Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by cb » Wed May 02, 2018 2:07 pm

MattNeilsen wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 11:22 am ***Front squats...yeah. These suck. I was having trouble getting the rack position, so I decided to wrap straps around the bar and hold on to them like handles. Definitely made it better but front squats still suck...which means I probably need more of them. Damn.
Exactly how I imagined front squats to feel. I will try them ... one day.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Wed May 02, 2018 2:45 pm

cb wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 2:07 pm
MattNeilsen wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 11:22 am ***Front squats...yeah. These suck. I was having trouble getting the rack position, so I decided to wrap straps around the bar and hold on to them like handles. Definitely made it better but front squats still suck...which means I probably need more of them. Damn.
Exactly how I imagined front squats to feel. I will try them ... one day.
It kind of felt like someone was trying to strangle me to death while simultaneously snap my back in half.

The things we do to get stronger...

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Sun May 06, 2018 8:29 pm

I have some catching up to do in my log:

5/3/18 - Thursday; Cycle 2, W1, D3 (Strength)
BW: 216 lbs
Squat - 3x3@80%, then 3x2@80%
280, 3 x 3 @6-7
280, 3 x 2

Bench - 3 (TnG) @80%, rest 30s then 1 (paused) @80%; repeat x3 (4 rounds total)
200 x 3 @6.5
200 x 1 paused
200 x 3 @6.5
200 x 1 paused
200 x 3 @~7
200 x 1 paused

5/6/18 - Sunday; Cycle 2, W2, D1 (Hypertrophy)
BW: 220 lbs

Squat - 4x4@72%, then 4x3@72%
250, 4 x 4 @<6
250, 4 x 3 @<6

Bench - 4x4@72%, then 4x3@72%
180, 4 x 4 @<6
180, 4 x 3 @<6

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Sun May 06, 2018 10:04 pm

I got invited last minute to an instructor’s seminar this weekend for my martial art system. We ended up training ~9 hours on Friday, ~9 hours on Saturday and 5 hours today (Sunday). It was an phenomenal weekend - excellent instruction, lots of drilling/sparring, beautiful weather (we trained in a local park)...what’s not to love?

I decided to hit the gym this afternoon even though I was pretty exhausted. Strangely, my lifts were moving super fast and I walked out of the gym feeling energized. Maybe my feelz are a lie...

I’m very grateful for the impact strength training has on my life. Not everyone would physically be able to put in ~25 hours of hard movement and then strength train, and I don’t take that for granted. I know what we do around here isn’t curing cancer, but it sure is cool to experience a higher quality of life.

Train hard, friends!

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Mon May 07, 2018 8:56 pm

5/7/18 - Monday; Cycle 2, W2, D2 (Dead/Press Hypertrophy)
BW: 218 lbs

Press - Single @9, then 7-minute density block @80% of single
175 @9-9.5
135 x 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1 = 24 reps

Deadlift - 8 x 2 @70%
315, 8 x 2

***Fairly happy with the pressing work - after not doing it for almost a month, I did 5# more on the single and did 4 more reps for the density block, so I’m calling it a win

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by BenM » Mon May 07, 2018 10:59 pm

Great to see the progress on press!

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Tue May 08, 2018 7:57 am

BenM wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 10:59 pm Great to see the progress on press!
GainzZz are good - I’ll take ‘em where I can get ‘em!

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Wed May 09, 2018 5:10 pm

5/8/18 - Tuesday; Cycle 2, W2, D3 (Power)
BW: 215 lbs

Squat - 1x3@60%, 1x2@70%, 2 singles @77.5%, 1@~82%, 1@90%
210 x 3
245 x 2
275 x 1
275 x 1
290 x 1
315 x 1 @6.5

Bench - 3@60%, 2@70%, 2 singles @77.5%, 1@85%, 1@92%
150 x 3
175 x 2
195 x 1
195 x 1
215 x 1
230 x 1 @9

CGBP - 2-3 set of 5@70% bench e1RM
175 x 10 @9

***My workout was cut short and my bench reps suffered for it. I definitely felt some fatigue from yesterday’s workout as well. I ended up doing one extended set on CGBP to at least get some pressing volume in before leaving.
***On the bright side, my squat single @90% continues to move very well - it might be time to bump the e1RM again.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Fri May 11, 2018 3:28 pm

5/10/18 - Thursday; Cycle 2, W2, D4 (Strength)
AMBW: 213 lbs

Squat - 3x3@77%, then 4x2@77%
275, 3 x 3 @6
275, 4 x 2 @6

Bench - 3x3@77%, then 4x2@77%; pause first rep of all sets
195, 3 x 3 @6
195, 4 x 2

