Bolder's Training Log

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:51 am

6/9/2020 - light squats

7/6/2020 - closegrip bench and arms
Closegrip Bench: 233 x 2 x 1 @ 9.5, 233 x 3 x 1 @ 10
Then trained some arms (triceps, biceps, and forearms)
arm: skullcrushers, barbell overhead tricep extension, barbell curl, towel curl w/plates, wrist curls all for 3 sets of 8-10 (gonna bump it up to 4 sets next week)

9/6/2020 - deadlifts and back
deadlifts: 300 x 5 x 1 @9
back work: barbell rows, inverted rows, rear delt raises all for 4 sets of 8-12 reps

my right knee on saturday, when doing squats felt meh... i usually get no knee pain when squatting flat footed, but ive been squatted in heeled shoes (maybe that made it worse). but knees are feeling better now, will try to go a little heavier this week on squats, and this time flat footed.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:49 am

Still lifting.

Recently hit 321lb for 5 reps on the deadlift and 239lb for 6 reps (e1rm: 286lb) on the bench press.

My current split has been however looking like:

Tuesday (Deadlift and Back)
Thursday (Bench, chest and shoulders)
Saturday (Squat and legs)
Sunday (Closegrip Bench and Arms)

I haven't trained closegrip bench for two weeks due to some inner lower pec pain ony left side? Otherwise training been going great. Having some nice body composition, lower body fat and more muscle. Also more triceps and shoulders seems to be growing the most compared to other bodyparts.

This type of training is good for me (in terms of long term progress than short term progress (lifting harder and more frequently just gets more injured)).

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:31 am

Bench Press: 250 x 5 reps @ 10, 233 x 3 (paused reps) x 5
Push-Ups: bw x 4 sets to failure
Overhead Press: light
DB side raises: light

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:10 am

Saturday: did some squats
Sunday: did some arms
Tuesday: did some back

Thursday today

Bench Press: 255 x 4 reps @ 10 (PR), 225 x 5 x 5 @ 7
Push-Ups: bw x 15, 10, 10, 10
Overhead Press: light
DB side raises: light

Gonna do some squats on Saturday, arm work on Sunday, and rinse repeat.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Thu Oct 08, 2020 4:20 am

Saturday: did some squats
Sunday: did some arms
Tuesday: did some back

Thursday today

Bench Press: 255 x 5 reps @ 10 (PR), 215 x 6 x 5 @ 6.5
Push-Ups: bw x 10, 10, 5, 5 (had to shorten rest period because had to drop someone)
Overhead Press: light
DB side raises: light

Gonna do some squats on Saturday, arm work on Sunday, and rinse repeat again.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:47 pm


Main lifts:

- High-bar Squat without belt (may switch to using a belt someday, but still continue high-bar squatting since low-bar squats have always hurt my elbows. Also, knee sleeves if I ever end up getting them).

- Touch and Go Bench Press (may switch to 1ct-2ct pause in the future)

- Conventional Stop and go deadlift without a belt but with straps (don't want to tear a bicep but will warm up with a hook-grip, although I have small hands).

- miscallenous: chin-ups thrown in the mix and on the rare occasion, perhaps some ohp and arm work (my arms won't grow much, I have terrible arm genetics, I have hit them quite hard in the past when I was injured, and my muscle bellies don't look good anyway. I'll have less emphasis on arm training for now).

The goal is to try to get back to my old squat and deadlift numbers (and even beat them by 10 kg/22 lb+). So like a 195 kg/429 lb squat and a 205 kg/451 lb deadlift (without a belt or with a belt, lol) while trying to stay away from re-injuring my knees. Also, try to chase a 145 kg/319 lb bench press, and then do a big weight loss scheme.

Today's session:

Squat: 117.5kg/259lb x 1 set x 3 reps, 100kg/220lb x 2 sets x 5 reps
Bench Press: 120kg/264lb x 3 sets x 4 reps, 3 reps, 2 reps
Deadlift: 150kg/331lb x 1 set x 5 reps
Assisted Chin-Ups: -40kg/88lb bw x 1 set x 2 reps (did arm work just before this)

I did a bit of arm work. I may cut off arm work; I think I maxed out my genetic potential for arm size.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:32 pm


Knees felt a little off (but not that bad); I may switch to a more autoregulation/low-fatigue approach and try to stop forcing progression (was trying to get back to my older numbers for squats and deadlifts, and no where near it tbh).

