A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Post by mbasic » Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:59 am

3-1-2023 WED - supposed to be school practice at the track they "rent" from a public HS school. But the weather was looking like it was going to rain at 7pm. So the coach shit canned the practice at 5:00. The boy had organized a team of volunteers to still go try to practice on their own. They warmed up, everything looking good, and then it dumped on them. So nothing, but funny story.

3-2-2023 THUR. -
Coach did not show up to practice; and it was supposed to be uniform-hand-out-day .... so they were instucted to do some light stuff on their own.

Boy and I (and another kid) went to GHS, and did our work on our own.
Block Starts:
(3) x 20m
(3) x 30m
(3) x 40m
....times were shit and he's stressed out....i can tell.
These times really have me worried about the upcoming meet this Saturday.

He recently broke up with his girlfriend; and he knows he's mentally stressed out.
And they've been sort of fighting in the background at school or whatever.
Her clan of friends have been putting him on blast and whatnot.

3-3-2023 FRI - REST DAY of course.

3-4-2023 SAT.
Meet day !
Small division but big meet.
-100m 11.39 (he said his start "was shit...clunky")
-200m 23.17 (lane 1, which sucks)
-4x100. ran anchor 1st in heat. 5th overall in the relays.

Thank god he ran "good". "good" for him..."good" for me. I am so relieved.
For a sophomore, he is decently fast.....maybe top 15 in state for 9th/10th graders.
Only people faster than him currently are 11/12's. (maybe one 10th grader here or there).
If you sort of the small pathetic Div.V schools, he's up there.
This will get worse as more meets are run, sure .... but almost every school has run a meet by now.
We are about 3 weeks into the season.

3-5-2023 SUN
One of his buddies who did not run this week (is a hurdler, and is not ready yet) wanted to hit the track.
So MJ went with him. I told him just to do his warm up, but with more intensity than usual.

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Post by mbasic » Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:37 am


Just a little venting here.
Our coach is an idiot.
The sprinters-workout for monday is as follows:
(10) x 150m sprints on grass; time goals for men are 16-17 sec
(8) x 100m
(6) x 80m
(1) x 400m
Ok, for starters some basic geometry, we can't SPRINT 150m on our grass field
A football ball barely fits in our retention basin.
To SPRINT 100 METERS, in a straight line, you'd have to diagnoally corner to corner to come up with the room to slow down/decelerate.
You'd wind up trotting out into the asphalt at the end (up a slight berm coming out of the corner of the retention basin).
A "150" .... I don't know you'd have to do somekind of weird tight turn, or sharp 90 deg bend somewhere. Fucking retarded.

#2 - 16-17 seconds for 150 would be elite. For one single sprint.
Some basic FUCKEN MATH my dude.
Just say a flying 150m at 17 seconds: would be 8.8 m/s.....that is the equivalent of 100m at 11.36 sec.
.....150m / 16s = 9.37m/s .... = 100m @ 10.67.
And I'm sure he means these 150s are from a dead stop with acceleration.

So even further dumbed down math:
ok, a High School dude running the 100, in 10.00 sec would be a 1-in-a-million thing (happens once a year maybe, see: Boling, etc).
So going 150m for 15 seconds would be fucking insane fast (another 50m at 10m/s).
And you want these kids to do 16-17 seconds? on grass?

A 150m is actually a odd-ball indoor event in some places.
16 seconds spiked up on an indoor track would be almost elite (shitty college, high school).
Mikey can barely do THREE 17 sec FLYING 150s on 4 min rests.

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Post by mbasic » Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:26 am


We ran the 450 predictor:
3x150m near max flying sprints w/ 4 min rests.
By the time we got to the public HS school track, and broke in, and warmed up, it was twilight.
He was running pretty much at dark off of clouded moonlight and the glow from parking lot lighting.



His school had a track practice at the "rental" track @ 7pm.
The coach actually left him to his own devices because most of the other sprinters were sick and he knows the boy can "train" on his own.
I told him to do (6) 20m block starts; and (6) block start on the curve in lane 4.

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Post by mbasic » Fri Mar 10, 2023 3:37 am

light day at track. Some block work, etc

Small school multi meet.
Real crappy dilapidated school and track downtown. Homeless people everywhere
Stopwatch meet, gay.
The times I got were very close to the meet director guy.
100 did not run; coach let other kids have a shot at it.
200 22.65HH -> 22.7 +.24c= 22.94 (1st overall)
400 51.82HH -> 51.9 +.24c= 52.14 (1st overall)

200 seems about right. Based on his 100, that's what his 200 should be.
400 is still lacking a bid. He should be able to do 50.5.

