MarkKO's training log

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:17 am

Thursday lower
Overhead squats 10xbar, 10x66 lbs, 10x88 lbs
Reverse hyper 3x15x220 lbs
Pullups 2x8, 1x6
Cable facepulls 3x20x44 lbs
BB curl 3x10xbar

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:03 pm

Average weight for this week is 211.8 lbs, which just goes to show a few days seeing 212+ lbs waking weights doesn't necessarily translate to a significantly heavier average.

Feeling achy and tired AF right now so either I'm coming down with something or I'm just run down from the last week or two. Which is possible, especially given how the meet went.

Either way it doesn't really matter.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:21 am

Week 2 of block one already. Hey ho.

Tuesday upper
4x10x65 lbs elbows out DB floor press with 3 second eccentric
3x20x22 lbs cable flys with 3 second eccentric supersetted with 3x8 pullups
3x15x33 lbs tricep pushdowns with 3 second eccentric supersetted with 3x25x46 lbs cable facepulls supersetted with 3x10x22 lbs cable curls

Ok, so from hereon any pec or tricep assistance exercise is assumed to be done with a three second eccentric

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:34 am

Wednesday lower
4x15x220 lbs reverse hyper
3x10x44 lbs goblet split squat supersetted with 3x12 GHR
3x12x110 lbs T-bar row supersetted with 3x25 pull aparts

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:20 am

Weekly average weight time. This log is very predictable.

Sitting on 212 lbs dead this week, which is 0.2 lbs up from last week. So my average has gone up half a pound in the last fortnight. As training ramps back up and things go back to normal I'm kind of expecting it to go back down again, but if it doesn't and just sits around here that's a good thing. If I keep seeing an upward trend (so something like the next fortnight continues to have increases) then I'll drop calories slightly and see how that works out.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:04 am

Friday upper
4x15x33 lbs DB overhead press
3x12x11 lbs seated DB lateral raise supersetted with chinups
3x20x22 lbs Tate press supersetted with 10x132 lbs chest supported machine row supersetted with 10x22 lbs DB hammer curls

I'm really enjoying this training right now, and the three second eccentrics are no joke.

I'm starting to consider making some changes to the next block to accommodate more bodybuilding focused work.

I did do two stupid things at the gym today, a 440 lbs silver dollar deadlift (cold, between Tate press supersets) and also shouldered a 100 lbs circus dumbbell. I appear to have gotten away with both.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:47 am

Block one, week three incoming

Monday upper
4x10x66 lbs DB elbows out floor press
3x20x22 lbs DB floor chest flys supersetted with 3x8 pullups
3x10x88 lbs JM press supersetted with 3x10x60 lbs chest supported DB row
3x10x17 lbs DB lateral raise supersetted with 3x10x17 lbs chest supported flys

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:08 am

Tuesday lower
GHR 4x12
3x20x50 lbs goblet squats supersetted with 3x15 back raises
3x20 walking lunges supersetted with 3x20x198 lbs close stance leg press
3x10x55 lbs bent over DB row supersetted with 25x44 lbs cable facepull supersetted with 3x12x22 lbs alternating dumbbell hammer curls

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:15 am

Thursday upper
4x15x33 lbs DB overhead press
3x10 push-ups supersetted with 3x8 chinups
3x12x15 lbs seated DB lateral raises supersetted with 3x25 pull aparts
3x10x132 lbs cambered bar BB rows supersetted with 3x10x25 lbs incline DB tricep extensions

Good session. The push-ups I did using hex DBs and with the three second eccentric the pec pump and contraction was insane. I need to look at the recoverability of these when doing other pressing work because I think these could be a serious driver for pec growth for me. I'm considering replacing the elbows DB floor press with these.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:29 am

End of week three and average weight is same as last week. However, penultimate day of the averaging week I dropped calories to 3800. For one, I thought I was seeing an upwards trend; for two, I was consistently looking puffy and watery and had been since the meet. I'm not sure where the puffy and watery came from, but the last three weeks I replaced rice with pasta and funnily enough the day I dropped to 3800 calories I also dropped the pasta and within 24 hours the puffy and wateriness started to reduce. So I'm beginning to suspect that pasta had something to do with it. It certainly doesn't sit as well as rice or bread.

