MarkKO's training log

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri May 12, 2023 10:02 pm

Went for the usual weighted vest walk and came in a with a neither slow nor fast time which was much as I expected given how I felt.

Waist was pretty much the same as a week ago, possibly a tad smaller but not to the point I felt the need to make a note of it. I'll be trying to get my weight into the maintenance range over the coming week, which I'm sure the extra calories will achieve.

I will also be looking to get through a complete four days of training as I should have the time and I anticipate that my right shoulder should allow for it.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sun May 14, 2023 1:39 am

Slept very well and went for another weighted vest walk. Came in a measly three seconds over my best time.
Last edited by MarkKO on Sun May 14, 2023 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Mon May 15, 2023 2:21 am

Well, I should have kept my mouth shut about how well I slept Saturday night because Sunday night was awful. Nonetheless week three kicks off today. Right shoulder/tricep area is almost back to normal which is good.

Monday SSB squat
3x435 lbs
4x8x347 lbs, so everything goes up another 10 pounds. I'm pleased with how all the squats moved not to mention felt especially on the left knee.
50 m x 352 lbs backwards sled drags
4x10x231 lbs barbell rows, could have been stricter but still reasonable I think
2x50 facepulls

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue May 16, 2023 2:32 am

Tuesday bench
3x270 lbs
2x6x226 lbs, right shoulder is ok but not completely where it should be. I kind of expected this when pull aparts were difficult. I could hold position but it was a struggle and made the first third of each rep a lot harder than it should be.
4x8 pullups
2x25x27 lbs chest supported DB flys

My best guess now is that I've strained something in my right rotator cuff, but it's only impacted in a very specific range of motion. All being well it'll resolve itself and in the interim I'll just need to be cautious. Hopefully floor press won't be impacted much if at all.

Actually, my even better educated guess is that it is indeed the teres minor because I did some reading and based on the description of what the teres minor does and what feels tight and uncomfortable to do there is considerable overlap. It almost certainly isn't the supraspinatus because I know what that feels like when it's messed up and this isn't it. I also am fairly certain it isn't the infraspinatus because I recently saw an Andrew Lock video about how issues with the infraspinatus present and I'm not experiencing that. That leaves the subscapularis and it doesn't seem to be that because the movement it performs doesn't hurt.

So it probably is the teres minor, which was my initial guess a week ago. That was just a guess though.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu May 18, 2023 2:33 am

Right shoulder is definitely no worse after Tuesday which I'm counting as a win.

Thursday sumo DL on stiff bar
5x1x507 lbs, hook grip and these felt better than the 496 lbs last week. I'll add another 10 pounds next week.
10x1x286 lbs sumo DL paused off floor, took around 10 minutes
50 m x 352 lbs backwards sled drags
4x15 GHR

I decided to change deadlift day somewhat. I realised singles with sumo are far, FAR less demanding on recovery than the same weight would be with conventional; but the opposite seems to hold true for me with reps. I also had the thought that at lighter weights I can get away with technical errors in sumo, but not heavier weights. So I probably need some more practice with heavier weights.

To stop a short story becoming long I decided to do five heavier singles and then 10 light singles paused where the lift is hardest. Every week I'll add 10 pounds to both of those lifts until I reach a point where the five singles become hard for the last two or so. Then I'll just add weight to the paused singles, until the heavy singles start feeling easier to the point I can add 10 pounds again, or five as the case may be.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri May 19, 2023 2:30 am

Well, Carbon went and upped my calories again. I'm now looking at 4400. I wasn't expecting that, but even after last week's increase my waking weights weren't moving back into the maintenance range so I guess I should have.

Friday floor press with football bar
5x220 lbs
4x10x176 lbs so everything goes up five pounds.
4x8 pullups
2x25x27 lbs chest supported DB flys

That was all I got done by the self-imposed 1800 deadline but it felt very, very productive. RIR on the 4x10 was zero for sets three and I had a huge chest and tricep pump. Biceps too after the pullups.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri May 19, 2023 8:16 pm

Right rear delt/teres etc is feeling better after yesterday, so it does seem like the floor press day is actually beneficial to it. This is a massive win, given how effective the floor press seems to be for me as a bench variation.

Went for a weighted vest walk (I don't want to say ruck because I'm not sure if it counts as a ruck with a weighted vest 🤷‍♂️) and while the time was good but not scintillating that was only because the first kilometre wasn't particularly quick. The final kilometre definitely was.

