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Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:18 pm
by Idlehands
Holy shit! DRice is here?

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:32 pm
by DRice311
thanks guise!

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:35 pm
by DRice311
Wednesday (2/7):
Chins (1+)

Worked up to 150lbs x 2
Prob 9-9.5, 2nd rep didn’t really feel solid either.

Bar Muscle Ups - 2x3 - shoulder started feeling a little wonky, so called it
DB Rows - 3x10 at 130lbs

Toes 2 Bar - 3x12
GHD Situps - 3x15


Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:37 pm
by DRice311
Thursday (2/8):
Box Jumps
3x10 to 30" box

Floor Press - 5x5 at 330lbs
Tricep Pushdowns - 3x15 at 190lbs
Preacher Curls - 3x12 at 125lbs
Drag Curls - 3x10 at 140lbs

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:00 am
by DRice311
Friday (2/9):
Press (1+)

Worked up to 200lbs x 4

Press Speed - 8x3 at 140lbs + 40lbs in Chain
Incline DB Bench - 3x10 at 115's
Seated DB Press - 3x10 at 65's
BB Front Raise - 3x12 at 65lbs
Reverse Fly's - 3x12 at 130lbs

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:31 pm
by DRice311
Saturday (2/10):
Squats (1+)

Worked up to 520lbs x 3

9.5, maybe 10 - last day of training cycle, have a planned deload next week and really wanted that 3rep PR. So this week set a new dead PR, Squat PR and nearly tied a bench PR. I’ll take it.

Squat Speed - 8x3 at 520lbs + Reversed Black Bands
Paused Deads - Skipped
DB Shrugs - 3x20 at 125's
Standing Calf Raise - 3x15 at 290lbs

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:44 pm
by Wilhelm
Most impressive. Nice way to wrap up your cycle.
I watched those on IG and first wondered if you'd double it, then wondered if you's go for three.

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:35 pm
by DRice311
I thought the same thing, lol. Warmups felt really heavy, and first rep felt like shit, but in my head I had to get two, then I felt like I grooved the second one and it moved waaay better, so went for 3.

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:02 pm
by DRice311
Had a planned deload last week - first proper deload i've done in probably 10+ months. Feel pretty good coming into this new training cycle.

Deload consisted of:

Monday: Bench - Warmup, work up to 330lbs x 2 - did some light conditioning (80 double unders) and mobility shit
Tuesday: Deadlift - Warmup, work up to 525lbs x2 - More double unders and mobility
Wednesday: Press - Warmup, work up to 170lbs x 2 - did a WOD with wife cause it was Valentines day and she really wanted me to
Thursday: Squat - Warmup, work up to 440 x 2 - 100 double unders and mobility

Rest of the week off.

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:06 pm
by DRice311
Monday (2/19):
Bench (5+)

Worked up to 355# x 5
9.5 - I got 350#x5 at 9 last training cycle. Did I get stronger? /troll. Debating whether I should drop the weight back on bench a little so it is more in line with my other lifts (getting around 7 on 5+, 5 on 3+, 3 on 1+) or just keep adding until I can't get the reps any more. Dropping the weight will help me better manage the fatigue aspect, right now I have to go pretty close to failure just to get the minimum Rx reps. I will stay with this weight at least through this 6 week cycle. I need to be careful that I am not short changing the pause on 1st rep to, this one looked a little cheatery.

Bench Volume - 5x5 at 290lbs
Paused OHP - 3x10 at 150lbs
Weighted Dips - 5x5 at bw + 125lbs
DB Flys - had to skip due to time

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:51 pm
by Wilhelm
Your meet bench best doesn't stand a chance. :lol:

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:39 pm
by DRice311
Wilhelm wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:51 pm Your meet bench best doesn't stand a chance. :lol:
Thanks, my actual PRs are 405 paused and 415 tng, I just always seem to fuck up my 3rd attempts at meets, never gone 3/3 on bench. I did 390x3 a few weeks ago

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:43 pm
by Wilhelm
I don't have the experience to really say, but there seems to be a really fine line for bench.
My upcoming second attempt is cake, and i'm just hoping for the best with the smallest jump from there for my third.

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:11 pm
by DRice311
yea - my attempt selection usually follows this strategy:

1st attempt - safe, get on the board - something I can typically triple without much issue
2nd attempt - min amount I'd be OK with, so I don't end up getting stuck with my 1st attempt - this is usually close to a gym max, but sometimes a little lower if Im not feeling it during warmups
3rd attempt - typically a PR attempt, or at least a meet PR

With bench, I think it is a combination of 2 things - the benches they use at the USAPL meets near me are really high, always. Like my legs have to be fully extended to keep my feet flat on the ground. I used the blocks at my last meet and it helped a little, but I still missed 402.5 after hitting 405 in training a couple weeks earlier, and when I miss I at a meet I always feel it in my lower back, which never happens in the gym. Also, I've never gotten the timing right on my bench peaking. My squat and deads are usually spot on, but my bench always seems to be effed up - these are the only things I can think of, cause I am typically good for a 405 paused bench in the gym even on a bad day.

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by DRice311
Tuesday (2/20):
Deadlift (5+)

Worked up to 560lbs x 6
8.5-9, wanted 7 to keep it on pace, but after 6 showed a little restraint as I could feel the speed get noticeably slower, particularly at lockout. I should be able to get 7 when this weight comes back around in a couple weeks.

Dead Volume - 5x5 at 430lbs
Leg Press - 3x10 at 635lbs

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:05 pm
by cole
God dang you are a strong bastard

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:13 am
by DRice311
cole wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:05 pm God dang you are a strong bastard
thanks man lol

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:25 am
by DRice311
Wednesday (2/21):
Chins (5+)

Worked up to 140lbs x 4
RPE 10 - went for 5, nearly got it, but can't count it. Lot going on here, I actually tried this first loading with kettlebells, but the way they hang, they bang the shit out of my knees and chins and restrict movement. So I stopped after 3 with those because I knew there was no way I was getting reps, reloaded with plates and tried again. Nearly got 5 on my retry but think I just ran out of gas. Volume was dope tho. Note - the added weight does not account for belt, or my own personal weight fluctuations, which obviously have an impact, but I just dont care to be that precise with it.

Chin Volume - 5x5 at 75lbs added
TBar Rows - 3x6 at 250lbs
Seated Rows - skipped - out of time

Ab Wheel - 3x8 from feet
Cable Crunches - 3x20 at 190lbs

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:47 am
by DRice311
Thursday (2/22):
Press (5+)

Worked up to 185lbs x 8

8-8.5ish, cut it a little short maybe, as good as my press has felt in a while, shoulder finally starting to feel a little healthy

Press Volume - 5x5 at 150lbs
Incline Bench - 3x10 at 270lbs
Seated BB Press - 3x6 at 170lbs
Lateral Raise - 3x12 at 45's
Face Pulls - 3x12 at 190lbs

Re: DRice311's Bastardization of 5/3/1

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:49 am
by DRice311
Friday (2/23):
Box Jumps
3x10 to 30" box

CG Bench - 5x5 at 310lbs
DB Tricep Extensions - 3x12 at 45's
Incline Bicep Curls - 3x12 at 45's
Hammer Curls - 3x10 at 75's