Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

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Leg Day


Post by BenM » Mon Aug 01, 2022 7:18 pm

Tue 02/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W6 (Intro Week) D2

AM BW: 92.4kg

Background Noise: Live - Secret Samadhi

6x165kg @ 5.5
2 minute rests

SSB Bulgarian Split Squat:
8x82kg @ 7.5
8x77kg @ 6.5
2 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
10x42.5kg @ 7
8x42.5kg @ 9
--- Supersetted With ---
Cable Crunch:
10x40kg @ 7
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Well, Sunday night was a late night due to the F1, but I've had pretty solid sleep the last two nights. Still didn't want to train this morning, seriously considered skipping. I'm also still off the energy drinks but I miss them. They're delicious.
  • Yesterday was a pretty hungry day, so I ate quite a lot and was pretty inactive because weather. So the weight spike is unsurprising.
Training Notes:
  • Added 5kg to last week's deadlifts and did some nice easy sets of five, and a set of six to finish. Not much to report here, still just trying to keep these fairly cruisy - I might just do sixes for sets across at the same weight next week.
  • Back to these split squats - decided to add a little weight and do eights. Third set got quite difficult and I dropped the load a bit for the fourth. In hindsight, I don't need to be doing four sets of these - I think that might be a little too much.
  • Hamstring curls and cable crunches to finish, don't think I've supersetted these before. It worked OK, but the last set of curls got pretty short once my hamstrings burnt out.
  • Not a long session at 50 minutes, but reasonably hard - I walked the dog afterwards and my legs didn't really want to move much. Thanks for reading!

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Wednesday Stuff


Post by BenM » Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:00 pm

Wed 03/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W6 (Intro Week) D3

AM BW: 91.9kg

Background Noise: Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion I

2 Count Pause Bench:
5x97.5kg @ 6
2 minute rests

Chest Fly (Black Band):
20 reps
20 reps
2 minutes rest

Dumbbell Seal Row:
12x75lb / hand
12x75lb / hand @ 6
12x75lb / hand @ 8
2 minute rests

Incline Triceps Extension (EZ Curl Bar):
12x40kg @ 6
12x40kg @ 6.5
12x40kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Hammer Curl:
12x40lb / hand
12x32.5lb / hand @ 6
12x32.5lb / hand @ 7.5
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept pretty well, that's three nights in a row - what? I didn't get down til a bit later than I'd have liked though so I was still a little tired. Only had one coffee. Got out to the gym, crumbled and drank a Monster for the first time in ten days, later on realised that the coffee I drank was actually a decaf anyway so yeah. Not a big deal.
Training Notes:
  • Bench didn't feel all that good this morning, not difficult but not super easy either. But all fine.
  • Chucking in some band work for some easy pump work. But this is the thickest band I've got so I might need to play with them a bit.
  • Back work was supposed to be easy but started to get pretty hard by the end.
  • Triceps work was OK - not super heavy but I need to go gently on my elbows with these.
  • And then it was curls, I did a heavy set to start, and was surprised to get twelve, thought that might be a PR but nope. I've done this before, but it's equal with my best, so let's see if I can't add something to this within a few weeks.
  • Pretty good effort all round in 56 minutes, thanks for reading!

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Post by BenM » Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:45 pm

Fri 05/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W6 (Intro Week) D4

AM BW: 92.2kg

Background Noise: The Living End - State of Emergency

Walking Lunge:
15x32.5lb / hand
15x37.5lb / hand
2 minutes rest

Low Bar Squat:
2 minute rests

Low Incline Paused Dumbbell Bench Press:
12x55lb / hand
12x65lb / hand
12x65lb / hand @ 6.5
12x65lb / hand @ 8
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Upright Row:
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand @ 7.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Decline Sit Up:
12 @ 6ish
10 @ 7
8 @ 9.5 done
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept well again last night, although I could've used a bit more. It's certainly been a good week for sleep. But then the internet was down when I woke up so I had to go and fix that before I could get out to the gym and I almost decided my morning was ruined and didn't bother lifting. But I did bother, and I'm glad about it.
Training Notes:
  • Did some walking lunges and didn't start with body weight today because I wanted to save a bit of time. These went OK, just a little more weight than last week, no issues apart from heavy breathing.
  • I decided last night I might try a slightly heavier set of non-tempo squats before the tempo work. So I did that and then decided I'd just keep going doing them without slowing the tempo. They were quite light, but about where I need to be as I keep rehabbing this tendon thing. I hate tempo work.
  • I've decided to slot some dumbbell bench into this session, just to keep the load down on my elbow and stuff, feel like it was a good move and I need to stay in this intensity zone for a bit and use this as a recovery session.
  • Then I did some upright rows and sit ups as pump work to finish. All reasonably straightforward, the sit ups got challenging at the end but they always do.
  • Took 51 minutes. Not too bad at all. Very busy day after that. Thanks for reading!