Looking for a low-fatigue or autoregulation (since e1RMs fluctuates a lot ~ 10% to 20%) strength training type of routine. Thinking of this:


Or this one: ... -versions/

Probably gonna go with the first one as it acts like a peaking cycle? That program is a 3-day modified Bulgarian lite powerlifting program written by Damien Pezzuti and try to fit in 3-0-3 tempo leg presses on the second day (to strengthen my patella tendons). I'm gonna max-out or do singles on Friday to finish off this odd current program I'm running, keep moving, stay active, and then start that program by Damien Pezzuti next week. I'll probably do this for a while till I milk it out and move onto Greg Nuckol's high-frequency routine (lots of submaximal work away from failure and probably throw in some moderate to heavy singles as well; hopefully this also stays away from injuries).

I would like to do the barbell medicine low-fatigue strength template (but I can't afford it at the moment), and there's also their normal strength templates (but however I've read some bad stories and rumors about it here and about those routines having too much volume/intensity... which would be a disaster to cause another injury... :shock: ).

Anyway, here's what I did today, and the squats felt heavy (should've been easier, but oh well):

Squay: 105kg/231lb x 2 sets x 5 reps
Bench Press: 120kg/264lb x 1 set x 3 reps
Deadlift: 140kg/308lb x 1 set x 2 reps
Assisted Chin-Ups: BW-30 x 3 sets x 6?, 4, 4

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:32 pm


Worked up to some good singles (starting to gain back strength in the squats and deadlifts). Elbows felt a little sore (perhaps from the heavy chin-ups maybe I need to reduce the frequency and load on them).

Squat: 130kg/286lb x 1 x 1 (with 1 rep left in the tank)
Bench Press: 130kg/286lb x 1 x1 (benched on a very slippery bench, could've gone heavier, and no other rep left in the tank).
Deadlift: 160kg/353lb x 1 set x 3 reps (no singles here, but deadlift strength coming back quicker than squat strength probably because of all the barbell rowing and bodybuilding work I was doing between 2020 to 2023. Probably had a rep or two in the tank, but the deadlift felt really heavy from the initial pull).

Then some assisted chin-ups.

Gonna start the new 3 day Bulgarian lite method by Damien Pezzuti next week, try to milk that out on top of trying to beat some of my old numbers (if not, then move on to the low-fatigue high-frequency routine by Greg Nuckols).

Lifts for that program: High-Bat Squats w/o Belt, TnG Bench Press, Strapped Conventional Deadlift w/o Belt, chin-ups, and whatever other lifts maybe some strict presses, re-introduce some arm work maybe (not to keen on it but maybe too maintain some size I don't want them to be smaller in comparison to my chest and back lol. It's just a weird look to have arm sticks with a thick torso).

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:07 am

Started that program.

Squats were fine, but a little grindy. However, it's nice to be back in the 300lb range. The bench press wasn't entirely there and also felt pretty grindy,


Squats, high-bar and beltess:

140kg/308 lb x 1 x 1 (no rep left)
125kg/275lb x 2 x 2

Bench Press, touch and go:

125kg/275lb x 1 x 1
135kg/297lb x 1 x failed
115kg/253lb x 2 x 2

Then finished off the session with tricep work and assisted chin-ups.

Can't wait for Wednesday's session of heavy deadlifts and bench press. Also, Friday's session for heavy squats and bench press again.

Doing lower rep work for higher intensities with some rep left definitely leaves me less beat up than multiple sets of 5 close to failure or to failure (which always beats me up more). Perhaps I am not a volume type of person (there times in the past where I squatted only three sets a week, one each on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and made good gains from it). The autoregulation of the current program I'm running would be handy, especially if I have off days or if I'm not having the best performance since strength does fluctuate between ~ 10% to 20% (having something already pre-determined is a disaster). However, this is only a temporary program until I run it's course, and it's recommended to drop the loads between week 4 to week 6 (and then try to milk it again, and if the program still continues working) before I move onto Greg Nuckol's high-frequency program.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:49 pm

Training session felt off.


Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

170kg/374lb x 1 x 0 (failed)
165kg/275lb x 1 x 0 (failed)
155kg/341lb x 1 x 2
140kg/308lb x 4 sets x 1 singles (took off my straps and did my last two sets with a mixed grip; I suspect that setting up the straps, strapping around the bar, and this does end up messing with my set up. Gonna switch to mixed-grip).