Friday lower
Reverse hyper 4x15x220 lbs
Leg press 3x12x352 lbs supersetted with 3x15x25 lbs back raise
Unilaterally weighted reverse lunge 3x10x44 lbs supersetted with 3x15x121 lbs leg extension
Hammer Strength lat pulldown 3x15x110 lbs supersetted with rear delt machine fly 3x15x44 lbs supersetted with 3x12x44 lbs barbell curl

So one of the gyms I train at recently got a pendulum squat. Very cool. Then I tried it and found out, like the belt squats that run on a pivoting bar, it hurts my knees no matter where I put them. Not sure what the go is with that. I've never come across a leg press or hack squat that hurts my knees, and the belt squats that use a cable coming up through the base are fine. Anything where I'm attached to a set length lever though, no good.

Work capacity is coming back, and with it training is feeling much, much better.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:17 am

Because my training is obviously fascinating to everyone I'm going to talk about it some. Also it helps me to get it straight in my head when I post about it. Only one of those statements is false.

So I'm developing a system, such as it is. I've actually already written it all out but that's a whole other thing. You can pretty much figure out how it works based on this log, and if anyone wants I'll explain it in more detail but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Anyhow, part of it is running a restorative block after a meet. Original, I know. Which is what I'm doing now, and is why I've barely touched a barbell since the meet. As I get older I realised that I can't simply do a meet, rest for a week and then to straight back into normal training. Unless I want to get hurt, which I've done and didn't enjoy. So restorative block. It lets me regain work capacity as well as work out any issues if they're there. They aren't right now, thankfully. Towards the end of the block (it's five weeks, so in weeks four and five) I start introducing the main lifts I'll do for the next one or two blocks; which are hypertrophy blocks.

One idea I have with the system is that during the hypertrophy block (or blocks), you don't have to do the competition lifts. Instead you can use a supplemental lift either because it targets something that's extra weak or because it's easier on the body which is something I'm only now starting to appreciate. With age comes wisdom. Also aches and pains.

So for the upcoming hypertrophy block I'll be front squatting (*puke*), incline benching with an axle or fat grips and pulling from a small deficit.

Front squats because the last meet cycle I focused way more on the back of my legs (safety bar, box squats) in supplemental selection and it for sure helped and I'll for sure be box squatting as my supplemental during the accumulation blocks. I just figure four weeks of front squatting will help, because it'll be easier on my hips and boost my quads a tad. Given where I failed my squat in the meet I'm getting the idea that while I can *hold* 600 lbs at parallel, I need to be able to move it past paralle as well and my quads have something to do with that.

Incline bench because it's the only bench variation that comes close to making my pecs work while also giving the back of shoulder more room to move. Axle because it's easier on the shoulders. I'm still moderately paranoid about my shoulder. I also find incline harder than benching so my logic is that if I get better at incline, I get better at bench.

Pulling off a small deficit because my issues in the deadlift are all below the knee. My back can handle them, as I found out in peak and I need something that makes the first half of the pull hard. Semi sumo to the knee does that fantastically, except it also destroys my hips pretty fantastically and I've only just gotten them back to normal. So I'll do them for the hypertrophy block and then during accumulation they'll become deficit pulls to the knee simply to make them more recoverable while still improving my problem area. I'm considering doing the pulls to the knee against bands but that may not be necessary.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by houzi » Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:03 am

MarkKO wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:17 am Because my training is obviously fascinating to everyone I'm going to talk about it some. Also it helps me to get it straight in my head when I post about it. Only one of those statements is false.

So I'm developing a system, such as it is. I've actually already written it all out but that's a whole other thing. You can pretty much figure out how it works based on this log, and if anyone wants I'll explain it in more detail but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Anyhow, part of it is running a restorative block after a meet. Original, I know. Which is what I'm doing now, and is why I've barely touched a barbell since the meet. As I get older I realised that I can't simply do a meet, rest for a week and then to straight back into normal training. Unless I want to get hurt, which I've done and didn't enjoy. So restorative block. It lets me regain work capacity as well as work out any issues if they're there. They aren't right now, thankfully. Towards the end of the block (it's five weeks, so in weeks four and five) I start introducing the main lifts I'll do for the next one or two blocks; which are hypertrophy blocks.

One idea I have with the system is that during the hypertrophy block (or blocks), you don't have to do the competition lifts. Instead you can use a supplemental lift either because it targets something that's extra weak or because it's easier on the body which is something I'm only now starting to appreciate. With age comes wisdom. Also aches and pains.