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Sunday Stuff


Post by BenM » Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:57 pm

Sun 07/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W7 D1

AM BW: 91.7kg

Background Noise: Evanescence - Synthesis

Band Pull Apart:
20 reps w/red band
20 reps w/red band
Not much rest

Comp Bench:
1x117.5kg @ 7
2 minute rests

Medium Grip Feet Up Pause Bench:
8x87.5kg @ 6.5
12x80kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Lat Pulldown (Chin Up Grip):
13x65kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Paused Single Leg Leg Extension:
--- Supersetted with ---
Dumbbell LTE:
12x42.5lb / hand
12x42.5lb / hand
8x42.5lb / hand
6x42.5lb / hand
2 minutes rest between first two supersets, then back and forth with no rest between movements

Hammer Curl w/Twist:
15x32.5lb / hand
16x32.5lb / hand
2 minutes rest


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had a pretty busy day yesterday and slept pretty well last night, it's been a really good week for sleep for a change. Lay down on the bench for the first time though and realised my head was feeling a bit congested, the RAT after training was negative but I have a bad feeling COVID is coming for someone in the household very soon. The wife's parents have both got it right now, and it seems to be everywhere. I'm going to keep avoiding the office as much as I can as long as they'll keep letting me!
Training Notes:
  • Did some band pull aparts just to try and warm up a bit more seeing as my chest and front delts have been feeling really tight every time I go to bench lately. Not sure if it made the difference or if I was just more recovered, but things felt pretty good today. Heavy single was heavy, but the triples felt easier than last week at the same weight, so I added a set. The feet up bench felt a little harder than last week though, maybe the extra set hurt me a bit there, not sure.
  • Added 2.5kg to the lat pulldowns, the first two sets were still pretty easy but the third was a little worse performance than last week, I'd have liked better.
  • Leg extensions and triceps, with a little more weight on the leg extensions. These went well, I'd only programmed two supersets but on the spur of the moment I banged out a couple more sets on no rest without really pushing them super hard, just got some more easy volume in.
  • Then it was curls, I added 2.5lb, got fifteen with the first set, but in the second I thought I might've miscounted mid-set so I did one more rep to make sure I got fifteen. Turns out there was no miscount and it was a reasonably hard set to finish.
  • I'm not quite sure why this took so long at 68 minutes although I guess the extra quads and triceps work contributed. Whatever though, it was a reasonably good effort. See you next time!

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Post by BenM » Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:39 am

Mon 08/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W7 D

AM BW: 91.4kg

Background Noise: Tool - Ænima

6x165kg @ 5.5
1x195kg @ ?
2 minute rests

SSB Bulgarian Split Squat:
8x87kg @ 6.5
2 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
10x45kg @ 8.5
10x40kg @ 9.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Cable Crunch:
10x40kg @ 9
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Still sleeping quite well, but the transition from weekend sleepins to early starts was a bear this morning. I was deep in some kind of dream when the alarm buzzed. Didn't feel too bad though.
Training Notes:
  • Kept deadlift the same weight as last week, but went to sixes instead of fives, and added a fatigue single. These all moved pretty well, except the single which felt like it took a moment or two to come off the floor. On watching the video it really didn't, it's just that my hips shot up before I actually started to move the bar.
  • Did some split squats after that, I added 5kg to last week's weight with the intention of doing sixes probably, but somehow I managed three sets of eight and they weren't any harder than last week so I don't know what's up with that? I didn't do a fourth though, I decided after last week that three would be enough. They were also a little scrappy because the box moved a couple of times mid set and I needed to reset.
  • Hamstrings and abs after that, not terribly difficult until the last set of both.
  • All done in 53 minutes. Not a bad effort. Tally ho!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by MarkKO » Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:12 am

That hip rise is probably the main thing costing you weight on the bar. It pretty much eliminates what leg drive you have so you're relying almost entirely on your back.

