Updated FDA Guidelines

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Updated FDA Guidelines


Post by 5hout » Tue Dec 31, 2024 8:25 am

https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-food ... g#Products
Updated “Healthy” Claim
Claims like “healthy” on food labels can help consumers identify healthier food choices at a quick glance. Foods must meet specific criteria to use the “healthy” nutrient content claim. The updated criteria for the claim replace outdated criteria for “healthy” with criteria that are consistent with current nutrition science and Federal dietary guidance. For example, current U.S. dietary guidelines include a focus on the importance of healthy dietary patterns and the food groups that comprise them, the type of fat in the diet rather than the total amount of fat consumed, and the amount of sodium and added sugars in the diet. The updated criteria identify foods that help consumers build a healthy eating pattern.

To meet the updated criteria for the claim, a food product needs to

contain a certain amount of food from at least one of the food groups or subgroups (such as fruit, vegetables, grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy and protein foods) recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and
meet specific limits for added sugars, saturated fat and sodium.
The criteria for how much food from a particular food group is required (called food group equivalents) and the specific limits for the three individual nutrients vary for individual food products, mixed products (which contain certain amounts of more than one food group), main dishes and meals, and are based on a Reference Amount Customarily Consumed, which is the basis for determining a serving size.
https://www.federalregister.gov/documen ... rm-healthy

The guidelines are better, but are still incredibly stupid and driven by lobbying/other concerns around food. I read most of the protein discussion, and as near as I can tell they are doing a standard bullshit bait and switch. What they want it to look like is that they went "Here are the requirements for being healthy, these foods meet the requirements".

But... that's not actually how it works (read the comments/responses). Certain foods were deemed potentially healthy and then standards were set for when those foods are healthy. This is why eggs/salmon/game meat are healthy, but chicken and other fish are not.

Specific Example: https://imgur.com/a/hXMV5uQ Image

The only kinds of proteins that ever CAN be healthy under these guidelines are seafood, game meats, egg, beans/peas/lentils/nuts/seeds/soy. No chicken, no very lean beef that is identical to game meat. This, to be explicit, is silly bullshit. Something is healthy because it has the appropriate macro and micronutrients. Excluding beef/chicken/pork that is identical to game meat on those sections is insane.

Look, I've got an entire freezer of venison right now, I'm not against game meat, but this is merely continued bizarro world emoting about magically healthy/not healthy food groups instead of focusing on what you actually put in your damn body.

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Re: Updated FDA Guidelines


Post by weisgarber » Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:41 am

I'm late commenting on this, but I hope the individuals who were involved in making this nonsense are fired under the new regime. I doubt their replacements will be much better, but this is so useless it could be a parody put out by the Onion. I don't understand how a group of what should be intelligent individuals can be so dense that they feel that eliminating the primary source of meat protein that 99% of people across the US consume on a weekly basis is a sensible idea. Most people would look at these guidelines, blink in confusion, then file it under "more stupidity from a government agency that I will ignore."

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