DR's Constant Battle Against ADD

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by SeanHerbison » Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:10 am

Ah, never mind, back to normal.

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:59 pm

HA! Mid-week update, suck it!

Monday 8-19-2019
525 lbs 3x1 495 lbs 4x2 455 lbs 1x5
Bench Press: 300 lbs 3x1 285 lbs 4x2 265 lbs 1x5
Lying Triceps Extensions: 70 lbs 5x10

Tuesday 8-20-2019
3 games
Deadlifts: 515 lbs 3x1 495 lbs 4x2 455 lbs 1x5
Curls: 85 lbs 5x10

Wednesday 8-21-2019
Clean High Pulls:
275 lbs 5x2
3-1-0 Tempo Bench Press: 275 lbs 5x2
Pull Ups: 5x10
Seated Press: 135 lbs 5x8
Box Jumps: 5x8

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Aug 26, 2019 1:25 pm

This whole recovery period might be more effective if I stopped playing basketball. There was a minor hip check when rebounding which knocked my legs out from under me which resulted in me falling, flat upon my left asscheek and forearm, from the peak of my jump. Fortunately, as a very white guy, that wasn't THAT far, so the only "injury" was bruises and three days of mild soreness when I tried to rest my arm on an armrest.

Thursday 8-22-2019
3 games and 1 back bump
Squats: 525 2x1
Paused Box Squats: 475 lbs 4x2
Barbell Row: 185 lbs 5x10
DB Preacher Curl: 45 lbs, 5 sets, 2 minute rests 48 total reps

Friday 8-23-2019
515 lbs 3x1
Paused Deadlifts: 475 lbs 4x2
Bench Press: 315 lbs 2x1
Paused Bench Press: 285 lbs 4x2
Lying Triceps Extensions: 70 lbs 5x10

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:15 am

Early half of this week was very little more than than retesting the broad jump and dicking around. I did broad jump an even 9 feet three times, so that's a consistent 6 inch improvement in something like 8 weeks, with no actual broad jump practice.

Monday 8-24-2019
Broad Jump:
9' x3
Squats: 535 lbs x1 525 lbs x1 495 lbs x2 405 x5
Bench Press: 305 lbs x1 300 lbs x1 285 lbs x2 245 lbs x5
Lying Triceps Extensions 4x10

Tuesday 8-25-2019
535 lbs x1 515 lbs x1 495 lbs x2
Basketball: 3 games
Curls: 75 lbs 5x10

Wednesday 8-26-2019
Paused Bench Press:
275 lbs 5x2
Pull Ups: 5x10

Thursday was a Squat Test day. I got 545 lbs without any more trouble than I expected, but couldn't get 565 lbs past that usual sticking point about a third of the way up and failed it. And shooting around for a bit afterwards caused the inside of my left ankle and slightly above it to ache like hell. It had occasionally felt a very wee bit sore when jumping rope or the like, but it was considerably worse this time. Even just sitting in the car, it dully ached. An ice pack and some Advil did a lot of good, but it is still occasionally bothering me when I actually bounce around, and it's goddamn annoying.

Thursday 8-27-2019
545 lbs 1RM

Friday was to test bench and deadlift. Got 315 lbs on bench press easily, as was expected as I've done it weekly. It was basically a "opener" type weight. Couldn't quite push out 325 lbs however. Deadlifted 555 lbs for a hot new sub-220 lbs (and sub 210 lbs) bodyweight PR.

Friday 8-28-2019
Bench Press:
315 lbs 1 RM
Deadlift: 555 lbs 1 RM
Lying Triceps Extensions: 5x10

This current week is going to be Bullshit Week. Feel free to recommend some stupid, "active recovery" level shit to do.