I suspect a lot of that happens because the bar starts out really far out in front of you. It would probably help to sit the bar closer.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:06 pm

MarkKO wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:12 am That hip rise is probably the main thing costing you weight on the bar. It pretty much eliminates what leg drive you have so you're relying almost entirely on your back.

I suspect a lot of that happens because the bar starts out really far out in front of you. It would probably help to sit the bar closer.
Yes. I wasn't seeing it much at all during the work sets, I think I just borked my setup for the single. I'm not sure if the bar was too far forward, or I just started on my toes a bit.

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Post by BenM » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:07 pm

Tue 09/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W7 D3

AM BW: 92.0kg

Background Noise: Guns N' Roses - Live Era '87-'93

Band Pull Apart:
20 reps w/red band
20 reps w/red band
Not much rest

2 Count Pause Bench:
5x100kg @ 6
5x100kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Banded Chest Fly:
20 reps w/wide+narrow black band
20 reps w/wide+narrow black band
2 minutes rest

Dumbbell Seal Row:
10x80lb / hand
10x80lb / hand
10x80lb / hand @ 8
2 minute rests

Incline Triceps Extension (EZ Curl Bar):
14x40kg @ 7
12x40kg @ 7
12x40kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Hammer Curl:
10x42.5lb / hand @ 9 (PR for ten)
12x35lb / hand @ 6.5
12x35lb / hand @ 10 oops
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept well again but gee I woke up tired. Considered going back to bed. Definitely a rest day tomorrow.
  • Weight is up a little, but that's no surprise. I had a hungry day yesterday - didn't exactly binge, but I had a fairly large lunch and was pretty inactive since I was working from home. As I also am today.
Training Notes:
  • Bench just felt awfully heavy today, although I'm pleased that the pauses mostly look pretty pronounced. The last rep of the last set felt like it moved really slooooowly.
  • Added a second, thinner band to the flys this week, but still got twenty reps. They were very hard though, and that second set tweaked something in my right shoulder blade, it was quite sore afterwards. New injury niggles, yay!
  • Added some weight to the back work, was going to do drop sets after the first but it wasn't super hard so I ended up just doing tens across with a decent static hold at the end of the last set.
  • Triceps work was only supposed to be three sets of twelve again but I got excited and pushed a couple of extra reps out of the first. Still got two more sets of twelve, didn't hurt my elbow too much, so I think adding reps is a pretty good strategy at this point.
  • Added a little weight to the curls, I kinda wanted twelve with the top set, but the first few reps (of every set) were hurting my aforementioned shoulder blade niggle and that took away some of the willingness to push them. Even ten was still pretty darn hard though, and then twelve from the last set was only achievable by getting a little cheaty with my left arm for the last couple of reps. Big effort.
  • A pretty good effort, in 59 minutes. I'll take that.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by MarkKO » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:50 pm

BenM wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:06 pm
MarkKO wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:12 am That hip rise is probably the main thing costing you weight on the bar. It pretty much eliminates what leg drive you have so you're relying almost entirely on your back.

I suspect a lot of that happens because the bar starts out really far out in front of you. It would probably help to sit the bar closer.
Yes. I wasn't seeing it much at all during the work sets, I think I just borked my setup for the single. I'm not sure if the bar was too far forward, or I just started on my toes a bit.
Both. What stood out was that all the sets looked damn near identical. So on the plus side, your technique is super consistent. On the minus side, it's making your life difficult.

You only notice it once you get beyond a certain weight, because up to that point your body has adapted to how you lift. The issue with that is at a certain point, that adaptation will cease to be effective.

Of I 'zoom out' and look at your squat and deadlift what stands out is that your back does a ton of work for you in both lifts, and your legs kind of coast along for the ride when they could be contributing much more. This is pretty understandable given the quad issues you're a martyr to and the fact that you've got long legs. Without noticing, you've probably ended up evolving your technique to take a lot of load away from your legs. So for example, your squat only really relies on your legs, mostly the quads, to get out of the hole and then because you've got that really low bar and sharp torso angle your back does a bunch of work. Your hamstrings and hips probably aren't doing a huge amount of work. With the deadlift, you quads barely work and your back drives the weight off the floor, and also drives it through the middle third without your hamstrings doing too much. Then at the top you extend your back quite a bit so your glutes don't drive forward too hard either.

