The Flywheel Effect

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March 11, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:17 pm

MailmanMuscle wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:50 pmThere are certain compounds that I won’t do rest-pause with. Things like squats, deadlifts, good mornings, explosive lifts like push press - maybe a few others. And if in doubt, then I rack it with a rep or two in reserve rather than push it to 0 RIR if I’m not absolutely sure I can get it. That’s the powerlifter in me: I don’t show up to miss reps. On big lifts, I’m not starting a rep unless I know I can finish it. On curls and lateral raises, who cares? 😁
I agree with all of that 100%!

Incline DB Press: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
50's x 17 reps (14/3)
Not bad. Didn't expect to get to 14 on the first set and I paid for it on the second. Had nothing left.

High Pull:
95 pounds - 5 sets x 3-5 reps
Didn't count exactly how much I did here. Just tried to do multiple sets and get video from different angles to see what I need to work on. I may start doing these rest pause next time. Enjoyed the exercise. Felt it most in my upper back and my forearms. I like this lift a lot.

Single Arm French Press: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
20's x 24 reps (15/9)
Not sure what the proper description is for what I did. I did a French Press but with a 20 pounds DB in each arm, doing both arms at the same time. I may change to doing 1 arm at a time when the weight gets more challenging. This felt great! Getting the weight farther out rather than right behind my neck felt better on my elbows. Left elbow was still clicking on every rep which makes me nervous, but I felt no pain or discomfort.

Here's video of the the Incline Presses and a set of high pulls:

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by DanCR » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:11 pm

Dig the training outfit haha.

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by Clearwater47 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:03 am

DCR wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:11 pmDig the training outfit haha.
lol. I rarely change clothes to lift. If I'm lifting right after I get home it's either jeans and a t-shirt or dress slacks & shirt. If I've been home for a while I've usually changed into sweats. Only time I ever really worry about it is if I plan on wearing a lifting belt, in which case I make sure I'm not wearing pants with a belt already. Some of my best squatting days have been in jeans - something to do with the sensation of clothing hugging my leg muscles seems to help.

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March 12, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:50 pm

Deadlift: Goal = 4-6 reps
365 pounds x 4 reps
Just okay. I worked out right after I ate and was feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Feels like I should be able to get 6 with this weight. Maybe next time. I was all setup to record the set and then forgot to hit the record button, lol.

Pullup: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
BW x 13 reps (9/4)
Not as strong as last time, but still not bad for how overweight I am right now.

Shrug Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
40 pounds x 18 reps (10/8)
Finally got some video that shows what I'm actually doing for this lift.

Reverse Cable Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
30 pounds x 6 reps / 25 pounds x 10 reps
Worked up and felt like 30 pounds would be a good weight but it turned out to be too heavy so I reduced to 25 for the second portion of the lift. I'll probably start off with 25 next time.

Here's video of the first portions of the pullups and shrug curls:

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by DanCR » Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:40 pm

Not 100% clear from the video but are you doing the pullups from the floor? If yes, how come not from a hang? It looks like you may be too tall for it, but bend legs back?

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by Clearwater47 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:21 pm

DCR wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:40 pmNot 100% clear from the video but are you doing the pullups from the floor? If yes, how come not from a hang? It looks like you may be too tall for it, but bend legs back?
Correct, I'm not doing them from a dead hang. I started doing them that way due to shoulder and elbow issues because it seemed to reduce the stress on them (there was a time not so long ago when I couldn't do pullups at all because of elbow pain). Now it's partially out of habit, but I've found that I like doing them this was because of how it affects the strength curve as well. I can get probably an extra 1-2 reps with a full contraction at the top that would otherwise end up as partial reps, and I see that as more beneficial than getting a little better stretch at the bottom. I also sometimes do pullups with a wider grip when I want a fuller stretch at the bottom.

And I'm just a little over 5 foot 5 - this might be the first time anyone has ever said I'm too tall for anything. Thanks! lmao!

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by DanCR » Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:46 pm

Clearwater47 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:21 pm
DCR wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:40 pmNot 100% clear from the video but are you doing the pullups from the floor? If yes, how come not from a hang? It looks like you may be too tall for it, but bend legs back?
Correct, I'm not doing them from a dead hang. I started doing them that way due to shoulder and elbow issues because it seemed to reduce the stress on them (there was a time not so long ago when I couldn't do pullups at all because of elbow pain). Now it's partially out of habit, but I've found that I like doing them this was because of how it affects the strength curve as well. I can get probably an extra 1-2 reps with a full contraction at the top that would otherwise end up as partial reps, and I see that as more beneficial than getting a little better stretch at the bottom. I also sometimes do pullups with a wider grip when I want a fuller stretch at the bottom.