Bench Press, touch and go:

120kg/264lb x 1 x 1
130kg/297lb x 1 x failed (spotter touched the bar; my fault, I should've instructed him)
130kg/297lb x 1 x failed (tried unracking the bar myself, as I lowered it, I couldn't push it up, and I had to bail the weight, luckily, there were no clips on the barbell)
95kg/207lb x 3 x 3 (triceps were toasted from Monday's session, still sore, gonna drop the tricep extensions/work, and I think it had also impacted my bench session today. Also, the bar is whippy and thin, which tends to shake a lot, and it made my elbows sore... the gym has horrible barbells).

Leg Press, Tempo 3-0-3:

20kg/44lb each side x 1 x 15 (had too rest a little more on the top, too exhaustive, and too heavy for me).
10kg/22lb each side x 3 x 15 (dropped the weight, but to do it a little more constant, but keeping up with the tempo)

I was supposed to do OHP, or shoulder work, but my low back and legs were toasted lol. I think the only accessory work I may do would be just chin-ups because it doesn't interfere too much with the three main lifts. I understand why some powerlifters aren't too eager on doing too many accessories.

Also, I was wearing running shoes, and the floor was slippery. So I was less stable for deadlifts and bench presses; it could've been the reason for the bad session. I should've worn my squat shoes (I've learned my lesson today).

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:37 pm


Squats, high-bar and beltess:

145kg/319lb x 1 x 0 (failed)

Assisted Chin-Ups:

BW - 40k/88lb x 3 x 5, 4, 3

Then some curls.

Got some shoulder pain from the chins?

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:27 pm


I switched to Greg Nuckol's high-frequency program right after that one single with 130kg/286lb on squats today lol (turns out my strength gains peaks more quickly. My strength doesn't seem to peak at longer times. I guess I learned something new about myself. Gotta always keep in mind doing fast-peaking programs whenever I want to peak my strength gains and avoid those slow-peaking programs for strength).

Squats, high-bar and beltess:

130kg/286lb x 1 x 1 (grindy, changed my mind, look at my phone, and switched to a new program. I think I already peaked enough...)
105kg/231lb x 4 sets x 3 reps (felt slow for the first two sets, then felt faster, and knees felt better, lol)

Bench Press, touch and go:

97.5kg/215lb x 4 sets x 3 reps (bar was wobbly but I have to keep doing them as fast as possible; likewise with all of the other lifts)

Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

132.5kg/292lb x 4 sets x 3 reps (felt smooth and speedy)

Heavy chin-ups, assisted:

-40kg/88lb x 2 sets x 9 reps, 5 reps (always taking them to failure, felt good).

I will switch between heavy and light chin-ups each day. The only accessory I will do is chin-ups, but my mind can change later or is always subject to change. Not going to be too strict about it (in case I want to include other accessories in the future).

Well, the next session is tomorrow, lol. I'm going to be squatting, benching, and deadlifting five times a week. Monday to Friday and keeping sets far away from failure and doing a lot of submaximal work. So far, my joints feel good.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:54 pm

Bolder wrote: Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:27 pm

Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

132.5kg/292lb x 4 sets x 3 reps (felt smooth and speedy)

This was very helpful (I learned how to use my quads more as well):

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:45 pm


Squats, high-bar and beltess:

112.5kg/248lb x 3 sets x 2 reps (speedy)

Bench Press, touch and go:

105kg/231lb x 3 sets x 2 reps (the bar wobblying made my elbows sore. I will probably try to bench on a different bench tomorrow)

Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

140kg/308lb x 3 sets x 2 reps (felt slow and sluggish)

Then did a bit of OHP and hammer curls.

Finished the session relatively fast and rested little between sets (finished the workout under an hour).

I was supposed to do some chins, but then decided to do OHPs (they were smooth, and I was surprised that I kept a lot of my strength from all the bench pressing, but I didn't want to put my elbows under more stress, and so I did some hammer curls after that one set of OHP).

I am thinking of training my triceps on Friday since I won't be benching or entirely lifting throughout Saturday and Sunday (the weekends).

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:43 am


Squats, high-bar and beltess:

97.5kg/215lb x 4 x 4 (Speedy, but elbow pain. I suspect it was also from bringing my grip in for squats. The last two sets I have widen the grip out and it was a little better)

Bench Press, touch and go:

90kg/198lb x 4 x 4 (Elbows hurting, bar was pretty wobbly, but benching on the fixed bench is more stable than the adjustable ones)

Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

122.5kg/270lb x 4 x 4 (Fast, but was running out of breath because I kept my rest periods short throughout the session - less than 2 minutes each. I also had nowhere to sit because the gym was crowded).

