I've a trainer friend who commented that if you have some sort of podcast or write articles, in about two years you've said everything you could possibly say that's actually useful. Past that either you have to be willing to get bored with repeating the basics, or you have to start looking at random weird bullshit - and random weird bullshit sells better.
Menno was talking the other day about some study of calf training, and load, and... they did 3 days a week of 3 sets to failure for 8 weeks, and found that load made no difference. But here's the thing: who the fuck, left to themselves, is going to do 3 days a week of 3 sets to failure for 8 weeks - let alone years at a time? There are some lunatics who will, but it's pretty rare. And if you as a professional trainer get your clients to do it, most of them will quit. So it has absolutely no practical application.
But... get bored repeating the basics, or start talking random weird bullshit, choose.