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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:02 pm
by BenM
Tue 23/01/18: Skwatz / Quadz / Calvez / Abz

Food yesterday: 2535 kcal (2983 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 13k steps

Sleep last night: 6 hrs 43 mins - 1 hr 6 mins awake

AM BW: 71.2kg (-0.1kg from yesterday)

Squat (low bar):
--- Belt on (6th hole) ---
8x100kg @ 8
8x100kg @ 8
8x100kg @ 8.5 mebbe

Squat (high bar, narrowish stance):
3x80kg - damnit. Bar hurting shoulder blades. Reracked and tried again.
10x80kg @ 7.5 shoulders better, but too much wrist extension
10x80kg @ 8 better
10x80kg @ 8, maybe

Leg Extensions (myo-reps):
35kgx20, x5, x5, x5, x5, x5
40kgx20, x5, x5, x5, x5, x5

RX was for 3x20, rest-pause style. But I was listening to this podcast the other day and wanted to try it. Liked it. Gonna do this instead of rest pause on assistance movements more often. First set was a bit light. 2 rounds was more than enough.

Abs/Calves Supersets:
3 rounds of standing calf raises, 80lbs x 20 into cable crunches, 27.5kgs x 20 with no rest.

And here's a video. Because I know you all wanna see me doing myoreps of leg extensions so much (lol):

As noted above, spent a lot of time thinking about how to train this week, and the next few weeks, and even this year. Do I deload and have a recovery week, do I just keep smashing through, do I just rest, and what do I do longer term. Bought two RP books yesterday (SPoST and the new 'How Much Should I Train') and started reading the latter. My head is ready to explode from thinking about it.

Anyway, fuckit. Decided to just do one mesocycle of 8-5-2 powerbuilding type training, but as a compromise versus deloading/resting, try and keep intensity around @8 for this week at least so I don't kill myself straight up. Hopefully I'll peak a little bit for the BBM seminar and after that I'll reassess my training plans. Really like Andy's programming, but also thinking about taking it to the next level with some more personalised coaching. Who knows.

Cried off work today because I slept so shithouse last night and woke up with a headache. Got rid of it by mid morning, so trained. Got it all done in 77 mins, really happy with how this went, and completely happy with my decision to go this way. Except I almost fell down the stairs afterwards haha. Legs are buggered. Have a great day :)

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:28 am
by BenM
Thu 25/01/18: Bench / Bis / Tris

Food yesterday: 2872 kcal (2983 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 13.5k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 40 mins - 48 mins awake

AM BW: 71.9kg (+0.4kg from yesterday)

Bench Press (TnG):
3x60kg @ 7.5
1x70kg @ 9 overwarmup
3x8x57.25kg (misload) @ 9, 9.5, 10

Incline Bench Press:
2x8x43.5kg @ 8, 8
10x43.5kg @ 10

Seated Dumbbell Curls:
8x30lbs / side
8x27.5lbs / side
8x27.5lbs / side
2 min rests

Bis/Tris Supersets:
15xBW dips, 15x25kg EZ Bar Curls (rest/pause 10 reps + 5 reps)
15xBW dips, 15x22.5kg EZ Bar Curls
15xBW dips (rest/pause 10 reps + 5 reps), 15x22.5kg EZ Bar Curls (rest/pause 10 reps + 5 reps)
2 min rests

Embarrassing video:

- Thought I'd add a kilo from Sunday's session and go up to 58.5kg. Was pleased with how it went til I went to setup for the incline and realised I'd left a 1.25kg plate off the left hand side and done 3 sets without realising. FML. Backed off the inline presses after that and didn't go all out til the last set. Least my RPE was right.
- Bis and tris got a big pump. Quick rests and got all this done in bang on an hour.
- Didn't want to train tonight (unusual, especially for a bench day) but couldn't guarantee time to do it tomorrow, so did it anyway. It should have been a pretty easy session but it wasn't. It was damn hot in my gym and I'm just feeling fucking exhausted. Thank goodness it's a long weekend. Hope everyone else has a good one :)