Monday 9-2-2019
Safety Bar Squats:
340 lbs 5x5
Feet Up Bench Press: 225 lbs 5x5
Lying Triceps Extensions: 5x10

Because Sean "PEBCAK "HERBY"" Herbison had the bright idea last time, highlights:
6'' improvement on Broad Jump to 9 feet even
A wet fart on squats
A much dryer fart on bench press
555 lbs deadlift, a 10 lbs PR for anything lifted under 220 lbs bodyweight

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:00 am

This week continued on bullshitting around with some quasi-new stuff at "active recovery" type weights. It all has me literally itching (fucking dry skin) to get back to doing entirely too much spastic nonsense to keep me off the street and off drugs.

Tuesday 9-3-2019
Deficit Deadlifts:
Using a 45 lbs bumper plate to stand on (4-5 inches? I dunno) 365 lbs 3x5
Curls: 70 lbs 5x10
Running stuff: 10 laps

Wednesday 9-4-2019
Incline Bench Press:
155 lbs 5x8
Pull Ups: 5x12
Broad Jumps: 4x6

Thursday 9-5-2019
Safety Bar Squats:
390 lbs 3x5
DB Preacher Curls: 40 lbs 5x12

I TRIED good mornings with the safety squat bar. I thought they might be a little bit less horrible and useless than I recall with that bar. Turns out they're horrible and useless no matter what bar you use. The SLDLs off of a 25 lbs bumper plate (~2 inch deficit) will prove to be much more effective for hamstrings and lower back, I'm sure. Floor presses might be a bit more featured if my shoulder continues to ache, and done a bit less if it feels better.

Friday 9-6-2019
Deficit Stiff-Legged Deadlifts:
~2 inch deficit 315 lbs 5x8
Floor Press: 225 lbs 4x6
Lying Triceps Extension: 70 lbs 5x10

An I-Mean-It-This-Time-For-Real-Guys bulk. I had been TRYING to gain some weight fairly clean these past couple months, which lead to exactly zero weight gain. No more cute shit, I will be at least 215 lbs (which is only around 10 lbs heavier) by Christmas, or my name isn't Dirty H. "Fuckmothering" Red IV, Record Setting (Technically, Shut Up) Powerlifter.

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by platypus » Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:58 am

DirtyRed wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:00 am It all has me literally itching (fucking dry skin) to get back to doing entirely too much spastic nonsense to keep me off the street and off drugs.
Lifting, drugs, and crime go hand in hand in a balanced lifestyle.

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:41 pm

Hot new program of doing basically fucking everything and hoping various soft tissues can keep up with it!

Monday 9-9-2019
515 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 365 lbs 6x3 Normal Reps: 405 lbs 3x8
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 235 lbs 4x8
Floor Press: 225 lbs 4x6
Lying Triceps Extension: 70 lbs 5x12

Tuesday 9-10-2019
515 lbs 1x1
Deficit Deadlifts: 385 lbs 6x6
Barbell Rows: 195 lbs 5x10
Curls: 70 lbs 2x10
Basketball: 1 game
The Rest Of The Planned Curls: 70 lbs 3x10
Box Jumps: 5x8

Wednesday 9-11-2019
Safety Bar Squats:
380 lbs 5x6
Feet Up Bench: 225 lbs 4x7
High Clean Pulls: 245 lbs 6x3
Pull Ups: 5x10
Broad Jumps: 4x6

Thursday 9-12-2019
515 lbs 1x1
~2'' Deficit SLDLs: 315 lbs 4x10
Barbell Rows: 195 lbs 5x10
DB Preacher Curls: 40 lbs 5x12
Running Stuff: Sprint one side of the track (just about 40ish yards), walk the next, repeated for 10 laps.

Friday 9-13-2019
515 lbs 1x1 405 lbs 5x7
Box Squats: 405 lbs 3x4
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 210 lbs 5x10
Seated DB Press: 55 lbs 5x10

FINALLY whatever I did to my lower abdomen appears to be 100% recovered. Or at least close enough that I can do some direct abdominal training without any more discomfort that direct abdominal training normally brings.

Saturday 9-14-2019
Chin Ups:
Roman Chair Sit Ups: 4x12
Box Jumps: 5x8
DB Farmer Carries: 90 lbs DBs, one way down the track, x6 (Probably going to grab heavier DBs next time)
Running (ugh): 14 laps

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:53 am

I lack the requisite eloquence to sufficiently elucidate the dizzying volume of basketball I participated in over the course of this week.

