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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:29 pm

LiftSets and RepsWeightRep MaxRest/RM RestPrescriptionRPE
Deadlift (Double Over)2x8155123:0010+N/A
AirdyneIntervals TotalTotal TimeDistanceWatts AvgSpeed AvgCalories
HIIT 1:7 Ratio // 0:15 to 1:4536:031.5213915.356
LiftSets and RepsWeightRep MaxRest/RM RestPrescriptionRPE
Deadlift (Double Over)3x5185N/A2:00Add 5lbs6-10
OHP3x5120N/A2:00Add 2.5lbs6-10
AirdyneIntervals TotalTotal TimeDistanceWatts AvgSpeed AvgCalories
HIIT 1:7 Ratio // 0:15 to 1:45510:032.7316316.4119

Chin-ups (Weekdays Only)N/AN/A6606N/A
  • Compliance was shit last week. I lifted once, did calisthenics once. This week was much better despite wanting 3-days. Calisthenics compliance was significantly better.
  • Alterations to diet for a severe deficit, and more protein than I'm used to lately incoming. I don't expect massive GainzZz for that time.
  • I don't like 8s on main lifts, especially deadlift. Going to turn 2x8 into 4x4, 4x6 or 6x4 as needed. Same with OHP.
  • Looking forward to getting a rack and getting squat and bench work in, as well.
  • Focus on OHP and Dead seem to have upped traps and front delts hypertrophy (or resting tone?) a lot despite modest-at-best dietary effort. So that's cool!
  • Other than Sunday, doing true LISS on the Airdyne for 20-30min or going on a solid paced walk with my wife in the AM.
Training feels good, feedback mechanisms are coming into play. Quite happy about that and as good as I could've hoped for circa 3-weeks ago. Looking forward to more optimization in the next few weeks.

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Week of 20180910


Post by OrderInChaos » Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:33 pm

LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionHR Variability
Deadlift (Double Over)1x5, 4x4195, 1657.52:00-3:0010+207
OHP1x5, 6x4130, 11083:005+182
AirdyneIntervals TotalTotal TimeDistanceWatts AvgSpeed AvgCalories
HIIT 1:7 Ratio // 0:15 to 1:45510:002.6115915.8110
LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionHR Variability
Deadlift (Double Over)1x3, 3x5240, 1906.52:00-3:0015+/5+SKIPPED
OHP1x3, 3x5142.5, 122.593:002.5+SKIPPED
AirdyneIntervals TotalTotal TimeDistanceWatts AvgSpeed AvgCalories
LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionHR Variability
Deadlift (Double Over)1x2, 4x3255, 19582:00-3:0010+204
OHP1x2, 4x3155, 13593:002+/0178
AirdyneIntervals TotalTotal TimeDistanceWatts AvgSpeed AvgCalories
HIIT 1:7 Ratio // 0:15 to 1:45510:002.6616316.6113
  • Poor week for calisthenics, didn't really track much. Will do better next week.
  • The deadlift is feeling really powerful and great off the floor. Narrowing my toes about 10 degrees inward and focusing on tightness at the bottom has been effing amazing.
  • OHP is feeling good, but I overloaded today's work a little to accommodate the programming. Also, having to clean my OHP is turning into a pain; looking forward to my rack's arrival post-"hurricane". That said, I think I finally learned the "JUMP" cue an SSC tried to coach me into back in 2015 :lol: :oops: :lol:
  • Dropped bike Thursday as I lifted before work, and work ended up lasting late. Saturday bike I did no-hands for all the intervals and my quads are still pulsing on fire. Feels great
  • Dieting with some tips from @OverheadDeadlifts has been more successful than previous attempts, I had like 4 consecutive days of 100% tracking and one planned splurge meal. I may not comply fully with original intent but I understand the psychological benefit of tracking junk meals (to see just how junky they are, and demotivate future insane splurges!), and will start experimenting to achieve optimal taste/satiety/macro spread for the next while. Lifestyle vs. cyclical dieting
  • Somehow I'm gaining traps from my extremely light deadlifts and all this OHP. I'm coming to think the level of specialization is damned helpful. I think I might try HBBS or FS/Bench at some point to see how that affects the current priority lifts.
  • Intense, adagio/allegro classical is the best music for top set, high intensity lifting. Sludgy, grungey rock/metal like Alice in Chains, Pantera, etc. fill rest periods and back off lifting well. Saving the more insane and intense music for HIIT on the devil's bike works well.
  • Reading Behave and About Face at the same time is a damned kick. The world's awesome.