And I'm just a little over 5 foot 5 - this might be the first time anyone has ever said I'm too tall for anything. Thanks! lmao!
LOL I'm here for you! Of course keep doing what works best for you, but if you're looking for hypertrophy, the extra stretch may be worth its weight in gold - or so recently says Israetel and other "science" guys.
Clearwater47 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:03 am
DCR wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:11 pmDig the training outfit haha.
lol. I rarely change clothes to lift. If I'm lifting right after I get home it's either jeans and a t-shirt or dress slacks & shirt. If I've been home for a while I've usually changed into sweats. Only time I ever really worry about it is if I plan on wearing a lifting belt, in which case I make sure I'm not wearing pants with a belt already. Some of my best squatting days have been in jeans - something to do with the sensation of clothing hugging my leg muscles seems to help.
Yes, I remember that now - love it.

I know what you mean about the sensation of clothing hugging an area. I think that I may have posted this before, but I have two "sets" of gym shorts: a few pairs of "normal" shorts, that you'd wear briefs under, and a few pairs that have a liner built in, like a bathing suit, so no briefs under. The liner is there, but I'm kinda free-balling. Where I'm going with this is, I feel much better squatting with the briefs/shorts combo. There's just a bit of snugness around the hips that really feels better. I supposed this also is why smarter dudes than me where knee sleeves haha.

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by Bolder » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:13 pm

I'm wondering. Good set of pull-ups, by the way. What helps build up the pull-ups?

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by Clearwater47 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:08 am

Bolder wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:13 pmI'm wondering. Good set of pull-ups, by the way. What helps build up the pull-ups?
Good question. I don't have a good answer, or at least not a clean cut answer because I don't do anything specifically to build them up. If anything has contributed directly to pullup strength for me it would have to be Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns. Also just been doing a lot of shoulder work over the last 6 months that I hadn't been doing previously - working each part of the delts. Shoulders were definitely holding me back on pullups at one point, and are less of a weak point now due to a more holistic lifting approach. It's really hard to pin down to anything specific though. I basically did no pullups at all for close to 2 years because of the ongoing pain I mentioned above, and when I started doing them again within the last few months I found that I hadn't lost any pullup strength and was maybe even a bit stronger at them - despite the fact that my bodyweight had increased by about 15 pounds since I was last doing them regularly.

@DCR I've tended towards prioritizing the stretch on lat pulldowns. Maybe I'd get more out of doing that with pullups...and at some point I'll no doubt change up the way I'm doing pullups to enhance the stretch as well. But I always tend toward the opinion that some of everything is probably best, and there are advantages to prioritizing both ends of the spectrum.

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March 14, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:42 pm

Donkey Calf Raise (Cable): Goal = 2 sets of 15-20 reps
90 pounds - 20/18 reps
Much better than last time. Got 8 more reps over the 2 sets.

Cable Single Leg Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
Left: 35 pounds x 26 reps (17/9)
Right: 35 pounds x 31 reps (20/11)
These feel like they isolate the hamstrings much better than the lying leg curls for some reason. Loving them.

Walking Lunge: Goal = 2 sets of 8-12 reps
20's - 2 sets x 12 reps
These were very challenging after the leg curls. Was pretty close to failure on the final reps.

Rear Delt Flies: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
20's x 23 reps (15/8)
Stopped a rep or two short of failure on these today. I've not done them forever and was a little worried about the fatigue carrying over into my Push day. I should be able to push it harder next time.

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March 16, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:30 pm

Bench Press: Rest Pause Goal = 9-13 reps
140 pounds x 15 reps (10/5)
Managed the same number as reps as last time, and was further from failure. Still probably less than 1 rep in reserve on both sets, but no super grinder reps. Changed my touched point so that it's higher up towards my head and this felt (and looked) MUCH better than what I've been doing.

Overhead Press: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
75 pounds x 19 (12/7)
Did 7 more reps than last time and couldn't understand why. Then as I was typing this out I realized I was supposed to do it with a Cambered Bar, lol. I'll probably stick with the barbell. It feels more natural for OHP.

Close Grip Bench Press: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
115 pounds x 19 reps (13/6)
3 more reps than last time. Really good progress. I'm sure it's mostly because I managed to avoid a major grind on anything I did prior to this.

