high frequency, but super low volume type of speed development training. It is SO SIMILAR to the SS mentality ..... its fucken scary .... and scary I fell for this shit.

And the guy is so anti-everything-else .... against the typical way sprinters are trained (ex: periodization is unnecessary )
Like SS, its real good for some newbie gains and beginners maybe, OR, if you don't have the time, energy, or resources to do anything else.

Big mistake for me. I really feel bad. Next year will be different.

So if you can imagine .... more of a "periodized" model:

GPP Phase,
-lots (well some) tempo (extenstive tempo),
-not so much focus on maxV ...but a little
-focus on accel in the way of power, sleds, weights, hills, etc

Transition Phase
- extensive tempo becomes intensive tempo
- a little more MaxV (30m flys)
- more specific acceleration work (blocks)

Precomp. Phase
- intensive tempo becomes lactate workotus
- maxV w/ speed endurance
- race modelling

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Post by mbasic » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:06 am


Season is going pretty bad.
The (new) head coach informed MJ and I that he would have to compete in the open 400 and the 4x4, as well as his 100 and 200.
In his opinion, that is the best way for the team to score points....and we have a (very slim, in my mind) chance to win a championship.
....problem is MJ would have to run FOUR 400's in two days.... prelims for both 400's. And 2 x 100, and 2x200.
Its insane, and we have been training for this scenario.....coach dropped this bomb on us about 5-6 days about.
Divisionals is in a week and a half. So about 3 weeks to prepare and get in a crazy-kind-of-shape he has never been before.
We would have trained completely differently if we have know we were going to do this.

MJ accepted the challenge the coach put on him.
We both kinda know this will ruin his chanve for gold in 100 and 200 .... he'll be wasted after the prelims.

For context: Last year he did: 100,200,4x4 prelims; 100, 200, 4x4 finals.
We were able to sort of job our 4x4 prelim last year we were that good.

This year, I had planned to do: 100, 4x1, 200, (some alternate kid run the 4x4 for him) prelims; and the 100,4x1,200,4x4 finals.
So with all that said, we have shifted away from speed work and blocks quite a bit, adding more tempo work, conditioning, lactic power workouts, and what not ..... but intelligently.

Also he had been academically suspended for a couple of meets.
One meet he did not have a good time, was sick or something, could barely run the 4x1 and 200 (2nd, silver), and couldn't do the 4x4.


The team has terrible attitudes except for 4 or 5 kids.
MJ, Dereck, Max, John, Noah all try hard, train, take it seriously, workout on their own when the can't make practice.
About 2 or 3 other kids do 'ok' with regards to effort, but just aren't gifted enough athletically to bump the needle.

The rest of the team is straight up trash, effort wise.
The stories are incredible .... too much too write here.
Maybe I will write it all up later **


I doubt the new head coach will be back next year. The place is terrible.

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Post by mbasic » Mon May 06, 2024 5:10 am

So that last post is going to sound awful compared to this one ....

....but, we .... won the Championship!
Basically with 5 guys, we won it.
2 other kids filled on the 4x4 relay.

MJ had to run prelims and finals over 2 days in four events.
(2) 100s, (2) 200s, (2) 400s, and (2) 4x4s.
...we was fending all these CPA sprinter coming out of nowhere.
With the 400 coming before the two, and prelims, he was sacrificing medal placement
in the sprints for more points by doing 4 events.
100 - bronze (would have had silver)
200 - silver (really should have had gold)
400 - gold
4x4 - gold

And then the distance crew did their thing; I can't heap enough praise on those guys.
DR - 800 4th; 4x8 1st; 1600 3rd
MXB - 800 7th; 4x8 1st; 1600 2nd; 3200 2nd ...fucking beast
JB (freshman) - 4x8 1st; 1600 4th; 3200 7th
NW - 4x8 1st; 3200 run but no points; did a 4x4 prelim for us

The highjumper that was a ding dong; he decided to do 3 vs 3 basketball tournament the day before the meet. We complaining how he had to "do all the work", becasue the other two kids on his team weren't very good. He did score 1 pt., but turns out we won by 2.

The 4x1 team had a goofy exchange, and it slowed them down and they didn't qualify.

The two 300H runners that were created in the last four weeks of the season didn't make it past prelims.
One was close (9th), that would have been a point.....but nope.

