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Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:54 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.4 lbs @JohnHelton I spoke too soon. Lol (2400 cals)

Squat: Beltless/2 min rest

255x5 x2 sets

Deadlift: Beltless/DOH/2 min rest

285x5 x2 sets

Chins: EMOM/Supine Grip

BW x6 (@8), 5 (@8.5), 4 (@8.5)

Oly SFP: EMOM/double paused

62.5x12 x3 sets

***31 mins total
-Not hating the short workouts but definitely sucks dragging myself into the gym 4x per week vs just 3. I’m hoping this is more sustainable while in a deficit.
-I saw a vid from Juggernaut talking about how being in a long term deficit will definitely mess with recovery and gains. I already knew that but it was nice to hear it from professionals.
-I realized I haven’t been in a surplus in over 18 mths so that’s definitely going to take a toll.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:34 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.8 lbs (2400 cals)

Bench: Beltless/Control TnG/2 min rests

165x5 x4 sets

Press: Beltless/2 min rests

95x5 x3 sets

Seated DB Laterals: Top pauses/60s rest

10’sx15 x2 sets

Oly Arm Curls: EMOM/TP,reg,drag

62.5x12 x3 sets

***28 mins rests
-settled into the ridiculously light weights now. Workouts are a little more enjoyable since chopping up the volume. Today’s session was under a half hour which is awesome for a dad of 4.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:04 am
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 199.3 lbs New PR (2400 cals)


345 @6

295x3 x3

Deadlift: Beltless/DOH/2 min rest

325x3 x2 sets

Chins: BW+65 lbs/30s rests/SG

264 x1 x7 sets


90x6 x3 sets

***41 mins total
-Was pleasantly surprised back off squat volume felt easy. Hoping that means strength is plateauing instead of falling still.
-only have less than 5 weeks left before I take a longer maintenance phase so I’m glad I’ve had my 2nd weigh-in under 200 lbs now. I might reduce cals more soon. We’ll see how the rest of the week goes.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:44 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 199.6 lbs (2400 cals)

Bench: Beltless/Paused

225 @6 (maybe a 5 IDK)

195x3 x4 sets (Beltess/Paused/2 min rests)

Press: Beltless/2 min rests

115x3 x3

Standing Plate Laterals: 60s rest

25’s x12 x2 sets

EZ Curls: EMOM/TP,reg,spider

90x6 x3 sets

***34 mins total
-I’m thinking 225 was easier than a 6 but I’m fine with starting out too light now. It’s been nice not having form break down or fighting myself mentally with how strong I used to be.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:50 pm
by Wilhelm
Sub 200lbs

I've leveled off at around 208 daytime, and am hitting 2,800 plus or minus 100 calories daily now.
(dropped calories from bulk)
Probably slowly trim a few lbs from now to March, recomp a bit perhaps.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:15 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.0 lbs (2400 cals)

Deadlift: Beltless/DOH

385 @6

325x3 x2 sets (2 min rest)

Squat: 2 min rest

295x3 x2 sets

Chins: BW+65 lbs/30s rests/Supine Grip

265 x1 x7 sets


92.5x6 x3 sets

***39 mins total
@Wilhelm Thank you! Somehow I’m still kind of fat lol. I don’t think my body is enjoying all these deficits.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:38 pm
by broseph
MattimusMaximus wrote: Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:15 pm Somehow I’m still kind of fat lol. I don’t think my body is enjoying all these deficits.
You're probably super deflated right now, so your muscles might just look like flab. Even if you have more progress to make on the the waistline (or whatever metric for fatness you prefer), you'll look way better once you exit the deficit and the muscles reinflate.

On the other hand, if aesthetics are your goal, losing fat can make you suddenly aware of long neglected muscle groups. For me, that fluff covered a lot of places I needed to add muscle.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:03 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 199.9 lbs (2400 cals, probably drop soon)

Press: Beltless

130 @6

115x3 x3 (Beltless/2 min rests)

Bench: Beltless/Paused/2 min rests

195x3 x4 sets

Standing Plate Laterals: 60s rest

25’s x12 x2 sets

Oly Arm Curls: EMOM/TP,reg,drag

92.5 x6 x3 sets

***37 mins
-press was probably more like a 5 but honestly who cares when it’s this light. I’m just trying to not feel like crap every session right now. This split seems to be working in terms of allowing recovery time. I’m even getting a bit more shoulder and chin up volume per week.
@broseph I think you’re right, I do look “deflated” and that’s actually an accurate description of how I’m feeling physically. Looking forward to the end of Oct. I plan on maintenance cals from Nov to at least Feb. My body needs the break.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:00 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.2 lbs (Raised to 2700 cals today)

Squat: Beltless/2 min rests

265x5 x3 sets

Deadlift: Beltless/DOH/2 min rest

295x5 x2 sets

Chins: EMOM/Supine Grip

BW x7 (@8), 5 (@8), 5 (@9)


65x12 x3 sets

34 mins total
-Seeing the scale reading 200 after 2 solid months of dieting again I’m burnt out. I’m taking this week (starting today) to take a break (slight cal increase but still below maintenance) and assess how I’m feeling after Canadian Thanksgiving).
-I might just reverse from here, especially if I lose weight reversing this week.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:03 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.1 lbs (2700 cals Day 2)