I started looking at actual rucks because in a few months I think I'll need to add some load and maybe another kilometre. From what I saw I'll probably be best served by going to an actual military disposal store because the new 'tactical' packs are pricey AF.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by Renascent » Fri May 19, 2023 8:31 pm

MarkKO wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 8:16 pmWent for a weighted vest walk (I don't want to say ruck because I'm not sure if it counts as a ruck with a weighted vest 🤷‍♂️) and while the time was good but not scintillating that was only because the first kilometre wasn't particularly quick. The final kilometre definitely was.

I started looking at actual rucks because in a few months I think I'll need to add some load and maybe another kilometre. From what I saw I'll probably be best served by going to an actual military disposal store because the new 'tactical' packs are pricey AF.
Might be an odd question, but is a ruck generally going to require a more strenuous use of your posterior chain than a weighted vest, via changes in the back angle because of how the weight is distributed?

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat May 20, 2023 12:12 am

Renascent wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 8:31 pm
MarkKO wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 8:16 pmWent for a weighted vest walk (I don't want to say ruck because I'm not sure if it counts as a ruck with a weighted vest 🤷‍♂️) and while the time was good but not scintillating that was only because the first kilometre wasn't particularly quick. The final kilometre definitely was.

I started looking at actual rucks because in a few months I think I'll need to add some load and maybe another kilometre. From what I saw I'll probably be best served by going to an actual military disposal store because the new 'tactical' packs are pricey AF.
Might be an odd question, but is a ruck generally going to require a more strenuous use of your posterior chain than a weighted vest, via changes in the back angle because of how the weight is distributed?
That would be my understanding, yes. I read something on that says a weighted vest absolutely can be used for rucking and will reduce the risk of back pain because of how the weight is distributed.

So arguably I may be better off just finding a heavier weighted vest which shouldn't be too hard.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat May 20, 2023 8:19 pm

The weather permitted a weighted vest walk and I finally got a new best time, by 38 seconds. I did break the no pushing rule, but only in the last kilometre because when I saw the split time at kilometre two I knew today was the day I could beat the time.

This does mean I have to go to four kilometres now.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by Culican » Sun May 21, 2023 9:51 am

Wrong thread, sorry.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Wed May 24, 2023 2:45 am

Made it to the gym today. Work is stupidly busy and I finished way too late Monday and Tuesday to train.

Wednesday (Monday) SSB squat
3x446 lbs
4x8x358 lbs
4x8 pullups

I took my sweet time because for whatever reason while the bar moved fine each set took a lot out of me. I felt pretty terrible for about half the drive home, but the headache and nausea were thankfully short lived.

As to my right shoulder, I came to the conclusion over the weekend that I quite possibly have a small partial tear in either the teres minor or supraspinatus, simply because while overall it is improving there is still a very small range of motion that hurts and in addition, my ability to do pull aparts on the right has about halved. I simply cannot stretch the band anywhere close to what I normally can. The left is totally fine, the right is nowhere near what it should be. When I combine that with the shock I felt when it happened and that I lost positon out of the blue it does seem to point towards a small tear of some kind.

Luckily it is ONLY pull aparts that are impacted, although I imagine that any movement in the same vein would also be. It explains why bench feels so off on the chest, because pull aparts and how I chest up are identical. It's why I do pull aparts.

I'm not going to bench this week because I know I can floor press normally, and I'll probably increase how often I do pull aparts to see if they help.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by Renascent » Wed May 24, 2023 7:56 am

MarkKO wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:45 amAs to my right shoulder, I came to the conclusion over the weekend that I quite possibly have a small partial tear in either the teres minor or supraspinatus, simply because while overall it is improving there is still a very small range of motion that hurts and in addition, my ability to do pull aparts on the right has about halved. I simply cannot stretch the band anywhere close to what I normally can. The left is totally fine, the right is nowhere near what it should be. When I combine that with the shock I felt when it happened and that I lost positon out of the blue it does seem to point towards a small tear of some kind.
I went back and reread a few previous sessions for context: is this issue seemingly stemming from the May 9th session?