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:58 pm
by BenM
Sat 27/01/18: Deadlift / Hams / Abs / Calves

Food yesterday: 2645 kcal (2983 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 12.9k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 34 mins - 44 mins awake

AM BW: 71.4kg (-0.3kg from yesterday)

Sumo Deadlift:
8x125kg @ 8.5? PR for eights (+5kg)
8x125kg @ 9?
8x125kg @ 9
6 min rests

Hamstring Curls:
20x27.5kg (rest-pause 15 reps + 5 reps)
20x27.5kg (rest-pause 15 reps + 5 reps)
3 min rests

Good Mornings:
3 min rests

Abs/Calves Supersets:
3 rounds of 20 standing calf raises with 90lbs of dumbbells, 3 rounds of 20 incline situps (last 2 sets were fairly rest pausey)
2 min rests


- Stressful morning, and almost put this off til tomorrow. Glad I didn't as it was a decent session in the end.
- That's the most I've pulled for eights, either conventional or sumo. And it wasn't an all out grinder - I actually revised the RPE down on the first set cos surely I didn't do sets across @9, it moved pretty quick even on the last reps. It's positive, and also proves I am definitely stronger sumo and my back is in a better position. How's my form look (might not be the best angle)? This is only my third time pulling sumo, I think - but my hips seem to be starting from a better position now and they felt pretty good. And although I can't get my thoracic spine totally flat, it stays fairly rigid through the pull even towards the end. Although it's light weight.
- Getting a bit too much lower back in the hamstring curls now I've looked at the video.
- First time doing good mornings as well (I subbed these in for the RX'd back extensions). Felt like cardio.
- It's 35 degrees here today. Had the fan running in the gym, but was hot as hell by the end. Only took 70 minutes. Good luck with your training everyone!

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:35 pm
by platypus
Nice job on the deadlifts! I think you're first person to set a PR while listening to talk radio.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:21 pm
by BenM
platypus wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:35 pm Nice job on the deadlifts! I think you're first person to set a PR while listening to talk radio.
Joe Rogan puts out so many goddamn podcasts (and they’re so long) I have to listen when I can! Normally it’s but this was a nice change of pace.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:32 am
by slowmotion
Nice work, Ben. Congrats on the deads PR!

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:56 am
by BenM
Thanks Jan!

So much for keeping RPE low this week.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:26 pm
by BenM
Sun 28/01/18: Press / Shoulders / Triceps

Food yesterday: 2773 kcal (2983 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 12.7k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 32 mins - 46 mins awake

AM BW: 71.2kg (-0.2kg from yesterday)

Overhead Press:
6x42.5kg @ 10
8x40kg @ 10
8x40kg @ 9.5 better form, I think
8x40kg @ 10
5 minute rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
12x32.5lbs / side
12x32.5lbs / side
12x32.5lbs / side - very slow last rep!
3 min rests

Lateral Raises:
5.1kg (11.24lbs) / side x 15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
5.1kg (11.24lbs) / side x 15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Myo-reps, 3mins between the two sets

Close Grip Bench Press:
8x52.5kg @ 10
9x50kg @ 10
8x50kg @ 10
3 minute rests

Cable Triceps Pressdowns:
20kgx15, 5
20kgx7, 7, 7
15kgx15, 10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 5, 4, 5

Video of the main stuff:

- Another stinking fucking hot day and I did some yard work in it this morning, trained after lunch, only deadlifted yesterday, so probably fatigued too. Actually was a bit concerned how this would go, right hamstring pulled up freaking sore after yesterday. It was tight this morning but not terribly painful once it got warm, we'll have to see how it goes.
- Haven't trained press for ages. So the answer to 'has my press gone up just from training bench lots' is, emphatically, nope. Then again I don't think my bench has moved much either. Hopefully some coaching will help the press too.
- This was a narrower grip CGBP than I normally do (index on the smooth) so it was (even) lighter than normal. Hard work.
- Got a bit carried away with the triceps pressdowns. After the first 20 I tied a knot in the end that holds the weights, which shortened the cable and allowed me to get the full ROM. Then I just kept going to try and burn the triceps out but the weight was too light and I just got bored. Did get a massive pump though!
- Was an 85 minute session. Literally drenched by the end. Godamnit have I mentioned it's hot? Geeze. Hope you're all having fun!

