Staving off the decline, part deux

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:15 pm

Cardio: Cycled for 30:14 on the indoor trainer. Covered 8.24 miles and averaged 16.3 mph, based on wheel revolutions. Average/normalized/max power: 148/152/231W. Average cadence: 90 rpm. Felt surprisingly good, and for once I didn’t need a long warmup.

GPS is fine for capturing speed and distance on outdoor rides, but of course it's useless on a stationary trainer (aside from comic relief, as it produces a map where it looks like I've wandered around all over my house and sometimes the neighboring ones). Fortunately I also have a Garmin gizmo that computes speed and distance by counting rear wheel revolutions.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:29 pm

Bench: warmups (45 x 8, 75 x 7, 105 x 6, 135 x 4); 160 x 2 @10; 130 x 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 5 (35 total reps), paused, @6-9.5, at 2.5-minute intervals.
I think that was the first time I benched more than 155 for more than a single. I certainly wasn't planning to try a volume PR, but it felt doable, and it was by a hair.

Hammer curls: 15s x 15x 4
Lateral delt raises: 10s x 15,15, 12, 12
BB front raises: 22.5 x 15 x 4
Rear delt raises: 10s x 15, 15, 15, 12

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Mon Jan 08, 2024 8:29 pm

Cardio: Walked and jogged 4.12 miles in 57:32, averaging 4.3 mph

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:06 pm

Cardio: Cycled 11.89 miles in 48:06, averaging 14.8 mph. Average/normalized/max power: 145/155/519W. Average cadence was 85 rpm.
Deadlift: warmups (135 x 8, 175 x 6, 215 x 4, 255 x 2); 295 x 1 @7.5; 205 x 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7 (49 reps) @<=6, every 2.5 minutes
DB wrist curls: 10s x 15 x 4
DB reverse wrist curls: 10s x 10 x 4
BB shrugs: 95 x 15 x 4
Chinup singles: 15 at 30-second intervals

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:17 pm

Machines at In-Shape:
Biceps curls: 40 x 15 x 3
Seated triceps extensions: 60 x 15 x 3
Plate-loaded row: 60 x 15 x 3 (first two sets supinated, last set pronated)
Matrix incline press: 70 x 10 x 3
Hip abductor: 125 x 15 x 3
Hip flexor: 70 x 15 x 3
Lat pulldown: 80 x 15 x 3
Hip adductor: 135 x 15 x 3
Leg press: 235 x 10 x 3
Seated dip: 80 x 15 x 3
Matrix hamstring curl: 50, 40, 40 x 15
Quad extension: 85 x 15 x 3

This was my first time on the machines since before my recent sick spell, so I did 3 sets instead of the usual 4 on everything. To avoid long waits I used a couple of Matrix machines that I haven't used before. They worked fine, but the numbers on the plates didn't stroke the ego the way I'm used to.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:55 pm

Cardio: Walked and jogged 4.32 miles in 54:57, averaging 4.72 mph (possibly high precision coupled with dubious accuracy)
Bench: warmups (45 x 8, 75 x 7, 105 x 6, 135 x 3); 165 x 1 @10 (ugh); 145 x 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3 @6-9, every 2.5 minutes
Squat: warmups (45 x 8, 85 x 7, 125 x 6); 155 x 5 x 6 @6, every 3 minutes
Squats felt a lot better than last time, but still below average.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:59 pm

Sat., Jan. 13, 2024
Cardio: Cycled about 38 minutes. The only part I have data for was 30:02 on the indoor trainer (8.24 miles, averaging 16.5 mph). Average/normalized/max power: 151/155/240W. Max 20-min. power: 162W. Average cadence: 88 rpm.
Hammer curls: 15s x 15 x 4
Lateral delt raises: 10s x 15 x 4
BB front raises: 22.5 x 15 x 4
Rear delt raises: 10s x 15 x 4

Mon., Jan. 15, 2024
Cardio: Walked and jogged 5.52 miles in 1:15. Did my benchmark 4.32-mile loop in 54:30, averaging 4.76 mph, mostly jogging 128 strides and then walking 40 or 50.
OHP: warmups (45 x 6, 45 x 8, 55 x 5, 65 x 4, 75 x 3, 85 x 1); 65 x 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 5 @6-9, every 2.5 minutes
Deadlift: warmups (135 x 6, 175 x 5, 215 x 4); 205 x 5 x 3 @<6, every 2.5 minutes (sore hamstrings)
DB wrist curls: 10s x 15 x 4
DB reverse wrist curls: left only, 10 x 10 x 4 (right wrist started hurting right away)
BB shrugs: 95 x 15 x 4
Ab rollouts: 4 sets of 10

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:33 pm

Cardio: Cycled 13.56 miles in 52:42, averaging 15.4 mph. Average/normalized/20-minute/30-minute/max power: 153/160/166/162/532W. Average cadence: 81 rpm.