Bulldozer Lateral Raise: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
Left Arm: 20 pounds x 23 reps (15/8)
Right Arm: 20 pounds x 23 reps (15/8)
For these I let the DB initially travel in front of me - for the right arm the DB starts out in front of my left hip. This helps get a little momentum and more easily overload the end portion of the lift. Really like these.

I'm loving my program right now. Workouts are fast (around 30 minutes). They're also intense and causing more DOM's than I'm used to, but I have enough time to recover. It's basically a PPL spread over 10 days - Push, Pull, Rest, Legs, Rest, Repeat. I have 3 variations of each day, so I'm not repeating a specific exercise for 15 days. This gives a pretty good likelihood that I'll be able to progress on everything for a while. I'm sure I'll still make some tweaks (I added in side delt work on my push days and rear delt work with legs this week), but it's really solid as is and I think I'll be sticking with this for a good while. Feels great to have found something that fits into my life situation right now pretty perfectly because I'd been struggling with lifting for the last 6 months or so. Every time I get on a program that works well I kind of just assume it will work well forever, and then eventually life stuff just throws a wrench in it. I'm sure this will always be the case, so I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts. ;)

Here's video of the first set of Bench Press:

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Re: March 16, 2024


Post by DanCR » Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:45 pm

Clearwater47 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:30 pm Bulldozer Lateral Raise: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
Left Arm: 20 pounds x 23 reps (15/8)
Right Arm: 20 pounds x 23 reps (15/8)
For these I let the DB initially travel in front of me - for the right arm the DB starts out in front of my left hip. This helps get a little momentum and more easily overload the end portion of the lift. Really like these.
This sounds solid. I never understand doing lateral raises starting from one’s sides. You’ve taken it to the next level.

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Re: March 16, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:00 pm

DCR wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:45 pmThis sounds solid. I never understand doing lateral raises starting from one’s sides. You’ve taken it to the next level.
I didn't do them exactly like this, but gives a good idea of what the lift is.

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Re: The Flywheel Effect


Post by Bolder » Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:07 am

Shorter sessions are definitely good. I think the thing that makes most people hesitant or dreading to workout is usually the long sessions. Also, sometimes you just don't have the time either. But of course, the trade-off is training with more intensity.

Sometimes I actually dabble with the thought of doing something like that (a push/pull/legs split). If I ever plan to bulk (and do more hypertrophy-specific training), I thought of doing something like a push, rest, pull, rest, legs, rest, and repeat with a bit of arms at the end for all three of them.

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March 17, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:50 pm

Lat Pulldown - Wide MAG: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
95 Pounds x 22 reps (18/4)
Added 10 pounds and still easily hit the rep goal

Seated Cable Row: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
110 pounds x 25 reps (18/7)
Also added 10 pounds on this one and hit the rep goal easily.

EZ Bar Cable Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
35 pounds x 18 reps (13/5)
5 more pounds than last time. Same number of reps. I'll take it. Still felt good on the elbows today.

Hammer Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
30 pounds x 25 reps (15/10)

Solid workout today. Rest day tomorrow and then I'll hit legs on Tuesday.

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March 20, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:21 pm

High Bar Squat: Goal = 2 sets of 4-6 reps
185 pounds - 2 sets x 6 reps
Was supposed to do this workout yesterday, but I called it off really early on for maybe the first time ever. I had warmed up with some leg extensions and leg curls before starting my squats. First two sets of squats with the empty bar and 95 pounds felt good. Then I upped it to 135 and on the first rep my right knee cracked loudly and I felt a twinge of pain. I racked it. Pain lasted literally a millisecond and then was gone. I went back and did more extensions and curls and tried squatting again and exactly the same thing happened this time. I'm apparently not too bright so I did this a third time with the same result. Shut the workout down right there - live to lift another day, right? So I planned to try again today and understandably came into the workout a little nervous about squatting, but I ended up not having any issues at all.

Happy to have finally hit the top of my rep range here. Started feeling quite hard at rep 5, but number 6 wasn't much more difficult and on the video it looked like I could probably have done a few more reps. It's possible I've been a little too hesitant to continue sets once form starts breaking down even slightly. I thought for sure the 6th rep would be a squat morning, but it really wasn't - form didn't degrade very noticeably at all even though it felt like it was. Something for me to be aware of when squatting over the next few weeks...

Donkey Calf Raise (Cable): Goal = 2 sets of 15-20 reps
90 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
I'll increase weight on these next time.

Lying Leg Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
115 pounds x 14 reps (10/4)
Same result as last time, but I had done them before squats so to get the same amount of reps doing them after squats is pretty good.

