You Better, You Better, You Bet.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:00 pm

Unintentional de-load. Because of circumstances I couldn’t train with Todd on Friday and won’t be able to this Tuesday either, so just home gym stuff, where everyone gets to play the game “Will he or won’t he wear a shirt?” I know, we’re working on the name. It’s not catchy enough for syndication.

I suck at deloads, almost as much as my phone sucks at writing the word deload. Learn it, Apple! I am not writing reload or Delilah! Well, I guess I just did, so that won’t help.


Just biding my time with some accessory type stuff. I’ve set reminders to make sure I do my kneesovertoes step downs every other day, and I’m seeing a PT who was also a strength athlete, so hopefully I’ll be able to consistently do some sort of leg training soon. Should have an informal meet in about two months, and the real thing this summer, so I need to be at my best. For a given definition of “best” considering my elderly status. #untilthewheelscomeoff

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:23 am


Three event sessions in 6 days, which elicited yays from me and boos from Todd (insert April and Andy meme here). I just saw the preliminary event line up for the Monsters in Monona contest on July 2, and it’s weird and not at all suited for me. Yoke squat for reps? No farmers? No stones? Is this even strongman or have we crossed over to CrossFat? Regardless, not only do I need to get my knees as rehabbed as possible, but I need my legs to be stronger than they’ve ever been.

Tried some bottom up partial squats that I will progress Paul Anderson-style. Slowly increase weight at that height, then drop the weight and decrease the height and work back up. I cautiously tried these out, not venturing above 240, and they felt fine, so I’m trying to be optimistic.

Now I just need to find out the events for the Timvitational, the informal brewery meet I do in April. Whatever they are, stronger legs aren’t going to be a detriment. Your legs and upper back can never be too strong.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:34 am

Fingers crossed, everything is trending upwards. Log numbers are all heading in the right direction. I got three singles with 220 on the small 10” log, which is nowhere near an all time PR, but it’s getting back there, and I would guess I’m good for 230 or so right now. Maybe 235 if properly motivated.

Knock on wood, but my knee is feeling a lot better. My PT and wife (also a PT) would probably take some credit for this with the rehab exercises, and that might be a chunk of it, but I also put all of my lower body stuff on the two pressing days leaving the other 5 days of the week for rest, and that simple thing might be just as big of a chunk. I was able to do bottom-up SSB partial squats from the pins without any pain, which is a very good sign, especially with yoke squats in my future. I’ve always been as strong doing squats from the bottom up as regular, which makes zero sense, but I think the bounce out of the hole has been such an issue for whatever reason. Whatever. Keep repeating “you’re not a powerlifter, you’re not a powerlifter….”

Bottom up BTN presses have been feeling good for building shoulder strength, and perhaps equally importantly, for building good, stable mobility for overhead pressing.

This is where I fight the urge to add more. More is not always better! (TWSS?). I just did the ab work I skipped the other day and a few minutes on the rower today and called it good.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:17 pm

Every peak brings a valley, but if the valleys are less deep than they were before, you’re doing well. Widening the base, building the foundation and all of that motivational claptrap. After last Friday when everything was light and I didn’t seem to get tired, I felt achy and less explosive all week, which makes sense. I still hit all my numbers, even if I needed to reduce volume a bit. Very slight deload. As my buddy said, last year when I hit a peak, the next week my numbers fell off a cliff, so we know that I can now hit 230 on a subpar day. That’s promising. We’re probably going to be down to one event day per week soon, and will have to devote that to other events, so want to push the log while we can.

I didn’t get to finish my workout this morning because I had a pair of 13 year olds in my basement, and that’s truly terrifying. We will see if I finish it later today, or just skip arms for the 786,983rd session in a row because I’m a terrible bro.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:08 am

Real training started this week, and my body is reminding me how hard that really is. Tried axle pressing for the first time in a year, and it’s so easy to press, but the clean is weird and lowering to the rack position doesn’t feel great. But on the other hand, I could probably put up over 220 right now. Sandbag also feels awful, but there was an exponential improvement from my first rep to my seventh of the week. Handy if you have to toss anyone over your shoulder.

As for deadlifting, people think that any little bit you raise up the bar makes the lift easier, but I’ve found that pulling from 4” blocks or so is rough. It’s not like a top end rack pull but too high to involve the quads. I’ll have to get used to that again. 475x3 was harder than expected. Pin squats are progressing well. I will work the height down slowly, but the most important thing is that there is no knee pain. Note to self: your first time touching farmers in a year probs shouldn’t be 215 per hand for max time. My biceps were giving me some warnings.