You've said yourself you're very leggy, which is totally true. In a lot of ways it makes sense that you've ended up getting your back to do a lot more work. If you took some six months to really focus on making your legs catch up, I'd be shocked if you didn't see significant dividends.

Just for an example, if you widened both stances for squat and deadlift out (partly just to reduce ROM a little); brought the bar closer to your shins and focused on dragging it up them to deadlift; and sat back a lot more to squat with a more upright torso you would probably find both lifts easier after an adjustment phase. Your hamstrings, hips and glutes would have no choice but to catch up.

The only real hurdle is that you'd need to drop the loads for a while, but it you were comfortable doing that you would most likely be exceeding what you currently can do within six to 12 months, and would keep being able to add weight for a long time.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:04 pm

Thanks @MarkKO - once again you gave me food for thought, I needed a day or two to digest this and mull over it. After tossing it round in my brain for a bit, some of what you say makes sense and some doesn't.

The part that makes sense is to tweak my technique, especially with the deadlift - with the squat, I've already widened my stance about as much as I'm comfortable doing (a few weeks ago). Much wider, and my hips get annoyed. But I haven't changed deadlift at all and I'm definitely keen to try it - although I think my quads are doing more work in that lift than you give them credit for.

The part that doesn't make sense is changing my back angle in the squat. Widening my stance really hasn't affected it much if at all, and I don't see how I can sit back any more. I squatted this morning (will log it in a minute) but I don't think the bar is drifting forward much at all - it needs to stay over mid foot, and if I sit back any more I'll be tipping over backwards (case in point, that max single that I failed a couple of months ago). I didn't video from side on this morning but I will next time.

I'm not at all attached to the weight on the bar like I used to be - I honestly couldn't care less these days. So I don't mind dropping the load. I might even change to high bar for a while - that does change my back angle a fair bit and work the quads harder, and so does the SSB work. In fact I honestly feel like my quads have grown a little in the last couple of months even though I've not been squatting heavy, purely just from the lunges and unilateral work I've been doing, especially the split squats.

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Thursday Squat Stuff


Post by BenM » Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:06 pm

Thu 11/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W7 D4

AM BW: 92.1kg

Background Noise: Evanescence - Anywhere But Home

Walking Lunge:
15x35lb / hand
15x40lb / hand
2 minutes rest

Low Bar Squat:
2 minute rests

Low Incline Paused Dumbbell Bench:
2x55lb I don't think so, Tim

Dumbbell Upright Row:
10x65lb / hand (weight PR; +5lb)
10x65lb / hand
10x65lb / hand
--- Supersetted with ---
Decline Sit Up:
12 reps
12 reps @ 6.5
9 reps @ 9.5 ok then
2 minute rests between supersets

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x65lb / hand @ 7
12x60lb / hand @ 6
12x60lb / hand @ 7
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Despite not training yesterday morning and getting a bit more sleep, I was fatigued as anything, and literally had to sit down and close my eyes for half an hour at about 3pm. No idea why, I've been sleeping well, but the kiddo was home sick the other day and I've been feeling a little off myself. We've been going through a box of RATs every few days but so far all negative. Anyway whatevs.. I actually did sleep pretty well again last night and even managed to wake up before the alarm.
Training Notes:
  • Added a little weight to the lunges and they went better than last week. Didn't feel so wonky and the tendon thing was a little less noticeable again than last week. Might be 90-95% rehabbed now. It's close anyway.
  • Squatting actually felt reasonably good, and not heavy at all today which was a pleasant change. I'd programmed one set with 130kg then a load drop, but the first set was easy enough I went and did another with the same weight. The tendon went pop during that second one and I decided that maybe I'd better drop the load after that! Based on how it feels now (many hours later) there was no damage done, but it was eerily reminiscent of when it happened the first time (at a heavier weight) so I just need to keep being conservative with it.
  • I tried the dumbbell bench after that, but my right shoulder / front delt was sore from the tweak on Tuesday and I gave up very early. Couldn't immediately think of a substitute so went on and did the upright rows and sit ups I had planned. These were pretty solid, got a few more reps with the sit ups than last week and managed tens with a slightly heavier weight on the rows too.
  • It occurred to me to try squeeze presses and see if they were tolerable for the shoulder, so I did and they were. Still tried to keep the intensity moderate, and three sets of twelve with 65lb might've been a little close to failure, so I dropped the load a little after the first set. Felt pretty good - definitely not easy, but a few reps in the tank and had a little bit of a chest pump.
  • I was reasonably happy with this, banged it out in 54 minutes. See you next time!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by MarkKO » Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:22 pm

