How about another old, fat guy's training log?

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How about another old, fat guy's training log?


Post by Jjwhouston » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:09 pm

Age: 41
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 260

Was always a chubby but strong kid, got into lifting in high school and did a lot of bro work. The good news is that I got in pretty good shape at a light body weight, so I wouldn't say I was "strong" but at least I looked good.
Started real life, travelled 100% for a few years for work and ended up putting on a lot of weight and kept yo-yoing up and down. Stayed pretty active but got weaker and slower since I wasn't actively training.

The good news is I got in the gym with strong lifts in early 2017 at really light weight and ended up switching to starting strength in the summer. Bought the book, made pretty good progress, lost only about 10 pounds and about 5 inches in my waist (52"- 47"). I also had a slight concern as I had a slight thickening of a part of my heart but after the year of non-dedicated lifting it has been remedied (so imagine how much better things would be if i actually did the work). Over the year, I kept having to take small deloads due to falling off with travelling for work and not being dedicated enough to find a gym I can actually lift in when travelling. Started getting a little concerned with the cultish atmosphere over there, and the dismissal of concerns as always being YNDTP.

Trained up to early December when I had to travel to the UK for a couple weeks, ended up getting the flu over the holidays and just got too lazy to go back to the gym. Started up again last week at a low weight and going to try and run standard LP until I hit some decent lifts. Have been pretty successful in cutting the crap out of the diet over the past month, hopefully I can keep it going now that I'm lifting again.<br/>

My best single rep lifts (all from last year and in pounds) are:
SQ: 305
P: 165
DL: 310
BP: 210
I know - not impressive whatsoever.

Goals for 2018:
drop 30-40 pounds.
Squat 405, DL 500. I'm not really sure how realistic that is, but we'll see.

so on to the log:
Squat (3 minute rests)
185lbs 3x5
Press (3 minute rests)
105lbs 3x5
Deadlift (3 minute rests)
195lbs 1x5
I did 10 minutes on the cable rower as well.

Squat (3 minute rests)
195lbs 3x5
Bench Press (3 minute rests)
135lbs 3x5
Deadlift (3 minute rests)
205lbs 1x5

DOMS haven't been too bad so far, probably since I'm starting light and slow. Going to try and keep it going.

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Re: How about another old, fat guy's training log?


Post by Wilhelm » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:01 pm

Welcome, @Jjwhouston : )

Thanks for adding your log. \o/

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Re: How about another old, fat guy's training log?


Post by Shane » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:22 pm

Good stuff @Jjwhouston. Welcome! Best of luck with your goals. They don't seem unrealistic.

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Re: How about another old, fat guy's training log?


Post by Jjwhouston » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:45 pm

Shane wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:22 pm Good stuff @Jjwhouston. Welcome! Best of luck with your goals. They don't seem unrealistic.
Good! I'm just trying to be more consistent and see how much I can add to the bar. It should be fun.

Beats running on a treadmill...

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Re: How about another old, fat guy's training log?


Post by Jjwhouston » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:49 am between work and family drama, sickness and some weird elbow inflammation my training fell off very quickly. I recently got a promotion that has me leading a function for the western hemisphere, so it's been a bit stressful. Also I'm kind of a wimp and too quick to skip workouts. So I'm sufficiently detrained to run LP again, and started last week. Mainly trying to lose weight, still at the same measurements as a couple months ago, but I've noticed that I've gotten weaker and my endurance is suffering.

Currently running a low-carb diet, staying under 2,000 calories (but really it's been more like 1,500). I know this will hinder my lifts but that's probably a secondary concern at the moment. Deadlift has been pretty difficult, have had trouble getting in a good start position so I need to work on that (only got 3 of 5 reps at 225 last session so that was disappointing). I'm actually considering dropping some of the deadlift sessions to do a HIIT session but not sure yet. Each session I'm mixing in some rowing/treadmill work, but I'm not really bothering to log it. Have 6 weeks until a big family road trip so trying to make some decent progress before then. Figure keeping the log updated may help with compliance.

last few sessions:
Squat 225x5x3
BP 145x5x3
DL 225x3x1 I never liked deadlifts, I greatly prefer squats. I think the gym may have one of those weird hex bars and I may try that next time.

Squat 215x5x3
Press 105x5x3
DL 215x5x3

Squat 205x5x3
BP 135x5x3
DL 205x5x3

Squat 195x5x3
Press 95x5x3
DL 195x5x3

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