So for the upcoming hypertrophy block I'll be front squatting (*puke*), incline benching with an axle or fat grips and pulling from a small deficit.

Front squats because the last meet cycle I focused way more on the back of my legs (safety bar, box squats) in supplemental selection and it for sure helped and I'll for sure be box squatting as my supplemental during the accumulation blocks. I just figure four weeks of front squatting will help, because it'll be easier on my hips and boost my quads a tad. Given where I failed my squat in the meet I'm getting the idea that while I can *hold* 600 lbs at parallel, I need to be able to move it past paralle as well and my quads have something to do with that.

Incline bench because it's the only bench variation that comes close to making my pecs work while also giving the back of shoulder more room to move. Axle because it's easier on the shoulders. I'm still moderately paranoid about my shoulder. I also find incline harder than benching so my logic is that if I get better at incline, I get better at bench.

Pulling off a small deficit because my issues in the deadlift are all below the knee. My back can handle them, as I found out in peak and I need something that makes the first half of the pull hard. Semi sumo to the knee does that fantastically, except it also destroys my hips pretty fantastically and I've only just gotten them back to normal. So I'll do them for the hypertrophy block and then during accumulation they'll become deficit pulls to the knee simply to make them more recoverable while still improving my problem area. I'm considering doing the pulls to the knee against bands but that may not be necessary.
I just did a similar thing while working around some injuries. Used High Bar Squats, Close Grip Bench, Feet Up Bench and Deficit Deads in place of usual movements. For what its worth, I dont get much out of Incline for my pecs, its more on my shoulders. However, feet up bench with a solid pause feels great for pecs.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:09 pm

houzi wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:03 am
MarkKO wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:17 am Because my training is obviously fascinating to everyone I'm going to talk about it some. Also it helps me to get it straight in my head when I post about it. Only one of those statements is false.

So I'm developing a system, such as it is. I've actually already written it all out but that's a whole other thing. You can pretty much figure out how it works based on this log, and if anyone wants I'll explain it in more detail but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Anyhow, part of it is running a restorative block after a meet. Original, I know. Which is what I'm doing now, and is why I've barely touched a barbell since the meet. As I get older I realised that I can't simply do a meet, rest for a week and then to straight back into normal training. Unless I want to get hurt, which I've done and didn't enjoy. So restorative block. It lets me regain work capacity as well as work out any issues if they're there. They aren't right now, thankfully. Towards the end of the block (it's five weeks, so in weeks four and five) I start introducing the main lifts I'll do for the next one or two blocks; which are hypertrophy blocks.

One idea I have with the system is that during the hypertrophy block (or blocks), you don't have to do the competition lifts. Instead you can use a supplemental lift either because it targets something that's extra weak or because it's easier on the body which is something I'm only now starting to appreciate. With age comes wisdom. Also aches and pains.

So for the upcoming hypertrophy block I'll be front squatting (*puke*), incline benching with an axle or fat grips and pulling from a small deficit.

Front squats because the last meet cycle I focused way more on the back of my legs (safety bar, box squats) in supplemental selection and it for sure helped and I'll for sure be box squatting as my supplemental during the accumulation blocks. I just figure four weeks of front squatting will help, because it'll be easier on my hips and boost my quads a tad. Given where I failed my squat in the meet I'm getting the idea that while I can *hold* 600 lbs at parallel, I need to be able to move it past paralle as well and my quads have something to do with that.

Incline bench because it's the only bench variation that comes close to making my pecs work while also giving the back of shoulder more room to move. Axle because it's easier on the shoulders. I'm still moderately paranoid about my shoulder. I also find incline harder than benching so my logic is that if I get better at incline, I get better at bench.

Pulling off a small deficit because my issues in the deadlift are all below the knee. My back can handle them, as I found out in peak and I need something that makes the first half of the pull hard. Semi sumo to the knee does that fantastically, except it also destroys my hips pretty fantastically and I've only just gotten them back to normal. So I'll do them for the hypertrophy block and then during accumulation they'll become deficit pulls to the knee simply to make them more recoverable while still improving my problem area. I'm considering doing the pulls to the knee against bands but that may not be necessary.
I just did a similar thing while working around some injuries. Used High Bar Squats, Close Grip Bench, Feet Up Bench and Deficit Deads in place of usual movements. For what its worth, I dont get much out of Incline for my pecs, its more on my shoulders. However, feet up bench with a solid pause feels great for pecs.
I tried feet up bench, great on pecs but without my feet I can't extend my thoracic spine well at all that spells doom for my shoulder. So I don't even consider it. Incline does just enough for my pets plus for whatever reason it feels very close to my regular bench just harder.