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Re: Week of 20180910


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:45 pm

OrderInChaos wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:33 pm Intense, adagio/allegro classical is the best music for top set, high intensity lifting. Sludgy, grungey rock/metal like Alice in Chains, Pantera, etc. fill rest periods and back off lifting well. Saving the more insane and intense music for HIIT on the devil's bike works well.
Cardio is pretty much the only time i would have music as a regular part of the session.

I was dragging ass after 4 hours sleep wednesday night, and i got fired up listening to "Reckless Driver" by Timbuk 3 before i lifted.

Keep up the good work, and may the pounds and inches you want to lose, become lost. : )

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Week of 20180917 - Blegh...


Post by OrderInChaos » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:25 pm

@Wilhelm, thanks for the kind words man. Wouldn't have guessed you were into early punk! I'm trying not to rely too heavily on metal tunes to get me through workouts for fear of becoming like Eric Bugenhagen, but if it gets the work in it gets the work in...

Had a really crappy week for compliance. Some long workdays, a weird wannabe migraine, and excuses/laziness ensued. Doing 8 chins with shorter than GTG rest right before the deadlifts was a highly fatiguing idea, but it felt great at the time...Lifted M, but skipped WF. Rowed on Saturday at my municipal gym, really enjoyed it. Think I'm going to row on non-lift days for LISS, way better than Airdyne for steady state.

Goal is to just comply this week and do last week's missed weights. Rack is here and built, but will refrain from adding any sizeable squats until this feels like it's running out... also, bike season is kicking up so that's a lot of legs work already. Semper gumby

ExerciseTarget RepsSundayMonday
Chin-ups (Weekdays Only)7N/A8
Ab Wheel (Knees)3x300
LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionWorkout Length (Lifts/Total)
Deadlift (Double Over)1x5, 4x4205, 17572:00-3:0010+0:29:50
OHP1x5, 6x4135, 1158.53:005+/00:39:50
AirdyneIntervals TotalTotal TimeDistanceWatts AvgSpeed AvgCalories
HIIT 1:7 Ratio // 0:15 to 1:45510:002.9118517.5132

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Week of 20180924


Post by OrderInChaos » Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:56 pm

Great first session again. Forgot to do 6x4 instead of 4x4 on OHP. Love this bike workout. Going to try to keep a negative split for each interval, going a little harder each time. In order to get an excellent-high bike score, I'm setting my targets for at least a 22-23mph avg on the 3min, and ~21mph avg on the 6min intervals in the 6-8ish weeks before the test. I'll probably do a couple of 12min/6minoff/12min workouts as test approaches.

LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionWorkout Length (Lifts/Cardio)
Deadlift (Double Over)1x5, 4x4215, 18572:00-3:0010+0:31:25
OHP1x5, 6x4* (4x4)140, 11593:005+/0+0:34:15

Feeling wiped without any squats included; going to hold off on adding them back in until post-bike test.

Calisthenics contributed to feeling derelict last Tuesday-Wednesday; I'm going to do my calisthenics only on non-lifting days, in the early AM as temporally near to the last day's lifting as possible. More MPS/recovery time that way *hand wave*

AirdyneIntervalsSpeed AvgDistanceWatts AvgCaloriesHR Peak

I'll row LISS 20-30min on the off-day afternoons. I'll also add in a lap or two at gentle pace on the track at the city gym (1/6th mile is an odd interval!) as a warm-up, bones and joints permitting. Want to condition the body towards running gently and not be useless or bike dependent ASAP. Something like:



Old workout logged for reference
20180922C2 Rower
2k4kDistanceTimeAverage 500mWatts AvgCalories

20180925C2 RowerWarm-up Run:1/3 Mile2:59
2k4kDistanceTimeAverage 500mWatts AvgCalories

No idea why this day was so much better! PR on the 2k and 4k row (the 2k is one of the Eo3 benchmarks I've been hoping to hit), and the warmup run seems to indicate that I can run injury free at that 8:30-9:00 minute mile pace at pretty low effort. Sad to think 2.4k in 11:15 and 10:35 are legitimately years distant in the past at this point.