Coach came up to me and said he should have/would have broke 49 if he had any competition pushing him.**
I said, no he's simply not fast enough for that (in the 100), and maybe next year for sure.
He said no, he can do 49, or sub 49.
Coach is a ding dong. He would have to be breaking under 11 to do low 49. (11-->22-->44+5=49) and run a perfect race.
I am worried, because I think coaches eye have gotten big, and he'll try to program a bunch of repeat 200's 300's 400's
and make him slow or physically injure him.

**(he was is the slow heat, they did not have a seed time for him)
(which wouldn't of mattered, because he would been 1st by a lot in the faster/est heats)
(it was a real shitty small school multi as i said)

3-10-2023 REST

There's one of the biggest most popular qualifiers coming up in two weeks.
Next week is spring break.
I have to figure out the schedule so we can stay away from coach.

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Post by mbasic » Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:23 am


Wickets. ABout (10) over 26 hurdles. His form was bad; I think he was still fatigued/






On his own. CVHS. (5) 20m flys
time swere just average to meh.
One didn't record.
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Post by mbasic » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:26 am

3-14-2023 Tues - Spring break

He walked to CVHS to sprint on his own.
They were having a big kick/punt/PAT combine camp scout thingy for FB.
12 people there with cameras filming, etc.
I had to pick him up and take him to GHS...which was locked, we had to break in.

5x100 predictor workout:
5 x 100m @ 2.5^

He has ran this 3 times now and has steadily improved on each one.
This will be the lactate workout for the week leading up to meet day.
Other lactate work was the 400 and then the 200 from last Thrusdays meet.
Has a USATF this Saturday (100 & 400).

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Post by mbasic » Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:59 am

3-15-2023 WED

Fucked around at gym with friends. Most upper body shit. Told him to some abs/core/hip flexor work and ONE set of trapbar deads, lunges, etc ONE SSET! of each


3-16-2023 THURS
GHS, 5 pm.
Blocks w/ the e-starter.
(3) x 20m
(3) x 30m
(2) x 40m
Sent him on his own. This is just a sort primer, cuz the meet is day after tomorrow.
He did block starts, called me and said the times were really slow.
I told him not to worry about it.
Last time this happened, he set a PR in the 100m, two days later.
I guess it might be fatigue....
....either from the Lactate workout two days ago, OR the minimal amount of weights
a Rx'd the day prior.




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Post by mbasic » Mon Mar 20, 2023 5:27 am


Meet. A USATF meet (not school).

PR'd 100m again, which I can't believe. Was FAT timed, and virtually no wind. He said it still didn't feel like a perfect race (goofy start).
I never thought he would get down to these times this season.
I was more than happy with the 100 time at the last meet (first school season meet); if that had been the PR for the season, i would've felt: "mission accomplished".

Ran 400m and was a PR as far as a FAT timed race; but was probably about the same as the stopwatch shit-meet from a week prior.
However, he said he was really tired and could've run forever.
The USATF absolutely suck in that a bajillion kids age 6-16 are there just fucking around. There was about 84 100m heats, and 68 400m heats. There was a bunch of hurdle heats (all different spacings, for different age groups). So long story short, we waited around for 3 hours between events and mentally, you just get bored, stale, disinterested, etc. He said he was tired doing his warm ups. All that said, still ran a good time considering.

The length of these meets are always a problem. No friends there. Its hard to time proper arrival; you don't want to be late.



Lifted upper body only
The coming week will be weird.
There's a huge Rotary meet on Friday.
We will only have a few days to train.

Head Football Coach at current school will announce he's leaving today.
Got a job at a small D-1 college as HC.
I suppose the assistants/staff will take over .....there's a big meeting today.
My son is 99% sure leaving to a different high school.....some rumors have been spread about that.

About a 1/3 of the team are seniors, who will age out obvs.
And over 1/2 were Freshman, who were pretty much worthless (except 2 i suppose, but both of those kids are small).

I'm getting the feeling there is a good chance the school might have to abort the season,
when/if no-one else signs up for next year. Even if they did, team would be mostly composed of 9's and 10's
who have little experience, slow, and/or not good.