Monday 9-16-2019
I seriously don't even know, at least six games, I stopped counting. The last one was 2v2 for extra running around in literal cirlces.
Deadlifts: 515 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 365 lbs 6x3 Normal Reps: 405 lbs 4x7
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 265 lbs 6x4
Floor Press: 245 lbs 5x3
DB Bench Press: 75 lbs 5x10

I NORMALLY try to do some conditioning on Tuesday, but since I played so much basketball on Monday, I figured I'd give it a rest.

Tuesday 9-17-2019
1x1 515 lbs
3-1-0 Tempo Squats: 385 lbs 4x6
Barbell Row: 195 lbs 5x10
Barbell Curl: 70 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 5x8

Wednesday 9-18-2019
Two 2v2 (ugh) games
Deficit Deadlifts: 405 lbs 6x4
Power Snatch: 185 lbs 5x2
Close Grip Bench Press: 225 lbs 4x8
Chin Ups: 5x12

I NORMALLY try to do some conditioning on Thursday, but since I played some basketball on Wednesday, I figured I'd give it a rest.

Thursday 9-19-2019
515 lbs 1x1
Safety Bar Squat: 340 lbs 5x8
Barbell Row: 195 lbs 5x10
DB Preacher Curl: 40 lbs 5x12
Bow Jumps: 5x8

Friday 9-20-2019
515 lbs 1x1 405 lbs 4x8
Paused Deadlifts: 445 lbs 4x2
Basketball: 3 games.

I NORMALLY try to do some conditioning on Saturday, but since I played even more basketball on Friday AND that caused me to be unable to bench press before the gym closed, I gave it a rest and did the bench press on Saturday.

Saturday 9-21-2019
Bench Press:
300 lbs 1x1 285 lbs 4x2 225 lbs 4x8
Chin Ups: 5x12
DB Bench Press: 75 lbs 5x10

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:31 pm

Not as much basketball and, coincidentally I'm sure, my ankles, knees, calves, quads, hips, glutes, back, and legs aren't as bloody stiff and sore as they were after the week before.

Monday 9-23-2019
2 games
Squats: 515 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 365 lbs 6x3 Normal Reps: 405 lbs 4x8
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 245 lbs 4x8
Floor Press: 225 lbs 4x6
Lying Triceps Extensions: 70 lbs 5x12

Tuesday 9-24-2019
515 lbs 1x1
Deficit Deadlifts: ~4inch deficit, 385 lbs 6x6
Barbell Row: 195 lbs 5x10
Barbell Curls: 75 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 4x8

Wednesday 9-25-2019
Safety Bar Squats:
380 lbs 5x6
High Clean Pulls: 265 lbs 6x3
Feet Up Bench Press: 225 lbs 4x7
Chin Ups: 4x12

Thursday 9-26-2019
515 lbs 1x1
Deficit SLDLs: ~2inch deficit, 315 lbs 4x10
Barbell Rows: 195 lbs 5x10
DB Preacher Curl: 40 lbs 5x12
Ab Wheels: 4x10
Running: 14 laps

Friday 9-27-2019
515 lbs 1x1 405 lbs 5x7 Box Squats: 405 lbs 3x4
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 215 lbs 5x10
Seated DB Press: 55 lbs 5x10

Saturday 9-28-2019
Chin Ups:
Box Jumps: 5x8
Running: 14 laps

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:20 pm

Monday 9-30-2019
515 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 365 lbs 6x3 Normal Reps: 405 lbs 4x7
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 265 lbs 6x4
Floor Press: 235 lbs 4x6
DB Bench Press: 75 lbs 5x10

Halfway through this workout, I was walking across the basketball halfcourt to the bathrooms and someone shooting around missed a shot that bounced kind of towards me. I lunged to grab it and toss it back, and in landing all upon my right foot, I felt like I kind of jammed my quad, if that makes any sense. I THINK that was the cause of intermittent knee pain for all of two days.

