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Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:41 am
by rjharris
9 Jan 2021 (W8D6)
am bw 186.5 (wat)

OHP: (overwarmups) 135/145/150/155 @ probably 8-9 + (volume) 125x4x10
Chins: BW+45x5x6

Fucked around with some split squats. Did the bar x 10 x 3 for each side just to get used to them. They required more focus than I was thinking. I may do a little LP of these doing them a couple - 3x per week.

Maybe do dips later, not sure.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:36 pm
by rjharris
11 Jan 2021 (W9D1)
am bw 183.5 (that's better)

CGBP: (overwarmups): 205/215/225x1 @ 8ish + (volume) 200x5x5 (+3 reps of a 6th set, but i banged the bar into the jhooks or something and it threw me off)
BS: (overwarmups): 335/345x1 @8ish + (volume) 330x3x5 + 1 (I coughed or something during the first rep of the 6th set, and it really messed me up, so I called it then).

Next week the squat prescription is my all time PR -- 350 -- for a bunch of doubles (at or below RPE 8, lol, kill me)

Squats felt tough but good for the most part.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:41 pm
by rjharris
12 Jan 2021 (W9D2)
am bw 183.0

Push press: (beltless overwarm) 165x1 + (belted; volume) 160x5x7
Sumo deadlift: (no overwarmup) + (volume) 355x5x4

Did the deadlifts pretty late in the day and the hook was hurting my thumb very badly for some reason, so I called it a bit early.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:10 pm
by rjharris
13 Jan 2021 (W9D3)
am bw 183.0

Bench press: (overwarm) 225 x 1 + (volume) 220x3x6 (last set probably @9)
Front squat: (no overwarmup) + (volume) 225x5x7

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:41 pm
by rjharris
14 Jan 2021 (W9D4)
am bw 183.0

3 ct bench press: (overwarmup): 195/205/215x1 @7-8 + (volume) 185x5x7
3 ct pause squat: (overwarmup) 245/265/275x1@ 8ish + (volume) 240x5x7

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:06 pm
by rjharris
15 Jan 2021 (W9D5)

am bw: 184.5

deadlifts: (no overwarmup) + (volume) 385x3x7

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:16 am
by rjharris
16 Jan 2021 (W9D6)

am bw: 184.5

ohp: (overwarmup) 145/150/155/160x1 @ 8-9ish (PR) + (volume) 135x3x9

these were ez so i just did sets until i kind of got tired of doing them.

I tried 165 but only got up to my sticking point just above my forehead. I previously failed 160 whenever I did this last (last week? two weeks ago? not sure. time doesn't exist anymore), so I'll take 160@ 8.5ish.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:42 pm
by rjharris
18 Jan 2021 (W10D1)

am bw: 183.5

cgbp: (overwarmup): 215/225/230@9ish + (volume) 210x4x5
back squat: (overwarmup): 355/365x1 + (volume) 350x2,1

Not a great day. I filmed my single at 365 and each of the sets at 350 and they were all about 2" high; otherwise, each of 355/365 would have been a pr. Pretty annoying. I guess I'll need to film squat going forward to recalibrate where the bottom position is.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:31 am
by rjharris
19 Jan 2021 (W10D2)

am bw: 183.5

push press: lol 175x0
no sumo dl

20 Jan 2021 (W10D3)

am bw: 183.5

bench press: (overwarmup) 245/250@9.5 (oops, but 10 lb PR) + (volume) 235x2, 1 (well, fuk)
front squats: (overwarmup) 255x1 + (volume) 245x4x2

