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Welcome, friends!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:47 pm
by d0uevenlift
Welcome to Exodus Strength!

The first of us probably know why we are named what we are, so thanks for joining in. If your friends want to join, feel free to give us your tired, your poor, your Rippened masses yearning to breathe free and they'll be welcome here.

As you can see, we're still a little rough around the edges, but this work-in-progress is actually doing just that--progressing (unlike some folks on novice LP).

Anyway, over time we'll be a little prettier, we'll have more features, and possibly have videos and content along with a supplement store and free protein cookies. Some of those things are untrue.

We are all glad to have you here, and to have a place where we can talk about strength, training, programming, food, and everything else under the sun that would interest muscle-bound humans like us.

If you need to reach out to us, please e-mail If you have forum suggestions, we have a thread right here where you can do so. And if you want to make a donation to keep this forum up and running, we will gladly accept once we figure out how to do so.

Thanks and enjoy all the banter!