Deadlift - 8 singles @80%
365, 8 x 1

***Not much to report out today. Squats were moving well (I bumped my e1RM up 10 lbs to 360), bench felt good, and deadlift moved well (though I was pretty spent by the end). Taking full 2-second pauses on the bench helped me realize that sometimes I throw the bar forward rather than slightly back off the chest, thereby increasing the moment arm I have to overcome.
***I've been dealing with a tweaked back all week - it almost feels like I bruised a facet joint (the pain feels "vertebral" rather than "muscular" if that makes sense). I've simply continued to train and maintain focus on keeping a neutral spine, and the pain symptoms have slowly lessened. Once again, I find myself indebted to Austin Baraki's articles on pain management - they've truly been a game-changer for me in how I manage and think about pain.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Tue May 15, 2018 10:58 am

5/13/18 - Sunday; Cycle 2, W3, D1 (Hypertrophy)
BW: 215 lbs

Squat - 3x4@75%, then 4x3@75%
270, 3 x 4 @6-6.5
270, 4 x 3

Bench - 3x4@75%, then 5x3@75%
187.5, 3 x 4 @<6-6
187.5, 5 x 3

***Everything continues to feel good. I’m anticipating a strong performance at the end of this month’s cycle.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Tue May 15, 2018 10:59 am

5/14/18 - Monday, Cycle 2, W3, D2 (Deadlift/OHP Hypertrophy)
BW: 211 lbs

Deadlift - 5x4@70%
315, 5 x 4 @<6

Press - 10 minute density block at last week’s weight
135 x 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 28 reps

Pull-ups - 4 x 5

***It’s crazy how fast I lose weight (yeah, yeah, 1st world problems...bite me). Need to step up my food game!
***Press felt really heavy this week - I was struggling pretty hard halfway through. Not totally sure what’s up with that, though I’m wondering if my working weight is a little too high %-wise
***I decided to do the deadlift volume with straps and everything flew up. I’ve been experimenting with hook grip during warmups, though I might be doing something wrong because it feels like either my nail is going to rip out or my finger is about to break. However, I’d like to get away from mixed grip if possible, so I’ll keep working on it.
***Added a couple sets of pull-ups - my shoulders felt like they needed it

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Wed May 16, 2018 5:44 pm

5/15/18 - Tuesday, Cycle 2, W3, D3 (Power)
BW: 214 lbs

Squat - 3@60%, 2@70%, 2 singles @77.5%, 1@~82%, 1@90%, 1x2@80%
215 x 3
250 x 2
280 x 1
280 x 1
295 x 1
325 x 1 @7.5
290 x 2

Front Squat - 4x4@50% Squat e1RM
185, 4 x 4 @6?8? Not sure, just feels like death

Bench - 3@60%, 2@70%, 2 singles @77.5%, 1@~82%, 1@90%, 2x2@80%
150 x 3
175 x 2
195 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1 @7.5
200, 2 x 2

CGBP - 3 sets of 6@70% bench e1RM
175, 3 x 6 @7-8

***Squat progress seems to be continuing along nicely; in fact, I think it’s my best-responding lift so far, which surprises me
***My back was still feeling a little beat-up from the combination of Sunday & Monday - I might need to work with Hanley to reorganize the weekly stress distribution. However, I’ll give it another week to acclimate before making changes.
***I’m not sure what’s going on with bench - I haven’t felt much improvement the past couple weeks, but we’ve also added OHP into the mix the day before Power day which could be masking performance through acute fatigue. I think I’ll have a better sense at the end of test week in two weeks.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by heidikay » Thu May 17, 2018 3:35 pm

MattNeilsen wrote: Wed May 16, 2018 5:44 pm

Front Squat - 4x4@50% Squat e1RM
185, 4 x 4 @6?8? Not sure, just feels like death

Is it weird that your description of how horrible these are makes me want to try them?

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Fri May 18, 2018 6:32 pm

5/17/18 - Thursday, Cycle 2, W3, D4 (Strength)
BW: 215 lbs

Squat - 6x2@82%
290, 6 x 2 @~6ish

Bench - 3 paused singles at 82%, then 5x2@82%
205, 3 x 1 @6 or less
205, 5 x 2 @6-8

Deadlift - 6x2@80%
365, 6 x 2

***I found the singles on the bench to be quite helpful - I felt an improvement in my form on the subsequent doubles. I do find I'm still struggling with finding the right movement pattern on bench - sometimes everything locks in perfectly and the weight is practically effortless, yet other times I feel some discomfort in my shoulders and the weight is incredibly heavy. I've been playing around with different cues, thinking about the rotation patterns (internal vs. external), etc but I haven't landed on a consistent pattern yet.
***Squat and Deadlift both felt really good