Probably hits my shoulders hard too, but since my overhead press is a big driver for my bench too I don't think that's a bad thing.

The closest I get to high bar is bow bar, and that definitely does help. It's my main squat during accumulation. Just a little harder than regular, but enough that when I get under a squat bar it feels so easy.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by Hardartery » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:45 pm

MarkKO wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:17 am Because my training is obviously fascinating to everyone I'm going to talk about it some. Also it helps me to get it straight in my head when I post about it. Only one of those statements is false.

So I'm developing a system, such as it is. I've actually already written it all out but that's a whole other thing. You can pretty much figure out how it works based on this log, and if anyone wants I'll explain it in more detail but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Anyhow, part of it is running a restorative block after a meet. Original, I know. Which is what I'm doing now, and is why I've barely touched a barbell since the meet. As I get older I realised that I can't simply do a meet, rest for a week and then to straight back into normal training. Unless I want to get hurt, which I've done and didn't enjoy. So restorative block. It lets me regain work capacity as well as work out any issues if they're there. They aren't right now, thankfully. Towards the end of the block (it's five weeks, so in weeks four and five) I start introducing the main lifts I'll do for the next one or two blocks; which are hypertrophy blocks.

One idea I have with the system is that during the hypertrophy block (or blocks), you don't have to do the competition lifts. Instead you can use a supplemental lift either because it targets something that's extra weak or because it's easier on the body which is something I'm only now starting to appreciate. With age comes wisdom. Also aches and pains.

So for the upcoming hypertrophy block I'll be front squatting (*puke*), incline benching with an axle or fat grips and pulling from a small deficit.

Front squats because the last meet cycle I focused way more on the back of my legs (safety bar, box squats) in supplemental selection and it for sure helped and I'll for sure be box squatting as my supplemental during the accumulation blocks. I just figure four weeks of front squatting will help, because it'll be easier on my hips and boost my quads a tad. Given where I failed my squat in the meet I'm getting the idea that while I can *hold* 600 lbs at parallel, I need to be able to move it past paralle as well and my quads have something to do with that.

Incline bench because it's the only bench variation that comes close to making my pecs work while also giving the back of shoulder more room to move. Axle because it's easier on the shoulders. I'm still moderately paranoid about my shoulder. I also find incline harder than benching so my logic is that if I get better at incline, I get better at bench.

Pulling off a small deficit because my issues in the deadlift are all below the knee. My back can handle them, as I found out in peak and I need something that makes the first half of the pull hard. Semi sumo to the knee does that fantastically, except it also destroys my hips pretty fantastically and I've only just gotten them back to normal. So I'll do them for the hypertrophy block and then during accumulation they'll become deficit pulls to the knee simply to make them more recoverable while still improving my problem area. I'm considering doing the pulls to the knee against bands but that may not be necessary.
I've started messing with the short bands on pulls. I bought a variety from EliteFTS to experiment. I just hook them under the ball of my foot and pull. I have a vid in my Youtube. I don't recommend starting with too big of a band, they get ridiculous fast around the knees. I stall just above parallel, always have, figured I always would. I blast out of the hole but stick horribly right above parallel. I think the bands will make a difference for my weak link. It lights up the hammies and to a lesser degree the glutes. And oddly enough, it hammers the calves too - I guess from holding the bands against the ground under my foot.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:51 pm

Hardartery wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:45 pm
MarkKO wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:17 am Because my training is obviously fascinating to everyone I'm going to talk about it some. Also it helps me to get it straight in my head when I post about it. Only one of those statements is false.

So I'm developing a system, such as it is. I've actually already written it all out but that's a whole other thing. You can pretty much figure out how it works based on this log, and if anyone wants I'll explain it in more detail but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Anyhow, part of it is running a restorative block after a meet. Original, I know. Which is what I'm doing now, and is why I've barely touched a barbell since the meet. As I get older I realised that I can't simply do a meet, rest for a week and then to straight back into normal training. Unless I want to get hurt, which I've done and didn't enjoy. So restorative block. It lets me regain work capacity as well as work out any issues if they're there. They aren't right now, thankfully. Towards the end of the block (it's five weeks, so in weeks four and five) I start introducing the main lifts I'll do for the next one or two blocks; which are hypertrophy blocks.

