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Diagnose my back

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:10 am
by ithryn
The other day I pulled 405 for a double, and then tried another double but it got janky I was shaking so I let the bar back down halfway through a rep.

My back isn't sore, but it's...a little touchy. If I bend a certain way it suddenly hurts. Last night I tried to get out of bed and had to stop because my whole back suddenly yelled at me, so I rolled over a different way and got up fine. It doesn't hurt right now while I'm sitting here; but I'm sure if I twisted the wrong way something would blow.

Swollen disc, maybe?

Re: Diagnose my back

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:37 am
by LexAnderson
I've had this happen before, I'm not sure what it's called or what it is but usually I take a some aspirins or ibuprofen and rest up.