Track has been an eye opener sort of (not me really ; but anyone else if the have a brain).
My son is just above-average-fast. He has had to work really hard and consist to make himself that way (its not "genetics").
The 9th grader-black-kid who everyone thought was fast/quick/jumps high ? (me included) .... is slow AF.
The senior RB who was sorta of defacto leader/team captain? slow AF.
The junior WR who was sorta the #1 guy? slow AF
A couple of other kids who ran the 100m recently? slow AF

Our sister school, where they have a football and track culture? Two kids are as fast as MJ (they are 12th graders though) .... another couple of 11th grader who are a little slower or just as fast.

Add to that, none of the kids on our team really train in the off season for football as in: weights, football, sprint training, etc.
Except maybe one kid, who is really "invested" in making himself better at football .... working on his craft ....problem is the kid is genetically slow.

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Post by mbasic » Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:10 am

3-20-2023 Mon

Yep, the head football coach quit.
Like ... as in packing his bags and catching the next plane out of town.
So he's not the track coach anymore either.
A mid-distance kid's dad is going to pitch in and finish the season.
For me, its actually a good thing.....for the other kids stay at the school, it fucking sucks.

The Boy was training on his own today.
I told him to do a defacto 23 second drill ....which is basically, at his level, winds up being (2) 200m full sprints with 10 minute rests.
I didn't want to do (3)x200m 600m predictor w/4' rests .... the meet is in 3 days. And he's only doing the 100, 200 and maybe a 4x100 relay.
If he rests tomorrow, or does a light day, that only leaves Wed to train hard again. Rest Thurs.

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Post by mbasic » Thu Mar 23, 2023 5:58 am

3-21-2023 - Tues
Team practice at the 'rental track'.
Worked on handoffs/relays.
They did run a full 4x100 full blast.
Worked on blocks.

3-22-2023 - Wed
Team practice at the 'rental track'.
Coach left him to himself.
(3) 30m flys
then a few short sprints with blocks.

3-23-2023 - Thurs
REST, becuz meet on Fri

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Post by mbasic » Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:20 am


JFC he keeps improving.
Big giant meet today, 80th annual something something.
Kids come in from other states to run this.

There were three divisions: Open, Seeded, and ELEEEETE

A lot of open kids: 19 heats in the 100, and 18 in the 200.
In both races, he was seeded in the 2nd back from the fastest heat....and came out of that lower tier heat to win it all in both over those events. Huge PR in the 100....some wind but nothing crazy at all.

Also ran the 2nd leg of the 4x100. Team sucks at that event as there are no other fast, or even moderately fast kids. We should stick to a 4x400.

I bet he posted a faster time than 65% of the seeded division...runs tomorrow. And maybe would have finished in the bottom 20% of the EELLLEEETE

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Post by mbasic » Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:49 pm

3-25-2023 Sat
He fucked around with friends practice for football. Mostly acted as a QB


3-26-2023 Sun
he did go swimming and crap with friends


3-27-2023 Mon

3x200 with 4' rests.
Predictor puts him at 51.05 or something.


3-28-2023 Tues

Mostly rest.

I (dad) have been appointed sprint coach at my son's school for track.
The track coach from last year quit a few months back.
They couldn't find a replacement; so the head football coach filled in....and god he sucked at coaching track.
So now HE quit to go coach at a small D1 college.
ergo mbasic is sprint coach now.

MJH just did some block work on the curve. Still toast probably from yesterday.


3-29-2023 Wed.

(4) 30m max V flys 6min rests.
He did these on his own, while the team did their first lactate workout.
And then he did a few block starts.

This was his best times for 30m flys. Averaged just barely slower 10m/s on average.
Monday WAS a hard lactate workout, so there's probably still some fatigue and junk left over for that.

Plan is to really try for a good 400m time this next meet on Saturday.
No 100m race; going to let the other kids get in there (most meets we can only enter 3 or 4 per event).
Gonna run the 200, but that comes after the 400 ..... so he might be spent.
Also running the 4x400 relay. Will be a quasi-lactate workout with the 400,200,400.

Next meet, we will focus on the 100 and the 200.
Last edited by mbasic on Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by mbasic » Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:59 am

hector wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:20 pm Good luck coaching! That’s awesome that you are giving up your time to coach the youth.
(a reply to you^; and some stream of consciousness stuff for his log)

Two days in, I actually like it. It takes my mind off work and other negative personal issues I'm currently having .... because I'm thinking about the kids/practice/what to do next/etc. I think I got stressed out a few days real bad, and broke out in shingles, again. This time my face!