Tuesday 10-1-2019
525 lbs 1x1
3-1-0 Tempo Squats: 385 lbs 4x6
Barbell Row: 195 lbs 5x10
Barbell Curls: 75 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 5x8

The side of my knee kind of hurt doing some things and not others. I had to bail on snatches because the knee bend on the catch REALLY make it complain, but deficit deadlifts were no issue. I dunno.

Wednesday 10-2-2019
Deficit Deadlift:
415 lbs 6x4
Spoto Press: 235 lbs 4x6
Chin Ups: 5x12

My knee ache MIGHT have been a tight IT band. Because stretching it appeared to make it a lot better, to the extent I was able to do all the squats I intended to do, even though walking down stairs caused mild ache before leaving for the gym.

Thursday 10-3-2019
525 lbs 1x1
Safety Bar Squats: 340 lbs 5x8
Barbell Row: 195 lbs 5x10
DB Preacher Curl: 40 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 5x8
Running: Ran 4 laps fairly briskly, walked one, x3

Friday 10-4-2019
525 lbs 1x1 405 lbs 4x7
Paused Deadlifts: 455 lbs 4x2
Bench Press: 305 lbs 1x1 285 lbs 4x2 235 lbs 4x8
DB Bench Press: 75 lbs 5x10

Saturday 10-5-2019
Chin Ups:
Box Jumps: 4x8
Ab Wheels: 4x8
Running: 14 laps

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:34 am

Monday 10-7-2019
525 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 365 lbs 6x3 Normal Reps: 415 lbs 3x8
Bench Press: 305 lbs 1x1 265 lbs 6x4
Floor Press: 235 lbs 4x6
Lying Triceps Extensions: 70 lbs 5x12

Tuesday 10-8-2019
525 lbs 1x1
Deficit Deadlifts: ~4 inch deficit, 385 lbs 6x6
Barbell Rows: 205 lbs 5x10
Barbell Curls: 80 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 5x8

Wednesday 10-9-2019
Safety Bar Squats:
380 lbs 5x6
High Clean Pulls: 265 lbs 6x3 (These felt like they were being pulled a shade higher than normal, either I'm delusional or SUPER SWOLE. Possibly both)
Feet Up Bench Press: 235 lbs 4x7
Chin Ups: 5x12

Thursday 5-10-2019
525 lbs 1x1
Deficit SLDLs: ~2 inch deficit, 315 lbs 4x10
Barbell Row: 205 lbs 5x10
DB Preacher Curls: 40 lbs 5x12
Ab Wheels: 5x8
Running Stuff: 4 laps running, 1 lap walking, 2x2

Friday 10-11-2019
525 lbs 1x1 405 lbs 5x7
Box Squats: 405 lbs 3x4
Bench Press: 305 lbs 1x1 220 lbs 5x10
Seated DB Press: 55 lbs 5x10

Saturday 10-12-2019
Chin Ups:
Box Jumps: 5x8
Ab Wheels: 4x8
Running: 14 laps (ugh)

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:18 pm

Monday 10-14-2019
525 lbs 1x1 Speed Deadlifts: 385 lbs 6x3 Normal Reps: 415 lbs 4x7
Bench Press: 305 lbs 1x1 265 lbs 6x4
Floor Press: 245 lbs 4x6
DB Bench Press: 70 lbs 5x12

Tuesday 10-15-2019
525 lbs 1x1 3-1-0 Tempo Reps: 385 lbs 4x6
Barbell Rows: 205 lbs 5x10
Barbell Curls: 80 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 5x8
Running: 7 laps

Wednesday 10-16-2019
Deficit Deadlifts:
~4 inch deficit, 415 lbs 6x4
Power Snatch: 185 lbs 5x2
Spoto Press: 235 lbs 4x6
Chin Ups: 5x12