BenM wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:04 pm Thanks @MarkKO - once again you gave me food for thought, I needed a day or two to digest this and mull over it. After tossing it round in my brain for a bit, some of what you say makes sense and some doesn't.

The part that makes sense is to tweak my technique, especially with the deadlift - with the squat, I've already widened my stance about as much as I'm comfortable doing (a few weeks ago). Much wider, and my hips get annoyed. But I haven't changed deadlift at all and I'm definitely keen to try it - although I think my quads are doing more work in that lift than you give them credit for.

The part that doesn't make sense is changing my back angle in the squat. Widening my stance really hasn't affected it much if at all, and I don't see how I can sit back any more. I squatted this morning (will log it in a minute) but I don't think the bar is drifting forward much at all - it needs to stay over mid foot, and if I sit back any more I'll be tipping over backwards (case in point, that max single that I failed a couple of months ago). I didn't video from side on this morning but I will next time.

I'm not at all attached to the weight on the bar like I used to be - I honestly couldn't care less these days. So I don't mind dropping the load. I might even change to high bar for a while - that does change my back angle a fair bit and work the quads harder, and so does the SSB work. In fact I honestly feel like my quads have grown a little in the last couple of months even though I've not been squatting heavy, purely just from the lunges and unilateral work I've been doing, especially the split squats.
That's fairly typical of any advice I give. I aim to have a higher sense to no sense ratio. It isn't helpful the other way around.

When widening your stance did you play much with foot angle? That can make a pretty big difference with how comfortable wider or narrower stances are, simply by making it easier for your knees to move out rather than forward. It also can somewhat change where your mid foot is, and that in turn impacts how much you can or can't sit back or set your torso angle. I ask because from the videos to me it looks like your feet are pretty much pointing forward; and absolutely that will determine how much you can sit back before tipping over. I found that out the hard way and nearly cause a monolift to tip over into a window.

Where I'm going with this is that looking at your squat a couple of things stand out that relate to what I was talking about, at least as I understand how these things work. Part of it is that you set your feet to point relatively straight ahead. The second is that it looks like you start your squat by bending your knees, which makes a ton of sense when you have your feet pointing forward more than out. That's exactly how I squat when I want to bias my quads. What that does do, though, is mean any sitting back is somewhat cancelled out because you start by moving forward. It's hard to sit back in a squat without falling back when the knees break first and are moving forward. The third thing that relates to what I initially said is that most of the time I noticed as you come up, just past parallel you pitch forward slightly. It isn't huge, definitely no squat morning but it's absolutely there. What it looks like is your hips rise that little bit, very very similar to when you deadlift, and that's exactly where your back starts working more. So your torso angle on the descent is pretty much set, but as you come back up is changes.

So let's say for argument's sake you point your feet out somewhat more. Nothing extreme, but enough that your knees are now pointing outwards more than forwards. I'm pretty sure that shifts your mid foot back a bit. Then you start your squat by sitting down, not bending your knees. They'll bend naturally to accomodate, and they're pointing outwards. Generally when you sit down, you sit back some, so that's taken care of. Because your mid foot is a bit further back relative to where it was, you're able to stay that little bit more upright, so your balance is good going back down. Coming back up, you're already more upright so you're in a better positon to push with your legs and bring your hips back under you. All your back really needs to so is keep you in position rather than move the weight up.

A couple of really helpful cues to squat like this are either open your taint (Ed Coan), or spread the floor. They both do the same thing. More than anything I think they work by shifting focus away from bending your knees, and instead get you to just sit straight down. That means you do end up sitting back more, because you're moving your knees out rather than forward. There's no effort to limit forward knee movement, rather you're positioning yourself so that knee movement forward doesn't move the rest of you forward. That means you get all the benefits of your quads working, but are also in a position to get your hips and hamstrings to take over when the quads stop being as useful, somewhere past parallel.

