Tactical Function Readjustment

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Tactical Function Readjustment


Post by whopeedinthepool » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:10 pm

Ok, let me set the bar of understanding here. I am 41 years old. I have a spinal fusion due to a 20-year-old spondylolisthesis becoming unstable around Christmas of 2014. I had sprinted across a parking lot to catch my wife after she had dropped me of at the closed Gaint Eagle. This being Christmas Day and me leaving my phone in the car, I felt that a good 150-yard sprint was the best idea I could come up within the short time she was driving away. I spent that day and an embarrassing number of the next more than few, laying down, being as useless as teats on an angry bull.

This was not the first time it became symptomatic, just the first time I had my team of useless, and long since terminated, doctors occupying the same space as my back. To make it clear, the back never slowed me down until it stopped me. At that point, it could not be trusted anymore so I pulled the trigger on the big F.

Post Fusion, I began a new job that in short, requires that I am in good to great shape. The need to be strong enough is ever prevalent. What is Strong enough? I'll let you know when I get there. In March of 2016, I completed a 10000 push up challenge. Why? Cause, that's strong right? The army told me pushups make you strong. In April of 2016, I started to do a 10000 push up and 10000 bodyweight squat challenge before I realized that I was an idiot. And the idiot doctor that said I would never Oly lift again was not to blame since he just didn't know any better.

In December of 2016, after a few false starts, I began, in earnest, my Starting Strength Linear Progression.
Squat 185x3x5
Press 110x3x5
Deadlift 165x5

Meager, I know.

Deadlifts were from that moment on, and until two months ago, technically Rack pulls. the Squat rack lower safties are 4 inches higher than a 45lbs plate loaded barbell.

In December of 2017, I made the decision to begin intermediate programming with the Texas Method. Full blown Texas.I had reset more than a few times and i was no longer making progress on SS NLP. I deloaded my lifts 80%ish and started hitting it. I began hitting new PRs around late January in every lift. Around the same time, I put the Barbell on the floor for Deadlifts. This effectively staled my Deadlift. I was not able to break the bar off the floor. I had Added Barbell Rows in early January, but the volume was not enough to drive my Deads yet. My Power Cleans are not pretty.

Late January numbers
Squat 370x5
Press 190x5
Deadlift 390x5
Bench 250X5
PowerClean 190x3x5
Barbell row 255x3x5
Chins 3x5 @265 bw

Right now, its time for bed. So I'll throw down a few more bits tomorrow.
Last edited by whopeedinthepool on Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by BostonRugger » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:24 pm

Welcome @whopeedinthepool! What does your current programming look like?

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:55 am

I'm running Texas Method with PPST 3rd edition tweaks.
Tuesday is Volume day with 3x5 Squats, 3x5 press or bench, and Volume pulls. Right now that is 5x3 power cleans and 3x5 barbell rows. The big lifts are normally 5x5 but I'm trying an experiment these last two weeks.

Thursday is "recovery" day cause I don't have a better name for it and I don't like the one it came with. On Thursday I squat 2x5 for 90% of my Tuesday. Then, 3x5 my Press or bench for 90% of the previous intensity day. I follow the Big lifts with an LP on my Barbell rows 3x5 and Chins @ body weight for amrap x3.

Saturday is Intensity with 1x5 Squat at 102%-105%, whichever press I run on Monday at 5rm, 3rm, or 2rm ramping up for around the same percentage. Deadlifts are run at 1x5 for 102%-105%. I usually throw in chins again at @ body weight for amrap x3 if my elbows have anything left.

I'm 5'11" if there is a notion or interest to know.

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:44 pm

Alrighty, let's talk about minimum effective dose and Deadlifts.

5x5 Texas Method is not beating me up the way everyone says it should. None the less, I am busy with the whole living bit, so I can appreciate not spending 2 1/2 hours in the gym running my fives every Tuesday. There's considerable talk about how the Volume day needs to be just enough to drive the heavy lift on Intensity day. So far I have backed off to 3x5 on Volume day for three weeks now, counting this one. So far I have been hitting my targeted weight on Intensity day. If this success continues I may stick to 3x5 and run it for a bit. I can always add the volume back if I need to. I do not mind 5x5 and frankly enjoy the experience of hitting it hard, however the 30 minutes or so it saves is priceless.

I'm concerned about my deadlifts. As I said before I have only been truly Deadlifting for about three months now, give or take. Rack pulls prior to that at 4 inches above the floor. Currently, I am using the Cleans and the Rows to try and drive my deadlifts. Saturday I will pull 410lbs for 5 and get out of this hole.

Thurs 3/15
2 x 5
3 x 5
Barbell Row
Body for 3 sets @ 8 reps, 6 reps, and 7 reps

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:11 pm

Not as Planned...


Squated for 415 x 5. Wifey said my form was the best she'd see me do on a heavy attempt.
Benched 280 x 5, not easy but it went. Had some hard grind on rep 4 and 5. I'm still very shaky on heavy benches, Occasionally even shows up on my light day.

So my Deadlifts suck. Still. 410 x5 was stupid, ugly, and gave me a high ass pinch. Made a huge decision about that. I am Join to run an old-school Bill Starr rehab on my back using Deadlifts. Should go a bit easier in the garage since I literally commandeer the only real Rack for 2-2 1/2 hours three times a week. The Bro's got all sandy in they're mangina when I asked nicely, excused myself, and did my last set of 8 chins upon their precious universal cable machine. The BEATS™ where so strong that not only did they not hear me but they also did not hear each other bitching about me being in they're way.

I think I may need to look at a HLM. I am already breaking the tenets of Texas Method by dropping volume. Andy Baker has a few programs I'm gonna look at.