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Wed May 24, 2023 4:44 pm

Renascent wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 7:56 am
MarkKO wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:45 amAs to my right shoulder, I came to the conclusion over the weekend that I quite possibly have a small partial tear in either the teres minor or supraspinatus, simply because while overall it is improving there is still a very small range of motion that hurts and in addition, my ability to do pull aparts on the right has about halved. I simply cannot stretch the band anywhere close to what I normally can. The left is totally fine, the right is nowhere near what it should be. When I combine that with the shock I felt when it happened and that I lost positon out of the blue it does seem to point towards a small tear of some kind.
I went back and reread a few previous sessions for context: is this issue seemingly stemming from the May 9th session?
Yes. I had hoped when it happened that things would resolve within a few days but obviously that hasn't happened. This caused me to change my conclusion about what actually happened.

My experience is that typically, tightness from an inadvertent shitty movement goes away with a bit of rolling and isn't limited to such a precise range of motion. Hence, I suspect a small tear. It isn't the end of the world but is a bit annoying.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu May 25, 2023 2:25 am

Thursday (Friday) floor press with football bar
5x225 lbs
3x10, 8x181 lbs with zero RIR on sets two through four
4x12x176 lbs machine chest supported rows so I'll add 10 pounds
4x25x27 lbs chest supported DB flys so I'll add five pounds

Right shoulder was happier with pull aparts today which I take as a positive sign.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Fri May 26, 2023 7:50 pm

Ended up deciding to nix training on Friday and just start next week as a clean slate. It's slated to be a deload week so I won't push the main movements as hard but I will try to get through a full session each day. That being said, I do feel like the two very minimalist sessions I've done this week were very productive at the bare minimum in respect of intensity because both days I walked out with nothing left to give.

I did suspect that I may have overshot the total volume slightly when laying this and the next block out and going forward if it seems like it simply is too much I'll just drop exercises but maintain the intensity for what I do keep. I think that I will get more out of fewer much harder sets than vice versa.

Waist is still at 99 cm on waking on Saturday, if not slightly down. Waking weights are still below maintenance range but to my delight Carbon decided that they are trending back to where they should be so I didn't get another calorie increase at checkin. I'll make a concerted effort to eat a bit more this weekend so things don't trend down too hard.

Today was clear so I went for a weighted vest walk but added a kilometre or so as last walk reached my informal increase benchmark. Today was 4.04 kilometres in 36 minutes on the nose, which technically is the increase benchmark. I've been running with the idea that my standard to add a kilometre is a a time that reflects a minimum pace of nine minutes per kilometre or so.

I'm going to need to change that a little and now I'll stay at that four kilometre distance until the time is 35 minutes or less. Heart rate was relatively low throughout, both in terms of average over the duration and maximum reached. I'm curious to see what tomorrow comes in at, weather permitting.

Right shoulder seems to have made a reasonably significant improvement over the last two days, which again follows floor press day. It really is starting to look like there is a definite link there, but then I also did more pull aparts so it may be a combination of factors.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sat May 27, 2023 8:29 pm

Cloudy but no rain so went for a weighted vest walk. Came in almost minute and a half slower than yesterday. I expected something along those lines.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Sun May 28, 2023 10:53 pm

Week five of block three starts on a public holiday, which I didn't realise until mid last week. No complaints here.

Monday SSB squat
3x457 lbs which was an exercise in staying with the bar by the third rep.
3x6x369 lbs
30 m x 352 lbs backwards sled drags
2x8x242 lbs barbell rows
2x20x220 lbs reverse hyper
2x50 pull aparts because I figured they would be more productive for my right shoulder

It's a scheduled deload so I played it by ear and ended up definitely dropping volume.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Tue May 30, 2023 2:48 am

Tuesday bench
1x270 lbs
3x6x225 lbs
2x8 pullups
2x12x66 lbs decline DB bench
2x165 lbs T-bar row
2x25x33 lbs chest supported DB flys

Right shoulder held up fine during, and now a couple of hours after it's still no different to before benching so that's promising. Tomorrow morning is the acid test. It's not one hundred per cent by any means, but benching felt way better than last time which is a definite positive.

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Re: MarkKO's training log


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:07 am

Right shoulder held up fine overnight. Win.

Thursday sumo DL on stiff bar
3x1x518 lbs hook grip
5x1x296 lbs sumo DL paused off the floor double
20 m, 30 m x 352 lbs backwards sled drags
2x10 GHR with slow eccentric
2x10x198 lbs close grip lat pulldown
2x50 pull aparts

Pulls felt OK, I didn't do the best job of staying in position though and definitely noticed. I'm glad about the shoulder too.

Got to drive the forklift at work. That was a lot of fun.

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