I hope that makes sense. I totally understand what you mean by not wanting to sit back too far because I do the exact same. If you're going to focus on sitting back completely that's a whole different ballgame and really is probably best for just box squats or a suit, and then you want to have vertical shins which isn't helpful for plain old squatting.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if your quads have grown from the work either, and you absolutely would find that added mass useful even if you did make those changes to your squat.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:40 pm

Yeah, I did turn my toes out a little more - but not a huge amount. I still have some kind of internal bias against going too far out from the Barbell Medicine seminar I went to where Tom Campitelli got me to turn them back in a bit. I don't see why I shouldn't play with it though and see if it helps.

Thanks for the cues. It does make sense. I will try this - and if all else fails I'll just bloody well squat high bar for a while, hah. I'm not a complete motor moron but squatting is definitely one lift that has always been a battle to get right. I mean it's not a terrible squat these days, but it took years for it to even feel sort of passable.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by MarkKO » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:26 am

BenM wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:40 pm Yeah, I did turn my toes out a little more - but not a huge amount. I still have some kind of internal bias against going too far out from the Barbell Medicine seminar I went to where Tom Campitelli got me to turn them back in a bit. I don't see why I shouldn't play with it though and see if it helps.

Thanks for the cues. It does make sense. I will try this - and if all else fails I'll just bloody well squat high bar for a while, hah. I'm not a complete motor moron but squatting is definitely one lift that has always been a battle to get right. I mean it's not a terrible squat these days, but it took years for it to even feel sort of passable.
Almost everyone has that one lift that just doesn't cooperate until you find the exact way you need to do it. It's normal. It was bench for me.

One thing I'll offer is that it may be helpful to forget the whole high bar and low bar idea. There's going to be a place where the bar just feels right. That's YOUR bar. Fuck high or low. You're unlikely to get significantly better mass gains to quads compared to hamstrings and glutes from high compared to low bar; not compared to the assistance work you're already doing, which will do a great job. If you switch bar positions trying to achieve this there's more of a likelihood that you'll just have a harder time than necessary finding your ideal squat setup, with a very low return on investment in respect of leg development. Squats are not always that great a leg builder unless you're built for them. I'll venture that more often than not, squats are in fact a shitty leg builder compared to things like lunges, sissy squats, GHR, belt squats, etc.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by slowmotion » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:36 am

MarkKO wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:26 am One thing I'll offer is that it may be helpful to forget the whole high bar and low bar idea. There's going to be a place where the bar just feels right. That's YOUR bar. Fuck high or low. You're unlikely to get significantly better mass gains to quads compared to hamstrings and glutes from high compared to low bar; not compared to the assistance work you're already doing, which will do a great job. If you switch bar positions trying to achieve this there's more of a likelihood that you'll just have a harder time than necessary finding your ideal squat setup, with a very low return on investment in respect of leg development.
I think I agree with this. Whenever I've tried switching between HB and LB neither of them really felt very good, if I'm honest.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by MarkKO » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:48 am

slowmotion wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:36 am
MarkKO wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:26 am One thing I'll offer is that it may be helpful to forget the whole high bar and low bar idea. There's going to be a place where the bar just feels right. That's YOUR bar. Fuck high or low. You're unlikely to get significantly better mass gains to quads compared to hamstrings and glutes from high compared to low bar; not compared to the assistance work you're already doing, which will do a great job. If you switch bar positions trying to achieve this there's more of a likelihood that you'll just have a harder time than necessary finding your ideal squat setup, with a very low return on investment in respect of leg development.
I think I agree with this. Whenever I've tried switching between HB and LB neither of them really felt very good, if I'm honest.
That's because like many of the 'rules' of lifting weights, it's bullshit. Generally speaking, a higher bar is a more 'natural' way to squat because it requires less effort to position the bar. You just get under it. Unless you're *told* to place the bar lower, you probably won't the first few times you squat. It's not comfortable, and makes you cock your wrists a bunch. A lower bar position lets you lean forward more too, which for a lot of people newer to squatting works well because that's where they end up what with not knowing how to brace and the lower back then becomes more of a mover than a stabiliser. So you can move a little more when you have a lower back because you're bent over a bit more which means the back can help more. If you get bent over with a higher bar, you're just going to struggle and probably get stapled.