Then I did some rope hammer curls and forearm exercises to strengthen the elbows (it felt good to get some blood/pump there, although I said I wouldn't train arms much again, but here I am doing curls; no tricep work yet since they overlap with the bench pressing, and it looks like curls are back on the menu. However, this is for theurapitic/rehab reasons not really for aesthetics/vanity reasons, at the moment, I just do not care about getting bigger arms. Also, it looks like I may leave out "heavy" chins for a while and try to do hammer and wrist curls as accessory lifts until my elbows feel better. I also suspect that the heavy chins were contributing to the elbow pain as well).

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:29 pm


My right knee started to hurt out of nowhere. This started happening this morning at home and then hurt more after bench pressing at the gym?

Squats, high-bar and beltess:

120kg/264lb x 3 x 1 (a little grindy. Taking the wider-grip on the squats helps, but my back is less stable if I do not take a closer-grip, but the closer-grip hurts the elbows on the squats and is the main culprit)

Bench Press, touch and go:

110kg/242lb x 3 x 1 (All the fixed benches were taken and elbows were hurting with the wobbly barbell as I was lowering the bar to my chest and unstable bench)

Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

150kg/330lb x 3 x 1 (felt slow and sluggish)

Then I did various hammer curls, wrist curls, and raises for elbow rehab.

Depending on how I feel on Monday, I may reduce the frequency a bit from 5 days a week to 3 days a week or every other day (to have some rest days to give my joints and tendons some rest). Perhaps just starting off with 3, eventually evolving into 4 days a week, and then back to 5 days a week. I'm still going to run this program (but slightly modify it. I still like to run it as intended, but my elbows says no lol), and it seems like the AMRAP/Maxing portion will wait longer...

I have one more session to go this week, which is on Friday tomorrow.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:21 pm


There was slightly less elbow pain today. No knee pain today, but a pretty exhaustive session despite how really light those weights are lol.

Squats, high-bar and beltess:

90kg/198lb x 5 x 5

Bench Press, touch and go:

85kg/187lb x 5 x 5

Deadlift, conventional and beltess w/ straps:

115kg/253lb x 5 x 5

Then some elbow rehab stuff and accessories.

Accessories are so important. I wanted to go into full minimalist mode, but accessories have their place, especially for rehab work.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by DanCR » Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:41 pm

Bolder wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:21 pmI wanted to go into full minimalist mode, but accessories have their place, especially for rehab work.
Every fiber of my being wants to do this at all times. It just doesn’t work, mostly. @Fossil is a notable exception.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Bolder » Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:13 am

DCR wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:41 pm
Bolder wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:21 pmI wanted to go into full minimalist mode, but accessories have their place, especially for rehab work.
Every fiber of my being wants to do this at all times. It just doesn’t work, mostly. @Fossil is a notable exception.
Yep... bang on right.

Personally, I never liked doing like 10 (exaggerating) lifts per muscle group. I generally prefer 3 to 4 lifts to train the whole body.

It seems like at the end we'd have to end up training every muscle group, head to toe... curls to combat elbow pain, there's even calf raises someone has to do to rehab their achilles tendon and leg extensions or single-leg work to rehab the knees. It kind of just makes you realize that our bodies act as one unit or system (we can't just leave something out or something will end up giving, that being an injury), and our bodies are much more holistic, cohesive, and integrated than what we think or believe.

I don't know; perhaps what I'm saying is a bunch of "broscience," I guess, lol.

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Re: Bolder's Training Log


Post by Fossil » Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:07 pm

DCR wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:41 pm
Bolder wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:21 pmI wanted to go into full minimalist mode, but accessories have their place, especially for rehab work.
Every fiber of my being wants to do this at all times. It just doesn’t work, mostly. @Fossil is a notable exception.
In my experience, it only works if you're okay with insanely slow progress, you can microload or are comfortable with loading the smallest increments possible, don't think about lifting all the time but more as a task to be done** [see below] and probably - and maybe most importantly - not miss any sessions.
Recently, one or two rescheduled / missed front squat sessions sent me backwards so instead of just a screwed up few weeks, it comes out to 4 to 6 weeks of getting back to where I was, then pushing past that to add those measly five pounds.

**if you're someone who gets antsy when they don't lift frequently or needs a lot of lift variation, it'll affect motivation and probably affect adherence to whatever minimalist program you choose.

Just my two cents.

To add to that:
You have to mentally "budget" weight x reps, so for me, it comes out to +5lbs x 3-5 reps on a big barbell lift a month. Ideally, you'll add 60lbs a year to your lift(s) ...but life is rarely ideal.

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