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Bridge V1.0

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:58 pm
by Jlew
Back from vacation. Had planned to take the rest of this week as a deload but decided to go on and get back to it because, well because. I decided to run the bbm bridge v1.0. Programming is similar to their strength template but the bridge seems a little simpler to tackle as an intro to their programming style (variations & RPE). After the bridge I think I’ll run a hypertrophy template then either bridge v2.0 or the 12 week strength. On a side note I received the updated strength template from them. Solid move on their part.

BW: 204.5
Belted Squat: 236x5, 248x5, 260x5
CGBP: 225x4, 236x4, 248x4
Rack Pull: 276x7, 290x7, 305x7

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:18 am
by Jlew

2ct Pause Squat w/belt: 225x4@6ish, 245x4@7ish, 265x4@9

Press, strict w/belt: 115x5@something low, 135x5@7ish, 155x5@9

BB Row: 135x8@6>, 142x8@7ish, 149x8@8, 142x8@8

Notes: So I pretty much cannot rate RPE until it’s at least @8. For pause squat and press I just tried to work up to the highest prescribed RPE using plate math and once I found it considered the sets before it as the prescribed work up sets rating actual RPE as best I could. Over shot a bit on the press. Rest for anything rated as 7 or greater was 4 to 5 minutes.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:57 am
by Jlew


Airdyne: 25 min LISS @6-7 RPE

Pull-up: 7 min density block BWx5,5,5,4,3,3,3

BB Curl: 7 min density block 75x14,6,6,6,6,6,6

At Wheel: 5 min density block BWx5,5,5,5,5

Notes: From here on out all gpp work will be 5 min density block. Goal will be to work at a weight heavy enough that first set will be no more than 12@8 RPE with all follow on sets @8.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:33 am
by Jlew

Deadlift w/belt: 290x5@?, 305x5@7ish, 320x5@8

Bench 1ct pause: 220x5@?, 231x5@7.5, 243x5@9.5

303 Tempo Squat: 185x5@?, 195x5@6.5, 205x5@7

Notes: Deadlifts went fine even though I’m still adjusting to wearing a belt. It will take a few sessions to get used to it. Over shot bench a little but that’s to be expected while I get better at rating RPE. I also have a tendency to hit a wall pretty quickly in my lifts. Template calls for 8’s on tempo squat but I stuck with 5’s for this session since I had never performed the movement and did not want fatigue to be to much of a factor at this point since it seems to me these are designed to really gtg. I will proceed as outlined in the template from here on out.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:56 am
by Jlew

*I started the template on an odd day. In order to get back on a normal schedule I only took one day off instead of two between week one and two. Had planned on doing that two weeks in a row but might just stick with Tue-Thu-Sat for this run. I’ll see how I’m feeling at the end of this week.

Squat w/Belt: 240x5@6, 252.5x5@7, 265x5@8, 252.5x5@7.5

CGBP: 235x4@7, 247.5x4@8, 260x4@9.5, 247.5x4@9.5

Rack Pull, mid-shin: 290x7@6, 305x7@7, 320x7@8.5, 305x7@8.5

Notes: It just seems like my strength really falls off after about three reps on squats. Maybe just a bit detrained in the rep range after 6 weeks of MM programming performing multiple low rep sets for volume? Don’t know that, just a guess because the first three reps on my top set felt really good then I just seems like I hit a wall. Squats particularly, not as much with presses and pulls. Anyway, I’ll keep plugging along.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:25 am
by Jlew

2ct Pause Squat w/belt: 250x4, 257.5x4, 265x4, 250x4 - top set@9

Press w/belt: 140x5, 145x5, 150x5, 140x5x3 - top set @8

Row: 137.5x8, 142.5x8, 150x8, 140x8x2 - topset @8

Note: Woke up at 0300 and could not go back to sleep so I got up and knocked out todays session. My garage gym is getting a make over and my new rack and bar are being delivered today :P

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:38 pm
by Jlew


Airdyne: 25 min

Pull-ups: BWx5x5 - 5 min EMOM

BB Curls: 65x8x5 - 5 min EMOM

An Wheel: BWx10,5,5,5,5 - 5 min EMOM

Notes: Slept much better last night. Got my new rack from Fringe Sports delivered and assembled along with a homemade platform. Weights from Rep Fitness are being delivered Monday. I’ll post a video next week.