This has not been a good week. For squats, I'm consistently not hitting depth on my right side. Somehow my left is fine, or at least seems to be. I hate getting all zapruder film on my squats, but it looks like I'll have to to fix it.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:51 am
by rjharris
22 Jan 2021 (W10D4)
3 ct pause bench: 205x4x5
3 ct pause squat: 245x4x4

the squats were supposed to be 265, but i wasn't at convincing depth, so i took some weight off the bar. pretty annoyed this week. i checked to see if there's asymmetry in my squats, and i think there's a bit, but i think it's just because my left side is stronger as opposed to any structural issue. i've had my leg lengths checked and they're the same to within a couple mm.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:03 pm
by rjharris
23 Jan 2021 (W10D5/6)

ohp: (no overwarmup) + (volume, lol) 145x2x7
dl: (no overwarmup) + (volume, lol) 415x2x7

so, funny story. I videoed my dls this time, and at higher weights, I definitely have a lateral shift of my hips off the floor towards my right side. it takes me consciously thinking about only my right side to mitigate it. I'm right handed, so I guess this goes with the usual hand/leg dominance relationship (i.e., left leg stronger than right). I only videoed a set at 135 and then the sets at 415, so I don't know when it starts. But now I know what do be looking for going forward.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:42 pm
by rjharris
25 Jan 2021 (W11D1)

CGBP: 205x6x7

Was supposed to do squats today, but by the time I could get to them, I was exhausted from work. But I decided to do something, so I have spent yesterday (and unfortunately today) going full Zapruder on my squats. I think that I've found that I've had a wider stance with my right foot than my left foot by at least an inch and maybe 2. The inside of my right heel is basically right below my shoulder whereas for my left side it's ~ the outside of the heel. The result of this is that I descend somewhat normally into the hole and then my hips shift a bit to find a more balanced position at the bottom. I have no idea if correcting this will fix anything, but it seems worth a try. FWIW, I appear to have had this stance for a while.... I made some front squat videos last week, and sure as shit I was standing the same way. I think I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to relearn my stance and build up from there.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:12 pm
by rjharris
27 Jan 2021 (W11D3 ish)

Taking a mulligan on lower body training for this week while I try to fix my squat form.

BP: 205x4x10

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:49 pm
by rjharris
27 Jan 2021 (W11D4 ish)

3 ct pause BP: 185x6x3,5. not great

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:26 pm
by rjharris
30 Jan 2021 (W11D5/6ish)

OP: 135x4x7
DL: 390x4x5

Would have pushed the DL but there's still this lateral shift thing, so I didn't push the number of sets. Only concentrating on pushing with my right side helps a lot.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:15 pm
by rjharris
1 Feb 2021 (W11D1)

CGBP: 195x6x8
Chins: BWx12x5

repeating w11 since i really half assed it last week. first time i've done chins in a while. these sets were all at like rpe 0 so i haven't lost chin strength it seems.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:23 pm
by rjharris
2 Feb 2021 (W11D1pt2)

bs: 275x4x4

Slept like shit last night and didn't get to my squats until about 5:30 pm which kind of sucked. I messed around with form a bit, and with cues for shoving my knees out (corkscrewing feet , shoving knees out, etc). Felt kind of terrible, but I was getting better depth than I did the other day, but it wasn't entirely consistent. I need to take a day when I'm fresh and actually try to see what works well consistently.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:14 pm
by rjharris
Been lifting, but I have had precious little time to do so and haven't been keeping records; just trying to maintain some strength. Schedule should be getting better soon. Some recent work I've done in no particular order

CGBP: 195x6x5
BP: 215x4x5
BS: 275x4x5 <-- all to depth
Pause squats: 225x6x5 <-- also all to depth
FS: 225x6x5 <-- again, to depth
DL: 395x4x4 <-today

also did some sets of 12 chinups and pullups. I'm not losing strength, but not gaining it; need to fix that.

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:56 pm
by rjharris
Did stuff today

CG: 195x6x7
Chins: BWx12x5

Re: bert's Average to [redacted] 2 log

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:26 pm
by rjharris
Moar stuff

Push press: 145x6x7
Sumo DL: 315x6x7 (maybe 8, I lost count)
Pullups: BWx10x6

snow shoveling x a lot