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:58 am
by BenM
Tue 30/01/18: Upper Back Hypertrophy

Food yesterday: 2512 kcal - not enough

Activity yesterday: 11.2k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 9 mins - 55 mins awake

AM BW: 71.3kg (-0.3kg from yesterday)

7, 7, 6, 5, 5 @ BW
90 sec rests

Lat Pull Downs (wide grip):
2 min rests

Dumbbell Bent Over Rows:
3x8x47.5lbs / side
2 min rests

Barbell Rows (bodybuilder style):
2x15x42.5kg - got pretty cheaty
2 min rests

90 sec rests

No video

Banged this out in 46 minutes, got a good pump.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:10 am
by slowmotion
Nice work, Ben.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:27 am
by BenM
Thanks Jan. Was glad this was the next workout in the cycle because my hamstring is still sore. Squatting tomorrow night might not happen, might be a bench workout instead! Bugger - definitely shoulda done a few more lighter warmups before those eights on Sunday.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:38 am
by BenM
Wed 31/01/18: Squat... nope, bench

Food yesterday: 2622 kcal

Activity yesterday: 12.6k steps

Sleep last night: 6 hrs 47 mins - 1 hr 4 mins awake

AM BW: 71.8kg (+0.6kg from yesterday.. but it's all undigested noodles)

Low Bar Back Squat:

Leg Extensions:
40kg x 16, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8
45kg x 15, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5
45kg x 11, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5
Myoreps, about 90sec or less between sets

Bench Press (TnG):
3x60kg @ 7 - easiest it's felt in ages
3x70kg @ 10 (new PR for triples, +4kg)
4x66kg @ 10 (also a PR, + 0.5kg)
6x60kg @ 10
6x60kg @ 9.5
6x60kg @ 9.5?

Incline Dumbbell Press:
8x50lbs / side @ 10
9x50lbs / side @ 10 (for reals this time) - rep PR I think
8x50lbs / side @ friggin heavy
3 min rests

*EZ Bar Curls:

*Ab Wheel Rollouts (from knees):

12, 11, 9 BW

*Standing Calf Raises:

*Supersetted these 4 movements, 90secs between sets

A movie about presses:

- This was supposed to be a squat workout. The hamstring strain is right on the outside of my leg, which back squats don't hit much, so I probably could have squatted heavy but with this coaching clinic only 4 weeks away I decided to be mega conservative and just went super light, Starr rehab style. Kinda felt like it was working the sore part a little bit but no pain.
- Mega quad burn from the myo reps though. When I started to bench I decided it was stupid to do those BEFORE benching and thought it would be a shitshow. Didn't really have a plan for benching, but when 60kg felt light I decided to go for triple with 70kg and fuck me dead if I didn't grind it up. Got some good volume in. Hit a rep PR on the incline press. Then did a heap of accessory work, this was kinda 2 workouts mashed together, which gassed me out completely. Pretty good session in the end, took about 85 minutes.
- Not sure what to do the rest of the week now. Think my plans to finish a cycle of 8-5-2 are gonna need to change due to this injury. On the upside, I might take the opportunity to focus on my bench press. And if anyone else is interested, are doing a free 3 week benching course starting next week (Feb 5). So I've signed up for that, gonna try and turn a negative into a positive. Have a great night!

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:02 pm
by BenM
Well my lifts have finally all been judged so they're not tentative any more: Image

Got away with the head lift on the first bench attempt. Just a shame I went for too much on the second, but I'll do better next time!

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:20 pm
by Sumo
What were you attempts @BenM ?

The upside is that you didn't bomb out, that would have been a lot suckier. Also, for us light folk the bench doesn't contribute a whole lot to the total past the first attempt :)

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:18 pm
by BenM
Sumo wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:20 pm What were you attempts @BenM ?