There is an odd aspect to sacrifice too, in that I can't coach my own son to the level I want to anymore. We both kinda have to do what the rest of the team doing of course, and that is geared what days we have the "rental track" .... and that right now isn't totally optimal for him.
I can tweak things a bit, but its definitely not what I would do otherwise.
In reality, I don't think its going to matter much, as he's made so much progress this year so far... 1- I can't complain, AT ALL ; 2- he HAS to be bouncing off of his genetic ceiling (which isn't real high to begin with, lol).

He's switching schools next year; this Prep school is just way too fucking hard for him.
Next year, he'll be at a "big" high school, and is just going to have to do whatever program the coach/team does no matter what.
....which might suck. We will have still the quasi-indoor/club season in Winter '24, before school-track starts .... so there's that.
He very well could be the fastest kid at that new (bigger) school as well, and has a good chance at breaking their 100/200 all time school records there too. I'd be nice if the coach would cut us some slack; but I don't want to be 'that guy' (or "one of those parents")

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Post by mbasic » Mon Apr 03, 2023 5:23 am

3-30-2023 Thurs

Wicket runs on grass....IDK 30m x 8
EZPZ day


3-31-2023 Fri
REST, meet tomorrow


4-1-2023 Sat MEET DAY

Fairly big meet.
Lots of Div I schools here; we are Div.V :(
He did well.

400m: 2nd, medal'd, big PR
200m: +.29 off of PR 200, was tired from the 400, 5th place I think.
did the 4x400 too. (his split was slow of course, he was wasted)

I will consider today a lactate day for him.

In the state, all Divisions, he is currently ranked:
100m #30
200m #42
400m #27

If I sort for Sophomores all Divisions:
100 #8
200 #9
400 #3

Division V (his school, 250 students lolz)
100,200,400 all #1.


4-2-2023 Sun Rest day

Went and thru the football around with friends, went to gym. Might have done


planning ahead, focus on the 100 & 200.

Mon - wicket runs in grass.
Tues - (5) 30m block starts
Wed - Short Sprint Endurance W.O.: 20m flyx3x2; 1x100mfly
Thurs - wickets
Fri- rest day
Sat- meet

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Post by mbasic » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:53 pm

RANT ON TRACKS and wind training.

TL;DR version: You should always sprint WITH the wind, for the fastest speed possible. Its a thing: Overspeed training. Some coaches have a device for towing the sprinter a bit so they sprint slightly faster than what they could otherwise. OR, big giant towed shields or wind deflector bonnets the sprinter runs behind. or sprinting downhill (not recommended). It will teach the CNS how to move faster.

Funniest goddamn thing, the I-40 corridor in northern Arizona is windy AF, and always blows west to east....hard and consistent from April to June.
Its high altitude too, air is thinner so you cut thru it quicker .... cooler up there too in the spring/summer. (sure anything longer than 10 seconds you'll be unaccustomed to the thin air oxygen-wise).
I've looked at every high school up there for possible meets, and/or to have a mini-vacation over-speed training camp.
BUT almost every track is orientated completely wrong (IDK, 15-20 schools I've googled).
Funny enough, I own some land in one of the mountain towns up there; but it the only high school in Arizona that has an indoor track. The outdoor track was abandoned after the dome was built, was dirt track anyways. NAU is also in a dome, and the outdoor track is NNW/SSE.

The 2 or 3 tracks that ARE orientated east-west would only be good for training, as, ironically, the main 100/110m strip is FACING INTO THE PREVAILING/SEASONAL WIND lolololol. That is, would work good for training, but you would never ever want to go to a meet here.
And those tracks are in total shit-hole areas: Joseph City, AZ; Gallup, NM. ...I forget the other.

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Post by mbasic » Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:37 pm

4-3-2023 Mon. -. Rest again.

4-4-2023 Tues -
(10) 20m block starts w/ eStarter.

4-5-2023 Wed -

Short sprint endurance workout.
(3) x 20m flys walkback rests
8 min rest
(3) x 20m flys walkback rests
8 min rest
100m fly sprint...big PR here.

4-6-2023. Thurs
(10) wicket runs 40m? in grass
Upper body weights with friends.
Told him to do ab stuff: situps, leg raises, pollov presses

4-7-2023 Fri REST

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Post by mbasic » Fri Apr 07, 2023 6:11 am


.... I do enjoy coaching, but many of these kids at this small 2a Prep school suck.
Kids don't show up for practice, etc.

Today was the easy day, at our grass field.
I set up 3 rows of wickets, and painted out a track lane curve with exchange zones to work on relay exchanges.
About 5 kids showed up for sprint practice?? WTF. Tomorrow is off for school, and practice is 'off' for a meet the next day.
But fuck, Thursdays ARE on the schedule man!