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:20 pm


Finished the platform in the garage. Four sheets of osb 1/2", One sheet 3/4 Sandee Ply down the middle, One house stall mat from rural King. Almost a bingo. I amber shellacked the Sandee ply to keep the weakness drips at bay. Everone knows how puddles of weakness can ruin a perfectly good piece of wood ;). It does look nice. Well, at least it looks like I might be serious about it looking nice.

Till the next...

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:27 pm

3/18 Cont.

Made the decision. I am pulling the trigger on running an ascending 5's HLM. Looks doable for Tuesday. Finding an app to handle the log is proving to be problematic.

FYI, cutting and pasting these from phone log. Ignore post dates, please.


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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:34 pm


Now, this is Just bull.

I have begun an ascending 5's HLM. Today is my Heavy. And good night nurse. This is Heavy. I feel like my cheap as cheap gets 32mm freebee bar is a bit heavy. Or the plates. Damn heavy. Nearly failed my 4th set. Squat sets were programmed to be 250 x 5, 290 x 5, 330 x 5, 375 x 5, and 415 x 5. By the third set @ 375, my nose had popped a vessel and rep four and five were ugly and nasty. I was not going to be able to hit 415. So WTF, 4o pounds off my target. I have no idea what is happening.

The bench was not bad until set 5, again. Running this accending 5's with no rest breaks is intense. I'm hurting. No gas left. could barely break the bar off the pins. 165 x 5, 195 x 5, 220 x 5, 250 x 5, Died, 275 x 0. Zero.

Deads... 135 x 15 x 4. yep. Did not Suck. 8100 lbs of volume. Felt nice. At least I got my cardio in. no accessories until I get this HLM handled and running it solid.


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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:35 pm


Light day. Squat 195, 230, 260, 295, 330 all for 5's. 330 feels the wrong kind of heavy. This is 80 lbs of my max and it felt like I might have only had one more in me. It is hard to keep my footing. Balance feels off. New equipment adjustment period. I don't freaking know. :shock:

Had to split the day due to an early appointment. Will finish tonight

My Press Flew. Nice. 105, 120, 140, 155, 175. Took longer breaks this movement. Good solid Press 2.0 through the whole thing. Might be cheating the rests a bit, but I'm ok with that.

Deads, 145 x 15 x 4. I'm taking three to four minutes per set. Mainly to catch my wind back. I'm leaving puddles of weakness all over my new rig. I think it might be almost christened. I'll call it done once these squats get figured out... :evil:


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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:36 pm


OK, Well, then. Medium, Squat 205, 245, 285, 330 for 5. 370 for 1, then 2 more. First rep at 370 started learning to far back in the hole. compensated on the drive only to go too far forward. Though I was going to bite it. Might have been the hardest single rep I've ever done. Moving on. I went back in a squatted two more. The technique was absolute garbage. I'm better than this crap. Stung me pretty good. So I tucked my tail. I walk out on the day. need a refocus and de fuck this thing.

Weighed the stupid 32mm bar. Wouldn't you know, 45 lbs. Near enough that it does not matter anyway. Plates check close enough. The platform is brand spankin new. But, the Bar rolled a bit on Tuesday and Thursday with my deads. So I check the level. Good God. Over the 8 feet from front to back, there is a 6 to 7-inch drop. Might freaking explain my stability issues. Should have check this earlier. This spot is not the final location fo the rig so I didn't even think about level.

Done in the garage for now. Back to the Y and early wake-ups.


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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by Wilhelm » Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:29 pm

Well, at least you have a likely culprit now.

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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:26 pm



Squat 245, 285, 330, 370, and 410 x 5 across. The flat floor and my lucky gym bar made it happen I guess. Got the Squat Rash on my face and chest but no hemorrhagic fever from my broken many times over nose. I took a good 5-minute break before the set.

Press, A bit light, My tracker was set to round down it seems. Ascending sets at 115, 135, 155, 175, 190 x 5 across. Felt real nice. I did push press that last rep so I'm a filthy cheater. Good thing it rounded me down.

Deads, 155 x 15 x 4 across. 9300lbs of volume. Thursday might be my last day at 15 reps. I might drop Saturday to 14 reps at 175. That nasty sciatic pinch has made fewer appearances since I began this so that's progress.

Thinking about adding Chins back for Thursday, and maybe Barbell Rows.


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Re: Not an old man, just high milage.


Post by whopeedinthepool » Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:41 am

Wilhelm wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:29 pm Well, at least you have a likely culprit now.
No doubt at this point. I crushed it this morning. I have a real problem imagining that the cold was playing that big of a part. It was 25-30ish last week in the garage. The only factor besides that was the slope. All the weights and bar check out. The rig is not different enough. Made it my bitch today...

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Re: Tactical Function Readjustment


Post by whopeedinthepool » Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:27 pm

Thursday, 03/29/2018, Light Day

Squat 195, 230, 260, 290, 330 X 5's across. Smashed it...

Bench 150, 170, 200, 225, 250 X 5's across. Well then. Weight was light, period! Moved Good, Locked out easy. Until rep 3 of set 5. Charlie horse in the dorsal, caudal region of my thigh. Fought it off through rep 2 and 3. At the bottom of rep four, it got serious. Dropped and failed the rep, squirm of shame...

Pissed off now so I ran three more after my cramp calmed down. Manly to complete my sacrifice to the iron gods if nothing else.

Deads, 165 x 15 x 4. I have made the official decision that these suck and I hate them.

Chins, Body weight at Amrap, so 6, 5, 6. After those deads, I'm ok with that...


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