Here are both sets of squats. First was with a wider stance than normal due to some concern over the knee, and then I narrowed it to a more normal stance on the second set.

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Re: March 20, 2024


Post by DanCR » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:27 pm

Clearwater47 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:21 pmHappy to have finally hit the top of my rep range here. Started feeling quite hard at rep 5, but number 6 wasn't much more difficult and on the video it looked like I could probably have done a few more reps. It's possible I've been a little too hesitant to continue sets once form starts breaking down even slightly. I thought for sure the 6th rep would be a squat morning, but it really wasn't - form didn't degrade very noticeably at all even though it felt like it was. Something for me to be aware of when squatting over the next few weeks...
Yup, looking good and you for sure had several more reps on each set. Being picky, I'd make an effort to keep your knees in front of you as long as possible, i.e. resist letting them shift back as soon as you begin the ascent, but again, you look good and strong.

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Re: March 20, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:26 am

DCR wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:27 pm
Clearwater47 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:21 pmHappy to have finally hit the top of my rep range here. Started feeling quite hard at rep 5, but number 6 wasn't much more difficult and on the video it looked like I could probably have done a few more reps. It's possible I've been a little too hesitant to continue sets once form starts breaking down even slightly. I thought for sure the 6th rep would be a squat morning, but it really wasn't - form didn't degrade very noticeably at all even though it felt like it was. Something for me to be aware of when squatting over the next few weeks...
Yup, looking good and you for sure had several more reps on each set. Being picky, I'd make an effort to keep your knees in front of you as long as possible, i.e. resist letting them shift back as soon as you begin the ascent, but again, you look good and strong.
Yep, no doubt this is my challenge with squats. Always has been.

I'm definitely aware in the moment of the fact that I'm shifting backward, and I'm fighting against that. I've made good strides but I know there's still much room for improvement and it's always at the top of my mind when squatting. It's likely a muscular weakness/imbalance, because I'm naturally shifting back when the muscles that should be doing the work can't get the job done. So I've shifted towards building up quad strength over the last 6 months or so. It's a process... I have eyes on a Leg Press/Hack Squat machine to help with this as well, but the pocket book is pretty tight so I'm making due and doing what I can with what I have in the meantime.

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March 21, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:29 pm

Fly Press: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
30lb DB's x 23 reps (14/9)
Still trying to figure out this movement pattern. Felt okay during warmups, felt odd during the first half of the initial work set, and then it felt fin again from that point on. I didn't push to total failure because of some slight shoulder discomfort. Still was well above the goal rep range so I'll add weight again next time.

Behind the Neck Press: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
50 pounds x 23 reps (14/9)
Also left a few reps on the table here. Trying to err on the side of safety on this lift considering my past elbow and shoulder issues. If feel great though - really liking how it hits the shoulders. Will add weight again next time.

Cable Overhead Triceps Extension: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
27.5 pounds x 13 reps (9/4)
This was 2.5 pounds more than last time and I got 8 fewer reps. Amazing how much of a difference a tiny little plate can make... Honestly had more to do with the previous lifts though. Even though I didn't go to all all failure on anything else, I pushed it closer than last time and that had a clear impact. I'll probably step up the intensity a bit more each time, so may just end up reducing the weight on this excercise.

6-Ways: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
10lb DB's x 6 reps / 5lb Plates x 6 reps
Man, I struggled with these - shoulders were quite fatigued going in. Even the 10 pound DB's were too much so I went with smaller weight plates for the second set. I'll likely start out with 5 pounds plates next time and try to get more reps.

If you don't know what 6-Ways are (and I just realized I did them wrong when watching this video, lmao):

Video of both Fly Press sets and the first set of Behind the Neck Presses:

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March 22, 2024


Post by Clearwater47 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:27 pm

Lat Pulldown - Close Grip: Rest Pause Goal = 13-17 reps
100 pounds x 23 reps (16/7)
Really close to getting an 8th rep on the second set. Weight will increase next time. Probably just going to continue with 5 pounds increases even though I'm pretty sure I'll end up several reps above my goal rep range. I'll reach that range eventually though, and then try to stay there.

Incline DB Curl: Rest Pause Goal = 17-21 reps
30lb DB's x 17 reps (11/6)
Did this with 5 pounds more than last time and lost 12 reps. :O Still ended up within the goal rep range though.

Dumbbell Row: Goal = 2 sets x 12 reps
70 pounds - 2 sets x 12 reps

Wrist Curls: Goal = 2 sets x 12 reps
55 pounds - 2 sets x 12 reps

Rest day tomorrow and then I'll do legs on Sunday.

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