The upside is that you didn't bomb out, that would have been a lot suckier. Also, for us light folk the bench doesn't contribute a whole lot to the total past the first attempt :)
Very light compared to most here! But they’re all back a page at ... =20#p39294

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:04 pm
by Sumo
BenM wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:18 pm
Sumo wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:20 pm What were you attempts @BenM ?

The upside is that you didn't bomb out, that would have been a lot suckier. Also, for us light folk the bench doesn't contribute a whole lot to the total past the first attempt :)
Very light compared to most here! But they’re all back a page at ... =20#p39294
If it's any consolation, the Bench Press is a marker of how long one has been in the game compared to others at your bodyweight. The longer you've been at it the higher it will be, unless you happen to be a freak or juice, but even then it's not guaranteed.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:54 pm
by BenM
Sumo wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:04 pm
BenM wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:18 pm
Sumo wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:20 pm What were you attempts @BenM ?

The upside is that you didn't bomb out, that would have been a lot suckier. Also, for us light folk the bench doesn't contribute a whole lot to the total past the first attempt :)
Very light compared to most here! But they’re all back a page at ... =20#p39294
If it's any consolation, the Bench Press is a marker of how long one has been in the game compared to others at your bodyweight. The longer you've been at it the higher it will be, unless you happen to be a freak or juice, but even then it's not guaranteed.
Thanks @Sumo. I guess that's true, but it's probably pretty similar for other lifts too isn't it? I mean it stands to reason that the longer you lift the more progress you'll make? I know what you're getting at though. And I appreciate it :)

I have plans to focus on bench for a few mesocycles this year for sure, I seem to have made great deadlift and some squat progress in the past few months but bench needs more work.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:48 pm
by BenM
Fri 02/02/18: Press

Food yesterday: 2671 kcal

Activity yesterday: 11.9k steps

Sleep last night: 6 hrs 44 mins - 44 mins awake

AM BW: 71.8kg (-0.2kg from yesterday)

Hamstring rehab:
Stupidly Light Low Bar Back Squat:

Hamstring Curls:

Actual lifting:
Overhead Press:
3x40kg @ no idea. Should be @6 or less, but felt heavier than that
1x47.5kg @ 8.5 overwarmup
5x45kg @ 10
5x43kg @ 9
5x43kg @ 9.5
5 min rests

Close Grip Bench Press (index fingers on smooth):
5x60kg @ 9.5
5x60kg @ 9
5x60kg @ 9
5 min rests

Lying Tricep Extensions (EZ Curl Bar):
12x30kg @ too easy - 8 or less
12x32.5kg @ 8.5 better
12x32.5kg @ 9 I guess
2 min rests

The evidence (rate my RPE):

- On my post-breakfast walk this morning I was honestly wondering if this hamstring is feeling any less sore now than it was 5 days ago when I did it. Still not sure to be honest. And it's fucking weird, I get a numb butt cheek on that side when sitting down for too long (nowhere near where the actual strain feels like it is). So I'm starting to wonder if there's not a bit of piriformis issue there as well. Anyway, fuckit. I 20 mins of light stuff for it and will see what effect that has, it felt pretty good afterwards.
- Didn't feel like training today - still fairly sore and tight from benching two days ago, but needed to do SOMETHING. Decided to avoid anything too grindy - the top set of overhead press was only 0.5kg off my all time PR so was pleased to get that, but backed it off a little afterwards.
- Took 72 minutes, was a good session in the end (as usual, when you feel like shit beforehand). Gotta ignore those feels. Have a great day all!

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:57 pm
by Shane
Good work on the mock meet dude. PRs!

Keep up the low weight high rep rehab. It works. Suckfull, but works.

Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:22 pm
by BenM
Thanks @Shane - it does suck but it’s my own fault. Max effort pulls for eights, first movement of the day, and only 10 light warmup reps. Wasn’t enough - won’t be doing that again. Just hope it comes good in time for this training camp.