Powerlifting and Overall strength coaching

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Powerlifting and Overall strength coaching


Post by paul9003 » Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:47 am

I'll start this off by saying I dont have tons of experience to back me up. I've been training for strength for about 1.5 years, but what i lack in experience, i make up for in knowledge and critical thinking.

I offer mostly powerlifting and general strength coaching, for both competitive and non competitive lifters. Both novices and post novices are welcomed. My programming uses mostly RPE (sometimes % for back offs), and is highly individualised, being based on RTS and BBM methods. Besides programming, i offer unlimited form checks, some nutrition help and everything else that may be needed for your success.

Anyone that contacts me will enjoy at least 1 month of free coaching. Maybe more than one month, depending on how things are going, just so you dont have to waste any money until you trust me and my methods.

For more info, dont hesitate to contact me! :)

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