For my home stuff, the goal remains best hypertrophy exercises that have the lowest impact on joints. Also, way too much soda bread lately.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:55 am

After taking Tuesday mostly off because of a family emergency, I came back on Friday and had one of the best sessions I’ve had in a long time. Lots of pop and everything was flying up. Got a double with the axle out of the rack with what was an ugly single last week (with unfortunate framing of the weight tree post). The partial SSB squats were easy 400x5@RPE LOL, so I will kick the weight back down a bit, drop the posts a few inches and work my way back up. The sandbag to shoulder is getting better with each rep as you can see in the video. The first rep was iffy, but I really popped my hips on the second one and got it pretty much to the shoulder. Same thing with log press-it really is all about intent. I’ve started ripping the log up more forcefully, which leads to a more forceful clean, and not fiddle-fucking around with it on my shoulders before pressing. This 230 may have been the easiest that weight has ever gone up.

Home workout was pretty good as well. I will get bent rows to feel good. I just slowly increased the weight and transitioned from strict rows to 45 degrees to deadlift rows. I need to stick with them and not just toss’em out. I’m really happy to be able to reintroduce dips into the equation. They’ve always been such a great exercise for me, but my shoulders have not always liked them. These felt easy, although they may remain a shirted exercise. 😆

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:12 pm

The weeks are starting to blend together. If I don’t do my log on the last workout day I have to figure out what I’ve already logged and what I haven’t.

This was a weird week since Tues was going on two days of really bad sleep. I think? Was that the week before? I don’t even know. Anyway, everything seems to be progressing nicely. I’m figuring out my positioning for the elevated deadlift, and starting to remember how to do a heavy continental clean on the axle.

After this week we will be down to one event day per week. Old school. Todd is very graciously letting me borrow the axle, the 10” log, two bumpers and some crash pads so I can continue to train my pressing at home, and we can do yoke, yoke squat, bag toss, sled drag, and farmers on a weekend day. I’m kind of looking forward to the change to tell you the truth. And moving around and throwing things to get a smidgen of athleticism back. #tilthewheelsfalloff

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:01 pm

Good week of training, and now it’ll be mostly a week of rest before the Timvitational. Got to try out the deadlift bar with extenders yesterday, and that was a really different feel. I’ve never used a bar that whippy before, and since the weights were even farther out, even with only 405 you could pull a good two inches before the weights even came off the ground.

Also tried out the yoke squat for Monsters in Monona, and Ryan is setting it DEEP. Long femur crew are pretty effed on this one. The crossbar is at 44”, which is just above my belly button. I was expecting half squats and I’m getting Westside depth. That joke would draw hearty chuckles from raw power lifters.

Back on Wednesday I had a good pressing session. 235 looks like it’s becoming my floor on the log press, and I did a smooth 210 on axle with a thumbless double overhand clean, which makes it easier. Then a bunch of dips and stuff.

Today we practiced yoke squat some more. We took it light since I’m so awful at squatting and started with 275 for 5x5. Then instead of jumping into contest weight farmers like the dummies we’ve always been, we did walks with 40-50% of contest weight for the full :75. Using 105/hand is so light you don’t even notice the pick up, but at the end you’re feeling it. For me it was in my traps far more than my hands, which is good. I need some more juice back there. Finished up with some sled drags to get used to the movement again and get some non-loaded spine quad work.

I’ll do some pumpy stuff for the muscles on Tue and then play around with some fun stuff at the Tim this Sat at noon.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:45 am

The Timvitational

This was an informal strongman-ish contest held at a local brewery. A fun time to mess around with some weights.

Mammoth Bar Elevated Deadlift
This thing is so weird. I’ve never used a deadlift bar so the amount of whip is crazy even before adding the extenders. I had no idea what I could pull on this, so I just kept making jumps and tried to stay smooth. My last made attempt on the video is 645, and everybody said I could have gotten 685 if my cheap straps hadn’t broken. Buy nice or buy twice, right?

Sandbag to shoulder
Tim had all sorts of weird point values for each bag, so instead of taking the time to get a few reps with the 200, I decided to try and rack up points with the little 150 and 120. I probably should have done at least one with the heavier bag for funsies.