Rower is freaking sweet, though. Will continue until I'm incapable!


LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionWorkout Length (Lifts/Total)
Deadlift (Double Over)1x3, 3x5(265*), 1958.52:00-3:005+0:26:35
OHP1x3, 3x5145, 12582:00-3:0010/0+0:37:30

AirdyneIntervalsSpeed AvgDistanceWatts AvgCaloriesHR Max

Funnily enough, was supposed to hit 255x3 for topset. Added 10s where I should've done 5s. Was concerned when "255" felt @8.5, tried to game myself into believing it was @8 (not a big difference; still caught my attention in the moment). Then on deloading for back-offs, I go... oh shit, that was overloaded. Double at 265's RPE in comparison to today will be a good indicator of how rough the off-day rowing and all this biking has been on fatigue overall.

Bike was a bit fatigued. PR rowing yesterday probably did it. Still not bad numbers, hoping that I don't degrade AGAIN on Friday's bike, at least plateau till each Monday session which will hopefully be a small PR in some way.



20180927C2 RowerWarm-up Run:1/3 Mile2:45
2k4kDistanceTimeAverage 500mWatts AvgCalories
Another (barely) PR at 2k; 4k was slower, really wanted not to overtax myself today. Didn't do calisthenics as planned, I'm beat from the damned rowing. Might do tomorrow along with lifting, or just scrap till Saturday.

Running extremely short distances makes me feel like less of a shitbag; hopefully my bones and tendons are adapting and not just taking a smaller beating!


LiftSets and RepsWeightTop Set RPERest/RM RestPrescriptionWorkout Length (Lifts/Total)
Deadlift (Double Over)1x2, 4x3265, 2057.52:00-3:0010+0:25:32
OHP1x2, 4x3157.25, 1359.52:00-3:002+/5+0:34:04
AirdyneIntervalsSpeed AvgDistanceWatts AvgCaloriesHR Max

Skipped some calisthenics and lifting got pushed two days. Was really beat Friday to the point of bed at 6:45pm. Woke at 8:30. Jesus!

The press top set was vicious, I'm finding near-peak effort there. Will hone that to singles near future.

Conditioning's going REALLY well, heartrate looks funny for today's intervals because of the big stout I drank before training... alcohol is silly and a poor preworkout lmao

Deadlift keeps feeling easier and easier. Going to post a form check here for top set and one across once I lift at a time of day with adequate lighting!

Consulting with smart folks has led me to think I might need to aim a bit lighter than mere 215BW. We'll see!

Going to migrate to once weekly logging here while I update my Gsheets per session. It updates much faster and I'm not tempted by the call of posting outside my log as often that way :lol: :lol:

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Reboot - OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:28 pm

Didn't log but complied up until about 10 days out from my fitness test, on which I got solid mid-range scores on pushups and curlups and biked the equivalent of an 11:15 1.5mi/2.4km run. I attribute the bike to 1) great music 2) great development work guided by Mu's, brosef's, and asdf's ideas over in the conditioning threads and 3) much higher quality food than previously, even though I went roughly untracked after weigh-ins the week pre-test.

Day before my test I learned I'd been running, rowing, biking, rucking on a fractured 4th metatarsal in my right foot. First time I went to medical circa August 2017 to see about getting it fixed up they gave me an x-ray, said it was inconclusive/fine, sent me on my way with naproxen. Went back with a new PCM, got a bone scan which quickly ID'd the fracture. No running or weight-bearing walks; minimal unweighted walking. Going to lift until it becomes apparent to me that DL or SQ or both are preventing this from healing. Pretty wild to have the same damn fracture for so long.

My lifting cycle ended with a top single DL at 305@8.5 and a top single OHP at 165@9ish. I failed 160x2 once, so "160@10", just a week or two before; I'm not convinced my OHP form is 100% and that maybe I had more layback than desirable at 165. Rating RPE on press seems more variable than DL. I'm close enough to stalling on both that I'm simply inverting my "refamiliarization LP-DUP" from OHP/DL to focus on (HB) back squat and bench. I've got a likely candidate for post-re-LP and hope to get rolling on that in about 4-6 weeks at the latest. Meanwhile, I'll probably do some Swiss bar OHP and SGDL as well as normal lifts for some variety.