Edit: Forgot ze abzzz.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:00 pm
by Jlew

Deadlift w/belt: 300x5, 310x5, 320x5x3

1ct Pause Bench: 225x5, 230x5, 235x5, 215x5x3

3-0-3 Tempo Squat w/o belt: 175x8, 185x8, 192.5x8x2

Notes: Ass kicker. Learning experience with RPE though. Bench was supposed to be 5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4. My 5@7 set was actually 5@7.5 (prolly @8 based on what happened the next set). I should have took that as my first @8 set and did 3 more at 230. At least if I was actually trying to auto regulate that’s what I should have done. Still a bit of a slave to the percentages I guess. Live and learn. Oh, and fuck sets of 8 for squats.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:50 am
by Jlew
9/18/18 - W3D1

BW: 204.5

Squat w/Belt: 250x5, 257.5x5, 265x5x3

CGBP: 240x4, 247.5x4, 255x4x2

Mid-shin Rack Pull: 310x7, 320x7, 330x7

Notes: I am eating my ass off but weight is just holding steady. During LP I pretty much "dirty" bulked and was able to drive weight up to around 215 but bf creeped just north of 20%. I am currently around 17% according to navy test. Don't want to go much higher but it seems I can only shove so much "quality" food down my throat hole.

Have been working out in the afternoons. Heat is kicking my ass. First and second lifts go fine but I'm feeling it by the third. Winter is coming. I'm still struggling w/RPE. Pretty much stems from the fact that it's hard for me to judge how much I have left in the tank until I pretty much hit @9. Nothing to do other than keep at it. Video of one of my squat top sets below. Does this look like an @8? I always convince myself that I can squeeze out a couple of more reps. Squats are particullarly hard to judge because I am more limited by technique than strength right now. For instance I felt my weight shift slightly onto my toes out of the hole on a couple of reps during the set below which obviously affects bar speed until I can make the necessary correction. Not to mention, They just feel harder and I just squat pretty slow.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 3:28 pm
by Jlew

2ct Pause Squat w/belt 257.5x4, 265x4, 270x4x2

Press w/belt: 137.5x5, 142.5x5, 147.5x5x2, 140x5x2

Row: 137.5x8, 142.5x8, 150x8x3

Notes: Squats felt great. The pause really allows me to stay solid in the bottom position over mid foot as I come out of the hole. The fact that my comp. and pause squats are so close together is testament that technique is my biggest obstacle with the lift. I have a difficult time trying to take advantage of the bounce in the bottom while keeping the bar over mid foot. Dropped 5% off my last two work sets of press to keep RPE in check. Aside from being a sweaty mess rows went without a hitch.This session didn’t take as much out of me. Acclimating to the heat and started on my post workout shake about halfway through the session. Definitely helped.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 3:09 pm
by Jlew


Airdyne: 25 min

Pull-ups: BWx5x5

BB Curl: 65x8x5

Plank: 3 min; accumulated as much time as possible in 5 min

8 rep tempo squats tomorrow :cry:

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:25 pm
by Jlew

Deadlift w/belt: 310x5, 320x5, 325x5x3

1ct Pause Bench: 220x5, 225x5, 232.5x5x4

3-0-3 Tempo Squat w/o belt: 185x8, 192.5x8, 198.5x8x2

Notes: Slept around nine hours but didn’t feel rested when I got up. Fatigue wasn’t horrible but definitely was feeling it a little. High today is around 65 so the garage felt great. Deadlift went better than expected. Top set weight was scheduled at 320 but RPE felt low so I added 5 pounds to top sets. Getting used to the belt but it’s still messing with me getting set. Also, new bar from Fringe sport has some pretty aggressive knurling which became a distraction on my last set. Bench went ok. I could stand to pause a touch longer on some of my reps. Tempo squats were...well they were tempo squats.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:05 pm
by Jlew

Squat w/ belt: 250x5, 257.5x5, 265x5x4

CGBP: 240x5, 247x5, 255x5x2, 255x3 - failed last rep in supreme fashion. I’ll be 41 in a few months and occasionally my ego still gets the better of me...pathetic.

Rack Pull: 310x7, 320x7, 330x7x2

Notes: Workouts have been taking a little to long. Some stretching close to 120m even though I am pretty good about staying focused on my sessions. Decided to shave a little time off rest periods between top sets to help keep overall time manageable. Went pretty well for squats. Dropped a min off top set rest times without to much of an affect on RPE.