Axle Press
This is what we’ve been working on. 235 went up pretty easy, and I was the only one going next (all the other guys were bigger and stronger), so I called for 250 to see if some magic was there. It wasn’t. Then the crowd called for me to try it again, aaaaand….it still wasn’t. Oh well. Still did pretty well.

Overall a fun training day for Monona. I did some light :75 farmers today with 50% of contest weight, but man are my hands feeling yesterday. Little bit more light stuff, but that’s about it. Onward to the next.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:04 am

In times of stress, we all take comfort in doing the things we love.

Good week of training. Finally got out to do moving events for the first time in a year or so, and since I had thought “I don’t need my hat, it’s 50 degrees” the wind that made it feel like 30 immediately made my ears go numb. It was a good session, though, and should condition us well for the heavier training to come.

Log to an easy 225
Axle to 200x3.5
Light front squats, still no pain
Nordic GMs
Since I was so energetic, I did Thursday morning’s workout after all this.
Steep Inc 135x5x3, 145x5,5
Neutral grip chins 5x8

Bag toss with the 20 lb bag. Need to fix my trajectory.
Yoke squat 295x5x5 no pain
Farmers 125/hand x 225 ft x3
Yoke/sled medley
245/205 x50’ x3

Inc Bench (move BTN press to Thursdays)
Neutral grip chins (move close grips to Th)

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun May 07, 2023 9:19 am

There will come a day when the weather will be nice for event training….but it was not this day! Oh well. Training is going well, and the light weights and high volume is conditioning our bodies well. Next week I think we will cut the volume and try some heavier weights, then back to volume. 700 total feet and over two minutes of tension on the farmers walks should give me some juicy traps. Moving forward, still mostly pain-free.

My supplemental work is pretty much pure bodybuilding right now. I’m gonna learn to love the pump again like when I was 12.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:17 am

It’s been a minute, but I thought I’d drop this in here in case anyone ever checks in.

Belated Birthday Challenge. 88% of my 1 rep max, 2 hours and 17 minutes to complete, 550 mg of caffeine, 2 bottles of water, and 3 cookies. I couldn’t extend my arms fully last night, but I’m glad I did it. Still have some go in the ol’ jalopy.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:12 am

I check in, @lehman906, and loved this post. Happy birthday and well done!

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:07 am

I need to start posting here again because every little bit of help holding myself accountable helps. This list is my training facts. I’m not calling them principles or rules because I can talk myself into breaking rules very easily. Facts just are. I need to blow this up to poster size and laminate it. Put up copies everywhere. Anyone who sees me going against these, call me out! Feel free to call me terrible things, like asshole, or shithead, or McConnell.

- [ ] Hit hard in safe places. By this point I know the exercises that don’t hurt, and the ones that I feel where I’m supposed to feel. Push these hard, and if I really need to do the others, go easy on them.

- [ ] Slow the fuck down on progression. Play hard to get with the weights. Don’t rush through sets to chase numbers. That only leads to extra fatigue and getting out of position. Do them right, and you can do more with less. #thatswhatshesaid

- [ ] Keep the goal the goal. The lifetime goal is a 250 log press, and all of these bodybuilding movements are chosen because they will directly help get there. And I’m picking these movements and these rep ranges because I’m almost 50, so bodybuilding becomes really important. And it keeps me from going heavy and stressing my joints all of the time.

- [ ] Be the high-motor guy. As I get closer to a contest, it becomes imperative to become the energizer bunny. The person who recovers best between events often places highest.

- [ ] Be better at the event. I’m not that strong, so I need to be really efficient.

- [ ] Find the best technique FOR YOU. Yes, Max Aita’s squat and Shane Jerman’s log press are pretty. They’re also 5’6”. You’re tall and all appendages, so don’t copy people who aren’t built like you.

- [ ] Your back hates squatting. Don’t. Get really strong at belt squat and single leg work. Yes, I know you want to do it. How many times have you tweaked your back squatting? How many times have your knees started complaining? Split squats are causing none of these issues and you’re getting stronger and more athletic. You can try squatting again when you get obnoxiously strong on one leg.

- [ ] Glute, ab, and low back work is just as important. Build some armor No weak links between your legs and your arms.

- [ ] You won’t regret that extra rest day, but you might regret pushing through. I hate resting, but I hate being hurt and having to back off even more.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 9:18 am

DCR wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:12 am I check in, @lehman906, and loved this post. Happy birthday and well done!
Thanks! I already have some weirdness in mind for the big 5-Oh challenge next year.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:55 pm

I can't believe it's been 4 years since Mom died. Feels like just a few months.