I'll be really happy if I can get my e1RMs into reasonable territory before I balance out towards calisthenics and cardio. Something like:


As for today, 20181112:

HBBS4x4 135
BP5x175, 4x4 135
HR Pushup20
Ab Wheel OR0
L-Sit Hang 15s2

I'm blown away how bad the DOMS (or IOMS, immediate onset) was after having not squatted since some HBBS~185x5 and FS~135x5 back in July. I've done a lot of rowing and biking, modest amounts of KB/BW squats in METCONs, but the amount of eccentric stress must've just been negligible. It'll be fun to re-LP and do some squats correctly and with some fitness so I'm not a panting manatee at the end of a workout!

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December 2018 Training


Post by OrderInChaos » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:56 pm

Made some slight changes to my log, prefer a tidy and readable paper log and a modest little .csv in Sheets to other methods. Adding here and hope to start keeping up with this ~weekly, maybe with some comments each time.

This site is a great place to learn and share.

BW 247.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
2Lat PulldownsSingles612901min6
3Roman L-SitAbs46secBW1min424s
4DB OHP (Rehab)Starr Rehab107-12.5-251min33
5EllipticalLong Cardio11L11N/A1.9530min
6SGDL (First Straps)Test34952min12
7Front Squat (First Straps)Test18115N/A8
BW 250.8ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Front SquatEZ LP44951:3016
3Pushups6x25% RepMax510BW1:1550(PUKE)
BW 252ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Incline BPTest441351:3016
2Horizontal RowHigh Rep3,210,8120,1101:3046
3RunningSlow Jog11BWN/A1/6th mile1:26
4EllipticalLong Cardio11L11N/A3.145min
5Pushups3x30% RM312BW3min36
BW 252ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1RunningSlow Jog11BWN/A1/6th mile1:18
2Pushups4x35% RM414BW3min56
3Lat PulldownsSub-Max Volume481751:3032
4EllipticalLong Cardio11L11N/AMissing45min
BW NAExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Lat PulldownsSub-Max Volume642051:3024

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January 2019 Training


Post by OrderInChaos » Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:00 pm

This month reflects the running I've been doing. Ran a 5k on 26Jan19, 35ish minutes because I was trying to keep my intensity extremely low... first time I've run longer than ~1 mile on real paths (non-treadmill) in years. Lots of treadmill is boosting my confidence and feet/ankle durability.

I aim to run the Paris Mountain 25K this October. A couple more 5k's scheduled through the year as progress-checks, one 10k, one half-mara after the 25K.

BW 250.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Lat PulldownsSub-Max Volume471901:3028
2RunningSlow Jog11BWN/A1/6th mile1:24
3EllipticalLong Cardio11L11N/A230min
4TreadmillSlow Incline113.4 4%N/A0.8515min
5Pushups3x40% RepMax316BW3min48
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1BicycleSlow, Recreation11N/AN/A~8mi70min
BW 253.2ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Lat PulldownsIntense Volume5,13,1270,2801:3049
2Single Leg Ham CurlTest2,24,6501min20
3RunningSlow Jog21BWN/A1/6th milex22:41
4EllipticalLong Cardio11L11N/A1.7625min
5TreadmillSlow Incline113.4 4.5%N/A1.1320min
6Pushups6x20% RM68BW1:2048
BW 254.2ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Horizontal RowSub-Max Volume461151:3024
2RunningSlow Jog21BWN/A1/6th milex2
3EllipticalLong Cardio11L11N/A1.625min
4TreadmillSlow Incline113.5 4.5%N/A1.1620min
BW 252ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillSlow Incline113.4 5%N/A1.1320min
2RunningSlow Jog21BWN/A1/6th milex22:31
3Lat PulldownsSub-Max Volume642101:3024
4C2 RowerExtra Cardio11L7N/A3133M15min
BW 253.4ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Lat PulldownsSub-Max Volume481901min32
2RunningSlow Jog31BWN/A1/6th milex34:01
3TreadmillSlow Incline113.5 5%N/A1.7530min
4EllipticalTHR Cardio11L11N/A1.0315min
BW 254.2ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Incline BPSub-Max Volume541351min20
2SGDLEZ LP441552min16
3RunningSlow Jog31BWN/A1/6th milex34:03
4C2 RowerIntervals715sL7N/A2870M14min
5DB OHP (Rehab)Starr Rehab-ish78,6,45-351min44
6Pushups5x25% RM510BW1min50
BW 256.4ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Front SquatEZ LP44952min16
1Running5k Race - EZ Pace (Avoid Injury)11BWN/A3200M35:49.39
BW 250.4ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1PushupsSub-Max Volume38BW1:3024
3Horizontal RowTest320602min60
BW 252.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1PushupsSub-Max Volume38BW1:3024
2TreadmillC25KW3D12,21:30, 3min5.5/2.81:301.2518:00
3Bench PressEZ LP651551:3030
4Front SquatEZ LP55951:3025
5Incline BPEZ Volume58951:3040
BW 254.2ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1PushupsSub-Max Volume38BW1:3024
2TreadmillC25KW3D1.52,21:30, 3min5.5/2.81:301.318:00
BW 249.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1PushupsSub-Max Volume38BW1:3024
2TreadmillC25KW3D22,21:30, 3min5.6/3.01:301.3218:00
3SGDLEZ LP831551:3024
BW 248.8ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1PushupsSub-Max Volume38BW1:3024
2TreadmillC25KW3D2.52,21:30, 3min5.6/3.01:301.3118:00

