Annie's Training Log

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:25 pm

simonrest wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:37 pm good push through.
Thanks bruh.


AM BW: 185.0

Still fucking sick. Body aches have mostly subsided but now the congestion and coughing has really shown up to party.

On the plus side, Seattle got like 5 inches of snow Sunday night so naturally the city shut down and my school has had two snow days in a row. LOLZ.

Starting the BBM "fast peaking" template today. Cut my volume mostly by half, but I was able to keep weight on the bar up to normal. Plague just means that sets of 4 felt like sets of 10, cardiovascularly-speaking.

Comp Squat:

122x1 @8
100 2x4 @8

Comp Bench:

56x1 @8
57x0 @10 nope, not today. Darn.
47.5 2x4 @8

Pin Bench:

40x4 @6
45x4 @7.5
48.5x4 @9
46x4 @8

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:50 am

Still fighting the plague.

It's been getting down to the teens here in Seattle which has made the garage gym SO GODDAMN COLD. Tiny Vornado space heater is not up to the task. Need to investigate alternatives.

Seattle Snowmageddon's gorgeous but inconvenient.


AM BW: 184.4 woot! 1kg to go...

Comp DL:

143.5x1 @8 PR
122.5x4 @8.5
120 2x4 @8


50x1 @8
46x4 @8
45 2x4 @7.5

No spotter for these so went a little conservative with the intensity.

I'm behind on my training schedule which means I'm going to try for 3-4 training days in a row coming I nixed beltless squats to try to manage low back fatigue.

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:23 pm

Serious back pain/fatigue on Saturday. Was better on Sunday.


AM BW: 184.6

Pause Squat:
105x1 @9
90x3 @8
90x3 @8.5
90x3 @9

Slingshot Bench:
50x5 @6
55x5 @7
57.5x5 @8

80x6 @6
90x6 @8
90x6 @8

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:24 pm

Intended to train yesterday, but ~2 hours of snow shoveling proved to be too much for me.

Mixed bag today with training...

10 days out!


AM BW: 185.2 (hoping this little stall is my usual premenstrual bloat...I routinely gain/lose ~5lbs every month)

Comp Squat:
123x1 @8
125x1 @8.5 this ties my all-time and meet PR. I am hoping this will be my second attempt at the meet. Felt eh, looked great on video.
110 3x3 @7 super easy. Likely will take 115 as my opener.

Comp Bench:
...went to shit today. I kept sliding the freaking bench back.
50 3x2 @9

Then shoulder pain increased a bit, so no pin bench for me today.

I'm going to Austin this weekend for a friend's bachelorette weekend. Hoping I can sneak away to a gym one or two times while I'm there without being too annoying about it.

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by Wilhelm » Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:39 pm

Snow is the great confounder.

You are doing really good work.
Best success to you for your meet. \o/

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Wed Feb 13, 2019 10:11 pm

Wilhelm wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:39 pm Snow is the great confounder.

You are doing really good work.
Best success to you for your meet. \o/
Thanks! I’m getting excited.

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:01 pm

Did some other stuff leading up to the meet but that's boring so... MEET REPORT!!

USPA PowerFest in Richland, WA
Feb 23, 2019

  • First powerlifting meet! (I've done 3 strengthlifting meets lolz)
  • Went 8/9, missing my third bench
  • 5kg PR on both squat and deadlift
  • Coached and handled my own damn self
  • Also coached handled my 17-year-old trainee; she went 9/9 at her first meet and everything she did was a USPA state record lolz
So my training somewhat went to shit the last week before the meet, but I didn't let it throw me. My diet also took a hit due to spending a weekend in Austin for a friend's bachelorette party... the meet itself was 3.5 hours away (in the snow), so we went for the evening weigh in. I woke up at 83.2, ate as little as possible and almost entirely liquids all day, weighed in at 5:00pm at 82.9, peed and stripped completely naked which got me down to 82.7, spent the next hour spitting and finally weighed in at 82.4. It was a weird experience that I never thought I would actually do, happened.

It was a relatively small meet, 32 lifters total. I got second in my class, out of I think four women. It was, generally speaking, a very heavy meet -- vast majority of lifters were above 82.5 (both male and female).

1st: 115 (three whites)
2nd: 125 (three whites, this tied my comp and gym PR)
3rd: 130 (three whites, horrific knee cave, but honestly RPE 8 and an all-time PR)

1st: 50 (three whites)
2nd: 55 (three whites, went fast enough that I was tempted by 60, but good thing I didn't because...)
3rd: 57.5 (miss -- got stuck halfway up. I was pretty bummed, but it was a good grind, which is still somewhat of a win)

1st: 130 (three whites)
2nd: 145 (three whites, this tied my gym PR)
3rd: 150 (three whites, almost laughably fast, all-time PR)

One thing I had forgotten about the competition environment is how much of a performance boost I get from eating simple sugars and carbs all day long. It's SO far from how I normally eat, and it's amazing what a bunch of gummy bears and a bottle of gatorade can do for me.

My trainee also had a great day... and since there were no records for 56kg 16-17 year old women, all her lifts were state records. Super fun. She commented "everything here is so much easier than at the gym..." I'm especially happy with her deadlift, which is generally her toughest lift. She had failed 72kg twice in the last few weeks, but at the meet 75 went up like a warmup.