This was my longest and hardest bike ride since the cold that I caught before Christmas. That was also one of my higher average power numbers, even though I only went hard for about 30 minutes, so that was encouraging. Anything that makes me breathe hard (like this ride) still irritates my airways and makes me cough afterwards, but I trust that'll stop eventually.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:25 pm

Machines at the In-Shape:
Incline press (Matrix): 80 x 10 x 4
Hamstring curl: 55 x 15 x 4
Seated triceps extension: 60 x 15 x 4
Quad extension: 85 x 15 x 4
Seated dip: 80 x 15 x 4
Biceps curl: 40 x 15 x 3, 30 x 12
Hip adductors: 135 x 15 x 4
Plate-loaded row: 60 x 15 x 4
Hip flexor: 70 x 15 x 4
Lat pulldown: 80 x 15, 15, 15, 10
Hip abductors: 85 x 15 x 4
Leg press: 235 x 10 x 4
Almost back to what I was doing a month ago, except that for some reason I couldn't quite hack the full four sets on biceps curls and lat pulldowns. Also I went lighter than usual on hip abductors as a precaution since I've had some soreness in that area on my right side.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:49 pm

Bench: warmups (45 x 8, 75 x 7, 105 x 5, 135 x 3, 155 x 2); 125 x 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5 (45 reps total) @<6-8, every 2.5 minutes

I came down with a cold again on Jan. 17 and went a week without training, just as I was getting pretty nearly back to where I was before the preceding illness. So now it's time to start pushing the boulder up the slope once again.

Two days ago and today I subbed in a trig class at the college where I used to teach. Two days ago it was the class's first meeting of the semester, which made it a little weird. But the moment I uncapped a marker and started talking about the math, it all just flowed. I hadn't given a real in-person lecture since the eve of the pandemic, so it was a nice feeling to confirm I've still got it! Not that there was any doubt; I'm ever bitass shrap as hey you Birdbrain cloud!!!!1!@#$%^&*( I ever was.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:54 pm

Cardio: Cycled 6.78 miles in 31:21, averaging 13.0 mph. Average/normalized/max power: 121/130/442W. Went super easy.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:27 pm

Deadlift: 135 x 6, 175 x 5, 215 x 4, 255 x 3, 275 x 2; 295 x 1 @8; 195 x 6 x 5 @<6 every 2.5 minutes.
Cardio: Walked 2.84 miles in 39:40, averaging 4.3 mph.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:16 pm

Sun., Jan. 28, 2024
Cardio: Cycled 11.01 miles in 43:35, averaging 15.2 mph. Average/normalized/max power: 123/134/508W. Perfect day: 70s, no wind.

Mon., Jan. 29, 2024
Cardio: Walked and jogged 3.16 miles in 42:50, averaging 4.43 mph.
OHP: 45 x 8, 55 x 5, 65 x 4, 75 x 3; 60 x 5, 6, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 6, (46) @6-8, every 2.5 minutes
Squats: 45 x 8, 85 x 7, 125 x 6, 155 x 5
Stopped because (a) my left shoulder was hurting and (b) squats felt inordinately hard.

Tue., Jan. 30, 2024
Cardio: Cycled 13.51 miles in 53:19, averaging 15.2 mph. Average/normalized/max power: 133/143/431W. Average cadence: 84 rpm.
Hammer curls: 15s x 15 x 3
Lateral delt raises: 10s x 15 x 3
BB front raises: 22.5 x 15 x 3
Rear delt raises: 10s x 15 x 3
BB shrugs: 95 x 15 x 3
Ab rollouts: 12r x 3s

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:58 pm

Cardio: Cycled 36 minutes on the indoor training. No distance figure because my cool wheel revolution counting thingie no longer works. Mostly just rode at a moderately easy pace except for a single 1-minute effort. Average/normalized/1-minute/max power: 110/140/300/377W.

