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Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:46 pm
by iamsmu
mbasic wrote: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:41 pm OMG I tried the psyllium husk, and that shit sits in my gut like a lead brick.

I stopped using it soley because of how it made me feel.

If anyone needs help with appetite supression that'd be the ticket.
How much did you eat? You are supposed to slowly ramp up. I'm scared to eat much more than a heaping Tbs. right now. If I were going to eat more, I'd probably try to spread it out throughout the day. I just throw some in my afternoon shake.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:36 pm
by broseph
mbasic wrote: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:41 pm OMG I tried the psyllium husk, and that shit sits in my gut like a lead brick.

I stopped using it soley because of how it made me feel.

If anyone needs help with appetite supression that'd be the ticket.
That’s interesting about the brick in your belly. It’s exactly opposite for me.

Like if I eat a whole pizza or something rediculous that would usually feel like a brick and give me heart burn. Now I’ll take some psyllium after a meal like that it’s much better. Maybe it’s all in my head.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:26 pm
by mbasic
One tablespoon ....mixed with in with whey and so.e other stuff....

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:28 pm
by cwd
Guts adapt to workload, just like muscles and bones. The system works best if you change your diet gradually.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:31 pm
by JimRiley
d0uevenlift wrote: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:37 pmThe risks of taking statins and its side effects are overblown. Just suggesting to someone that it may cause muscle pain will probably do just that--cause muscle pain. Don't forget that there is more than one type of statin, so if one has averse side effects, it's easy to switch to another.
Good point. By the way, some side effects, particularly ones involving the liver, can be symptom-less, so I recommend getting bloodwork after starting or changing statins. I've taken statins for about 12 years and have never had any side effects I could detect, but it did take a few tries to find one that didn't drive my liver enzymes way up. I've also found that doctors sometimes have to be prompted to order the liver tests, so this is one of those things where the patient may have to take the initiative.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:38 am
by hackerhercules
I ate something like 60g of fiber in orange-flavored psyllium husk one day, mixed in with vanilla ON protein. It tasted like creamsicles. It was fucking delicious.

I literally shat out orange jello the entirety of the next day. Best, most comfortable shits I've had in my entire life.

On the flip side, I will never drink Muscle Milk for protein supplementation, for the exact opposite reason. 'Shit bricks' is more than a metaphor.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:42 am
by nkupianist
broseph wrote: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:36 pm
Like if I eat a whole pizza or something rediculous that would usually feel like a brick and give me heart burn. Now I’ll take some psyllium after a meal like that it’s much better. Maybe it’s all in my head.
Interesting - maybe I'll try this for heartburn.

Re: psyllium, I've been taking a serving of the capsules nightly for years. Psyllium is pretty amazing for me - no matter which end of the digestive spectrum I'm trending toward, it tends to fix what ails me as long as I'm otherwise eating and drinking decently. My mornings are markedly more pleasant when I'm taking it.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:23 am
by JohnHelton
My problem with statins are that they don't appear to lower LDL-P, which has the highest correlation with CVD.

Unfortunately, a normal lipid panel won't give you your LDL-P number. I paid for that test myself recently just to get a baseline. It was 1400. Not good but not terrible. I will experiment with more fiber to see if that gets it lower.

As for HDL-C, my number has increased from 46->63 after cutting the simple carbs from my diet. My LDL-C decreased from 190->143. Triglycerides decreased from 118->81. That was basically following a LCHF diet. Very light cardio. A lot of lifting. We will see if the fiber continues the progress.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:41 am
by quark
A conversation I had with my doctor:

Doctor: You should strongly consider taking statins.

Me: I'm concerned about evidence statins don't improve all cause mortality, especially given my lab results and BP, and may have side effects.

Doctor: It's important to take statins because CVD is a major killer.

I gave up at that non sequitor.

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:42 am
by Idlehands
mbasic wrote: Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:26 pm One tablespoon ....mixed with in with whey and so.e other stuff....
2-3 tablespoons. Doesn't bother me at all. Curcumin phytosome pills too. Which also tweaks out caffeine which is good and bad. Also hitting hte veggie scoops in shakes too.
eating half a cheesecake last night didn't help, but sometimes you have to celebrate

Re: Cholesterol

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:06 am
by mbasic
Interesting video.

Statins are covered around the 47:30 mark.

I liked the part about relative risk vs absolute risk.
...oh ...and .... fuck statins.


If you want the full read/talk on why LDL or high total cholesterol might not be a big deal, watch the whole thing.

Seems like, lately, a lot 'people in the know' are poo-poo-ing on the typical lipid panels and the cholesterol paradigm ("LDL, HDL, triglycerides, etc) ....looking at other indicators. APob, etc.

I really think it is all majoring in the minors though, seems like the RX of "more-exercise-and-less-eating" fixes most of these problems long term ...has more of a positive effect than any drug. (outside of rare genetic anomalies/fuckups .... but the video even covers how those should be handled, IOW: maynot even be a problem if dealt with correctly).