What I find interesting is that when it comes to powerlifting, I have rarely heard the term 'low bar squat' from a reputable coach. You hear 'high bar' occasionally to make the point that you're going to squat more upright to bias the quads, but outside that it's just a squat. The bar sits where it works best for you. That's going to be determined by various factors.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:32 am

I kinda hear what you're saying but I'm actually not that uncomfortable in either high or low bar. I think there's a place for both, so I can see a reason to be specific about which I'm attempting to perform performing.

In my case I probably find the high bar movement (like being more upright) a little more natural but the low bar position more natural - the high bar position digs into my bony shoulders more. That's probably just an adaptation thing (as in, I haven't high bar squatted often enough to get used to it).

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Weekend Yay Bananas


Post by BenM » Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:37 am

Sat 13/08/22: Let's Go (Again)! W7 D5

AM BW: 91.2kg

Background Noise: Fountains of Wayne - Welcome Interstate Managers

Belt Squat:
0x130kg got stuck in the hole and couldn't stand up!
12x130kg @ 6.5
2 minute rests

Low Incline Paused Dumbbell Bench Press:
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
2 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
15x40kg @ 6.5
12x40kg @ 7.5
14x35kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Seated Lateral Raise:
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand @ 6
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept pretty well again, but energy levels felt pretty low this morning. Did the usual chores and eventually dragged myself out to the gym around lunchtime for a completely unprogrammed and unnecessary session. The intention was to make it pretty quick and fairly easy.
Training Notes:
  • Did some belt squats, with a wider stance than usual. Made bugger all difference I don't think, my hips weren't feeling super great warming up either but that was unrelated. Clearly wasn't warmed up or ready to do work sets at 130kg as I sat in the hole and couldn't stand up again, so did some easy sets with 120kg and instead of stopping there like I'd planned, bumped back up to 130 kg and did a slightly harder set to finish. Decent bit of easy volume but I really need to figure out a way to add some hand support. I had the idea a sawhorse might work, but did some measurements and research today and it'd be way too low. Back to the drawing board, I might have to build something. Or subcontract it out.
  • Wanted to feel out my shoulder with some benching. It was tight so I stuck with a weight that wasn't much heavier than a warmup and took it pretty easy. I'm planning on benching tomorrow but I did a quick test with the empty bar after this session - a full width grip felt a little painful but close grip was fine. Will see how things go.
  • Mucked around with some hamstring curls and ended up pushing them a little harder. That was alright.
  • Very light lateral raises to finish - these were tolerable. It's mostly my front deltoid and shoulder blade that's annoyed. Side delts feel fine.
  • Ended up being a 48 minute session and even that was probably a bit longer and more difficult than I intended - but nothing that'll affect tomorrow. Catch ya later!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:45 am

Footnote. I almost pulled the trigger on a sissy squat machine the other night. I mean for a couple of hundred bucks it might be worth trying. But I've never used one and if I don't like it then it'll be a waste. Need to find one to demo....

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:57 am

And double side note, it occurred to me that I really need to recalibrate the way I gauge RPE.

Cos the thing is, while I think it's a really useful tool, and maybe for singles it is a pretty decent indicator of where strength is sitting, for work sets the way I've been judging it is 'how many more reps could I do before failure'. Which might be technically how people expect it to be used (as a correlation with absolute RIR) but with some lifts, especially squat, it should probably be ' how many more reps could I do before form gets janky' because once I'm in that 1-4 reps from failure range with anything more than about 3-4 rep sets, my form isn't tight enough that I'm not shifting load onto other muscle groups and tendons and stuff. Which is probably another reason why I'm injured half the time. And I'd probably find my training would be more effective if I focused on making sure that RPE 8 set is '2 RIR with solid form and targeting the desired muscle group' not '2 RIR if I grind the last two reps and good morning the last one'.

I did sorta mention a while ago that I was trying to focus on 'quality reps' but never put it together that actually, if I'm going to attempt to use RPE to determine loads and things (which I haven't been lately; I've just been winging it) then I need to make this adjustment somehow.

Which again, means leaving my ego at the door and not getting attached to the number on the bar.

Here ends my little reminder/rant at myself.

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