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Fri May 18, 2018 6:34 pm

heidikay wrote: Thu May 17, 2018 3:35 pm
MattNeilsen wrote: Wed May 16, 2018 5:44 pm

Front Squat - 4x4@50% Squat e1RM
185, 4 x 4 @6?8? Not sure, just feels like death

Is it weird that your description of how horrible these are makes me want to try them?
Haha, if it's weird then I apparently suffer from your same psychopathy :) I find front squats immensely uncomfortable, and it just makes me want to do them more.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Sun May 20, 2018 1:40 pm

5/20/18 - Sunday; Cycle 2, W4, D1 (Hypertrophy)
BW: 214 lbs

Squat - 4x3@80%, then 2x2@80%
290, 4 x 3 @7
290, 2 x 2

Bench - 4x3@80%, then 3x2@80%
200, 4 x 3 @6
200, 3 x 2

Extra accessories:
BB Rows - 135, 3 x 8 (did these holding the bar the whole time)
DB Farmer’s Walk- 60 lb each hand

***Squat form seemed all over the place today, but the weight was moving well
***Bench form, on the other hand, felt better than usual. I imagined my elbows were being actively pulled down and loaded onto springs directly below them - weird cue, but it seemed to help. I also held my breath across all reps.
***Today looked more like a strength workout because I’m testing at the end of next week
***Threw in some accessories because I had the time. I've been neglecting accessory pulling work (chins/rows/etc.) lately and I feel like it's good to keep them in my routine. I also got inspired by @KyleSchuant's recent posts about preventative health benefits.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Thu May 24, 2018 11:51 am

5/21/18 - Monday; Cycle 2, W4, D2 (Deadlift Hypertrophy)
BW: 211 lbs

Deadlift - 5x4@75%
335, 5 x 4

***I was very short on time for this workout but I got it all finished in under 20 minutes. I'm moving the Press top single/hypertrophy work to Friday to keep me fresher for tomorrow.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Thu May 24, 2018 11:57 am

5/22/18 - Tuesday; Cycle 2, W4, D3 (Power)
BW: 212 lbs

Squat - 1x3@60%, 1x2@70%, 2 singles @77.5%, 1@~82%, 1@90% (optional: if non-fatigued, 1@92-93%)
315 x 1 @7
335 x 1 @8.5

Front Squat - 4x4@~55% LBBS
185, 4 x 4

Bench - 3@60%, 2@70%, 2 singles @77.5%, 1@85%, 1@90% (optional: if non-fatigued, 1@95%)
225 x 1 @7-7.5
240 x 1 @9-9.5

CGBP - 3 sets of 6 @70% e1RM
175, 3 x 6 @<6

***Did bench first because all the racks were full. Today's workout felt great - I think skipping the Press session yesterday made a big difference. My last bench single for 240 was a new PR, and I definitely had more in the tank. Good stuff!
***I was feeling really good on squat as well, so I decided to do a top single @93% (335). This is also a new PR for me, and I probably could have done a grindy triple. Very pleased to see my squat progress continuing upward.

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Mon May 28, 2018 7:30 pm

I seem to have gotten behind in logging - I shall rectify that immediately!

5/24/18 - Thursday; Cycle 2, W4, D4 (Strength)
BW: 215 lbs

Squat - double @ 87%, then 3-4 singles @87%
315 x 2 @7.5
315, 3 x 1

Bench - Paused single @87%, rest, then TnG double @87%, then (big rest) and: Paused single @87%, rest, then TnG double @87%
217.5 x 1 (paused)
217.5 x 2 (TnG) @7.5
217. 5 x 1 (paused)
217.5 x 2 (TnG)

Deadlift - 1@80%, 1@85%, then drop weight for 4x3@80%
365 x 1
385 x 1 @<6
365, 4 x 3 @6

***I (think) the paused bench reps are showing me that I tend to stay too far down my chest on the concentric (i.e. creating an unnecessary moment arm).

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Re: Matt Neilsen's Log - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Montana


Post by MattNeilsen » Mon May 28, 2018 7:34 pm

5/25/18 - Friday; Cycle 2, W4, D5 (OHP Strength/Hypertrophy)
BW: 212 lbs

OHP - Top single @9, then 7 minute density block at 80% of single
175 x 1 @9.5
135 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 24 reps

Farmer’s Walks - 60lb/hand and 100lb/hand walks
BB Row (upright) - 135, 3 x 8

***I moved the OHP workout to Friday since that still gives me 48 hours to recover before Hypertrophy day. This was definitely the right move, and it gives me another session to throw in some pulling/accessory work.

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