Here's what I've been doing lately with no shows on the horizon. Weekday sessions are done at 5:30 in the morning and I have about 40 min. I think of Wed and Sun as my main workouts and Mon and Fri are just filling in the accessories. I'm progressing everything slowly but steadily and trying not to speed up and get greedy (see rules in post above). I'm also hopping on the "we don't need as much protein as we thought" train now that Alan and Natural Hypertrophy and all of the science bro's are doing it. So far I'm not noticing any difference in physique but I get to eat more yummy stuff.

Belt squat March 90x5:00
Chins/Cable OH Tricep ext 3xMax // 3x8-12
Lu Raise/Curls 3x12-20 // 3x8-12
core work 5:00

Belt squat March 90x5:00
CG Bench 3x4-8
RFESS 3x8-12
Hanging Leg Raise 3x20-25

Pull Over w/extension 3x10-15
Hammer grip Chins 3xF
Face Pull 3x15-20
Lying leg raises 3x10-15

Belt Squat March 90x5:00
Log Press or Inc Bench 4x4-8
FFESS 3-4x8-12
Side bends 2-3xF

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:10 pm

lehman906 wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:55 pm Natural Hypertrophy
Hadn't heard of this guy before, seems like an interesting channel or at the very least another solid procrastination tool. Excellent.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:13 pm

DCR wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:10 pm
lehman906 wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:55 pm Natural Hypertrophy
Hadn't heard of this guy before, seems like an interesting channel or at the very least another solid procrastination tool. Excellent.
Like a lot of these guys, when he starts talking about non-lifting stuff he can get weird, but his programming stuff is sweet. I’m taking more of a bodybuilding approach in the off-season and trying to get strong in higher rep ranges, so his rep range progressions are hitting the spot.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:16 am

After another long hiatus from posting any training, I’m back. For now, anyway. It’s almost contest season, so it’s time to stop purely hypertrophy work, which has had limited success anyway. I notice that my weight mostly remained constant, which is on point, but if any recomp happened, it was in the wrong direction. The weight was the same, but the waist was larger, implying possible muscle loss. Recomps take a year or more anyway, so I don’t know what I expecting, but I’m definitely cleaning up my diet. Athletes should be a little hungry anyway.

Training for contests has begun in earnest, and notable features are that I will be doing a Dinnie Stone hold for the first time. Never done that, no real specific way to train for it, so just emphasizing grip work. I’m doing hangs from a fat bar almost every day in addition to events to add volume without joint stress.

I will also be doing a duck walk for the first time, which is the dumbest event in strongman. A power waddle. Great. Only upside is front carries give you jooocey glutes. Other than that, I hate it so far. 300 lbs is easy to pick up but hard to step around the plates. I’ll figure it out.

I’m committing to the split jerk for the axle this year. If you don’t see me doing it, call me out. I heard a rumor of circus DB later in the year, so may try it there as well. I’m also adding a lot of pin presses above the head to work on stability.

On a non training note, while I was at Disney, our room fridge went out, and a totally average looking worker brought a new one for us. He was having a hard time removing the old one (little bigger than a dorm fridge), so I just squatted down and picked it up and placed it on the cart, then took the new one and slid it in to place. I compare myself to strength sport peers so much that sometimes it shocks me where I am compared to gen pop. It’s nice to keep in mind.

So here is a snap shot of my training, besides girthy bar hangs and belt squat marches that I do pretty much every day. Deadlifts are my best lift, but contest ladder starts at 520 axle for 2, so I need a posterior chain of steel by July 6.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:53 pm

Saturday fun at the Timvitational at Black Husky Brewing. Just playing around with some lifts.

1-The first one replicates the Dinnie Stones, which are traditional Scottish manhood stones. I’ve never done it before, but I lifted and held 270 in each hand for 9 seconds or so. Keeping your grip on rings is incredibly hard. Pulled something in my lat reaching behind myself, but it’s fine.
2-I was being conservative and took 225 on the log for my final lift. Until they bullied me into trying 255.
3- …..and this was the result. I should’ve swigged more Hamm’s.
4-Deadlift ladder was disappointing. I got one rep with 455 and had nothing left. I dunno why, but just didn’t have it today. Still a fun day, though, and I got to talk to people I don’t see very often, although not everyone I was hoping to see.

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