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February 2019 Training, 1st Half


Post by OrderInChaos » Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:02 pm

Start of this month. Have largely remained on track, getting more disciplined and in the habit of running. Lifting is nigh-stagnant with 2nd shift and poor sleep but it's fine as long as BW goes down and running improves.

BW 249.2ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW3D32,21:30, 3minBW1:301.3118:00
3Incline BenchEZ LP651351:3030
4Front SquatEZ LP46952:3024
5Bench PressEZ Volume581151:3040
6Goblet SquatStretch330s351:303
BW 248.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
2Front SquatEZ LP551000:4525
4RunningSlow Jog11BWN/A800M5:00
5PushupsEMOM 1-20208BW1:00~95+Negatives
6In & Out (Abs)Abs310,15,15BW1:3040
7RunningSlow Jog11BWN/A400M3:20
8Bench (Smith)EZ LP651151:3030
9Dumbbell IBPEZ Volume5830s1:3040
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
2SGDLEZ LP831651:3024
BW 250ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
2PushupsVolume Near-Fail413BW1:3052
BW 250.4ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW4D13,13min, 5minBW1:301.5718:30
2Front SquatEZ LP551051:3025
3Bench PressEZ LP651651:3030
4Incline BenchEZ Volume58951:3040
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Running2.85mi Indian Run11BWN/A2.8533:01
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Bench PressEZ LP651651:3030
2TreadmillC25KW4D13,13min, 5minBW1:301.6119:00

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16-23FEB Training


Post by OrderInChaos » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:51 am

Took it easy on everything but running this week. Only did 4 instead of 5 sessions on the treadmill due to some extra shin stresses but feels like they've recovered so far. Flaked on lifting and pushups a bit. Back on 1st shift tomorrow for a while, so the improved sleep will probably reap some benefits! I'm figuring out some reasonable ways to implement tracking via protein+calories. My average BW this week was 248.65, will hope to see that <245 in March and keep momentum on that goal.

BW 249.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW4D33,13min, 5min5.6/3.0/1%1:301.619:00
BW 247.4ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW4.2D13,13min, 5min5.8/3.0/1%1:301.6419:00
BW 249.8ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW4.2D1.53,13min, 5min5.8/3.0/1%1:301.6419:00
BW 247.8ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW4.2D23,13min, 5min5.8/3.0/1%1:301.6419:00
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW4.2D33,13min, 5min5.8/3.0/1%1:301.6619:00

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23FEB-9MAR Training


Post by OrderInChaos » Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:53 pm

Missed some days and did basically nothing but running, but the 5+ minute improvement at 5k was well worth it. If I'm able to make half that progress in the next six weeks (26JAN-9MAR was a 5:10 improvement) down to ~28:00 range, I will be more than happy.

I'm confident I can add more benching to this Couch to 5k double-volume thing I'm running, and probably modest deadlifting. I'll try squatting lightly to see what happens, and whether it's tolerable in context of or beneficial to the running goals.

