Fuck The World Log

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by houzi » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:36 am

EggMcMuffin wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:58 pm Image

I feel like something deep and profound changed within me during this run. I don't know what it is and lack the sort of literary chops and don't really even understand myself or my own life well enough to describe it even if I was cognizant of what this nebulous "change" consisted of, but I felt a switch flipping. Something is cooking. Something is brewing, little steam vent on the teapot screaming.

I think Strava bugged around 13 miles so I'm not sure this was actually 22.4 miles, but I know it at the very least closer to twenty by re-tracing my route it was closer to 19.5 give or take, but I think if I was razor precise in re-tracing it on a map it probably adds up to an even twenty, since I did a distance I KNOW to be two miles before setting off in the direction for two cities over, which put me 18 miles away from home at the end. I waited too long to do this run (I planned to do it during the daytime, but being the insane person that I am started at 7PM) and it ended up being kinda sketchy towards the end since a lot of the route was D E S O L A T E at night (and I saw someone clearly impersonating a police officer along the way...) and it was also like 42 degrees outside by the end.

I don't know. 20 miles is honestly a crazy distance to run, and I'm going to add another six to that in two weeks. Towards the end it occurred to me that I had been running for almost THREE hours, and had covered an amount of distance that I don't even like to drive, let alone run, and by the end arriving at my destination the enormity of what I had done really hit me. I literally ran two cities over, and in California that is like...a lot. I saw a lot of shit. I felt a lot of things. It was weird, man.

Also, running is definitely MUCH more difficult than lifting. Even walking around today I still feel sort of winded. It's weird, because at least to me it seems that once you hit a certain level of cardiovascular fitness you're no longer huffing and puffing by the end, rather, an enormous crash of fatigue hits you an hour later and you genuinely feel like you've been hit by a bus. Joints feel all weird, your legs feel like you've pulled your 1RM deadlift for a set of five, and you becoming overcome with an overwhelming, RAVENOUS desire for sleep. Luckily the pain other than just getting weird and winded easily isn't as bad as it was after the 17 miler. I think I remembered to keep my chest up and chin in during this run so it prevented a lot of soreness that I get when I start to slouch from exhaustion.

I don't think I'm doing another marathon for a long while after this. It takes up too much of your time and you start to feel a little unhinged towards the end.

I don't know if I'll go back to "seriously" lifting either. I've realized I really, genuinely love running, in a way that I didn't with weightlifting. I love picking heavy shit up but running always feels much more profound to me, especially after long or especially taxing workouts. I don't know if it's because I spent a lot of my life just sitting in front of a computer screen, but there's something in just covering long ass distances outside that really does something for me that benching or deadlifting doesn't do for me.

Sounds like you are doing well mate. Best of luck with your marathon!

What happened with the fake policeman? How do you know he was impersonating?

I agree that nothing wrecks you quite like long distance running.
Story time: I remember back in the army, we had to do a boot run (t-shirt, trousers, boots) through the snow for PT the week after Xmas leave. Most had done almost no training due to being on leave, so this was a wake up call.
It must have been around 10-12 miles, up and down hills, and there was definately a river at some point. It was a quick pace too and it was very cold.
I got back to my room afterwards, and just lay on the floor, waiting for my hands to get some feeling back so i can untie my boot laces to go shower. After that I then somehow drove 2 hrs to my parents home for the weekend, where upon arrival I promptly fell asleep (maybe 4-5pm). Slept straight through the night, woke up the next morning starving and still tired.
I have been tired and hungry after lifting, but never like that.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by mouse » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:46 pm

I cannot fathom an 8 minute mile let alone 20 of them consecutively.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by JimRiley » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:55 pm

mouse wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:46 pm I cannot fathom an 8 minute mile let alone 20 of them consecutively.
Just think of it as twenty 240-0-240 tempo squats.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by EggMcMuffin » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:17 am

@mouse pace was closer to 9:15 minutes per mile, Strava bugged out around 13 miles in and thought I ran two miles in 2 minutes, which brought the average down by a lot

I deliberately ran slower both because of how fucking far it is and also because I didn't want to trip again, especially given that I had almost no idea where the fuck I was going past the 10th mile when I left town. I've memorized most of the street conditions in my city (which is quite large) so I more or less remember the areas where the sidewalks are shit or where there are other tripping hazards.

I think you should start trying to wrap your mind around running for hours. It's a really weird feeling when you hit a looong section of road where you can just blow past all intersections because there are no cars and you realize you've been running non-stop for an hour.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by mouse » Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:48 am

EggMcMuffin wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:17 am pace was closer to 9:15 minutes per mile
Oh well that changes everything nevermind
EggMcMuffin wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:17 am I think you should start trying to wrap your mind around running for hours.
Bro my one hip is becoming kind of annoyingly unbearable and I'm just sitting in a chair...