Thursday 10-17-2019
495 lbs 4x2
Safety Bar Squats: 330 lbs 5x8
Barbell Row: 205 lbs 5x12
DB Preacher Curl: 40 lbs 5x12
Jump Rope: 1:20x4

Friday 10-18-2019
525 lbs 1x1 415 lbs 4x7 Paused Reps: 465 lbs 4x2
Bench Press: 305 lbs 1x1 290 lbs 4x2 225 lbs 4x10

Saturday 10-19-2019
Chin Ups:
DB Bench Press: 70 lbs 5x12
Box Jumps: 5x8
Running: 7 laps 2x1

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:30 pm

All right, I'm going to skip recounting the two week gap because it's basically the same as the two weeks before it and I'm lazy. I also pulled my right trapezius muscle doing a snatch last Wednesday, which had mostly recovered by Sunday. But between that and several other parts of my beginning/continuing to ache, I'm taking a Recovery/Bitch Week. This is that week.

Monday 11-4-2019
525 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 315 lbs + ~80 lbs of bands, 3x3 Normal Reps: 365 lbs 1x10
Bench Press: 305 lbs 1x1 225 lbs 4x8
Rear Flies: 10 lbs 3x10 (Trying to loosen up a shoulder ache)

Tuesday 11-5-2019
525 lbs 1x1 405 lbs 3x5
DB rows: 70 lbs 3x10
Barbell Curls: 80 lbs 4x10
Running: 10 laps

Wednesday 11-6-2019
Standing Press:
145 lbs 4x6
Chin ups: 5x12
Glute/Ham Raises: 4x8
Jump Rope: 1:15 x3

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by SeanHerbison » Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:43 am

Well, at least you can still squat over 500 on a recovery week. So you've got that going for you.

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Re: DR's Constant Battle Against ADD


Post by DirtyRed » Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:52 am

NOW, after Bitch Week, my shoulder was aching worse than it was for the previous weeks where I was ignoring it, oddly enough. To the point that normal movement was causing mild ache. So I went to the doctor, they gave me an anti-inflammatory shot, and told me to do nothing with it for a week. Including deadlifts and squats and curls (I asked). And after that week I took a week to build back into lifting right quickly, and test out just HOW recovered the shoulder was. It (along with the rest of me) appeared to be at least 95% recovered, so I got back into a full load of lots of stuff that probably has some rhyme or reason to it if you tilt your head and squint. That was this past week.

Also, I dropped back down to 206 lbs because I didn't want to eat a bunch of food and gain weight when I couldn't LIFT it into at least some muscle. So the Turbo Bulk is on to hit 215 lbs by Christmas.

Monday 11-25-2019
495 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 315 lbs (plus ~140 lbs of bands at the top) 6x4 Normal Reps: 365 lbs 3x8
Bench Press: 300 lbs 1x1 225 lbs 5x8
Basketball: 1 Game

Tuesday 11-26-2019
495 lbs 1x1 Deficit Reps: ~4in deficit, 365 lbs 4x6
DB Rows: 70 lbs 4x10
Curls: 80 lbs 4x10
Dips: 5x10
Box Jumps: 4x8
Jogging: 4 laps jogging, 1 lap walking, 2x2

Wednesday 11-27-2019
Safety Squats:
330 lbs 4x8
High Clean Pulls: 245 lbs 5x3
Seated Press: 135 lbs 4x7
Basketball: 2 games

Only had so much time because the gym closed at 1 PM because the staff wanted to be with their loved ones like a bunch of nerds.
Thursday 11-28-2019
475 lbs 4x2
Stiff Legged Deficit Deadlifts: ~2in deficit 295 lbs 3x10
Barbell Rows: 185 lbs 4x10
DB Preacher Curls: 35 lbs 5x12

More pain in the ass hours.
Friday 11-29-2019
495 lbs 1x1 Speed Reps: 315 lbs (plus ~140 lbs bands) 6x4 Normal Reps: 455 lbs 6x3

Saturday 11-30-2019
Bench Press:
300 lbs 1x1 225 lbs 4x8
DB Bench Press: 65 lbs 4x12

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