CGBP however....was going fine until last set. Rx RPE for top sets was @9. Prolly hit 9.5 on 2nd set but rolled with it on the third anyway. Clearly was at 9.5 on 3rd rep of last set but my dumbass tried for 4. Thank god for safeties. Bar got off kilter and I dumped a couple plates. Let’s put it this way, my wife heard it and came out to make sure I hadn’t maimed myself. Decided not to video today because it’s raining and I didn’t want to open the garage door but now I wish I had because it would be a great PSA for not being a dumbass.

Rack pulls sucked but no issues. Hat last bench set just threw me out of whack.

Re: Road to 1200

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:45 pm
by Jlew

2ct Pause Squat w/belt: 257.5x4, 265x4, 270x4x2

Press w/belt: 138.5x5, 143x5, 147.5x5x4

Rows: 138x8, 143x8, 150x8x3

Notes: Really did not want to do this today but I did it. If you’re wondering about the weird weights it’s because I have a set of micro plates down to 1/4 pound pair. Sometimes I mess with them sometimes I don’t.

Re: Road to 1200

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:24 am
by Jlew


Pull-ups: BWx9, BWx3x7

BB Curls: 65x12, 65x5x7

Plank: 5 min accumulation

Airdyne: 25 min@6-7

Notes: Changed up the way I was performing GPP based on some ideas from the RPE mega thread. Really like how it went. That’s one of the great things about these forums, so many interesting ideas on training methodologies...could be a bad thing too I guess if you were to get to carried away with trying new ideas out at the cost of consistency in programming for any amount of time.

Definitely fighting the urge myself right now to bail on the Bridge after I finish this week. Half way through and I’m still wishy washy on RPE plus most of the work is in the 80% range which is just not that fun for me. After MM I can say I enjoy training in the hypertrophy and power ranges of volume/intensity a helluva a lot more. I found a thread where Jordan recommended top sets @8 be performed as sets across so I’ve mainly tried to stick with that but that ends up causing RPE to creep up on following sets and things have started to feel a little grindy. In an effort to stick with the program for the last four weeks I’m going to start load drops after first top set to see if I respond any better.

Re: Road to 1200

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:45 am
by Wilhelm
Sounds like a good adjustment @Jlew

And at least if you decide it's not right for you, it sounds like you have the alternative of MM already in your mind.

Here's to your 1200! \o/

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:44 pm
by Jlew

Deadlift w/belt: 305x5, 320x5, 335x5, 320x5, 305x5

1ct Pause Bench: 225x5, 235x5, 245x5, 230x5, 220x5, 210x5, 205x5

Squat w/o belt: 180x8, 190x8, 200x8, 190x8

Notes: load drops made things much more manageable. Now to see if they are enough to drive progress. Rogram calls for 303 tempo squats but they switch to beltless squat next week so I made the switch early because fuck tempo squats at 10pm on a Saturday.
Wilhelm wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:45 am Sounds like a good adjustment @Jlew

And at least if you decide it's not right for you, it sounds like you have the alternative of MM already in your mind.

Here's to your 1200! \o/
I feel like I do ok job of eventually finding an answer that makes sense. Read something in your log about eventually finding something that you can follow indefinitely. I like that, going to stick that in my back pocket.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:48 pm
by Jlew

BW: 205

Squat w/belt: 265x4, 277.5x4, 292.5x4, 277.5x4, 265x4

3ct Pause Bench: 205x4, 215x4, 225x4, 215x4

2ct Pause DL: 267.5x4, 280x4, 295x4, 280x4

Notes: Good session.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:14 pm
by Jlew

Pin Squat: 245x4, 257.5x4, 270x4, 257.5x4

Press w/belt: 135x4, 142.5x4, 150x4, 142.5x4, 135x4x3

Row: 140x8, 147.5x8, 155x8, 147.5x8, 140x8, 135x8

Notes: pin squats went well. Getting more efficient at plugging in new movements after practice the first four weeks. Press was a shit show. Strength wasn’t there and technique was all over the place. Not that I’ve ver been great at it...just a bad day for the lift though.

Bridge V1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:24 pm
by Jlew

Pull-ups: BWx9, BWx3x7 EMOM

BB Curls: 70x12, 70x5x7 EMOM

AB Wheel: 12x1, 5x7 EMOM

Airdyne: 25 min@6-7 RPE

Notes: Got pushed back a little because some shit came up at work. Wasn’t sure I was actually going to fit it in. Dinner was Imperrazellis Hawaiian pizza and a pint of IPA. Not a good pre-workout meal in case your wondering. Waited an hour but it made a 25 min LISS session feel like a CrossFit metcon.