I don't need all that extra pain in my life.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by EggMcMuffin » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:14 pm

Son of a bitch, I feel a cold coming on literally a few days before my race on Sunday. I'm thinking I might just skip all of this weeks workouts and sleep a lot or something.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by DanCR » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:23 pm

EggMcMuffin wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:14 pm Son of a bitch, I feel a cold coming on literally a few days before my race on Sunday. I'm thinking I might just skip all of this weeks workouts and sleep a lot or something.
I dunno shit about running marathons but that’s exactly what I’d do. I can’t imagine that the next three days of practice would matter. Sleep / meds / vitamins / liquids, like they’re your job.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by mouse » Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:28 pm

Yeah I know fuck all about long distance running but I have to imagine you wouldnt see a significant drop off...

Just take the time and (hopefully) feel better...

Stupid running related question. My boss is an avid runner guy. Travels for it etc. Basically his feet are all fucked up and destroyed to where now he needs custom orthotics and wears shoes around the house because being barefoot is no longer comfortable.

Is that... common?

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by hector » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:25 pm

EggMcMuffin wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:58 pm Image

I feel like something deep and profound changed within me during this run. I don't know what it is and lack the sort of literary chops and don't really even understand myself or my own life well enough to describe it even if I was cognizant of what this nebulous "change" consisted of, but I felt a switch flipping. Something is cooking. Something is brewing, little steam vent on the teapot screaming.

I think Strava bugged around 13 miles so I'm not sure this was actually 22.4 miles, but I know it at the very least closer to twenty by re-tracing my route it was closer to 19.5 give or take, but I think if I was razor precise in re-tracing it on a map it probably adds up to an even twenty, since I did a distance I KNOW to be two miles before setting off in the direction for two cities over, which put me 18 miles away from home at the end. I waited too long to do this run (I planned to do it during the daytime, but being the insane person that I am started at 7PM) and it ended up being kinda sketchy towards the end since a lot of the route was D E S O L A T E at night (and I saw someone clearly impersonating a police officer along the way...) and it was also like 42 degrees outside by the end.

I don't know. 20 miles is honestly a crazy distance to run, and I'm going to add another six to that in two weeks. Towards the end it occurred to me that I had been running for almost THREE hours, and had covered an amount of distance that I don't even like to drive, let alone run, and by the end arriving at my destination the enormity of what I had done really hit me. I literally ran two cities over, and in California that is like...a lot. I saw a lot of shit. I felt a lot of things. It was weird, man.

Also, running is definitely MUCH more difficult than lifting. Even walking around today I still feel sort of winded. It's weird, because at least to me it seems that once you hit a certain level of cardiovascular fitness you're no longer huffing and puffing by the end, rather, an enormous crash of fatigue hits you an hour later and you genuinely feel like you've been hit by a bus. Joints feel all weird, your legs feel like you've pulled your 1RM deadlift for a set of five, and you becoming overcome with an overwhelming, RAVENOUS desire for sleep. Luckily the pain other than just getting weird and winded easily isn't as bad as it was after the 17 miler. I think I remembered to keep my chest up and chin in during this run so it prevented a lot of soreness that I get when I start to slouch from exhaustion.

I don't think I'm doing another marathon for a long while after this. It takes up too much of your time and you start to feel a little unhinged towards the end.

I don't know if I'll go back to "seriously" lifting either. I've realized I really, genuinely love running, in a way that I didn't with weightlifting. I love picking heavy shit up but running always feels much more profound to me, especially after long or especially taxing workouts. I don't know if it's because I spent a lot of my life just sitting in front of a computer screen, but there's something in just covering long ass distances outside that really does something for me that benching or deadlifting doesn't do for me.
This was some great writing.
I think there’s something good for your soul you get from running outside.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by asdf » Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:58 pm

mouse wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:28 pm feet are all fucked up and destroyed...
Is that... common?
I know several ultra runners and have done a 30-miler myself. None of us have any issues with our feet. I don't even get blisters or black toenails.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by EggMcMuffin » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:23 pm

I think it's kinda similar to lifting where you get the bozos who just go way, way too hard in the gym and wind up crippled at a premature age. Like the type of person to get rhabdo or do marathons back to back type of deal, or literally just outright ignoring any signs of trouble. Lately I've been seeing the local XC kids from the highschools practicing at the place I usually train at and a lot of them have severe form issues. They look a lot like I did when I started running and when I first ramped up the mileage my feet and legs were constantly getting hurt. I fixed it and I rarely suffer from lower body pains beyond some knee pain, but I think that's more from hopping curbs and shit. I don't have as much knee pain when I run on the flat trail where I'm not dodging a bunch of fucked up pavement.

I can imagine a lot of people start out with bad habits and never fix them, just like lifting. Soon you're looking at stress fractures on your feet, even more so when coupled with dogshit programming

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by mouse » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:55 am

asdf wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:58 pm
mouse wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:28 pm feet are all fucked up and destroyed...
Is that... common?
I know several ultra runners and have done a 30-miler myself. None of us have any issues with our feet. I don't even get blisters or black toenails.
Maybe my boss is the runner equivalent of the impending injury guy I'm talking about in my log hahaha

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by houzi » Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:51 pm

mouse wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:28 pm
Stupid running related question. My boss is an avid runner guy. Travels for it etc. Basically his feet are all fucked up and destroyed to where now he needs custom orthotics and wears shoes around the house because being barefoot is no longer comfortable.