Bench: Beltless/control TnG/2 min rests

170x5 x4 sets

Press: Beltless/2 min rests

100x5 x3 sets

Seated Plate Laterals: Top Pauses/Very strict/60s rest

10’s x17 x2 sets

EZ Curls: EMOM/TP,reg,spider

65x12 x3 sets

***33 mins total
-Watched Nippard’s Laterals Tutorial (feel like I’ve always sucked at performing them). Hoping my form is better now. I’m going to focus on relaxing the arms more and targeting the actual deltoid with lighter weights.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:32 am
by cole
Hows life going with 4 kids, a job, and your weight loss journey? You seem busy

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:59 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.6 lbs (23.6% BF bio-impedance and 2700 cals)

Squat: Beltless/2 min rest

265x5 x2 sets

Deadlift: Beltless/DOH/2 min rest

295x5 x2 sets

Chins: EMOM/Neutral Grip

BW x7 (@8.5), 5 (@8.5), 4 (@8)


67.5 x12 x3 sets

***31 mins total
@cole Yeah I think that busy-ness is catching up to me. The 4x per week split seems to be a bit better for time (sessions only about half an hour now). Hoping it helps with recovery but we’ll see. Honestly 4 kids doesn’t feel any different than 3. I’d say none to 1 and 1 to 2 were the biggest difference. After that you’re just used to it lol.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:52 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.8 lbs (2700 cals Break)

Bench: Beltless/Control TnG/2 min rests

170x5 x4 sets

Press: Beltless/2 min rests

100x5 x3 sets

Seated Laterals: Plates/Top Pauses/60s rest

10’s x17 x2

Oly Curls: EMOM/TP,reg,drag

67.5 x12 x3 sets

***33 mins total
-going up over a pound in BW from 4 days of higher (not even close to maintenance) cals is kind of irritating me but I swear my muscle bellies are looking fuller already.
-Still going to wait until after this weekend to see if I wanna cut more (May try 2200-2300 cals until end of Oct) or possibly keep reversing and maintain most of the winter.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:42 am
by broseph
MattimusMaximus wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:52 pm -going up over a pound in BW from 4 days of higher (not even close to maintenance) cals is kind of irritating me but I swear my muscle bellies are looking fuller already.
It's a thing. I think you're muscly and lean enough that the "flatness" associated with long term cutting is becoming a decent variable in how you look day to day. I don't know if it's just energy substrate and water (glycogen) or if muscle tone actually increases when there are calories to spare, but it's definitely a thing.

And that initial weight gain (and loss when returning to cutting) is almost certainly energy substrate and water (right?). And maybe even increased gut contents. I try not to worry about the first ~2 pounds that come back after cutting, because my weight seems to level out right after that sudden fluctuation.

And I hope you don't mind me always commenting on stuff like this in your log. It's new stuff to me and it seems like you and I were/are in similar boats regarding bodyweight and strength levels. So it's super exciting and cool to see all the same experiences in someone else.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:57 am
by MattimusMaximus
@broseph I don’t mind at all, in fact I welcome it! It’s super cool knowing others have similar experiences. I’m hoping my strength comes back now.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:40 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.1 lbs (reversed to 2800 cals yesterday)


365 @8

305x3 x3 (2 min rests)

Deadlift: Beltless/DOH/2 min rest

335x3 x2 sets

Weighted Chins: BW+70 lbs/30s rests/SG

270 x1 x7 sets


95x6 x3 sets

***41 mins total
-Was hoping the top single would be easier. Getting tired of being weaker. It’s getting old fast. Back off sets were easy though.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:20 am
by JohnHelton
How are your hormones doing these days? Maybe improvement since the weight loss? You might be able to push the volume a bit while in maintenance. I still have a bit more to lose, but I plan to push things a bit while I am in maintenance.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:36 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.8 lbs 23.5% bio impedance scale (2800 cals)

Bench: Beltless/Paused

245 @8

200x3 x4 sets (Beltless/Paused/2 min rests)

Press: Beltless

120x3 x3

Standing Plate Laterals: 60s rest

25’s x14 x2 sets

EZ Curls: EMOM/TP,reg,spider

95x6 x3 sets

***38 mins total
@JohnHelton Yeah my doc is awful. Claimed even though my serum levels were very low my SHBG ratio was normal so according to the endo I’m not hypogonadal. The doc said it must be in my head. I call bs. I’d get a new doc but there’s a massive doctor shortage here. If I go private trt clinic it’ll cost me. We’ll see.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:54 pm
by broseph
FWIW I see a urologist for hypogonadism. I honestly don't know how many different specialties treat it, but that's another option if you're looking for docs.

Re: GainzZz For Valhalla

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:50 pm
by MattimusMaximus
BW: 200.6 lbs (2800 cals reversing)

Deadlift: Beltless

345 DOH
375 DOH
405 @8

335x3 x2 sets (Beltless/DOH/2 min rest)

Squat: Beltless/2 min rest

305x3 x2 sets

Weighted Chins: BW+70 lbs/SG/30s rests

271 x1 x7 sets


97.5 x6 x3 sets

***42 mins total
-I don’t think my body is liking this split. I could increase the volume but that would defeat the purpose. I might go back to my 3x per week original programming now that I’m reversing cals. I’ll finish tomorrow’s planned session and gauge from there.
@broseph We have to get referred here and my doc will only refer to endo and “doesn’t feel comfortable prescribing testosterone” despite them being the one who initially recommended it. It’s confusing but I’ll probably go private trt clinic some time soon. My serum levels are well below normal for years.