Bench: warmups (45 x 8, 75 x 7, 105 x 6, 135 x 3); 160 x 1 @9; 140 x 4, 5, 5, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3 (29 total reps) @7-9, every 2.5 minutes
Squats: warmups (45 x 6, 85 x 5, 125 x 4); 155 x 5 x 5 @<6, every 2.5 minutes

That was a pretty chaotic rep scheme on bench. I planned on a sort of wavy backoff thing like 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, but that was a bit too much so I made it up on the fly.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:45 pm

Cardio: Cycled 32 minutes on the indoor trainer. Did six 20-second intervals in decreasing gears (50x13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), with rests of 2 minutes 40 seconds. Average/normalized/20-second/max power: 86/166/529/640W. Average/max rpm: 74/138. As expected, highest power was on the first interval and highest rpm was on the last, not because it was last but because I used the lowest gear on that one.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:05 pm

I was in Oregon visiting my son for a few days, then did substitute teaching and chores yesterday. The biggest chore was clearing the street of our liquid amber tree's seed pods, which are the size of gumballs, hard as rocks, and quite treacherous to walk on. I try to keep them swept off the street so no passersby will turn an ankle. (We don't have sidewalks, so everyone walks in the street.) If I miss a few days it gets to be a real mess, and this time it was extra bad because there had been some high winds.

Cardio: Cycled 30 minutes on the indoor trainer. Just went easy except for one minute near the end. Average/normalized/1-minute/max power: 119/130/226/313W.
Bench: 45 x 8, 75 x 7, 105 x 6, 135 x 3, 160 x 1 @8.5, 110 x 6 x 8 @<6, every 2.5 minutes, all paused. Did the last set with close grip and feet on the bench, just for fun.
Deadlift: 135 x 6, 175 x 5, 215 x 4, 255 x 1, 295 x 1 @8.5

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:42 pm

Thu., Feb. 8, 2024
Machines at the In-Shape:
Quad extension: 85 x 15 x 3
Plate-loaded incline press (Precor): 70 x 10 x 3
Lat pulldown: 85 x 15 x 3
Seated triceps extension: 60 x 15 x 3
Hip abductor: 85 x 15 x 3
Machine biceps curl: 40 x 15 x 3
Hamstring curl: 55 x 15 x 3
Seated dip: 80 x 15 x 3
Hip adductor: 135 x 15 x 3
Plate-loaded row (Precor): 60 x 15 x 3
Leg press: 235 x 10 x 3
Hip flexor: 70 x 15 x 3

This was my first workout on the machines in three weeks, and I had a cold in the meanwhile, so I did just 3 sets instead of 4 on everything. It still felt pretty hard, so I think that was the right call.

Fri., Feb. 9, 2024
DB flyes: 17.5s x 15 x 3

Seems like the "pec decks" at the In-Shape always make my elbows hurt, so I decided to start doing dumbbell flyes again. That's all I had time for today.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:41 pm

Now hosting my third cold since December 20. When I was a kid I was sick about half the time each winter, so in that sense I feel young again.

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:32 pm

The abovementioned cold turned out to be Covid. I've had three positive tests so far, including yesterday. Paxlovid seems to be helping, but it's annoyingly slow. No training yet, save a few drive-by chinups and presses, but hoping to re-engage Sisyphus mode soon!

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Re: Staving off the decline, part deux


Post by JimRiley » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:22 pm

Day 17 of Covid, still testing positive. The symptoms have largely abated, except for a sort of generally shitty feeling. Seems like it's taking an awfully long time, but if we had home test kits for the common cold, I bet they'd sometimes be positive for weeks on end too.

I haven't been training, but otherwise am doing normal stuff, with an N95 on if it involves being around other people. Some unknown person managed to give me Covid despite my being pretty damn careful, so I'm trying not to do to others what I wish that person hadn't done to me.

I think tomorrow I'll at least try a little upper body work, if I'm feeling about the same or better. I'll hold off a bit longer on running and cycling, as I've had some unpleasant results in the past with doing cardio when I'm not completely over something - but man, I'm longing for it.

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