Is that... common?
We used to run a lot while in the military, often carrying loads and wearing boots, with no regard for any running technique or anything. I have flat feet, so I would wear orthotics to prevent foot pain and knee pain that would show up from time to time.

Now, we werent doing marathon-level running.... but I never heard of anyone needing to wear shoes at home to deal with foot pain. That seems pretty insane to get to that level.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by mouse » Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:58 pm

houzi wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:51 pm
mouse wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:28 pm
Stupid running related question. My boss is an avid runner guy. Travels for it etc. Basically his feet are all fucked up and destroyed to where now he needs custom orthotics and wears shoes around the house because being barefoot is no longer comfortable.

Is that... common?
We used to run a lot while in the military, often carrying loads and wearing boots, with no regard for any running technique or anything. I have flat feet, so I would wear orthotics to prevent foot pain and knee pain that would show up from time to time.

Now, we werent doing marathon-level running.... but I never heard of anyone needing to wear shoes at home to deal with foot pain. That seems pretty insane to get to that level.
The term 'house shoes' was used so I started to google it and it auto completed 'house shoes for plantar fascitis' among other results so... weird...

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by DanCR » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:02 am

Kick this thing’s ass today, @EggMcMuffin. We’re all rooting for you.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by EggMcMuffin » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:10 pm


I have really bad news lol, the marathon sold out before I could register so I wound up not participating lmfao. I kept putting it off like a dumbass.

I'm going to run the distance tomorrow on the same course and see how I do but it's not going to be officiated or anything unfortunately. I might do the San Francisco marathon later to make up for it though, but that would be six months away.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by DanCR » Sun Dec 10, 2023 6:02 pm

EggMcMuffin wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:10 pm @DCR

I have really bad news lol, the marathon sold out before I could register so I wound up not participating lmfao. I kept putting it off like a dumbass.

I'm going to run the distance tomorrow on the same course and see how I do but it's not going to be officiated or anything unfortunately. I might do the San Francisco marathon later to make up for it though, but that would be six months away.
Well, good luck with your personal marathon then. Shit lol.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by EggMcMuffin » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:33 am

Well, ran my first (personal) marathon on Monday.


Honestly a bit disappointed on how bad my time was. I think I also underestimated how much fuel I needed towards the end. I ran out of water and gels around 20 miles in and began to hit The Wall (a physiological phenomenon where your body just says fuck it, you are *literally* dying now please stop running thanks) really hard a little before that. I wound up walking a half of miles 21 and 23 because my body just wasn't having it anymore and started to feel like I was literally going to see God during the last 5k where I resolved to keep running even if I passed out from exhaustion.

Part of me thinks I would have done better if I had done an actual race, and honestly finishing this felt anticlimactic and a little disappointing. I was mostly just glad that it was over. The trail got way too dark to run on (even with a headlamp) around 13 miles in so I wound up doing the next 13 in a big loop around suburbia and it just felt depressing running around town in the cold for another 2 hours and thirty minutes. I actually got really sad about 16 miles in. Running makes me feel really sad sometimes. I don't know if it's just the exhaustion from long distances killing your mental defenses but I'll really earnestly start to ask myself (and not in the sardonic way I usually do) "why the fuck am I doing this to myself?"

I talk about this a lot on my dumb log of deranged narcissistic ranting, but I remember getting into fitness at 19ish because I realized I was sort of a loser (understatement of the century if anyone knew how much more pathetic and useless I was as a teenager) and to this day the question comes up, do I do this because I like it or because I just don't really have much else better to do? Does it even matter!?

I'm not sure I want to do another marathon anytime soon. I think about doing the San Francisco marathon but I need to go back to focusing on school. My grades are in the toilet right now and I actually had to drop a class because how much time training was taking out of my day. I don't really even give a shit about my computer science degree anymore but it feels dumb to *not* try to graduate with this stupid thing, especially considering how old I'm getting.

My legs basically don't work right now (some of the worst DOMS I have ever experienced) but if I feel better after this week I'm considering signing up for a half marathon on my birthday (31st) since my birthdays usually depress the fuck out of me and I think it'll be good for me to just run it even though I might wind up hurting myself due to how close it is to having run a full marathon just because I know my 28th is gonna really bum me out.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by MarkKO » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:01 pm

It's your first time, now you have a benchmark.

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Re: Fuck The World Log


Post by EggMcMuffin » Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:58 pm

MarkKO wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:01 pm It's your first time, now you have a benchmark.
It just felt kinda wack. Months and months of hard training and it just felt like, "welp". Pathological minimization I guess. Weird thing is when I finished it I didn't even really feel like I did anything. Like I was extremely tired but all I could think was "eh it was just 26 miles"

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