From yesterday:
(what a waste of time)

From a week ago:

Most track coaches won't take the time to set up the wicket drill (mini hurdlers), its time consuming and tedious. The wicket spacing is progressive, and tailor made to different athletes speed and leg length....all kinds of charts and shit for the different spacing You can set up 3 to 4 different schemes to fit everyone in. This is a great drill to improve front side mechanics.

SOooooo back to the school sucking sports-wise.
For track and cross country its fine, because kids that work hard, and give a fuck, can progress and get their own accolades or whatever.

Team Sports? That starts to especially suck.
Basketball? yeah maybe 4 or 5 kids care and can carry a team of 10-12 kids.
Football? No fucking way. You need 25-30 kids that buy in 100%, and train year round to make themselves better and treat it pretty seriously.

Sports like soccer, baseball, volley ball, basketball, etc .... so what if you get blown out scorewise at a 2:1 ratio (e.g. 30-60 L in basketball).

Football? Nope, not cool. Not only do you get blown out score wise. FB is more like hand to hand combat, and the injury risk for hits, impacts, being "pancaked" or blown up is high. Fuck that. These kids don't get it. The school should shit-can the football program, or join the Canyon Athletic Association or something.

Wife and I are dead set on transferring him out of here for next year. He can't do the curriculum with his ADHD, etc. Straight D's except for one class. He is constantly on the verge of being suspended from sports due to bad grades. Its almost impossible to make up these HONORS classes in summer school ....they're not available like standard public school classes. The whole thing sucks. We should have never put him in here. 7th and 8th grade were OK. High school is way too fucking hard.

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Post by mbasic » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:38 am

4-8-2023 Sat

100m: 2nd worst performance, meh, not gonna PR every day. medal at 4th overall
200m: NEW PR!, another school record....lolz. medal at 2nd overall.
4x400: I had him for a 50.8 split, 4th, so medalled.


4-9-2023 Sun



4-10-2023 Mon.

5x 100 @2-1/2 min rests, PR for this workout


4-11-2023 Tues

Total rest, he will not practice with the kids and sit inside the school and do HW.


4-12-2023 Wed

Some block work and relay exchanges; light day.
....as tomorrow is a mid-week meet.


4-13-2023 Thrus


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Post by mbasic » Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:20 am

4-13-2023 Thurs

Meet went just OK. 1st time he did NOT set a PR in at least one event (which has been the case until now) .... so I can't complain.
Still got bronze in 100, and silver in 400 .... not a big meet, but a lot of bigger schools here still.
100 time was down, but not his worst of the season.
400 ... he could see it wasn't worth it to push it, was getting 2nd no matter what, so had his 2nd best time.

I have been looking at state/divisional championships.
They rank the kids by their best time.
I think this is bunk, as kids' times will vary from day to day on readiness, fatigue, who's in their heat racing, wind, etc.
I made a spreadsheet of the top 9 kid's 100 times (most kids have 3 to 6 races this season).
MJH's average is still better than that all of rivals.
If I take out MJH's PR of 11.04, his average is still faster.
Also I learned the other kids mostly just run the 100 and 200, no one does the 400 really, or at least has done a 400 the same day they did other events.
IOW: those kids are total pussies, er... um, I mean MJ is a 'complete' sprinter.

Also I learned, it seem all the kids had their best performance in the middle of the season, and they are degrading as they go along. I'd imagine its too much training/misapplied volume. Which, apparently, I'm falling into the same trap?!!? Which I pride myself on low volume/high quality training.....minimum effective dose stuff. So with that said, I gave him two days rest. Might do a full rest on Tues.

4-14 -2023 Fri. OFF/REST


4-15-2023 Sat. OFF/ REST ...well he lifted upper body at the gym. light bodybuilder pump stuff. No heavy


4-16-2023 Sun.

MesqHS. 2pm. 92F. Little to no wind.

(4) 30m fly sprints. Times were good/average. Form looked excellent IMO.


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Post by mbasic » Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:46 am

4-17-2023 Mon.

Fake-23-second drill: I had him just run two flying 200's with 8' rest.


4-18-2023 Tues REST


4-19-2023 Wed

From blocks w/ e-starter
(2) 20m
(2) 40m
(3) 60m


4-20-2023 Thurs

REST. smoke weed /s


4-21 and 4-22 are meets!


sticking with the Kids Sports are Terrible theme

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