2 Jav throwers didn't do anything.

Jumper hit one decent triple jump, but tweaked his quad. He did make it to finals, but could jump properly and got 9th.
(this kid is one of the few non-ding-dongs .... he PR'd though. Happy for him! Also only a freshman)


In MJ's open 400 final, he got way out in front in the first 200m, and then cruised I guess. The high seed then took over the lead around the 250m mark. I think what happened is MJ just paced behind him until striking distance and then made his move with 50m to go and over took him right at the finish line. MJ over took him with about 5m left, or was shoulder the shoulder, and the kid started doing this thing where was flailing his arms out, traying to (prematurely) lean for the photo-finish, and actually tried to grab MJ and pull him back..... the kid fell at the finish. Looking at the replay, It was fairly obvs that the kid was trying to hold MJ back, because all that occured well before the finish line.

The 200m final started way ahead of the schedule. MJ wasn't warmed up; checked in late; and they almost didn't let let run. So kind of cluster fuck that fucked with his mojo. His was spent from the 400 (400 comes before the 200). He got 2nd just barely. Really should have been gold.

100m there was just fast kids. He was lucky to get 3rd.

EDIT: Going thru the photo finish (timing system camera) stuff. 100 and 200 ....MJ is surrounded by black kids

So the 4x4 final is the last event. We were two points behind at this point .... but our 4x4 team is good (but their prelim time sucked, but we were conserving energy). Anyway CPA was in first by only two points. So if we came in first, and beat CPA, and say they were 2nd we'd tie for co-champions. 10pts for 1st; 8 pts for 2nd; 6 pts for 3rd. As it worked out we got 1st and CPA 3rd so we were the sole champs!
The 4x4 was crazy. Anthoer team besides CPA was in front by about 15-20m, MJ made it up in the last 50m, and it was a photo finish with a 0.01 ,argin of victor. CPA was a distant (10m?) 3rd. So we got 10 pts and CPA only 6 pts.

fucking crazy. School's first championship is the "real" State sanctioned athletic org. (not the other small league crap)


4x400 relay final
what happened here I think, is he doesn't know how to pace it, or he's afraid he'll go out way to fast and 'boink'. So he trails the leader, and waits to overtake him at the finish. Problem is/was the leader turned on the gas (the last of his gas) with about 80m to go .... By the time MJ could see what was happening and realized it ...the kid had separated from MJ from only 7m up to about 15 or maybe even 20m. Then MJ had to match that and barely clipped him by 0.01 at the finish. He can run faster than this.



open 400 final. was a win by 0.05. Same kinda thing happened as above.
This was the race where the kid tried to grab his arm at the finish



100m final. Again only 3rd place, and he beat 4th by only 0.01. If MJ takes fourth here, we tie that other team.



200. Just lost by 0.03, Long ways to 3rd. This was the race he almost missed checking in for, and had little to no warmup.
I believe if everything would have went normal, he would have won easily. The extra two point would have taken a lot of pressure
off everyone and himself.


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Post by mbasic » Tue May 14, 2024 3:53 pm


I told him to just lift if he wants, not go to football spring-training for 2 weeks and recover.

Goals for next year:

1 - its pretty obvs to have any chance in college or "the next level" he needs to work on his 400. We always knew this would be the case, but training for speed (100m) while young seemed like the more important thing as his neural development was still going on. Thats over now I guess and it time to embrace the suck of the 400m

2 - we have neglected strength training his legs consistently. And this (appears to be) was a mistake. We will try to squat and deadlift thru summer, football season, and post-football. Winter will consist of heavy leg training combined with resisted acceleration, and free-acceleration training to get his start ironed out. Probably missing out on 0.3-0.4 seconds in the first 40m if I had to guess. Then when spring comes, more tempo stuff to prepare for more brutal lactate training during the track season.

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Post by mbasic » Tue May 28, 2024 5:57 am


Its seems like he is finally at the point to where his body is responding more to weight training.
...hormone wise or whatever. He might be finally "responding" properly.

Previously, I never really pushed the weights thing, especially for legs, because it just conflicts with all the running training...
Also it seemed the juice was worth the squeeze; lifts would just get more grindy looking as the bar-weight would go up.
...IMO, its almost impossible to gain anything weights-wise during football or track season.

He benched 205x5 the other day.
I made him start an LP squatting finally.... 185x5x3 lol.
For this we did some power cleans up 175x1x2, then 145x2x3 hang power cleans.
Maybe if his legs finally get

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