BW 242.7ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW6D12, 15min, 8min5.8/3.0/1%3min2.050:24:00
2Bike RideDistance/RecN/AN/AN/AN/A7mi~1.5hr
3PushupsFartlek/interspersed718x2, 13, 9, 14, 8, 15BW3-5min95~30min
4FlutterkicksFartlek/interspersed41 minutes (~100 kicks)N/A3-5min4min~20min
BW 246.0ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW6D1.22, 15min, 8min5.8/3.0/1%3min2.050:24:00
BW 247.6ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1TreadmillC25KW6D12, 15min, 8min5.8/3.0/1%3min2.040:24:00
BW 247.8ExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
BW N/AExerciseDescriptionSetsRepsLoadRestDistance/Total RepsTime
1Running5k Test - Moderate Pace (Avoid Injury)11BWN/A3200M30:31.15

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:23 am

Haven't logged jack since March, but have been fairly consistent with first: GZCLP with slight mods - can't OHP, strapped front squat because even high bar fucks with my (rotator? torn labrum? supraspinatus?) almost as bad as OHP does. Was working on cable rows and pulldowns for the "T3". Work schedule went from 4 on, 3 off and 8-hour days to a 14 days rotation, 7 days worked, 12-hour days no gap/PT break.

I started Nuckols' Average to Savage 2.0, I was messing with the 4 day split but with the new work it wasn't happening, and am 3 weeks into the 2-day variant. I like the rep ranges a lot better than the 12-15ish stuff on main lifts from ATS1. I've been following the slow ass progress (for my low level) baked into the spreadsheets because I'm severely dieting and really my top goal is to avoid injurying myself with a fucking barbell ever again.

I'm concerned my squat and deadlift are hindered by over-extension and fucky APT/butt wink, respectively, after reading the below post from Hanley in a thread by timelinex. Cannot continue to [x] with the mechanics I display... Looking to film form checks in the next few sessions to see if that's the case. If it's really bad, I'm considering inverting the Nuckols chronology for a lifter (Beginner: learn the lifts decently and do them a while, get a bit stronger, do some kinesthetic awareness work like odd calisthenics and unilateral stuff -> Add a bunch of bodybuilding bro work to learn mind-muscle and get extra yoked while continuing main lifts -> cycles of specificity and growth/advanced/not my concern RN) | instead of main lifts, which my back could be leading down a bad path, just doing leg press and some kind of RDL to get stronger and a little less likely to completely fuck up the squats and floor deads later on would be the idea, some room for bodybuildering certain muscles and adding unilateral here and there.

Being fat and mandatory-sedentary 42hrs a week suck :cry:
Hanley wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:30 pm You cannot continue to deadlift with the mechanics you display ... as reps progressed, your lumbar extension went from okay to not-good. The problem isn't limited flexibility, or you wouldn't have achieved the extension on the first rep. You're struggling with volitional control of your erectors and trunk bracing.

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by Hanley » Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:39 pm

OrderInChaos wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:23 ambelow post from Hanley in a thread by timelinex.
Jeez. I'm usually not a mechanics nazi. I'm honestly surprised I wrote that. Maybe don't pay too much attention to that old post of mine.

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:39 am

Hanley wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:39 pm not a mechanics nazi
That's exactly why I esteemed it pretty highly after searching and fretting about APT... and then yesterday about 16 hours later had a good higher intensity FS session of 4's and surprisingly good conv. DL for sets of 8, without thinking too much about either.

Evidence to me in favor of 1) concise, comprehensible (self) cues 2) not overthinking shit

Thanks for dropping by this silly log!

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:16 pm

Fit in my damn Best Belts 4" for the first time since 2015 today! Squatting belted is weird. Going to not worry about it for a while because it seems to mess with my front squat mechanics at least a bit... perhaps better to save it for a few low rep sets a week until I get used to it.

I drifted from Average to Savage 2 recently because the 2 day has 4 main lifts, no back work (lose the back slots on less than 3 day), and those days were just a bit long and I was wanting more work per week, and room for pullups-work. I planned to hit at least one lift during my rotating work week... nope. Going to simplify but keep some GNuck-ish ideas, and stick with two days/wk on this cut per Lyle for the last 2 weeks of RFL. Drawing the simplicity inspiration from @broseph's 5x5 and the rep schemes from programs I've messed with lately.