One idea I have with the system is that during the hypertrophy block (or blocks), you don't have to do the competition lifts. Instead you can use a supplemental lift either because it targets something that's extra weak or because it's easier on the body which is something I'm only now starting to appreciate. With age comes wisdom. Also aches and pains.

So for the upcoming hypertrophy block I'll be front squatting (*puke*), incline benching with an axle or fat grips and pulling from a small deficit.

Front squats because the last meet cycle I focused way more on the back of my legs (safety bar, box squats) in supplemental selection and it for sure helped and I'll for sure be box squatting as my supplemental during the accumulation blocks. I just figure four weeks of front squatting will help, because it'll be easier on my hips and boost my quads a tad. Given where I failed my squat in the meet I'm getting the idea that while I can *hold* 600 lbs at parallel, I need to be able to move it past paralle as well and my quads have something to do with that.

Incline bench because it's the only bench variation that comes close to making my pecs work while also giving the back of shoulder more room to move. Axle because it's easier on the shoulders. I'm still moderately paranoid about my shoulder. I also find incline harder than benching so my logic is that if I get better at incline, I get better at bench.

Pulling off a small deficit because my issues in the deadlift are all below the knee. My back can handle them, as I found out in peak and I need something that makes the first half of the pull hard. Semi sumo to the knee does that fantastically, except it also destroys my hips pretty fantastically and I've only just gotten them back to normal. So I'll do them for the hypertrophy block and then during accumulation they'll become deficit pulls to the knee simply to make them more recoverable while still improving my problem area. I'm considering doing the pulls to the knee against bands but that may not be necessary.
I've started messing with the short bands on pulls. I bought a variety from EliteFTS to experiment. I just hook them under the ball of my foot and pull. I have a vid in my Youtube. I don't recommend starting with too big of a band, they get ridiculous fast around the knees. I stall just above parallel, always have, figured I always would. I blast out of the hole but stick horribly right above parallel. I think the bands will make a difference for my weak link. It lights up the hammies and to a lesser degree the glutes. And oddly enough, it hammers the calves too - I guess from holding the bands against the ground under my foot.
I've got some Spud Inc minis, I'll use those if I pull against bands. I was envisaging just the setup you describe.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:35 am

Block one, week four is go.

Monday upper
4x10x137 lbs axle incline bench
3x10x33 lbs DB floor fly supersetted with 3x8 pullups
3x15x25 lbs lying DB tricep extension supersetted with 3x12x55 lbs bent over DB row
3x15x13 lbs seated DB lateral raises supersetted with 3x15x13 lbs chest supported DB flys

The axle was cool. I'll be using it for my incline benching for a while, and definitely overhead work. Three second eccentrics on any pec and tricep exercise made for a hell of a pump. Doing them is unpleasant, but worth it and I'm getting used to doing it.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:25 am

Tuesday lower

3x10x220 lbs front squats
3x12x44 lbs unilaterally weighted split squat supersetted with 3x15 back raises
3x20x220 lbs close stance leg press supersetted with 3x15 band good mornings
3x10x60 lbs chest supported DB row supersetted with 3x25x44 lbs cable facepulls supersetted with 3x8x25 lbs DB hammer curl

So front squats still suck, but with Frankenstein grip they're ok.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by JohnHelton » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:04 am

I hate front squats!

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:34 am

JohnHelton wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:04 am I hate front squats!
So do I. I really, REALLY do.

Odd as it sounds that's partly why I'm doing them for the next block as my squat and then why I'll have them every second week as a supplemental.

The other part is I need stronger quads.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:43 pm

That's the end of week four. Started feeling like dogshit and sniffling some on Thursday so I ended up staying out of the gym. I figured in the current climate it was the right thing to do if only do I didn't make anyone uncomfortable. Not to mention I am still tired as all hell. Work has been busy and I've been doing a fair bit of overtime.

Next week is a pretty easy one because it's the block end and I planned on backing off anyway. I'll be fine come Monday.

Average weight for the week is 211.2 lbs. Waking weights have been trending well below that like they have done before, so I would anticipate in another week I'll be back up to 4000 calories just to stay around 211 lbs. Definitely no pasta though.

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