Overall, I had a TON of fun -- so much so that I went full YOLO and signed up for another 6 weeks. Mainly because it'll be in Long Beach, CA, and I'll be competing alongside my husband, my dad, and my mother-in-law!!! My dad and I have the same deadlift goal (350lbs), which is delightful.

Planning to keep on my slow cut, to avoid the weigh-in shenanigans. I'm hoping to be walking around at 81 by the next meet.

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by heidikay » Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:53 pm

Congratulations Annie! I saw your pull on your IG story last week: It looked like @nothing. I think you'll easily get 350# at your next meet.

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by Chebass88 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:30 am

Congrats on an awesome meet!

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by ChrisMcCarthy1979 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:52 am

Fine lifting!

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by cgeorg » Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:42 am

Great work out there!

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:04 pm

So, training log fail, obviously. Here's a brief catch-up, and then a brief(ish) meet report:

Kept training BBM style (single @8, backoff sets, comp lifts on day 1/2, supp on days 3/4) for 4 weeks or so, then started peaking. It was a quick turnaround from my last meet!

Training went well for the most part, though no bench progress and deadlifts stagnated for awhile. I was also trying to drop a couple pounds, to avoid the weigh-in situation from last time. I succeeded, but have also re-affirmed for myself how agonizingly slow it is for me to lose any weight at all. Fun times.


Went down to Orange County (my family and my husband's family are all there) and competed in the Liz Freel Classic at Metroflex Long Beach. Great meet, SUPER fast, super smooth. My husband, his mom, and my dad also competed! First powerlifting meet for all of them. My dad and mother-in-law have been training with Niki Sims (she lives literally blocks from my parents) since July of last year. She was there to handle them for the day, which was great.

I didn't perform as I was hoping, but I had a ton of fun and was not really bothered by it. I got another big squat PR (5kg up from last meet! so close to 300!), and between that and weighing 1kg less, I did manage to bump my Wilks score up 5 points or so.

SQUAT: 117.5 / 127.5 / 135 (5kg PR)
BENCH: 50 / 55/ 57.5x (same exact performance as last time...grr)
DEADLIFT: 135 / 147.5 / 155x (form went to shit and I hitched it like crazy. Got it up though, so I know the strength is there!)

My husband got his first 500+ lift (501 deadlift), which was exciting, and my 66-year-old dad and I had the same best deadlift (147.5), which is cool. My dad also broke a crown on some gummy candy I gave him, which is simultaneously the most metal and the least metal thing to happen at a powerlifting meet... plus we got to see a dude pass out after a deadlift attempt, which is always fun. And my mother-in-law came back after missing her first two squat attempts to get white lights on everything else.

I would still very much like to pull 155-160...and I will try again in June, at Pull for Pride in Seattle!

Started BBM Hypertrophy Template today... planning on adding some deadlift intensity work (singles, doubles, triples) on a fourth day (along with GPP) in a couple weeks or so.


Squat w belt:
90x6 @6
92.5x6 @7
95x5 @7.5
95x7 @9

(miscounted last two sets...they were both supposed to be 6 @8. also I am LAUGHABLY out of cardio shape...gasping for breath after these.)

Overhead press:
27.5x6 @6
28.5x6 @7
29.5x6 @7.5
30x6 @8

Pendlay rows:
40 3x6

Went very light with these (< RPE6). In the past, every time I've tried rows they have caused major shoulder pain flare ups (no pain during, pain starts 12 hours later or so). But I've never tried them with supinated grip, which I did this time. This slot is supposed to be myoreps, but no way in hell was I going to do that when I'm testing for pain response.

Also, I haven't posted it here yet I don't think, so... my coaching website is up and running!

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:06 pm

A note about my squat in that video... that is some GNARLY knee cave. I've had some knee cave creep in over the last few months, which sucks. But was managing it okay.

Then, for this lift, I had my first pee-on-the-platform experience. I think the knee cave is an instinctual response to stress incontinence, so now I gotta figure out how to manage that. :roll:

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Re: Annie's Training Log


Post by anniemichael » Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:32 am

3D Hypertrophy W1D2-3:


Comp Bench:
38.5x6 @6
41x6 @7
42.5x6 @8
42.5x6 @8

70x8 @6
80x8 @7
85x8 @8
85x8 @8

Press Myoreps:

I truly TRULY hate the burn from myoreps. Gonna have to work at this.


Comp DL:
105x6 @6
110x6 @7
112.5x6 @8
112.5x6 @8

37.5x6 @6
40x6 @6
42.5x6 @8
42.5x6 @8

This makes my e1rms for comp bench and CG the same...not sure what that means, but seems not problematic. Will need to ponder further.

Pause Squat:
60x6 @6
65x6 @8
65x6 @8

That third slot was supposed to be squat myoreps, but I've decided against lower body myorep work for now. Without going into too much detail, I have lipedema, which is an adipose tissue disorder, and which gives me shitty lymphatics in my legs. They swell frequently and I wear compression daily. It's a progressive disorder and the affected fat tissue is resistant to diet/exercise (reason for this is unknown, believed to be because it is so fibrotic). Anyway, deliberately causing a pump and/or lactic acid build up in my legs seems like not the best idea, and to be honest I don't particularly want leg hypertrophy (they're already so problematic for clothing in general), so... I'm swapping in a squat accessory for now.

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