D1: (sets x reps)
  • Bench for 3-5x5
  • Squat for 3-5x7
  • Something Lats
  • Incline for 3-5x5
  • Dead for 3-5x7
  • Bench for sets of 6-15
  • Pulldowns/Pullups
I'll rotate which lift gets the 5 reps v 7 reps each week, maybe I'll cycle reps like recent programs (5/7 4/6 3/5, or some 8s), maybe ramping sets, top @8 and back offs, whatever. Just to get some upper+lower 2x/wk relatively heavy. Really excited about diet progress so plenty happy with less than aggressive lifting for now.

Basically omitting any work in the higher reps, "GZCL T3"/"muscle building junk work" range aside from unit PT/pushups/knee raises/etc., but if anyone's reading this and there's compelling evidence against that notion, please drop it here! I miss reps which is why I'm squatting and DL'ing the 7s :D

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Sun Nov 17, 2019 2:38 pm

Trying logging again as a compliance tool. I suck at logging more than lifting consistently, but not working makes lifting harder amazingly lol.

Weeks look like this, recently was doing more 2 and 3 per week lifting but liking the ability to tolerate more running with a modest 4-day split versus stacking lifting and running into completely separate days.
BP+DLSQ/LegP + Pulldowns/ChinsStretchBP+DLSQ/LegP + Pulldowns/ChinsLong/Trail RunStretch
Fartlek/Fun RunShort Calisthenics + RunOFFFartlek/Fun RunShort Calisthenics + RunLong CalisthenicsOff

Percents and stuff for near future
WeekSets/RepsPercent (TM)BPDLFSQLeg PressPulldown
17Nov4-5x580 (72)150205140315210
24Nov5-6x575 (67.5)140195130275195
1Dec4-5x485 (76.5)160225145315220
8Dec3-4x390 (81)170235155330235

17 November:
Bench1504539:40 for all BP/DL warmups, lifting
Run451:057.5 (8 stops with calisthenics)6min interval
Walking LungesBW10 per leg2B2

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by iamsmu » Sun Nov 17, 2019 2:48 pm

OrderInChaos wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 2:38 pm Trying logging again as a compliance tool. I suck at logging more than lifting consistently
Something like 4 or 5 posts back you were complaining bout a metatarsal fracture that you had for a year. (I broke the 5th one once trying to swat a fly. I think I was drunk. It healed. Sometimes these don't . . . .) Then I noticed that the post was from almost two years ago. I guess it healed.

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:42 am

iamsmu wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 2:48 pm Something like 4 or 5 posts back you were complaining bout a metatarsal fracture that you had for a year. (I broke the 5th one once trying to swat a fly. I think I was drunk. It healed. Sometimes these don't . . . .) Then I noticed that the post was from almost two years ago. I guess it healed.
My body can be a . I thought I was free and clear but it sparked back up in August/September just before that 25k! Followed some less-than-stellar advice from a military CSCS and did interval work (40-60-80yds for RPE10 on grass) that really beat it up. Amazingly on the 25k itself had no issues at all, despite all the granite and roots and ascent/descent.

It was a hairline-y almost-fracture but I'm convinced there was probably some tendon/soft tissue nonsense accompanying, because it seems odd a refractured bone would produce same symptoms in the exact same spot. The general increase in time on pavement and mileage at 9:45-11:00/mile pace have been remarkably helpful. I've started reintroducing hard running via 'aerobic intervals', more in the 2:30-6:00@"Hard run" than true sprints, lots of recovery between sets.

I'm sorry to read about your woes, man, is deadlift basically the only barbell thing you can do along with some basic calisthenics?

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by OrderInChaos » Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:33 pm

Good day today, fast session lifting and great run weather. Great tunes too:
Will probably divide volume between lat pulldowns and band pullups and front squat and leg press near future, feels good to work the muscles pretty hard with minimal skill involved right now.

Lat Pulldowns2104529:02
Leg Press31545
Read Jog/Walk3.9mi45:00(13/2)x3

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Re: OIC: Experiments and Idleness


Post by augeleven » Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:38 pm

I love me some Holst.

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